Saturday, August 24, 2024

TNA Xplosion 8/16/2024

TNA Xplosion 8/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

Here's the new content from this week:

Xia Brookside vs Mila Moore

Xia wristlocks her and Mila pulls on the hair. Mila wristlocks her back. Xia flips using the ropes then headscissors her. Xia dropkicks her. Xia is caught on a crossbody and Xia sunset flips her for 2. Xia monkey flips her. Xia is pulled back by the hair into a backbreaker. Xia 2nd rope crossbodies her for 2. Mila lariats her down then 2nd rope double stomps Xia's back. Xia christo's her and Mila drops her to get out of it.

Mila bangs Xia's head off the buckles then stomps her. Xia hits clotheslines then Xia flying headscissors her. Xia hits a jumping dobule knee in the corner and neckbreakers her for 2. Mila does a leg slice reverse ddt for 2. Xia codebreakers her. Mila rams her in the corner and takes an iconoclasm off the buckles. Xia pins Mila.

It was nice to see Mila get some time for a change and get to have a full match. It was average and I thought Xia should have looked a little better for how much experience she has. Mila wasn't great or anything but she has a good look.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Ace Austin is this week's guest. Gia talks about them being a couple. Gia says she likes to watch him play video games. Ace talks video games and says he likes them but doesn't have a ton of time for them. He says he likes The Batman and Uncharted series of games. He says he has also been playing Star Wars and Sea of Thieves. Gia says Ace should have a Twitch stream. Ace wears a headband with donuts on them and says he wants to talk about it but Gia says the 4 minutes they have are up. 

Eric Young vs KC Navarro

KC avoids a lock up and then hops over EY's back. EY back elbows him and then walks on his back. KC hangs on the orpes and laughs and EY kicks him over. KC hits him around the post then slingblades him for 2.

KC hits corner spears on EY. KC hits shots in the corner then pulls his neck forward. KC double stomps him. KC hits a nice ddt for 2. KC hits mounted punches. KC misses a top rope splash.

EY hits shots on KC then spinning lariats him. KC is pushed off the buckles and EY top rope elbow drops him. EY then gets the pin.

Thoughts: They had about 4 minutes for this. They got what they could out of it and did a decent job filling the time. It needed a lot more time though to really be anything.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here and a new interview segment. None of them were must see as usual. The women's match was average and EY and KC got what they could out of the 4 minutes they were given.

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