Friday, August 23, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/23/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

Dani Palmer vs Jasmyn Nyx

This is Dani's return from injury. She cartwheels and handsprings to the ring then rolls over the steps.

They lock up twice. Nyx side headlocks her and shoulders her over. Dani handstands out of an ankle lock and rolls her up. Dani headscissors her to get out of a move and side headlocks her. Dani goes up and over then headscissors her off an up and over. Dani dropkicks her.

Dani hits a monkey flip. Dani is distracted by Fallon and Jacy and thrown down. Nyx foot chokes her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nyx then kips up. Nyx PK's her for 2. Dani cradles her for 2. They trade shots.

Dani takes a random bump as they botch a spot then Nyx headscissors her. Dani kicks her from the ropes and 2nd rope crossbodies her. Dani lariats and dropkicks her. Dani handstand kicks her then neckbreakers her for 2.

Nyx pele kicks her by surprise and wins.

I didn't like the finish here as it just didn't fit with what they were doing. They both had a botch here but Dani did her usual athletic offense and it's good to have her back. I can't really put this over due to the issues it had.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont are interviewed. Tyson says they are ready to level up. Igwe says they are ready for the W tonight. Tyson says Stacks was the special ref in their biggest win. Igwe says they know what Stacks and Luca are capable of, but do they know what they are capable of.

Dani Palmer is interviewed in the locker room. She said a lot has changed in her time away. She said Jacy, Nyx and Fallon getting together is one of them. She said she believed she would step back in the ring and said she won't let one loss take her down. She said this daredevil is just getting started.

The D'Angelo Family (Stacks and Luca Crusifino) vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Adriana Rizzo is with Stacks and Luca. Igwe and Luca lock up. Igwe armlock takedowns him. Luca takes a double shoulderblock and Tyson armlocks him. Stacks dropkicks Tyson. Tyson short arm clotheslines Stacks then dropkicks him. Igwe 2nd rope double stomps Stacks' arm. Stacks armlocks him.

Igwe hits forearms on Stacks then corner splashes him. Stacks holds his knee off an up and over and is backdropped. Luca gets in and gets shots and lariats in on his opponents. Luca hits a double flying shoulderblock then lariats Igwe over the top. Luca codebreakers Tyson for 2.

Luca takes a backdrop + press for 2. Luca cradles Igwe for 2. Stacks his a hard boot to Igwe's gut then then running knees him for 2. Tyson hits a big euro on Luca. Tyson takes a shatter machine and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was better than I expected but not great. Stacks and Luca just aren't big workrate guys. Stacks got his ear cut up here. I thought this would have been better with Tyson and Igwe throwing around Stacks/Luca and them making their comeback to win.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here. Neither were that great and I would not recommend this one. It was nice to see Dani Palmer again though.

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