Saturday, August 10, 2024

AEW Rampage 8/9/2024

AEW Rampage 8/9/2024

Last week's show is here:

Darby Allin vs The Butcher

I feel like I've seen this already. Darby runs into a facekick from Butch. Butch slams him into the ropes then foot chokes him. Butch slaps him around and throws him hard into the buckles. Darby is bleeding from the mouth and Butch pulls him off the ropes. Butch is caught in the ring skirt and Darby hits shots on him. Darby is sent into the steps and rails.

Butch crossbodies the rails when Darby moves. Darby to prope coffin drops him outside. Darby dives off the top on Butch and Butch swats him down. Butch slaps Darby. Darby is thrown out and we go to PiP break.

We return and Butch avoids a top rope dive. Butch texas cloverleafs him. Butch stomps him. They slap each other and Darby takes a nasty bump down to the floor from the ropes. Butch swings him into the rails multiple times then powerbombs him into the post. Darby is then backdropped on the rail edge. 

Darby topes Butch but mostly just powerbombs himself on the floor. Darby back splashes him. Butch half-nelson backbreakers him then powerbombs him for 2. They slap each other and Darby bites him. Darby rakes his back then sunset bombs him off the buckles. Darby top rope coffin drops his back and wins.

It was a good and memorable match here with Darby taking some awful looking bumps and Butch being happy to bully him around. They need to do this one again as both guys looked good here and they really got the best out of each other. This was brutal.

They try to interview Rush after Dynamite this week. He says he's not happy and is thrown stuff. Don Callis asked him what happened out there. He said he lost with him sitting on commentary. Don asks if he really wants to be the best and asks if he's ready to do anything. Rush says he will. Don says no more talking. He says he's giving him his last chance on Collision against Preston Vance. Rush says "que?". Don asks if he has an issue because he's his friend. Rush says he will show him who he is. Don says not to just beat him, hurt him and send him to the hospital. Don tells him he is on his own on Saturday.

Thoughts: I laughed at Don booking him against Vance. I was expecting someone like Lance Archer of someone who has won all kinds of matches. Nope, it's Vance, who hasn't been on TV for months and is easy to forget is even in AEW. I get the idea behind choosing Vance though. 

We see a Jeff Jarrett interview after Dynamite. Jeff says he did everything he could. Adam Page runs into him then punches him. Page then hits Dutt and Lethal and security breaks it up.

Jay Lethal does a promo. He says he is sick of Page doing whatever he wants around here. He says he has had enough of it. He says he's stepping up to the plate on Dynamite. He says he's one of the best at wrestling and says Page is too. He says it won't be a walk in the park.

Wheeler Yuta vs Rocky Romero

They lock up and roll on the ropes. They chop each other and Yuta shoulders him over. RR monkey flips him. Yuta holds on and monkey flips him back. RR goes for the armbar.

Yuta trips him then RR headlock takeovers him. They headscissors each other and Yuta backdrops him. Yuta hits chops. RR rewind kicks him. Yuta throws RR out then topes him. We go to PiP break the full break and return.

RR chinlocks him and we see Swerve Strickland watching in the back. Yuta takes a sliced bread on the floor during the break. Yuta chops RR. Yuta double chops him. Yuta is pulled into the buckles then RR corner lariats him. Yuta lariats him and both god down.

They trade chops. Yuta step up enzugiri's him. Yuta hits a weird drop from the tombstone position. Yuta gets caught up top. Yuta bites RR's hand up top and RR 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. RR hits a running sliced bread for 2. Yuta cross-legged tombstones him then hits downward elbows. Yuta puts him in cattle mutilation and taps him out.

Thoughts: It was okay but nothing great. Yuta hit a weird drop from the tombstone here and RR lost like he always does.  

Willow Nightingale is interviewed by Renee. She says she felt heartbroken but frustration is the word now. Tomohiro Ishii comes in and says he hates Stoke too. Willow asks if he has plans for Wembley as she has an idea.

Private Party vs Dave Dawson & Zane Dawson

The Dawson's were on NWA Powerrr when it first started but don't wrestle there anymore. Zay rolls out of a lock-up. One of The Dawson's does Zay's dance with him.

A Dawson is dropkicked in the knee and Quen slingshot swantons the Dawson's back. Dawson takes punches from both in the corner. Quen goes for a slam on a Dawson and the Dawson falls on him.

Quen hits a jawbreaker. A Dawson misses a corner charge and Quen slams him. Zay hurricanrana's Dave from the pop-up position. Zay hits a tornado ddt off the silly string for 2. Zane corner splashes Zay. Zay hits a utter then is thrown into a shiranui on Zane. Dave takes a gin n juice and splashes Zane in the process. Zay picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a short tag here. It was nice to see The Dawson's again and atleast they got a little in before going down.

Deonna says she disagrees that nothing good comes from violence. She says she can turn anything into an instrument of violence. She says Rosa is outclassed by her in the ring. She says she will summon a symphony of violence that has echo's that outlast Rosa. She says if she doesn't put her on the pedestal she deserves, she will have no choice but to lay her out.

Dustin Rhodes does a promo. He says he has won his first title in AEW. He says he's excited. He said Sammy Guevara came up to him and asked to earn his trust. He said they beat The Dark Order. Dustin says he's doing great and says he wants more. He says he wants the ROH Tag Titles that Taven and Bennett hold. Taven and Bennett come in. Taven says he doesn't deserve the 6-man titles or a tag title shot. Bennett says they rule their kingdom and Dustin says to get out of his face. Taven says they are here to shatter his dreams. Bennett then kicks Dustin in the nuts and Taven asks Dustin if he gets it. He says it was good.

I will not be covering the main event with Saraya. My apologies.

Overall thoughts: I liked what I saw. Darby vs Butcher is worth going out of your way to check out and Darby really took a beating. It was nice to see The Dawson's again and Yuta/Rocky had an okay match. It wasn't a bad edition of Rampage.

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