Thursday, August 29, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/25/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 8

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/25/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 8

Day 7 is here:

Manabu Soya & Yu Owada vs. Luis Mante & Shuhei Taniguchi

LM and Soya go at it. Soya shoulders him over then LM dropkicks him. Yu hits shots on Shu and flips off of him in the corner. Yu hits a crossbody then a dropkick. Shu slams Yu then LM stomps on Yu. LM backbreakers Yu.

Shu back elbows Yu for 2. Yu hits chest shots on Shu then Shu shoulders him over. LM gets in and hits shots on Yu. Yu back rolls him into a dropkick. Soya istagged in. Soya bulldogs LM then suplexes him for 2.

LM hits soul foot on Soya and facekicks him. Soya takes a double team then Yu is slammed onto Soya. LM is then slammed onto Soya. LM is pulled over the top and Shu goes for a chokeslam on Soya. Soya flying lariats Shu for 2. He puts him in a sleeper then dragon sleeper. Shu then taps out.

It was your usual Noah opener that went longer than it needed to and wasn't that interesting. It just never developed into anything interesting.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Alpha Wolf vs. Titus Alexander

They trade basic holds. Wolf rolls out of a wristlock and grabs the leg. TA side headlocks him then Wolf does it to him. Wolf shoulders him over and TA dropkicks him. Wolf hits a big lariat then single leg crabs him.

They go outside. Wolf sends him into the rails and bites his hand. Wolf chops him down and hits a big forearm. TA top rope crossbodies him. TA goes up and over then upkicks him. TA then suplexes him. TA dropkicks him through the ropes then topes him.

Wolf ties up TA's legs. They trade forearms. TA high kicks him then Wolf headbutts him. TA hits a canadian destroyer. Wolf no sells it and crucfix bombs him. Wolf lariats him on the ropes.

TA gets his knees up on Wolf's top rope moonsault. TA top rope splashes him for 2. TA hits a superkick then half-nelson slams Wolf. TA hits a lethal injection for 2. Wolf running headbutts him then hits a chaos theory german. Wolf sitout reverse drivers him and wins.

Thoughts: It an indy style match with them no selling crucifix bombs and canadian destroyers. You'd expect them to do big time flying here and stuff since they are smaller guys but they opted not to. The first half wasn't that bad but it didn't go anywhere.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Masa Kitamiya vs. Ryohei Oiwa

They lock up and trade hammerlocks. Masa side headlocks him and they fight over a wristlock. Oiwa headscissors him and they test strength. Oiwa wristlocks him. They shoulderblock battle and Oiwa shoulders him over. Oiwa works on Masa's arm.

Masa back elbows him and misses a senton. Oiwa armdrags him and armlocks him. Oiwa does more arm submissions and yanks the arm. Masa shoulders him over. Masa hits a samoan drop for 2.

Masa lariats him against the ropes and Oiwa suplexes him. Oiwa corner dropkicks him then hits a falling splash for 2. Masa drops Oiwa on his knees. Oiwa blocks Masa's spear with a suplex for 2.

Masa dragon screws him then puts him in the prison lock. They cradle each other and Masa sentons him for 2. Oiwa hits a nice dropkick and is lariated. Oiwa backrolls him then Masa hits a spear for 2.

Masa piledrivers him for 2. Masa hits a top rope senton and wins.

Thoughts: They felt like they were building a long match that just never ended up coming. What we got was okay but it wasn't as good as it could have been. The two matched up well and I had real high expectations for this that weren't really met. 

Akitoshi Saito, Kai Fujimura & Mohammed Yone vs. Hajime Ohara, Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura

Yone and Maru start us off. Yone shoulders Maru over. Yone hits a slam and misses a legdrop. They then then stand off.

Yone grabs him off the handshake. Saito and Maru trade. Sugi wristlocks Saito and they trade forearms. Saito shoulders him over. Ohara and Kai get in. Kai wristlocks him. Ohara trips him then bow and arrows him.

Ohara side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kai rolls over his back with an armdrag then flipping sentons him for 2. Kai wristlocks him. Ohara takes him down then does a grounded abdominal stretch.

Sugi slams Kai. Maru hits Kawada kicks on Kai. Kai sunset flips him for 2. Kai 2nd rope dropkicks Maru. Saito gets in and corner lariats Maru. Saito uranages him twice then does an iron claw slam for 2. Sugi facekicks Saito when he gets in then running knees him in the corner. Sugi hits forearms. Saito running forearms him in the corner. Sugi takes shots from Yone and Saito then a sandwich lariat. Sugi is lifted into a powerbomb from Yone.

Yone PK's Sugi then running lariats him. Sugi facekicks Maru. Sugi and Yone trade forearms. Yone knees him in the gut then Yone lariats him. Kai and Ohara go at it. Kai hits forearms and cradles him. Kai suplexes Ohara for 2. Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then russian legsweeps him. Ohara kneels on his shoulder and pulls on his leg.

