Saturday, August 24, 2024

AEW Rampage 8/23/2024

AEW Rampage 8/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Kyle O'Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii) vs Brian Cage, Johnny TV and The Beast Mortos

Strong is on commentary.JTV and Kyle trade basic holds. JTV shoulders him over then Kyle knees him in the gut. JTV takes kicks and chops from Kyle and Ishii. Then Cage is double shouldered over. Ishii and Mort shoulder battle and both go down. Cage and Mark get in.

Cage hits kicks then short arm lariats him. Cage is whipped into a Kyle facekick. Cage full-nelson backbreakers Kyle.  Mort catapults Kyle into a JTV facekick. JTV asai moonsaults Kyle while he's on Mort's knees. Cage beats up on Kyle in the corner.

We go to PiP break and return. Kyle hits kicks on JTV. Ishii and Mort trade. Ishii pushes Mort into Cage then suplexes Mort. Ishii suplexes Cage. Cage germans Ishii then Mort spears Ishii. Mort and Cage lariat each other on accident and Ishii germans JTV.

Mark hits shots on JTV and Cage. Mark flying kicks Mort then Mark exploders JTV.  Cage hits a sitout reverse slam on Mark. Mort pop-up samoan drops Kyle. JTV springboard enzugiri's Ishii. Mark dropkicks JTV out and Taya stops a dive from Mark.

JTV tornillo topes Ishii then Mort does the same to Kyle. Mark then tope con hilos off a chair on JTV. Taya Valkyrie distracts Mark up top. Mark top rope dropkicks Cage. JTV takes a lariat + legsweep then Kyle falcon arrows him into an armbar. Kyle taps him out to win.

Thoughts: It was a fun tag as expected. There was no way this was going to be bad and it wasn't.

The Undisputed Kingdom go up to The Conglomeration as they leave.

Roderick Strong vs Fuego del Sol

Sol is stomped on then backslides RS. Sol headflips and is lariated by RS. RS backbreakers him then backdrops him. RS suplexes Sol for 1. Sol rolls him up off a gori special submission. Sol boots him out of the corner and step up enzugiri's him. Sol headscissors him into a roll-up.

Sol asai moonsaults RS then superkicks him. RS half-nelson slams him on the buckles then release suplex backbreakers him for the win.

It was just a quick squash here. The backbreaker on the buckles was nice and the crowd liked Sol.

Kyle O'Reilly and The Kingdom have words on the ramp after.

Mina Shirakawa vs Robyn Renegade

Mina hits a forearm and slides out of a lariat. RR backrolls her and Mina headscissors her into a russian legsweep. Mina bangs RR's knees off the mat. Mina kicks her off the buckles. RR hits a jumping double knee in the corner and stomps her.

We go to PiP break and return. RR stomps her while she's hanging over the 2nd rope. Mina dragon screws her. RR lariats her and Mina taps her out with the figure four.

Thoughts: It was the usual Mina match with limited knee work building to a figure four finish. I didn't htink it was that good.

Hikaru Shida is interviewed by Lexi. Lexi brings up her losing to Mone. Shida said she had Mone beat but Kamille got involved. Shida said she walked into Wembley as champ last year and will be champ again. she says she will not be an afterthought.

The Gates of Agony vs The Iron Savages

No entrance for The Savages. Bronson pounds on Kaun. Kaun hits a chop flurry. Bronson corner lariat flurries him. Kaun lariats Bronson down. Boulder and Toa get in.

Boulder and Toa lariat battle and Toa is knocked over. Toa samoan drops him. Toa back body drops Bronson. Kaun jumps off Toa's back to dropkick Boulder. Bronson takes a t-gimmick and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was sadly short but it was what it should have been. This was all hoss style wrestling here and I enjoyed it.

The Top Flight, Andretti and Lio Rush group talk over clips of themselves and say they gotta win the trios match to get into the ladder match. Andretti says they have a brotherhood like no one else and says they will take the division on the highest flight possible.

The Von Erich's (Ross and Marshall Von Erich) vs The Outrunners

Dustin Rhodes is with The VE's. Truth fireman's carry takeovers Ross. He shoulders him over then Ross dropkicks him. Turbo slams Marshall. Marshall no sells it and slams Turbo three times. Marshall dropkicks Turbo then Truth takes a double dropkick.

We go to PiP break and return. Truth chin and armlocks Ross. Truth takes a sunset flip from Ross and Turbo breaks it up. We get a chant for Turbo. Ross crossbodies Truth. Truth headbutts Ross.

Truth is pulled over the top. Ross tags in Marshall. Marshall beats up on The Runners. Truth is on the top rope and Marshall dropkicks him down. Marshall corner cannonballs Turbo. Marshall top rope moonsaults Turbo.

Ross and Marshall put iron claws on and Marshall gets a pin off of it.

Thoughts: It was an okay match. Nothing too memorable here. The PiP break ate up a lot of it as usual. Ross isn't a real charismatic guy while Marshall is much more killed. I thought it could have been a little better.

The Cage of Agony attacks The Von Erich's after. Sammy Guevarra and The Conglomeration come out to help. The crowd doesn't react much and the heels are thwarted.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a good show. Yeah, the matches were a bit random with no real storylines but they were all fine. There was nothing must see here but I liked it.

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