Saturday, August 17, 2024

AEW Rampage 8/16/2024

AEW Rampage 8/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Outrunners and The Butcher vs The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii)

O'Reilly and Menard are on commentary. Butch boots Mark. Mark hits chops and forearms. Mark flying forearms him. Mark fights off a double team and spinning forearms Truth. Turbo is held for chops from Ishii. One Outrunner takes a back body drop and the other takes a double hiptoss.

Turbo tries chops on Ishii and somehow can't bother him. Ishii chops him back. Mark russian legsweeps Turbo. Mark takes a knee to the back and Butch pulls him out. Mark is sent into the rails and backdropped on them.

We go to PiP break and return. Turbo armlocks Mark. Mark suplexes Turbo. Ishii germans Turbo then corner lariats him. Truth is sent into Turbo. Ishii shoulders Truth over then suplexes Turbo. The Runners are pulled over the top rope.

Ishii shoulders Butch over. OC topes The Runners outside. OC throws Mark a chair. Mark tries to jump off of it but Butch stops him. OC hits an orange punch on Butch then Mark flip dives off the chair to the outside.

Ishii running lariats Turbo. Mark jay drillers Truth and wins.

It was a fun opener. I had no issues with this one. The Runners did a bunch of bumping here as usual and Mark was a fun face. 

I won't be covering the next match.

Saraya and Harley Cameron are in the ring. HC says Saraya's birthday is tomorrow. She says she's 22 (not true) and says not one person in the building said anything to her. HC goes to sing Happy Birthday. Saraya stops her saying she isn't in the mood.

Saraya talks about the last year of her career and complains. She says it's unacceptable that she's not on All-In. Toni Storm comes out. She says she will never forget what they went through together and insults her. Toni says if she can beat her next week, she can have the title and be on All In. Saraya calls her a stupid slut and says she will kick her @ss next week. Toni says she will need a bigger foot.

Thoughts: This wasn't good with the girls goofing around.

The Acclaimed talk after Dynamite. Max says Saturday on Collision, FTR faces them. Bowens said they told FTR to stay out of their way but they couldn't. Bowens says now they pay the price. He says to nut up or shut up.

Nick Wayne vs Kip Sabian

They lock up and Nick slaps him. Nick goes out to stall. Nick side headlocks him and we see Christian watching in the back. Kip shoulders Nick over. Kip slaps him then leg lariats him. Kip gutbusters Nick for 2. Nick gets some shots in. Kip springboard enzugiri's Nick then seated moonsaults him outside. Mother Wayne gets in Kip's face and Kip is pulled into the post.

Kip is then sent into the rail then over it. We go to break and return. Nick euros Kip, jumps backwards over hi mand germans him. Kip half-nelson suplexes him. Kip springboards and takes a cutter. Nick superkicks him then hits a package drop for 2.

Kip has Nick on his shoulders. The Patriarchy distract. Killswitch headbutts Kip then Nick hits Wayne's world to win.

It was short and it wasn't much. We had a dirty finish as well.

Scorpio Sky is at Private Party's club. He says he's always invited. He tires to get in and is not allowed in while The Infantry and Brandon Cutler are. Sky gets mad about this and Private Party comes in. They say Sky is valid and invite him in.

The Don Callis Family (Kyle Fletcher & Rush) vs KM & Rhett Titus

KM boots Kyle. KM misses a splash and Kyle hits shots on him. Kyle michinoku drivers him. Rhett is caught on a crossbody and Kyle spinning side slams him. Kyle does a half and half suplex on Rhett. Rush corner splashes Rhett. Kyle leg lariats KM off the apron and Rush does his corner dropkick on Rhett. Rush then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was just a short squash and not much else. I'm not real sure what this does for either guy but it's better than losing.

Rush, Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher talk in the back. Don says he loved what they did. Rush asked if Don saw what he did with Preston Vance. Rush says it's time Don shows him something big. Kyle is confused. Don says if Rush isn't p!ssed off at him 24/7 then he's not doing his job. Kyle says he wants to apologize to Don for not listening to orders last week. Don says Kyle never has to apologize to him for anything as he's family. He calls him the golden goose of the promotion and says to focus on the next thing, not the past.

Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. MxM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden)

TF are dressed up like pilots and have Leila Grey and Action with them. MxM crawl into the ring and pose. Lio Rush is on commentary as he came out with Top Flight.

Mansoor wristlocks Dante. Dante armdrags him then Mansoor shoulders him over and poses. Mansoor slams Dante then elbow drops him. Dante pulls Mansoor down off the leapfrog then poses.

Dante armdrags Mansoor then armlocks him. Darius leaps over Dante's back onto Mansoor. Madden stares down Darius. Darius goes up and over. Madden chops Darius and leg slices him. Darius takes a running hip attack from Madden.

Darius step up enzugiri's Mansoor. Dante corner lariats Mansoor. Dante slingshot swantons Mansoor. Dante jumps off of Darius' back and leg lariats Madden. TF then hit topes as Grey directs them.

We go to PiP break and return. Mansoor stops Darius from tagging out. Darius takes a spinebuster. Grey gets on the apron. Mansoor flirts with her and Madden. Darius superkicks Mansoor. Dante springboard flip dives Madden.

Mansoor misses a top rope crossbody. Dante hits forearms on Mansoor. Dante springboard crossbodies Mansoor. Dante airplane spins Mansoor. Madden takes a rare double airplane spin then a double dropkick.

Darius tornado ddt's Mansoor off of Dante. Madden hits a black hole slam on Darius. Dante takes a chokeslam + electric chair german combo. Dante jumping knees Madden then superkicks him. Darius faltliners Madden off the bottom rope.

Mansoor backslides Darius for 2 then Darius suplexes him. Dante top rope frogsplashes Mansoor and wins.

Thoughts: It was a fun tag here. There were some creative double teams and MxM were good characters as usual. I like Top Flight's new look and think it was an upgrade.

Overall thoughts: I saw 4 of the 5 matches and liked what I saw. The main and opener were both fine. Wayne/Kip wasn't much and there was a squash that wasn't anything of note.

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