Monday, August 12, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/11/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abbenhaus and Glenn Williams are on commentary. Glenn starts a chant for himself. They run down the card.

Kowalski vs Waco

Waco hits Kowalski before intros are over. Waco hits forearms and slaps then takes a headbutt. Kowalski avalanche splaches him. Kowalski hits a bulldog then splashes his back. Kowalski hits crossface shots while on his back.

Kowalski lariats him in the back and chokes him. Kowalski hiptosses him. Kowalski pump handle fallaway slams him then hits a vader bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with Kowalski using his weight against Waco. I liked this one and thought it was effective.

We see clips of The Big Texan and Bobby D vs Kowalski and Atila Khan. Bobby takes a hard ride over the top and Atila is DQ'd for throwing him over the top. The LA Hustlers and Travis Cook come down and beat up on Texan. Danny Boy Hawkins hits shots on Khan and Kowalski. Danny takes a 4v1 and WWF legend Haku comes out. The heels back off except for Atila Khan.  they shove each other then they both nail Hawkins. They double team him then the other heels join the beatdown. Danny is held up and Haku tongan death grips him. Richard Shaw and another wrestler come down to break it up and get beaten up.

Devastation Inc and Travis Cook are interviewed. Cook says there's only one man who can walk into any venue and everyone will stay back and give him space. He says that's Haku. He says Haku's one of the toughest men walking the planet and an astute business man. Cook says it took a lot of money to get Haku here. He says he and Stephen E. had to call in some investors. Cook says you are looking at a deep financially booked organization.

Cook says Herb needs to worry about repeating history. Cook said some promotions were bought out over the years and some tried to fight. He said the ones that didn't get bought out bit the dust. Cook says Herb was given a generous offer. He asks if Herb will be the smart promoter that takes the buyout or will he be the stubborn one who thinks he can fight this.

Cook says Larry Matysik had to make a tough decision like this in 1983. He says Herb is in the same shoes right now and tells him to make the right decision.

Thoughts: This was a really good promo here that made sense and referenced past events from wrestling history.

Rob Stardom vs Jayson Breed

They triade waistlocks. Rob throws him down. JB hammerlocks him. They trade wristlocks and shove each other. Rob does down. JB pounds on him then back elbows him. Rob neckbreakers him then hits a sliding lariat.

JB hits some chops and atomic drops him. JB running kicks him. JB hits a ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It was quick but I liked. Both guys had good looking offense here and they worked well together. 

Drew Abenhaus interviews Ron Powers. They said Ron had nice words for Haku, then Haku and Devstation Inc attacked Danny Boy when Ron had left. Ron said he heard Danny isn't doing well. He said he and Haku had a connection but you gotta keep your head on a swivel in this business. He says he sees how his kids are and says the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He says he doesn't want to go down that path.

He says he sees the ring his wife gave him and the bracelet his mom gave him. He says he's got a bracelet made by his grandkids and said he has a tattoo as well. He says he's looked down but he's starting to look up. He said his wife tells him he's 58 and he can't do this again. He said he looks at his tattoo of his dead father and said his dad is telling him to kick their @ss. He says if he looks up, God helps whoever is in front of him.

Thoughts: As usual, it was a great promo by Ron.

Cade Maxen vs "Trending" Trent Daniels

Trent backs him up and hits corner forearms and stomps. The ref pulls Trent off. Trent snapmares and chinlocks him. Trent hits more boots in the corner and foot chokes him. Trent back elbows him then suplexes him for 2.

Trent chinlocks him and knees him in the gut. Trent misses a running facekick and misses. Cade gets a nice nearfall. Cade slingblades him then step up knee shim in the corner. Trent flips on the side slam. Trent corner facekicks him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one that was mostly a squash. Cade had a nice little comeback that the announcers did a good job selling.

We see clips of a recent Glenn Williams vs Billy McNeil match. Glenn got the win with his feet on the ropes. We see Billy challenge him after to a match where Glenn is his butler for 60 days if he wins or he cuts hair if he loses.

Destiny interviews Sean Vincent and Glenn Williams. Sean says he's the manager of the stars and said he missed Glenn. Glenn says it doesn't feel right without him. Sean said Glenn proved he's a winner and the future champ of SICW. Glenn mocks Billy's challenge and calls it a therapy session. Glenn says his online barber classes will pay off and asks Sean what he should do. Sean says Glenn beat him once and said he will be back. Sean says it's a win/win opportunity. Glenn says he will beat Billy like he owes him money and and says they will give Billy "The Hulk Hogan" haircut. He says he will make him look like him but way uglier. Sean says it's going to be so good to see Glenn humiliate him. Glenn said he beat Billy and Curtis Wylde the last time he fought both, so he's the proxy tag champ. He says he wants them to put the tag titles up as he wants some gold.

Thoughts: This was a fun promo here.

Promoter's Corner - Al Perez vs Nikolai Volkoff

I covered this here:

Peyton Ayres vs Bobby D

Travis Cook is with Peyton. Bobby side headlocks him then armlocks him. Peyton side headlocks him. Bobby hammerlocks him and hits chops. Payton hits a big forearm and clubs on him. Travis Cook gets on commentary and asks if Herb has the energy at his age to fight an international conglomerate.

Payton chokes Bobby then bangs his head off the buckles. Cook chokes Bobby on the ropes and Glenn says he's "helping him adjust his neck". Payton corner splashes Bobby then chinlocks him.

Bobby gets a backslide for 2. Bobby does a small package for 2 then Payton suplexes him. Payton ddt's him. Bobby goes out and Payton stomps him. Bobby is on the ropes and Cook punches him. Bobby rolls him up for 2 then suplexes him. Bobby crossbodies him and gets the win.

Thoughts: The finish was a bit sudden here. It was an okay match with no real issues otherwise. Both guys have decent looking offense so that was never going to be a concern.

Overall thoughts: Ron Powers' and Travis Cook's promos were the best parts of this show which isn't surprising. Those two are great talkers. Haku joining Devastation Inc was a big shocker and hopefully it means we get more Haku.The matches weren't bad here and it was a decent episode of SICW all around.

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