Saturday, August 24, 2024

AEW Collision 8/24/2024

AEW Collision 8/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong) vs. The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly, Mark Briscoe & Orange Cassidy)

Ishii is on commentary and he says nothing to start. Mike and Mark trade chops. Mark side headlocks him. Mike is held for a facekick from Kyle. Kyle trades shots with Strong then Strong takes a back body drop. Taven takes one too and Kyle hits strikes on him ending in a legsweep. Kyle dragon screws Mike and forces him to dragon screw Taven.

OC boots Mike and Taven then does a double hurricanrana on them. OC cutters Strong out of the suplex then OC is thrown into a tornado ddt on Mike. OC ddt's Strong. OC takes a spike piledriver.

Mike is pushed into Taven by OC. Mark and Mike trade chops. Strong dropkicks Kyle through the ropes then OC topes Strong. Taven hits a suicide dive on OC and Kyle outside. 

Mark takes a half-nelson slam on a chair he brought in. We go to PiP break and return. Mark is stomped on by Strong and Taven. Mark takes a sitout gordbuster. Mark uranages Taven as he comes off the buckles. Kyle gets in. Kyle jumping knees Tavemn then slaps him. Kyle kicks Taven in the back from the apron and Mark headhunters Taven off the apron.

Kyle dragon screws Mike on the ropes then knee drops him off the top as he hangs. Mark top rope elbow drops Mike then OC hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Mike and and Taven get offense in. Taven hits a running knee on Kyle and Mike gets a 2 count off of it.

Strong backbreakers Kyle for 2. Strong backbreakers Kyle for 2. The faces get triple submissions on. Strong backbreakers Kyle. OC to prope diving ddt's Strong. Mark 2nd rope dropkicks Mike. Mark tope con hilos off a chair. Taven hits a headlock driver on Kyle. Kyle guillotines Taven and wins.

It was a decent trios match here with some dives, a fast pace and lots of people coming in and out. I enjoyed this one though did thing it went a little long for the opener. Ishii was on commentary and didn't say a single thing the whole time.

Willow Nightingale vs. Harley Cameron

HC foot chokes Willow and screams. Willow cartwheels out of an irish whip then shoulders her over. Willow slams and sentons her. Willow hits a corner back splash then corner lariat flurries HC. HC russian legsweeps her.

HC hits kicks in the corner then back elbows her. Willow jawbreakers HC then HC hits soul foot. HC running knees her for 2. HC hits some elbows on Willow. Willow hits a doctor bomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here with both girls getting equal amounts of offense in. HC had a good showing though and is a lot better than she used to be.

Willow and Ishii walk out together after. 

Private Party are interviewed. Zay says they are the mc's of All In. Quen gets a phone call from "Shaquisha" and they leave.

Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara are interviewed. Sammy said the last few weeks have been crazy. He says tomorrow is the beginning as they are issuing an open challenge at All In. Dustin said they are not coming alone to All In. He said they are bringing Shibata and The Von Erich's. Shibata says howdy via translator and says he will lasso them a win.

Jay Lethal vs Katsuyori Shibata

KS gets out of a wristlock and puts his own on. KS hammerlocks him. Jay headlock takeovers him then KS headscissors him. Jay side headlocks KS. Jay blocks a facekick. Jay does a cartwheel into a dropkick on KS.

KS stomps Jay's arm into the mat. KS spin kicks Jay out of the ring. We go to break and return. KS takes a dragon screw through the ropes. Jay figure fours him. Jay jawbreakers him and hits a lethal combination. Jay comes off the top and is caught in an armbar. KS hits a suplex for 2. 

Jay hits kicks to the leg and KS STO's him. KS claws Jay then armbars him. KS then taps him out.

Thoughts: It didn't get enough time and wasn't that great. It was mostly just body part work and KS doing two armbars before submitting Jay.

They shake hands after.

We get a video of Stokeley Hathaway training with Kris Statlander. Kris tries to force him int oit and make him take thing seriously. Stoke gets some moves in on some trainees. Kris says its their time now and says they will embarrass Willow on the biggest night of the year.

Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway vs. Kid Lykos II & Nina Samuels

This was a short intergender tag (not a mixed tag as advertised). Kris beat up a boy and the ref didn't care. Kris' team won.

Stoke says we saw a preview of All In. Stoke calls Ishii a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Stoke says Ishii and Willow's careers will be like the food in England - absolutely rubbish - when they get done with them.

