Thursday, August 15, 2024

AEW Dynamite 8/14/2024

AEW Dynamite 8/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Mone (C) vs Hikaru Shida

Mone knocks her over then Shida shoulders her over. Mone 2nd rope twisting armdrags her into a crossface. They dropkick each other at the same time. Mone hits forearms and takes a flying headscissors. Shida jumping knees her in the corner then hits corner punches.

Shida suplexes her for 2. They try pins on each other. Shida backslides her then bangs her head off the buckles. Kamille helps out Mone and Mone tries to pin her with her feet on the ropes. Shida tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her. Shida argues with Kamille outside and takes a meteora off the apron from Mone.

Mone meteora's her for 2. Shida boots her out of the corner. Mone knees her off the bottom rope and pendulum double knees her for 2. Shida step up enzugiri's her and Mone hits forearms in the corner. Mone dropkicks her off the buckles. Shida flying knees her for 2.  

Mone backcrackers her. Mone 2nd rope meteora's her. Mone hits two suplexes then Shida falcon arrows her. Kamille tries to pull Mone out and Shida dropkicks her through the ropes. Shida hits Kamille with her kendo stick. Mone grabs the stick and the ref yells at her. Kamille boots Shida then Mone hits her money maker and wins.

Thoughts: They tried but I didn't think it was that great. There just wasn't alot between the bigger moves and the dirty finish didn't help things.  

Britt Baker's music hits. Kamille tries to catch her and throws someone in the front row over the rails who is masked. Britt then comes out through another part of the crowd and boots Mone. Britt then goes for lockjaw and Kamille pulls Britt away.

They messed up the spot here as Britt took her time to get in and Mone turned around too soon.

Jeff Jarrett and friends are interviewed. They say they don't like Adam Page and he doesn't like them. Adam Page then comes in and nails Lethal and Jarrett. Lethal and Page fight near the ramp and Page pounds on him.

"Hangman" Adam Page vs Jay Lethal

Page is pulled over the top and Jay topes him five times straight. Page hits deadeye on the apron then throws him int othe rails.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots. Lethal rolls him up for 2 then Page belly to belly suplexes him. Page death valley drivers him. Page misses a corner charge and Lethal rolls him up twice. Lethal hits a lethal combination.

Page crossfaces him. Page eye rakes him and tries a cradle for 2. Page spinning lariats him. Page then buckshot lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It was different with Jay hitting 5 topes in a row and them later trading a lot of pin attempts. I thought it was fine and Page won here as expected.

We see clips of MJF against Michael Oku at RevPro. He won as expected and beat up Oku after, hitting a tiger driver '91.  

MJF and Will Ospreay do a video about their Wembley match. Pac does a promo. He says he's the #1 contender for the All-American Title, not Will. He says Will went behind his back and got himself a shot. Pac says he's sick of being treated like a bum. He says it was his ticket to his Wembley Moment. He says he will face whoever wins at Wembley 2 weeks after in Chicago.

Darby Allin does a video. He said he was killing himself on the indies for nothing and said he didn't know what AEW even was. He talks about Jack Perry and says he's himself now. He says he's a child that takes everything for granted. He says he will put this to an end at Wembley.

Jack Perry attacks Darby Allin on the ramp as he enters for a match. Jack pounds on him. Jack throws him into boxes backstage. Darby trips him on a box and Jack throws a trash can at him. Darby is then thrown into a rollaway door.

Jack traps Darby under the door and tries to ram a production box into his head but security stops him.

Mariah May does a video. She says Toni Storm failed at Wembley last years and says it's all about Mariah and not Toni. She said her greatest mistake was being alive at the same time as her. She says Toni will obsess over her until the day she dies. May says she has better things to do and says she will look out the window and wonder what happened to her. She burns her old Toni gear and says they both will die, but she will write her eulogy.

