Sunday, August 11, 2024

Stardom 8/10/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 1

Stardom 8/10/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 1 


Natsuko Tora, Thekla, Rina & Azusa Inaba vs Waka Tsukiyama, Yuna Mizumori, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara

The faces attack before the bell. 3 of the heels are thrown out then Tora takes corner dropkicks. Tora is put in a 4 person submission. She gets help out and then she hits shoulderblocks on 3 people. Tora suplexes Aya. Inaba bullies Aya around with kicks. Aya fights back with chest forearms and is chest kicked down. Aya takes a sequence ending in a basement dropkick.

Inaba slams Aya for 2. Aya is thrown by the hair by Rina then footchoked. Aya chest kicks Rina down. Yuna gets in and shoulders over 3 girls. Yuna legdrops Rina. Waka hits a top rope double crossbody on the heels then Yuna legdrops Rina for 2. Rina hip throws Yuna.

Thekla hits a facekick and a knee to the face on Yuna. Yuna 2nd rope shoulderblocks her. Sayaka gets in and hits dropkicks on Thekla. Thekla dropkicks her back. Thekla crossfaces her then puts her in a rings of saturn while pulling on the mouth. 

Thekla hits shots on Sayaka then Aya dropkicks Thekla. Thekla takes a sliding lariat + knee combo then Sayaka spears Thekla for 2. Sayaka takes a forearm from Thekla for 2. Tora hits corner cannonballs on all opponents. Thekla top rope double stomps Sayaka's back for 2. Sayaka rolls up Thekla then cradles her for 2. Thekla rolling armbars Sayaka and taps her out.

Thekla refuses to break the hold after.

It was an okay and fast paced opener. Everyone got a little in here. I thought Aya Sakura had a good showing.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Block - Saori Anou vs Anna Jay


Anna runs into a northern lights suplex and is knee'd. Anna bangs Anou's head off the buckles. Anna neckbreakers her over the middle rope for 2.

Anna foot chokes Anou on the ropes. Anou suplexes her and drops down out of a sleeper to kick her. They trade chest forearms. Anou step up enzugiri's her. Anna iconoslams her for 2 then sleepers her. Anou jawbreakers her then top rope dropkicks her. Anna grounded sleepers her.

Anna gori bombs her for 2. Anou release germans her then Annna side kicks her. Anou germans her for 2. Anou backslides her and rolls through then gets pinned.

Thoughts: I'd call that an upset. It was a short match. Anna looked okay here but it really needed a lot more time to be anything special. I liked the finish and I don't think I've seen that spot done before.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Block - Ruaka vs Konami

They trade forearms to start. Kon wins that fight then Ruaka eye rakes her. Ruaka shoulders her over and hair throws her. Kon hair throws her and is pulled out. They each try to hit each other with a weapon but realize the other has a weapon and stop. Kon is sent into the seats.

Ruaka corner splashes her then sentons her. Kon armbars her and Ruaka rope breaks. Ruaka lariats her on the ropes then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Ruaka fisherman busters her.Ruaka corner lariats Kon. The ref gets distrcted and Kon spray paints Ruaka in the eyes. Kona head kicks her from the top and running kicks her in the head for 2. Ruaka hits Kon with a box then lariats her for 2.

Kon germans Ruaka for 2 then ripcord straightjackets her into knee. Kon then picks up the win.

Thoughts: I liked it minus the box being used and the ref not caring. It was short and sweet. Ruaka was moving well here and they ended it before it was too late. I didn't expect much out of this but it ended up being okay.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Block - Xena vs Miyu Amasaki

Miyu's hair is now brain. Xena waistlock takedowns her and fireman's carry takedowns her. Xena front facelocks her and Miyu side headlock takeovers her. Xena armdrags her into a bridge pin attempt. Xena torture rack drops her (Miyu) on the knees.

