Monday, August 5, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/6/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 4/6/1991

Last week's show is here:

The new intro video is all patriot themed and has lots of shots of Hogan.

Vince McMahon says it's National Garden week and brings in Roddy Piper. Piper has a hoe (the tool) with him. He said Macho has to take a new road due to losing the match at Mania and brings him in. Macho asks how his garden is growing but says he doesn't care. He says he's blossoming now. Piper makes a comment and Vince runs down the show.

The Big Boss Man vs Keith Steinborn

Boss boots and eye rakes him. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Mountie says ther'es no comparison with The Mountie and says Boss is soft. He says Boss stepped out of line and he's looking for him.

Boss leg lariats Keith on the ropes then chokes him with something. Boss chops Keith then hit a sidewalk slam for the win.

Thoughts: Boss was a bad face as usual here, choking and eye poking his opponent. Keith got nothing in.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund shows us clips of Sgt. Slaughter jumping Hulk Hogan after Wrestlemania VII. Gene says the war isn't over and Sarge does a promo with Adnan and Mustafa. Sarge's crew talks in another language. Sarge says the war isn't over with hulk, it has just begun. They then go off in another language again.

We get a Hulk Hogan commercial for Right Guard Sports Stick. Hulk's painting at a beach and says a true artist should be remembered for his inspiration, not his perspiration. 

The Rockers vs Jeff Sword and Pez Whatley

The Orient Express does a promo. Fuji says they don't like rock and roll - they like chamber music....torture chamber music. Pez gets punches in on Marty then Marty hiptosses him. Marty dropkicks him and Pez backs off.

Pez hits headbutts and punches. Vince says Brutus Beefcake is on his way back to the WWF. Pez and Marty trade shots. Marty boots him out of the corner then Shawn works Pez's arm. Jeff tags in and gets armdragged. Shawn hits punches then flying back elbows him.

Shawn suplexes him then Jeff takes a double superkick. Marty powerslams Jeff. The Rockers hit double fist drops off the top and win.

It was fine. The jobbers got a bit in atleast and The Rockers got the win as expected here.

Irwin R. Schyster is in his office. He says April 15 is coming up and quotes Ben Franklin. He said he said only two things are certain - death and taxes. IRS says not to pull a fast one on your tax returns and says don't claim thousands of dollars in medical expenses. He says haven't you heard of generic drugs? He says try being honest for a change.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the next Boston Garden show on 4/20. Rick Martel talks about The Texas Tornado. He says he has a body everybody would love to have but they would never look like him. He says he is unique but says he is unique when you talk muscle and brain. He says nobody compares to him and says Arrogance knocks out the sense of competition.

The British Bulldog and Winston do a promo. He says he's been undefeated for 8 months and says it's time for Mr. Perfect to give them a title shot. Davey says if Heenan is at ringside, Winston will stick his teeth in him. 

Mr. Perfect vs Dale Wolfe

Perfect and Heenan do an inset promo. Heenan says never to reference perfect in the same sentence as his dog Perfect says he's perfect.

Perfect backs Dale up into the corner. Perfect hits chops. Dale throws him into the corner then hits a hiptoss and slam. Perfect then slides out. Dale hiptosses him then Perfect legsweeps him. Perfect drops down on Dale's leg then boots it. Perfect butt drops the leg and clips him. Perfect hits a perfectplex for the win.

Thoughts: It's always more fun when the jobber gets a little in and Dale did here before being put down.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the next Boston Garden show on 4/20. Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says Hulkamania is in good shape. He said we proved we are the strongest force in the universe and aren't afraid to go to war with anyone. Hulk said we knew there would be a few casualties when he went to war with Sarge. He didn't expect the fireball though. He said he will get even with Sarge for the pain he caused The Hulkamaniac's. Hulk says Sarge's rules are no rules at all. He says it's hand to hand combat and he will have more secret weapon in his arsenal than he knows what to do with. Hulk says Sarge will need more troops and reinforcements than ever against him.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Macho says Brawler can get famous overnight an upset over Jim. Brawler hits shots to the gut then eye rakes him. Brawler slides out to avoid a punch. Jim goes after him and hits more punches. Jim back elbows him. Colonel Mustafa does an inset promo in another language. Jim spinning slams Brawler then running lariats him to win.