Ben from Turner Classic Movies talks about Toni vs Mariah May.

Big Bill vs Hook

Hook has black tape over his eye. Hook flurries on Bill. Bill knees him in the gut and fallaway slams him. Bill chokes Hook on the ropes and Bryan Keith tries to join in. Bill hits Hook in the gut. Bill stands on Hook's throat. 

Bill hits shots to the eye on Hook. Bill corner splashes Hook. Bill hits a big facekick on Hook and sends him out. We go to PiP break and return. The crowd is cheering for Big Bill.

Bill bearhugs Hook then does impersonations of him. Bill hits mounted punches. He tells the crowd to shut up and they cheer for him more. Bill hits elbow drops. Bill is pulled over the top and the crowd boos Hook.

Bill misses a corner splash then Hook hits corner punches. Hook flying lariat Bill then overhead suplexes him. Bryan Keith gets in the ring and Hook suplexes him. Hook puts redrum on him and Bill taps out.

Thoughts: I'm not sure what caused the cheers for Bill. It must have been something he said because the break was mostly all Hook selling. Or the crowd was just bored and wanted to make their own fun. IIRC, Hook beat Bill years ago. I didn't like it then and didn't like it now, but at least it was a little more believable. I liked Bill working Hook's injured eye here.

Jack Perry talks. He said Darby is unworthy of his title. He said he recreated the TNT Title in his own image. He said it cost him his own dream and there's no going back.

We get a video package for Swerve vs Bryan.

Jeff Jarrett vs Ariya Daivari

Ari says he reps The Premier Athletes and was sent here as Cardiff doesn't have a Premier League team. He says Cardiff needs a man they can cheer for and it's Ari Daivari.

Ari shoulders over JJ then does his strut. Ari shoulders JJ over. Ari hiptosses him and does another strut. JJ hits shots on him and bangs his head off the buckles. 

Ari goes out to stall and we go to PiP break. We return and Ari's throat is dropped on the rails. JJ sends him into the steps. Ari sleepers JJ. JJ backdrops Ari. JJ hits punches. JJ bengs over and is kicked. Ari takes an atomic drop and russian legsweep for 2.

JJ step up enzugiri's Ari then leg lariats him on the ropes. Ari misses a top rope crossbody and JJ hits the stroke for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special and it was a random match. It's not like it was awful or anything but it was just there.

Wild Card In Cardiff Trios Match - Lio Rush & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC

Darius cravates Yuta. Yuta trips him then bow and arrows him. Yuta headlock takeovers him then Darius does the same. Darius armdrags him using the ropes then dropkicks him. Yuta takes a double team takedown. ELP flips over Dante then Dante flips over him but is booed for it. Pac trips him and Dante headscissors him over. Dante dropkicks him.

CC goes for a giant swing on Lio then Lio rolls him up. Lio goes for his own giant swing but CC blocks it and euros him. CC takes a triple team in the corner. Darius and Dante hit dropkicks and we go to PiP break. 

We return and Yuta knee drops Darius. Yuta hits chops on Darius. Darius double boots Pac out of the corner then does a tornado ddt + reverse ddt combo. CC is back body dropped over the top rope. Lio bottom rope asai moonsaults on Yuta. Dante springboard crossbodies Pac.

Lio low topes Pac twice into the commentary table. Pac hits kicks on Lio then Lio lariats him. Lio falcon arrows Pac for 2. Dante flying knees Yuta. Yuta then germans him. Darius neckbreakers Yuta off the bottom rope. Dante tope forearms CC.

Lio stunners Pac. Pac release germans him. Dante and Lio hit springboard splashes on Pac for 2. CC pop-up euros Dante. Yuta then topes Darius outside. Lio goes for a dive and catches a euro. CC giant swings Lio and Yuta dropkicks Lio while he's swinging. Pac hits a corkscrew ssp on Lio and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good main here with lots of flying and they keeping a fast pace. Pac's team won as expected and this was as you would expect.  

Christian Cage and Mother Wayne come out. Cage rips the crowd. He talks on the mic then Killswitch and Nick Wayne hit CC, Yuta and Pac with chairs. The Bang Bang Gang then come out and grabs tables from under the ring. The House of Black then turn the lights off and come out. The Patriarchy then leave. The other wrestlers then fight and the show ends.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main and the opener. Harley Cameron had an okay showing and there wasn't much else of note. The PPV is tomorrow and because of it, there wasn't going to be a lot happening on this one. It was about average overall.

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