Thursday, August 15, 2024

WWE Main Event 8/14/2024

WWE Main Event 8/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

Oba Femi vs Dante Chen

They say this is Oba's first non-NXT appearance. Oba throws him down. Chen hammerlocks him and armlocks him. Oba top rope chops Oba's arm. Oba blocks an armdrag then backbreakers him. Oba throws him off the slam.

Oba foot chokes him in the corner. Oba throws him then running euros him in the corner. Oba uranage backbreakers him and backbreakers him only the knee. Chen rolls him up then Oba is sent into the post shoulder first.

Oba is pushed into the buckles and Chen ddt's him. Chen is thrown down then Oba hits a pop-up powerbomb and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that interesting of a match. It was slow paced and Oba didn't get to show off much here.

Ludwig Kaiser vs Dragon Lee

LK shoves him in the corner and they chop each other. LK euros him down then side headlock takeovers him. LK grabs him by the mask and pulls him down backwards. LK chops him down.

Lee walks up the buckles, seated springboards and armdrags LK. Lee goes to dive and is hit. LK briding ddt's him on the floor. We go to break and return. LK beats up on him.

LK is tripped into the buckles. Lee hits superkicks then flying headscissors him. Lee tope con hilos him. Lee slingshot kicks him. Lee corner dropkicks LK. Lee hits an enzugiri and is thrown down on a headscissors attempt. LK hits a PK for 2. Lee rolls him up for 2 then LK step up enzugiri's him. LK ges for the mask and is left hanging from the ropes.  Lee top rope double stomps him as he hangs for 2.

Lee goe for destino and is thrown onto the ropes throat first. LK spinning lariats him then hits a blade runner ddt to win.

Thoughts: It probably should have been better given who was involved but they gave a decent effort here. LK's spinning clothesline and blade runner ddt looked nice in this one. It wasn't bad but nothing I would go out of my way to see.

Overall thoughts:
There were only two new matches as usual here. Nether really were as good as they should have been and Oba/Chen was slow and boring. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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