Wednesday, August 7, 2024

AEW Dynamite 8/7/2024

AEW Dynamite 8/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

AEW All-American Title Eliminator - MJF vs Kyle Fletcher

MJF goes out and grabs the mic. He says to lock up like a real wrestler or he's leaving. Kyle backslides him then sunset flips him. Kyle slams MJF. MJF back elbows Kyle then pounds on him. Kyle is thrown by the arm into the buckles. MJF stomps Kyle's arm then armlocks him.

Kyle jawbreakers MJF then MJF arm throws him down. MJF shoulderbeakers him. MJF gutwrench powerbombs him for 2. MJF goofs off and is superkicked.

Kyle hits conrer punches then swinging sitout sideslams him. Kyle kicks MJF off the apron. Kyle topes MJF into the rails. Kyle top rope moonsauls him outside. Kyle chops him outside then is tripped into the rails. MJF bites Kyle then MJF is tripped into the barricade. Kyle then dives over the rails onto him and poses in the crowd.

Kyle top rope elbow drops MJF for 2. MJF rolls him up for 2. MJF albama slams him then picks him up in the air, hammerlocks him and ddt's him. MJF calls him a wannabe Ospreay and spits in his face.

Kyle slaps and clubs him. MJF pokes him in the eye. Kyle superkicks him and MJF hits a canadian destroyer. Kyle no sells it and lariats him. Kyle lawn darts MJF into the 2nd buckle. MJF bites him on the buckles. Kyle gets a 2 count off a panama sunrise attempt. Kyle then tombstones him for 2.

Don Callis comes down after being on commentary and gives Kyle a screwdriver. Kyle teases using it but throws it away. MJF low blows Kyle then shotgun dropkicks him. MJF brainbusters him and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this one. Kyle's a champ and shouldn't be losing. I didn't like the canadian destroyer being completely no sold either. I also though it ran long for an opener.

We see Will Ospreay escaping from the back as he was blocked in. MJF hits the ref with the title belt after. MJF then hits Kyle with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF pounds on Kyle's head, busting him open and says the blood is on Will's hands. Will finally comes out and MJF runs off.

We get a video on Jeff Jarrett vs Bryan Danielson.

"The Glamour" Mariah May vs Viva Van

May running headbutts her to start. May germans her. May top rope dropkicks her. Van's head is banged off the buckles. Van rolls her up for 2 and is lariated. May basement dropkicks her.  May pounds on her as we go to PiP break. They have a promo for TNT Overdrive, which has AEW wrestlers talking over various non-wrestling clips.

We return and May puts the boots to Van. Van upkicks her and charges into the buckles when may moves. May corner hip attacks Van and hits shots to the head. May running knees her. May cradle shocks her then hits a storm zero for the win.

It was just a squash here. Why Van was used when tons of girls on the roster never get on TV is unknown. 

May is given a gift shaped like a portrait after. It's a photo of Toni hugging May that says "Die Mariah Die" on the back. Toni Storm then appears in the ring and hits May. May grabs a shoe. Toni tries to hit May with it but ref stops her.

Jack Perry watches clips from Blood and Guts of Darby putting gas on him. Jack says everything in line has a price and says the question is how much are you willing to spend on it. They run a Taco Bell commercial then we see clips of Jack destroying the TV's he was watching that on with an axe. One of the TV's then says "Scapegoat" on it.

Darby Allin does a promo. He says Jack has every excuse not to show up at Wembley. He says Jack is the TNT champ but he asks when the last time he was on TNT. He says Jack doesn't have to show up at various shows, but needs to show up at Wembley.

Bryan Keith vs Katsuyori Shibata

Keith charges at him and KS elbows him in the head. Jericho brings up Meltzer. KS euros Keith then snapmares him. KS stomps Keith's arm. KS is thrown into the rails. Keith elbow drops the leg on the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Keith is hitting shots on KS. KS pounds on him in the corner and takes a headbutt. Keith ushigoroshi's him then exploders him.

Keith headbutts KS then KS STO's him. KS iron claws him then taps him out with an armbar.

Thoughts: I didn't think this one got enough time to really develop. It felt like this needed atleast another 10 minutes.

The Learning tree attack Shibata after. Jericho goes to hit KS with a title belt then Hook comes out. Hook throws Big Bill out and hits forearms on Jericho. Jericho then slides out.

Orange Cassidy is interviewed. The Congolmeration isn't with him due ot travel issues. He says he found some partners tonight who were looking for a fight. Renee says to let her know if he needs anything and he asks if she wants to wrestle for him.

Adam Page is interviewed. He says there's one man he wants but a dozen dumb@sses got in his way. He says justice delayed is justice denied and he says he will have what he wants.

Jim Ross does a taped interview with Swerve. He's having trouble talking and looks really really bad. He talks about being motivated. He doesn't regret the things he did and said you have to knock on the door to make noise. JR says Bryan Danielson is talking like this is his last match. Swerve says it could be. Swerve says Bryan was motivated by pride and is now motivated by legacy. He says Bryan needs something to fight for everyday when he wakes up. He asks if anyone would care if he was in his position and on the way out. Swerve says he controls the company. Swerve says he doesn't care bout Bryan being a father or a husband.

JR says it'll be the toughest match he ever had. Swerve asks what if his body gives out on him. Swerve says everyone talks about how they will inflict pain on others and asks what you will do if it doesn't work. JR asks if he can beat Bryan and Swerve says he will. Swerve says Bryan's legacy belongs to him now. 

Orange Cassidy and FTR vs Rush, The Beast Mortos and Roderick Strong

Rush chops Dax. Dax is tripped by Mort into a basement dropkick by Rush. Cash clubs on Strong and bangs his head off the buckles. OC hits corner spears on Strong. Dax suplexes and elbow drops Strong. Strong is tripped into an elbow drop. OC jumps off of Cash's back into an elbow drop on Strong. The heels are knocked out of the ring.