Xena hits chest slaps. Xena rolls and Miyu gets a surprise bridge pin to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with a fast pace. It wasn't much but they did an okay job with it. Xena looked good here.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Block - Saki Kashima vs Ranna Yagami

Saki came out with some advertisement. She held it in the ring after the match started and Ran dropkicks her. Saki boots her while holding it then is rolled up for 2 while holding it.

Saki makes the ref hold the sign with her then she bangs Ran's head off the buckles. Saki stands on Ran's throat. Ran step up kicks her in the corner then dropkicks her. Ran snapmares her and kicks her in the back.

Ran hits kicks to the body. Saki knees her in the chest then 2nd rope double stomps her while holding the sign. Saki doesn't pay attention and is rolled up and pinned.

Saki and Ranna hold up the sign together after. Saki hits her with it.

Thoughts: It was another quick one. Saki mostly goofed around here and got upset.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Block - Hanan vs Suzu Suzuki

Hana dropkicks Suzu as soon as she (Hanan) enters. She hits diving euros on her. Han comes off the 2nd rope and is kicked in the gut. Han is sent face first into the buckles then her hair is pulled.

Suzu running boots her in the corner. She snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Suzu misses a drive by kick on the apron then Han kicks her. Han leg lariats her on the ropes. Han hip throws her for 2.

Suzu misses a corkscrew kick then knees her against the ropes. Han dropkicks her and Suzu kicks her in the head. They trade forearms. Suzu hits a hard forearm then spin kicks her in the head. Suzu hits forearms and boots. Suzu hits a kick and Suzu drags her around outside.

Han is thrown into the seats. They both stop each other from getting in and go to a double countout.

Han pounds on her after and thye fight near the commentary table.

Thoughts: Suzu bullied Hanan around here and the finish was lame. It wasn't that interesting and did disappoint.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Block - Minami vs Hazuki

Minami front facelocks her and side headlocks her. Haz rolls her up for 2 then shotgun dropkicks her. Haz hits facewash kicks and slams her. Haz sentons her for 2 then crossfaces her.

Haz bullies her with boots. Minami hits forearms to the gut. Haz boots her over and does a straightjacket curbstomp. Minami flying headbutts her and does her pose. Minami screams in Haz's ear.

She poses on the ropes and Haz slaps her. Haz springboard dropkicks her. They trade forearms and Haz suplexes her. Haz crossfaces her and Minami rope breaks on a bow and arrow.

Haz pump kicks her and goes up top. Minami throws her off the top. Minami flying knees her then top rope dropkicks her for 2. Minami backcrackers her and northern lights suplexes her for 2. Minami misses a to prope splash. Haz goes for la magistral by Minami rolls her up out of it.

Haz pump kicks her then codebreakers her while she's on the 2nd rope. Haz top rope sentons her and wins.

Thoughts: It was mostly a one-sided match here with Minami getting some comebacks in before being put down. Minami was alright as the underdog here.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Block - Tomoka Inaba vs Mei Seira

Inaba hammerlocks her. Mei stomps her foot and reverses it. Mei side headlocks her. Inaba headscissors her. They evade each others moves and Mei basement dropkicks her.

Mei hair throws her and stands on her ankles. Mei wraps Inaba's legs around the ropes then dropkicks the leg against the ropes. They trade chest forearms. Mei stomps Inaba's foot. Inaba shotei's her in the gut then pump kicks her in the side of the head.

Inaba works on Mei's leg with stomps. She then does a calf crusher variation and Mei ropebreaks. Mei trips her an tries to roll her up. Mei springboard dropkicks her. Mei takes her down by the leg on a blocked high kick then does a calf crusher variation. 

Inaba hits a version of David Finlay's overkill on her for 2. Inaba sunset flips her then Mei slingshots in with a roll-up. They knee each other on the ropes and Inaba spinning high kicks her. Mei dropkicks her and both go down.

