Tuesday, August 13, 2024

NWA Powerrr 8/13/2024

NWA Powerrr 8/13/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/nwa-powerrr-862024.html

Knox and Murdoch vs Kill City Cup Team (Chant Matthews and Charles Bison)

I'm not sure if the jobbers names are correct. The Jobbers attacks Knox and Murdoch. K&M then hit shots in the corner then hit corner attacks.Murdoch hits a spinebuster on Bison then hits a short arm clothesline. Bison is tripped into a Knox elbow drop.

Knox leg lariats Bison on the ropes. Knox slams Bison twice. Chant takes a crossbody from Knox. Chant takes a double back body drop then a high/low. Chant then is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash as expected here with Knox and Murdoch going over. The jobbers are sponsored by some movie called Kill City Cup.

Joe Cazana and his sons do a promo. Joe says Billy Morgan asked him to be his territory. He says he got KC a title shot against EC3 and says AJ is teaming with Taylor Rising against Bryan Idol and Natalia Markova. Joe says NWA JCP is the greatest territory on earth and says if you doubt them, try them.

We get a new OnlySlams commercial.  

NWA National Title - Thom Latimer vs Silas Mason

Silas knees him in the gut and hits a headbutt. Thom back elbows him in the corner. Silas hits back elbows. Thom armdrags Silas twice then dropkicks him out. Silas chops Thom outside. Thom hits shots outside.

Thom's head is banged off the camera platform then Thom is sent into the post. Silas misses a charge and goes into the post. Silas lariats Thom over the top and goes with him. Thom is sent into the steps. Silas suplexes Thom in for 2. Silas misses a corner splash and Thom rolling spears him for 2. Thom takes a stun gun then Silas backbreakers him. Silas puts Thom in a camel clutch then fish hooks him while doing it.

We go to break and return. Silas chokes Thom on the ropes. Thom is thrown hard into the corner. Silas butterfly suplexes him for 2. Silas blocks a sunset flip and stomps him. Silas bearhugs him.

Silas backdrops him then spinebusters him. Silas misses a top rope senton. Thom hits corner attacks then spinning backdrops him. Silas powerbombs him for 2. Thom pop-up sitout powerbombs Silas then The Southern Six come in and beat up Thom. Thom takes shots and eventually throws them out. Thom wins by DQ.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with a dirty finish. It got enough time and they threw each other around a bit. I'm not too surprised at the finish as neither guy really needed to take a loss here.

Chris Silvio says he's a man you can trust. He says to take whatever notion you have about the next NWA superstar and get rid of it. He says he has the next great NWA superstar. He says he as a million dollar smile, a college athlete and is chiseled. He says Anthony Catena is younger, faster and smarter than Jax Dane.

Catena says Jax was as good as him. He says when you set the stage, Anthony Catena will steal the show. Catena vs Dane is next week.

Billy Corgan and Rush Freeman are interviewed. Billy says they are doing a show called Back to The Territories. He says Rush would be in the mix but Rush told him he was leaving wrestling via letter. Rush said he's confused. He said he took some time off for personal reasons but isn't retired. Rush says he didn't send the letter. Billy says the letter said Rush was leaving the business and it allowed Brady Pierce to take his place in The Spectaculars. Rush says Brady is a scumbag and he beat him fair and square. He said he would never do this. Kyle says you don't have to lie and it's okay if you don't want to wrestle. Rush said he's been away and times got hard. He said he took time away and needs to take more time away. He says he didn't retire though. He says he still loves wrestling and The NWA. Billy says the door is always open and he will have to help clean this up.

Thoughts: We never saw the letter and we haven't seen Rush in months so it was hard to get real invested in this.

Aron Stevens and Trevor Murdoch are interviewed. They are part of an upcoming match, so they are interviewed here. The crowd chants, "Moron Stevens". Murdoch says the people have spoken and he says he knows it bothers Aron that he can't get rid of him. Knox says he and Murdoch will take the tag titles and will take it at Back to the Territories.

Aron says he is the greatest manager to ever do it and his team is the greatest to ever do it. He says Knox and Murdoch can't do it and don't know how to do it. Aron says Murdoch can bring Eric Smalls as they will use that small problem against them. Aron says someone needs to do something about Smalls hitting people in the nuts.

NWA Women's Tag Titles - The King Bees (c) (Dani Bee and Charity King) vs Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra

Jay and Dani lock up. Dani is the thinner Bee and King is the thicker Bee. Jay rolls through a wristlock then puts her own on. Dani reverses it. Jay flips out of it using the ropes. Jay is tripped and bridges out of the pin. Jay headflips over Dani who has dropped down. They stand off and slap hands.

Jay flips out of a double hiptoss and then hits a double dropkick. Rosa is straight up wearing a thong here and is shouldered over by King. Rosa side headlocks her and King knocks her over. King sliding lariats her.

Dani wristlocks Rosa. Rosa back elbows her. Rosa armdrags her off a hiptoss and tries a bridge pin. Rosa 2nd rope back elbows Dani for 2. Jay slingshot double knees Dani for 2. Jay hits forearms on King. King takes a double suplex.

King samoan drops Rosa. Jay gets in and hits offense on The Bee's. She hits a nice dropkick and a step up enzugiri. Jay suplexes Dani and back rolls, hitting a sitout gordbuster on her. King powerslams Jay. 

Rosa hits a top rope frgosplash on King. Dani codebreakers Rosa and all four girls are down. Dani ddt's Jay for the win.

Thoughts: Jay really tried here and had a pretty good showing. It was a random tag and was just average for the most part. It got a lot of time.

Overall thoughts: It was a rough episode to get through. There was just a lot of randomness as usual with this promotion and that doesn't make for good weekly TV. I wouldn't recommend this one and I thought the in-ring work was average here.

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