Mina Shirakawa is interviewed. She said she hasn't spoken to Toni or May. She says she loves them both. She says she has not see them like this and can't believe they are the same people. She said she hopes nobody gets hurt at Wembley.

Thoughts: Mina Shirakawa missed this year 5*Star GP for this. Tony's going to poach her if he hasn't already. Mina tries but she's hard to understand.

Excalibur says Jack Perry challenged Darby to a coffin match at All In and it's official.

Casino Gauntlet Match 1st Spot - Orange Cassidy vs Kyle O'Reilly vs Roderick Strong

Strong hits a chop and is dropkicked by OC. They all end up standing off. OC is sent into the buckles. Kyle knees Strong in the gut and Strong gets sent out. OC topes him outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Kyle takes a half-nelson backbreaker. Strong throws Oc up into a gutbuster. Strong uranage's OC onto Kyle. Strong hits backbreakers on both. Strong backdrops OC. OC backrolls Kyle then Kyle grounded chokes him. Strong tries to boston crab both at the same time.

OC gets crotched on the top rope. Strong hits shots on Kyle. Kyle guillotines him in the air and OC top rope elbow drops Kyle. Taven and Bennett come out. Mark Briscoe and Ishii go after them and mark dives on them. 

Strong basically throws himself over the top and OC topes him. Strong rams OC into the apron edge then blue thunders Kyle on it. We go to PiP break and return again. Kyle and Strong trade then OC tkes shots with it. Kyle and Strong forearm each other down. OC does his weak kicks to both. OC then kicks both harder. OC double hurricanrana's them.

OC is thrown into a tornado ddt on Kyle. OC beachbreaks Strong for 2. Kyle armbars OC then leglocks Strong at the same time. Kyle and Strong trade. OC pushes Kyle out of the way and takes a flying knee. Strong sick kicks Kyle. Kyle falcon arrows Strong into an armbar then OC crucifixes Kyle and wins.

It had the usual issues with OC goofing around. I thought this went long. The concept of this one was kind of silly as the gauntlet match has stupid rules where the match can end before people even get in it and the wrestlers here were fighting to get the first spot in it. 

Rene interviews Claudio Castagnoli and Kazuchika Okada at the same time. Both are wearing suits and it just looks funny. CC says the Continental Title means a lot to him and says it was his title to lose. He said it bothered him that he wasn't successful in The Continental Classic. He says he plans to make his title shot count this time. Okada mocks him. He says he's the greatest tournament winner of all-time and says he will respect him. He then says, "good luck, b!tch". CC says he hopes he doesn't get this version of Okada. He says he wants The Rainmaker and not this bootleg version. CC says he will bring his best next week. CC says Okada will have 99 problems and this b!tch will be #1.

Thoughts: This was a bad segment that made Okada look like a goof. And while that was bad enough, CC pointed it out to emphasize it. This was truly terrible. I'm over promos ending in "b!tch". 

The Patriarchy are interviewed. Christian said he called the match on Collision down the middle. He said The Bang Bang Gang and The House of Black couldn't answer the count and it's on them. Christian says he is using these titles a vehicle to get to the World Title and says he wants to hold all the titles. Christian says he isn't showing up when they go to Norfolk. Renee questions him about it and Christian kicks her out. 

Hook comes out looking like a homeless bum. His eye is all taped up. He says he can't see out of the eye. He says he can see just fine with the other eye and says he wants his tilte back and wants to fight Jericho now.

The Learning Tree come out. Jericho says Hook is a stupid son of a b!tch. Jericho says he will fight him at All-In, but says it's his final shot and says he has to fight Big Bill next week. Bill says he will beat him down and shove him up Taz's @ss. Bryan Keith then says "straight up his @ss".

Hook says he accepts. He says he looks forward to dumping Bill on his head and says Jericho will never be the same again.

This was one of those segments that made you realize it's probably a better thing that Hook doesn't talk much. I did get a kick out of the heels saying they would shove Hook up Taz's @ss. I'd like to see that.