They trade forearms. Inaba hits a chest forearm flurry then is pulled over the top. Mei misses a dropkick off the apron then Inaba PK's her. Inaba dragon screws her over the ropes and ankle locks her. 

Inaba hits knees to the head. She snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Mei rolling ankle locks her then Inaba reverses it with her own ankle lock. Inaba pump kicks her. Inaba PK's her for 2 then ankle locks her. Mei release germans her. Inaba no sells it then gets another. Inaba lifts her up and knees her.

Inaba hits a buzzsaw kick then hits a landslide. The time limit then runs out and they go to a draw.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. I generally don't think doing "work the leg" matches with people who fly or kick is a good idea and that was what this match was. Both girls worked each others legs. Nobody really sold it much and none of the limb work affected their offense whatsoever. I also felt like this went too long.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Block - Starlight Kid vs Syuri

They lock up. Syu kicks her then Kid armdrags her out of the casadora. Kid dodges kicks and rolls her up for 2. Syu shotgun dropkicks her. Syu underhook suplexes her for 2 then sleepers her. Syu kicks her in the back and bangs her head off the buckles.

Kid double boots her out of the corner and springboard twisting crossbodies her. Kid pulls Syu's leg down over her shoulder and the rope. Kid standing moonsaults Syu's leg then stretch mufflers her. Syu ropebreaks.

Syu codebreakers her then meteora's her against the bottom rope. Syu is on the top rope and Kid springboard dropkicks her. Kid asai moonsaults her outside. Kid does a cross-legged perfectplex twice then top rope 180 splashes her for 2.

Kid misses a top rope moonsault and Syu running knees her. Syu trips her and does her own spinning stretch muffler. Syu bridging ddt's her for 2. Syu facekicks her. Syu pumping knees her then spinning ddt's her. Kid momo latches her for 2. Kid side rolls her into a tiger suplex for 2. Kid top rope moonsaults her. Syu hits a big release german and Kid jumping kicks her. Syu high kicks her then stretch mufflers her. Kid then taps out.

I liked this one. There was high speed action and the two worked well together. Syuri's seated stretch muffler looked good. They did some creative in this one as well.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Block - AZM vs Momo Watanabe

Momo hits her before it starts and takes her out of the ring. Momo sends AZM into the rails. She bangs her head off the commentary table and holds her for a kick from AZM. Momo then crabs her on the floor.
They go back in and Momo hits kicks to the chest. AZM hits chest forearms then suplexes her. AZM armbars her. AZM is pushed off the 2nd rope down to the floor then Momo PK's her from the apron. AZM and Momo both get sent into the seats. They trade forearms on the floor. Momo high kicks her.

They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Momo hits kicks to the body then AZM la mistica's her. AZM armdrags Momo then rolls her up for 2. Momo high kicks her then AZM high kicks her. AZM hits a code red off a b-driver attempt.

AZM top rope double stomps her for 2. Momo hits a package tombstone for 2. Momo hits a half and half suplex then AZM canadian destroyers her for 2. Momo hits a b-driver for 2. Momo facekicks her. AZM 2nd rope canadian destroyers her and wins it.

Thoughts: I'm never a fan of the canadian destroyer not being used a finisher. I really didn't think the 2nd rope canadian destroyer was necessary in this one. It was a fast paced match otherwise and they had some spots together that looked really good. I can't put this one over though.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Block - Risa Sera vs Saya Kamitani

Saya takes her down and smothers her. Risa foot chokes her on the ropes. Saya stomp flurries her on the ropes. Saya drops her then Risa giant swings her. Saya dropkicks her. Saya flying knees her in the corner then basement dropkicks her.

Saya figure fours her while holding the arm. Saya dropkicks her off the apron and bangs her head off the floor. Risa hits her with a chair outside in front of the ref then hits the ref with it. Momo hurricanrana's her then Saya suplexes her on chairs.

