Saturday, August 24, 2024

WWE Main Event 8/21/2024

WWE Main Event 8/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

Lyra Valkyria vs Lola Vice

Lyra wristlocks her and Lola throws her down and dances. They shove each other and Lyra throws her down by the arm. Lyra la magistral's her then backslides her. Lola waistlock takedowns her. Lyra takes a hard kick to the gut. Lyra legsweeps her then basement dropkicks her.

Lola pulls Lyra down on the buckles neck first then stomps on her. Lola hits a kick combo on Lyra. Lola corner hip attacks her then pulls her off the ropes for 2.

Lola chinlocks her. Lola hits a kick to the gut then Lyra rolls her up for 2. Lola spin kicks her and goes to dance. Lyra step up enzugiri's her. Lyra hits clotheslines and kicks. Lyra spinning heel kicks her.

Lola rolls out then Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes. Lyra crossbodies her off the buckles for 2. Lola misses a high kick and takes a cradle shock. Lyra gets the pin.

It was an okay match. Lola hit some hard kicks here and dominated the first part of the match. Lyra then made comeback and won. This was one of Lola's better outings.

Ilja Dragunov vs Dante Chen

Ilja side headlock takeovers him and chinlocks him. Ilja hiptosses him. Chen side headlocks him. Ilja backdrops him but Chen holds onto the headlock. Ilja shoulders over Chen then Chen side headlock takeovers him. Ilja spinning chops and sentons Chen.

Ilja flying knees him in the corner and corner facekicks him. We got to break and return. Ilja hits chops. Chen hits forearms and a superkick. Ilja then enzugiri's him.

Ilja hits germans then crotch hold gemrnas him. Ilja facekicks Chen then Chen back body drops him. Chen step up enzugiri's him. Chen bangs Ilja's head off the buckles.

Ilja blocks a chop and they trade forearms. Chen running lariats him then atomic drops him. Ilja spinning chops him then Chen pump kicks him. Chen hits something like a side effect for 2. Ilja tiger feint lariats him then hits a big powerbomb. Ilja then hits torpedo moscow and wins.

Thoughts: It was probably the best match Chen has ever had. I liked this one. Ilja was his usual stiff self here and they both got some nice shots in on the other. It was fiery and Ilja didn't slow down despite this one being on a show people don't see. This couldn't have gone much better than it did and was good.

Overall thoughts: Chen vs Ilja was really fun and is one of those rare sleeper Main Event matches. That one is worth is a look. The girls match was okay and also one of Lola's better outings. I liked the two new matches we got here and thought it was a good show.

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