AEW Tag Titles - The Young Bucks (c) vs The Acclaimed

The Acclaimed hit The Bucks on the stage then back body drop them onto him. Bowens then dives on them off the stage. The Bucks dropkick The Acclaimed through the ropes then hit stereo plancha's.

The match then officially starts and Bowens fameassers him over the back. Billy Gunn comes down. The Acclaimed hit a double elbow and a double hiptoss. One of the Bucks is then sent over the top.

Max takes a double boot to the gut then a Buck is thrown up into a dropkick on Max. A Buck jawbreakers Max. We go to PiP break and return. The Acclaimed hit offense on Matt. Matt runs into Billy  and Max outside. Billy chases Nick around and threatens him with a chair. The ref then kicks Billy out. 

Max takes a double back elbow. Max takes corner punches. The Bucks take control and one of them kicks the other on accident. Bowens is tagged in. Bowens hits shots on The Bucks then is superkicked. The Bucks hit a sliced bread and Bowens takes a running knee. Bowens takes a suplex and we go to another PiP break.

We return and Bowens hits a double lariat. Max is tagged in and he slingblades a Buck. Max hits snake eyes then plancha's a Buck. We then get stereo double clothesline spots and everyone is down. Nick does a top rope swanton and Max gets his knees up.

Bowens is grabbed from the apron and powerbombed on the stage. The ref gets knocked down in the corner and Max takes a low blow. A Buck grabs a title then FTR come down. Dax grabs the title, Dax gets spit on then spears one of The Bucks causing a DQ. Billy Gunn comes down  and security gets involved as the two sides argue.

I didn't like the match at all. It went too long. It didn't put The Acclaimed over much either. At least the finish pushed the FTR vs Acclaimed fued though.

Renee and Christopher Daniels talk in the back while watching this happen. Daniels says this didn't solve anything and says FTR and The Acclaimed will meet in a #1 contenders match to figure out who gets the title shot at All-In.

We get a video on Bryan Danielson's career which is nice. There were lots of old ROH clips here and see Colt Cabana in it. The only bad thing about videos like this is that people who are still around like Page and Mox look so much older. Bryan Danielson then is in the front row and gets a chant.

Swerve Strickland vs Wheeler Yuta

Swerve nails Yuta as he charges in. Swerve pumping knees him. Swerve bangs Yuta's head off the rail and steps. Swerve talks trash to Bryan Danielson in the front row and says he will retire him.

Yuta rolls him then hits chops and forearms. Swerve backbreakers him. Swerve picks him up like a suplex and backbreakers him. Swerve euros him in the neck off the buckles. Swerve puts him in a goliath bird eater then crucifixes him for 2.

Swerve hits mounted shots. Swerve is headscissored out then Yuta ropes him into the rails. Yuta misses a move off the buckles and Swerve crossfaces him. Yuta armdrags him and hits downward elbows. Yuta germans him and slaps him. Yuta superkicks him in the gut. Bryan looks concerned and Swerve hits a house call kick. Swerve hitws two more then does Bryan's reverse curbstomps. He then hits mounted punches and wins. The ref tries to pull him off then Bryan comes in.

Thoughts: I know why they did this but Wheeler Yuta shouldn't be in the main. Nobody bought that he had any chance here and this just delayed the inevitable.

Swerve gets on the mic after. He says that was an example of what he will do to him in 2 weeks. Swerve says he will do the same thing in front of his daughter so he can fulfill the promise he made to her to retire. He says he will force him to retire when he cripples him.

Swerve then hits a house call kick after on Bryan and does his "YES" taunt.

Overall thoughts: It was a bad episode of Dynamite. Hook and Okada looked like goofs. The Young Bucks were in the semi-main and made The Acclaimed look like fools. Wheeler Yuta was in the main event. Mone/Shida didn't impress and we had a silly match for a first spot in a gauntlet.

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