We go to PiP break and return. Cash euros Mort. Cash takes corner attacks then Mort pop-up samoan drops him for 2. Strong backbreakers Cash. Cash goes up and over Strong then sunset flips him for 2. Dax hits punches on Strong. Dax short arm lariats Rush then spinebusters Mort.

Dax cradles Strong for 2. Dax 2nd rope twisting lariats Strong for 2. Mike Bennett and Matt Taven are seen in the front row. Mort swantons Dax.

Taven beats up on Dax outside and Bennet joins. Dax is group stomped on and OC is sent into the rails. We go to PiP break and return. Rush hits chops on Dax. Dax and Rush slap each other and fall down at the same time. Strong backdrops Cash on the apron and OC pushes Mort into the post.

OC top rope crossbodies Rush then spinning headscissors him. OC tornado ddt's Strong then topes him. Strong spinning satellite ddt's Mort. Mort spears OC and Dax. Cash powerslams Mort.

Rush backdrops Cash. OC beachbreaks Rush for 2. They announce a Casino Gauntlet match for a World Title shot at All In. Rush basement dropkicks Dax. Mort tornillo topes Cash then dives on Mike and Matt over the rails on accident. OC hits an orange punch on Rush. Rush no sells it and punches him.

Rush fights off both FTR members. OC orange punches Rush then Rush takes a shatter machine. Dax pins Rush.

Thoughts: I didn't get Rush no selling the orange punch then getting pinned off of it the 2nd time. It was an okay tag here. It was fast paced with people coming in and out constantly.

The Acclaimed come out. Max's mic isn't working and Dax says it sounds like the mic people don't want Max to talk. FTR wants to fight and security gets in the way to stop it. 

We see clips of The House of Black and Patriarchy stuff from Collision. Christian says it'll be The Bang Bang Gang vs The House of Black for a trios title shot. He says he'll be the special ref for the match.

We get a video on Hologram.

Kamille vs Jazmyne Hao and Clara Carter

Mone is out there with Kamille. Kam hits euros on one of the jobbers and has both of them down. Kam hits boots in the corner and one of the girls gets on Kam's back. Kam boots the other jobber with a jobber on her back. Kam throws one jobber onto the other.

Kam takes boots from both then hits a pump kick. Kam torture rack bombs a jobber then dominators the other. Kam pins both jobbers and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a squash here.

Mercedes Mone says to say hello to Kamille. Kamille throws the jobbers out. She says don't cheer for Britt as she is not here and does a shoutout to the EVP's for suspending Britt. 

Mone says everyone says Britt's the first, but not the best. Mone says her two titles make her the best in AEW. Tony Schiavone gets on the tron. He says he is told that Tony Khan has overruled The Elite and Britt's suspension is lifted.

Britt appears on the tron. She says Mone can't stop her and the match is on for All In. She says when she commits to something, she sees it to the end. She says Mone takes her ball and goes home when things don't go her way. Britt says AEW is the flavor of the month for Mone and says this ends at all In when she becomes champ. Britt says she will come up with a way to get at her next week.

Anything Goes - Bryan Danielson vs Jeff Jarrett

Ricky Steamboat is on commentary. JJ hits Bryan with a guitar as he poses on the ramp. Bryan is thrown into the ring then JJ lariats him over the top rope. JJ throws Bryan over the rails. JJ beats him up in the stands. Bryan hits some punches back and they go further up the steps.

Bryan's head is banged off a rail. They go into the concession area. Bryan has a trash can thrown at him. Bryan hits JJ with drinks. Bryan hits chest kicks then Bryan is dropped on a trash can. Bryan is suplexed on the trash can. 

JJ hits punches on Bryan then JJ is suplexed on a trash can. We go to PiP break and return. They are back in the ring and JJ chairs Bryan's leg. We see Swerve and Nana watching in the back. JJ hits corner punches on Bryan. Bryan flying lariats him. Bryan flying dropkicks him in the corner then hits corner punches.

JJ is thrown out then Bryan topes him. Bryan kicks JJ against the rail. Bryan dropkicks him against the rail. Bryan hits chest kicks on JJ. Bryan jumps off the apron and has a chair thrown at his leg. Bryan superplexes JJ then top drop kicks him. 

JJ figure fours Bryan. Bryan uses a chair on JJ's legs to get out. JJ hits a stroke on Bryan on a chair. JJ sharpshooters him. Bryan lebell locks JJ. They trade punches on their knees then get up and trade. JJ step up enzugiri's him. Bryan hits a flying knee + chair on JJ's face and pins him. JJ's bleeding from the chair.

Thoughts: It was a decent match with them fighting in the stands and JJ working Bryan's knee. Bryan then made his comeback and won. I would have liked this more if then finish didn't involve Bryan using the knee though.

Wheeler Yuta, Steamboat, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt come out. No Satnam Singh. Steamboat holds up Bryan's and Jarrett's arms. They then shake hands and hug.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana come out. Swerve says we get to see to see Jarrett, Steamboat and now him. Swerve says he's the only thing standing between Bryan and the title. Swerve says Bryan is one of the greatest of all time and it will be a huge honor to retire him. Swerve says he will face Wheeler Yuta next week. He said he had to sit in the back and watch Bryan face Jarrett and he says next week he will let Bryan see why he's the most dangerous man in AEW.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. Everything is pretty much focused on All-In and the important stuff on that show is mostly set so we weren't getting many big new developments. The main and opener were both predictable. We had 2 squashes and Keith/Shibata had a shorter match. The main was decent which helped things and The Bucks/OC had more reduced roles here which also helped things.

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