Thoughts: It was another quick one here as expected. I would love to know what Mustafa said here. 

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer welcomes us. He says he's all alone and says it's human nature to be afraid of death. Paul says no human wants to look the face of death in the eyes. He said he extended an invitation to the whole WWF but everyone has declined so far. He said only one man dares to enter his parlor and it's The Undertaker.

Taker comes out. Paul says The Ultimate Warrior is scared to enter the parlor. Paul says Taker has been preparing a special casket for The Warrior. Taker says there's no reason to fear the parlor, everyone must come in. He says Warrior gets his brain power from the souls of living and dead warriors. He says he will bury him and all of the souls of the warrior as they reach for the power. He says rest in pieces Ultimate Warrior.

Thoughts: Well, they hinted at it at Superstars and Stripes and it appears Warrior vs Taker is on. The Funeral Parlor was more of the more unique interview segments they came up with.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs John Allen

John side headlocks him and shoulders him over. John taunts him then Jake boots him. Jake hits a knee lift then armlocks him. Jake puts John near the snake bag. Vince says a lot of people are afraid of snakes.

John runs around the ring and gets shots on Jake when he's back in. Jake boots him out of the corner. Vince hypes up The WBF's first event. Jake armlocks John. Jake hits some punches and short arm clotheslines John. Jake ddt's John and wins.

Thoughts: Jake got the win as expected here. John got a little in before going down. Jake's offense looked good as usual.

Jake puts Damian on John after. He lets fans touch his snake after.

Earthquake comes down for his match and runs into Jake. Quake backs up and away from the snake and Jake taunts him with the snake. Jake continues to back off and Jake chases him to the back.

We see clips from Prime Time Wrestling of Heenan squshing grapes I think and Andre The Giant pulling him down into the grapes. Andre makes him roll in it. We see clips from last week's Wrestling Challenge with Heenan trying to mend fences with Andre. He offers a handshake. Andre squeezes Heenan's hand and calls him a weasel. He says he's sick and tired of him and his family. He says he hopes he gets the message and says it's the last time he will tell him this. Andre steps on Heenan's hand and holds on to Mean Gene so he doesn't fall over.

Thoughts: There was a pic of the Prime Time incident in a WWF Magazine and I always wondered what was going on. Andre was only 44 here but he had the body of a 70 year old man at this point. It's really unbelievable in 2024 when we have people like Orton and Lashley who look so much better at the same age.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Reno Riggins

Piper says he will shove the diamonds off of The Million Dollar belt down Ted's throat when he's healed. Ted brings out Sherri, officially announcing her as his manager. Piper supposedly leaves commentary and Macho follows.

Ted nails Reno in the gut and bangs his head off the buckles. Ted back body drops Reno. Virgil goes an inset promo. He says he showed him at Mania that he can fight. He says he will show him he can wrestle too. He says he will beat him and spank Sherri if he brings her to the ring.

Ted suplexes Reno then lariats him. Ted hits a powerslam then puts him in the million dollar dream for the win.

It was a quick squash with Reno getting nothing in here. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the next Boston Garden show on 4/20. The Orient Express and Fuji do a promo. Fuji says he wants to make The Rockers suffer and make them look ugly. He says the young girls will be screaming and says hit them more when the girls scream. Fuji says he will be smiling.

Roddy Piper does a promo on crutches. He says Sherri looks like The Bride of Frankenstein. Piper says he's coming after Ted Dibiase. He says he's the legend killer and meaner than the LAPD.

Vince runs down the line-up for next week's show. Warrior will be on The Funeral Parlor. Macho says maybe there's a coffin that is the perfect size for The Warrior. Piper brings up Warrior ending Brother Love's career.

Overall thoughts:
It wasn't that interesting of a show. Jake's new feud with Earthquake is starting as is Warrior's feud with The Undertaker. This was all squashes here as usual and there was nothing must-see. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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