Kai gets out and hits a nice dropkick. Saito lariats Ohara then uranages him and Sugi. Saito hits a big lariat on Ohara for 2. Saito enzugiri's Ohara and wins.

The work was fine. It went a little longer than it needed to. It was mostly just people trading hard shots and I was fine with that.

Saito talks on the mic after.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Tavion Heights vs. Ulka Sasaki

Tav takes Ulka down twice. Tav grabs the leg and takes a step up enzugiri. Tav does a nice double leg and rolls him into pin attempts. Tav waistlock takedowns him and side headlocks him. Tav lariats him on the ropes

Tav lariats Ulka over the top. Tav euros him outside and throws him back in. Ulka then knees him as he tries to get in. Ulka takes him down by the arm and grabs his leg. Tav powerslams him for 2. They trade forearms and Ulka flying kicks him in the back of the head.

Ulka cutters him and Tav runs into his knee. Tav karelin's lifts him for 2. Tav hits an overhead belly to belly then does a slingblade for 2. Tav hits a nice flying lariat. Ulka ankle locks him and Tav taps out.

Thoughts: These two were a decent match for each other. It was on the shorter end of things and they had a more MMA style of match. It wasn't great or anything but it was better than it should have been.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Dragon Bane vs. Josh Briggs

Josh gets some shots in and takes a dropkick to the knee. Josh lifts him by the neck and Bane hurricanrana's him out of it. Bane rolls into a plancha on him but Josh catches him. Bane's back is rammed into the post.

Josh throws him hard into the buckles then swings him around by the head. Josh elbow drops him for 2.  Josh side slams him and splashes him. They trade chops for forearms and Josh stomps on him. Josh stands on his neck. Josh hits a corner lariat and misses a corner splash. Bane is caught on a springboard and hits some kicks.

Bane flying knees him then hits a handspring back elbow. Bane knocks Josh over the rails then does a ste up springboard dive over the rails on Josh. Josh bounces Bane into the ropes and lariats him. Bane hits kicks to the head and Josh sidewalk slams him for 2.

Bane standing spanish flies him then hits a pumping knee. Bane poisonrana's him then Josh lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it should have been as it's Bane and he's a total indy guy but I think I did like it enough. Josh threw him around some and Bane did a little flying. It should have been a lot better though for how long these two have been at at. The flyer vs big guy match is not a hard one to do.

Ten Man Tag Team Scramble Elimination Match - Daga, HAYATA, Super Crazy, Tadasuke & YO-HEY vs. Alejandro, AMAKUSA, Eita, Junta Miyawaki & Shuji Kondo

Daga and Eita start us off. Daga takes down Eita and they try pin attempts. Daga takes hi mdown. Eita armdrags him, gets swept and they stand off. Jun and Haya goat it. Jun takes him down by the arm and armlocks him and after a fireman's carry. Haya shoulders him over then Jun hits armdrags. Jun dropkicks him. Jun back elbows him for 2.

Jun drops down and Haya double stomps his back. Jun takes corner attacks and is nearly thrown over the top for the elimination. Ale armdrags Crazy when they get in and springboard armdrags him. Ale almost eliminates himself with a dive but thinks better of it.

Konda side headlocks Yo then shoulders him over. Yo flying headscissors him. Tada and Ama go at it. Tada stomps on him and footchokes him. Tada flying euros him. Haya shoulders over Ama then atomic drops him when Ama goes for a leapfrog.

Ama tilt-a-whirl armdrags Haya. Crazy gets in. Ama flying headscissors Crazy off 2v1. Daga nearly gets thrown over the top but Crazy silly strings him to save him. Ama then has his crotch pulled into the post.

Jun is tagged in and he running forearms Crazy. Jun top rope dropkicks Crazy for 2. Crazy slams him then surfboards him. Kondo breaks it up. Crazy misses a corkscrew elbow and Jun rolls him up for 2. Crazy gets his la magistral countered and Jun pins him for the elimination.

Jun takes a double spinebuster and double basement dropkick. Jun dropkicks Yo. Ale cartwheel back elbows Yo then 2nd rope diving facebusters him. Ale counters a double team hiptoss with an armdrag  then bodyscissors Tada over. Ale spinning headscissors Daga out of the ring. Ale rolls into a ddt on Yo for 2. Yo dropkicks Ale and pins him for the elimination.

Eita back elbows Yo for 2. Yo takes a double back elbow and a double basement dropkick. Jun basmeent dropkicks and suplexes Yo for 2. Jun is tripped into the ropes for a Yo double knee to the neck. Tada stomps on Jun then bangs his knee off the mat. Tada boots the knee and spinning toe holds him. Junta taps out and is eliminated.

