Saturday, August 24, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/13/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/13/1991

Last week's show is here:

Note - In this version, The WWF Event Center segments are cut out.

Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are our hosts. Macho says he has filed his taxes on time. Piper says Macho has lots of time on his hands since losing to Warrior. Macho says there's plenty of people looking forward to his return though.

The Ultimate Warrior will be on The Funeral Parlor today.

"The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich vs The Black Knight

Kerry trips Knight. Knight shoves him and Kerry shoves him over. Kerry hits armdrags and Knight goes out to avoid a punch. Vince asks who The Black Knight is. Piper says it's Pat Patterson. Kerry lariats Knight over the top. Macho says Knight is Andre The Giant. Kerry punches Knight down then hits punches in the corner. Kerry back body drops Knight then hits a discus punch to the gut. Kerry then discus punches him in the head.

Thoughts: It was all squash here. Knight did a good job selling for Kerry.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund talks about Jake Roberts' and Earthquake's incident last week. Gene says Quake has a fear of snakes.

Quake and Jimmy Hart talk. Hart says to keep the snake away as it's dangerous. Quake says to keep Damien away as he can't stand snakes and hates Jake's guts.

Jake Roberts said his mother used to warn him. He says the things he wasn't supposed to do were the most fun. He tells him to come do something about it if he doesn't like it.

The Berzerker vs Jim Kolhep

Mr. Fuji is out there with Berzerker. Vince says berzerker's were the most feared fighters in Scandanavian history. Berz runs over Jim from behind then hits headbutts to his ribs. Berz hits a nice dropkick. Berz and Fuji do an inset promo. Fuji says Berz makes him proud and says he likes to make his opponents suffer.

Berz ties up Jim in the ropes and chops him. Berz running facekicks him then takes a back bump for no reason. Berz hit's a world's strongest slam on Jim then hits another. Berz then picks up Jim like a backdrop and throws him over the top feet first. Jim is then counted out.

Thoughts: It was your usual wild Berzerk squash with him hitting cool offense and looking crazy.

Berzerker slingshot elbow drops Jim on the floor after. 

Bret Hart vs Barry O

Barry and Bret trade wristlocks. Bret shoulders him over then crossbodies him. Bret armdrags him from the armlock. Bret does an inset. He tells Barbarian to bring anything he wants as he will have to outwrestle him to do it and that won't happen. Barry hits a nodowa otoshi on Bret.

Barry hits a stomp on Bret's head then side slams him. Barry misses a 2nd rope knee drop then Bret hits punches and headbutts. Bret hits a shot to the gut and backrolls him for 2. Bret atomic drops Barry and elbows him in the head.

Bret backbreakers Barry then hits a nice punch. Vince says Brutus Beefcake opens up his barber shop this weekend. Bret flying elbows Barry then sharpshooters him for the win.

Thoughts: It was just a squash here but Barry got a little in at least before being put down. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the next Boston Garden show. We see clips of Sgt. Slaughter hitting Hulk with a fireball at Wrestlemania VII. Hulk Hogan does a promo. Hulk says time heals all wounds and says his mug is starting to look better. Hulk says time doesn't heal his Hulkamaniac's though who are worried about him. Hulk says the fans only ask if Sarge will burn Hulk again.

Hulk says we are in phase 2 of warfare. He says Sarge may revert to chemical warfare, but he's ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. Hulk says he's fighting for his maniacs, God and country. He says he doesn't know what Sarge is fighting for other than grade. He says all that matters is whether we are good or bad men and says Sarge is rotten to the core.

The Nasty Boys vs Riki Ataki and Stephen DeLeon

Vince says Jimmy Hart's helmet came in handy at Mania. Knobbs boots and punches Riki. Knobbs hits forearms then running lariats him. Riki is taken to Pity City and sent into Saggs' armpit.

Saggs throws Stephen then pumphandle slams him. The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says they will beat up The Nasties and take the titles. Hawk says the titles will be theirs.

Knobbs hits a shot on Stephen's gut. Saggs elbows Stephen in the head and bangs his head off the buckles. Knobbs corner splashes Stephen then hits a running powerslam. Saggs top rope elbow drops Stephen and gets the win.

Thoughts: I think this was one of the first times The Nasties used Pity City on someone. This was a squash here and The Nasties were okay roughing the jobbers up.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer says to come inside and says the doors are always open. He says no one accepted his invitation to come to his parlor until today. He says The Ultimate Warrior will walk through the doors. The Ultimate Warrior comes down.

Paul says he worked night and day on a gift for Warrior and it's a coffin with Ultimate Warrior logos on it. Paul says Warrior will look so natural and at rest there. Paul says Warrior is scared and says he sees it in his eyes.

Warrior grabs Paul and says it's not fear, it's the power he possesses more. He said he questioned his desinty at Mania VII and said the gods told him it is not the time to start the journey to Parts Unknown. He said now is not the time for him to be buried. Paul says Warrior is going to be scared. Warrior says hi mand his warriors don't even fear death itself.

The Undertaker comes out of a coffin and nails Warrior from behind. Taker nails Warrior with an urn and clubs on him. Warrior takes more urn shots. Taker puts Warrior in the casket then Taker closes the lid on him. Paul Bearer cranks the casket shut. 


An official tries to open up the casket but can't and Blackjack Lanza also can't get it. They get a crowbar and struggle to open it. Renee Goulet tries to chisel it open and they grab a powerdrill. Lanza hits it with a sledgehammer. They finally get it open and Warrior is out inside. They give Warrior CPR. and he finally starts waking up. 

Thoughts: This was one of the most memorable and wildest angles the WWF ever did and is a definite must see if you haven't seen it before. This really put over Taker as a man to be feared and someone who isn't playing around. The WWF had never done any angle like this before.

Tugboat vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Tug pushes over Brawler. Brawler tries lariats and shots but Tug doesn't move. Tug boots him then lariats him over. Tug atomic drops him. Tug slams him then corner splashes him. Tug hits a big splash and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash with Brawler being unable to do anything to Tug before being put down.

IRS talks about filing taxes on time. He says if you are late, he will come after you and will treat you like the lying, cheating, criminal you are. He says he will tighten any loopholes you find around your neck.

Vince runs down next week's show. Piper barges in and says Warrior is in rough shape.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there wasn't much to see wrestling wise. This had the infamous Warrior casket angle though which is must see. It was super wild and freaky by 1991 WWF standards and I'm honestly shocked it even got aired. I wouldn't recommend this one aside from that.

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