The ref blocks a chair shot and Risa ends up hitting Saya with one anyway. Saya slap flurries her and hits mounted forearms. Saya stomp flurries her. Risa forearm combos her. Saya slaps and spinning high kicks her. Saya then spinning heel kicks her. Risa falcon arrows her for 2. Saya's buddies get on the apron and Saya totally botches a hurricanrana. Risa then does a high crab to her. Saya hurricanrana's her and wins it.

Thoughts: I can't excuse the wrestlers literally hitting a ref with a chair and not getting DQ'd for it. That's absurd. It's a shame too because they were having a fast paced match with some fun strike combos and flurries. 

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Block - Natsupoi vs Maika

Maika changed her look and looks awful. She's got a horrible haircut now and her new red pants really make her look overweight.

Maika misses a charge. Poi cartwheels out of an irish whip. Maika slams her. Poi cartwheels into an armdrag then basement dropkicks her. Poi hits stomps then flying octopus holds her. Maika misses a corner charge and is superkicked.

Poi works Maika's arm on the ropes. Maika has Poi on her shoulders in the ring and throws her down to the floor. Poi hurricanrana's Maika on the floor. Poi bulldogs her off the casadora. Poi dropkicks her in the corner then hits a chest forearm flurry. Maika corner lariat flurries her twice.

Maika running lariats her. Maika powerslams her and sliding lariats her for 2. Maika trips her with an STO variation. Poi does a cartwheel into an armbar. Poi dropkicks her through the ropes

Poi crossbodies her off the buckles and is caught with a fallaway slam. Poi spin kicks her in the face then germans her. Maika torture racks her on the 2nd rope and Poi counters with an armbar and triangle.

Maika hits suplexes. Maika hits an enka-otoshi for 2 then lariats her. Maika powerbombs her. Poi gets on her shoulders and tries to roll her up but Maika reverses it and pins her. 

Thoughts: I liked it. Poi went for arm submissions and used her athleticism against Maika then got caught and pinned. Maika could have thrown her around a little more but it was alright.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Block - Mayu Iwatani vs Tam Nakano

They start off fast. Tam armdrags her, they duck kicks and stand off. Mayu spin kicks her then Tam flying knees her. Tam pumping knees her on the ropes. Mayu dragon screws her off the apron. Mayu topes Tam outside.

Mayu dropkicks her against the bottom rope then kicks her leg while it's in the ropes. Mayu dragon screws her and ddt's her leg. Mayu hair throws her. They fight on the buckles. Tam hanging dragon sleepers her on the buckles and lets her drop down. Tam top rope plancha's her outside. Tam germans her three times. Mayu superkicks her then dragon suplexes her for 2. Tam tiger suplexes her then they high kick each other at the same time.

Tam rolls her up for 2 then knees her. Tam basement dropkicks her then flying knees her. Mayu crucifix bombs her for 2 then headkicks her. Mayu top rope moonsaults her for 2. Tam cartwheel headscissors her into a pin attempt and Mayu superkicks her. Mayu hits more superkicks and a buzzsaw kick.

Mayu dragon suplexes her for 2. Mayu wheelbarrow dragon suplexes her and wins.

Thoughts: It was an underdog face vs underdog face match, meaning there wasn't going to be any heel vs face stuff and meaning there were going to be some other limitations on what they could do.  Tam took more of the beating here than Mayu did. I didn't think it was that great and there was no real story, just moves that didn't really come together in any meaningful way. It wasn't awful or something but it wasn't that good.

They talk on the mic after

Overall thoughts: This was a long one that went well over 3.5 hours. This version of the show had 13 of the 14 matches, which is a lot. Most of the undercard GP matches were short but the rest got enough time. The show had Stardom style matches with a fast pace, no real rules and more emphasis on moves than selling the moves. I liked Syuri/Kid the most here and Maika/Poi was good. I wouldn't recommend this one just due to the length alone. It could have been better and it could have been worse. I would rate this as average.

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