Eita superkicks Tada and pins him. Eita slingshots on Daga but is blocked on a sunset flip. Eita back body drops Daga. Daga pop-up facebusters Ama. Ama rolls Daga up for 2 and hits chops. Ama top rope diving headscissors him then hurricanrana's him over the top. Ama goes with Daga and both are eliminated due to going over the top rope.

Yo cutters Eita. Eita takes double team kicks for 2. Kondo hits a lariat + bulldog combo and Yo flying kicks him. Eita gets in and takes a kick from the apron by Haya. Eita pump handle Z360's Yo and pins him for the elimination.

Haya is double teamed on. Haya is thrown off a 2nd rope ddt attempt. Kondo running spears Haya for 2. Eita knees Haya's back from the apron. Eita gets on the apron and Haya handspring kicks him off to the floor but it's not an elimination. Haya short hurricanrana spikes Kondo and pins him. Haya celebrates, thinking he won the match and Eita throws him over the top for the elimination. Eita wins the match.

It was a decent 25 minute affair. It would have been better without over the top rope eliminations since these guys like to fly. But they didn't overdo it, they kept it fast paced and there were no real issues with this.

I think Eita challenges Haya after.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Kenoh vs. Yoshiki Inamura

They lock up and YI clean breaks him. They slap each other for a bit and both go down. Ken hits more slaps then YI slap flurries him back. Ken spin kicks him in the gut and slaps him around. YI shoulders him over. YI shoulders him over several times.

YI hits forearms and Ken chest kicks him down. Ken hits kicks to the back. YI is sent into the rails outside and Ken double knee drops him off the apron. Ken footslaps YI and YI forearms him.

Ken chest kicks him down then running facekicks him. Ken stands on YI's throat. YI slams him and elbow drops him. YI slams him then Ken spin kicks him in the gut. Ken facekicks him.

YI blocks a PK. Ken slaps him around then YI corner splashes him. YI slams him and hits his victory splash off the ropes for 2. YI suplexes Ken for 2 then spinning slams him. Ken hits chest kicks.

Ken PK's him and does a jumping double knee. YI catches him and powerbombs him. Ken hits facekicks out of the corner and YI overhead belly to belly suplexes him. YI splashes him after a jack knife pin.

YI misses a top rope splash. Ken spin kicks him then hits a buzzsaw kick. YI is down and the ref checks on him. YI blocks Ken's running knee then YI muso's him. Both are down.

Ken hits chest kicks for 2. Ken top rope double stomps YI for the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay but not great match. Ken really should have been the one selling here and should have been the one being beaten up. Instead, it was Inamura and that just doesn't fit as well when its the power guy doing it. I think Ken legit knocked Inamura loopy as the match slowed down after Ken headkicked him. I thought this could have used more time.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Jack Morris

KK hammerlocks him and Jack yanks on the arm. Jack armlocks him and they trade armdrags. KK headscissors him and they stand off. Jack shoulders KK over then KK dropkicks him out. KK is dropkicked off the apron then Jack topes him into the rail.

KK is sent into the rail then knocked over it. Jack flies over the rails and forearms KK. Jack is on the buckles and KK dropkicks him off. KK dropkicks Jack in the knee then drives the knee into the mat.

KK elbow drops the knee then figure fours him. Jack ropebreaks. KK dropkicks Jack in the knee. KK wraps Jack's knee around the ropes and pulls. Jack is irish whipped but falls over. Jack boots KK out of the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks him.

Jack flying lariats KK. Jack enzugiri's him from the apron then top rope dropkicks him for 2. KK hits a dropkick on Jack and kips up. KK hits euros on Jack then dropkicks Jack off the apron. KK then tope con hilos outside.

KK top rope dropkicks Jack for 2. They trade shots and flying knee each other at the same time. They trade strikes and Jack step up enzugiri's him. Jack spinebusters him. Jack cobra twists him. 

KK gets out of a double underhook and flying shining wizards him. KK dragon screws him and hits a dropkick to the knee. KK top rope dropkicks Jack's knee then figure fours him. KK dragon screws him then shining wizards him for 2. KK tiger suplexes him for 2. Jack flying knees him then falcon arrows him for 2. Jack double underhooks him and KK catches him with a hurricanrana.

KK flying knees him. Jack flying knees him back and jumping knees him for 2. Jack hits another flying knee then tiger drivers him for 2. Jack top rope ssp's KK but KK gets his knees up. KK triangle shining wizards him then hits a normal shining wizard for the win.

Thoughts: There wasn't that good for a story here and Jack didn't sell his knee as much as he should have but I did like this. They did a ton of flying knees here. The pacing was good, it got a lot of time and it was a main event style match. It was definitely one of Jack's better Noah matches so far. 

Kenoh comes down after and has words for Kaito. They butt heads then Kaito talks.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. The main was the best thing on here. The semi main was alright. The junior tag elimination match was pretty well done considering the circumstances and Ulka/Heights wasn't bad. Briggs got an acceptable match out of Bane. I didn't like Titus/Wolf and the opener went too long.

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