Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Stardom 8/12/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 3 Afternoon Show

Stardom 8/12/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 3 Afternoon Show

Day 2 is here:

They do a contract signing for a New Blood Title match between Hina and Rina.

Momo Kohgo vs. Waka Tsukiyama vs. Miyu Amasaki vs. Ranna Yagami

Waka and Momo hit stereo armdrags. Momo and Miyu take stereo snapmares. Waka does hip attacks while Ranna does a back kick flurry. Ranna and Waka trade chest forearms and Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies both of them. Momo springboard dropkicks Miyu.

We get a triple sleeper spot. Ranna takes a shotgun dropkick. Waka hits a hip attack on the ropes and Momo hits a 619. Ranna hits kicks on Momo then leg lairats her. Ranna brazilian kicks her for 2. Miyu hits a ddt on Waka then sit out pedigrees her for the win.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced four way with a lot of multi-person spots. It felt more like a tag match here with Momo and Waka teaming up together.

Ranna and Miyu shove each other after.  

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Starlight Kid vs. Anna Jay

Kid wristlocks Anna. Anna reverses it and hip attacks her. Kid dropkicks her in the knee then steps on it. Anna running headhunters her for 2. Anna bangs Kid's head off the buckles. Kid flying headscissors her then twisting 2nd rope crossbodies her.

Anna neckbreakers her over the middle rope then Kid does a dragon screw on her leg. Kid stretch mufflers her and Anna ropebreaks. Kid bsement dropkicks Anna in the knee. Anna fights back and spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Anna backcrackers her while she's on the 2nd rope. Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes her twice for 2.

Kid goes for a 180 splash but Anna gets her knees up. Kid rolls her up and Anna reverses it. Kid gets some offense in on Anna with kics then does a gori bomb on Anna. Kid rolls her into a stretch muffler.  Anna gordbusters her for 2. Anna hits her own gori bomb on her for 2. Kid goes for another stretch muffler.

Kid top rope moonsaults onto Anna's leg. Kid dragon screws Anna then does a another stretch muffler. Kid submits Anna.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Kid worked the leg all throughout and tapped her out with a submission involving the leg. It made sense and was a decent match.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Saki Kashima vs. Suzu Suzuki

Saki goofs around with her pachinko advertisement sign. She runs to the back and Suzu chases her. They get back in the ring. Suzu running back elbows her then running kicks her. Suzu kicks Saki in the back then driveby kicks her on the apron.

Saki flying headscissors her. Saki double underhook suplexes her for 2. Suzu buzzsaw kicks her and takes a high kick. Suzu half-nelson slams her for 2. Saki blocks a tequila shot and Suzu does a surprise pin attempt on her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a short and not so serious match as expected. Saki basically just does comedy at this point and was put down without much trouble.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Xena vs Koguma

Xena does Kog's dance with her. Xena then stares her down and hits a big chop. kog slides out and does her pose. Kog runs around the arena and Xena chases her. Waka grabs Kog then Xena grabs Kog.

Kog chops Xena. Kog sits on Xena's back and pulls her hair. Xena chops Kog and does her dance. Xena spinning side slams Kog. Kog 2nd rope crossbodies her off the buckles then running neckbreakers her. Kog dropkicks her out of the corner.

Kog ddt's her. Kog top rope dropkicks Xena. Xena lariats Kog in the back of the neck then wheelbarrow germans her for 2. Xena running lariats Kog then Kog hits a nice german. Kog northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Kog comes off the top and lands on Xena's knees. Xena gets a 2 count on her then gutbusters her out off the rack position. Xena then wins.

It was an okay match here. Kog was a bit more serious than usual and Xena had a good showing. They kept it going and got out of there before it got boring. Xena's finisher looked good here and got a big reaction.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Thekla vs Saya Kamitani

Thekla dropkicks Saya through the ropes while she enters. Thek waves Saya's flag around and hits her with it. Saya is thrown into the seats. Saya hits chest forearms on Thekla. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then stare down.

Saya dropkicks her. Saya foot chokes her on the ropes. Thekla bites Saya's hand and slaps her. Thekla suplexes her for 2. Thekla pulls on Saya's face and superkicks her after a snapmare. Saya hits chest forearms then Thekla forearms her down. Saya dropkicks her and basement dropkicks her for 2.

Thekla ducks a clothesline and forearms her over. Thekla bridges out of a pin then tries her out. Saya bridges out of it. Saya spinning heel kicks her. Saya pump kicks her then Thekla spears her. Thekla superkicks her. Saya fires up and eats another. Thekla buzzsaw kicks her.

Saya dropkicks her. Saya hits northern lights suplexes. Saya slaps her on the buckles. Thekla spider superplexes her then top rope plancha's the seconds when Says moves. Saya springboard crossbodies the seconds and Thekla. Thekla hides under the ring, is pulled out and chairs Saya.

Thekla knocksher over onto a stack of chairs. Thekla then chairs her. Saya ki krushers Thekla on the stack of chairs. Thekla then spinning ki krushers her to win.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. It was a heel vs heel match and both are in the same group yet the other members were only helping one of them instead of the other. It was slow and went long also.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Syuri vs. Saori Anou

Anou boots her on the ropes then Syuri shoulders her over. Syuri ddt's her. Syuri stomps and foot chokes her in the corner. Syuri running knees her for 2. Syuri snapmares her and kicks her in the back.

Syuri shotgun dropkicks her and underhook suplexes her. Anou dragon screws her then figure fours her. They pull each others hair on the ropes. Anou dragon screws her. Syuri STO's her and armbars her. They trade forearms. Syuri hits chest kicks. Anou step up enzugiri's her then germans her. Syuri misses a pumping knee and both go down.

Anou fisherman suplexes her off the buckles. Syuri hits a hard kimura suplex off the buckles then armbars her. Syuri bridging ddt's her. Anou release germans her then does a german for 2. Syuri flying knees her. Syuri armbars her then headscissors her at the same time. Anou ropebreaks. 

Syuri gutbusters Anou. Anou then backslides her into a bridge to win it.

Thoughts: I thought it was a good match but I didn't like the finish as it was out of nowhere. Their styles worked together well. They were still with each other as expected.

They point at each other after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Risa Sera vs. Hanan


Han hits a dropkick and forearm flurry to start. Risa corner elbows her then Han dropkicks her. They go out and Han is sent into the seats. Risa crabs her inside the ring then turns it into a rocking chair. Risa double knee drops her back for 2.  Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then leg lariats her on the ropes.

Han dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Risa is knocked off the apron and Han diving fameassers her on the floor from the apron. Han top rope plancha's her outside. Han running euros her then hits another fameasser for 2. Risa drops her while she's on her back then double knee drops her. They trade forearms.

Risa hits an attitude adjustment for 2 then a falcon arrow for 2. Han backdrops her. Risa hits knees to the face and goes out to drink water. Han attacks her when she gets in and botches a hip throw. Han flying leg lariats her then hits a cuty special for 2. Risa does a lion tamer then corner meteora's her.

Risa does la magistral and hits a landslide for 2. Han then rolls her up and wins.

It was a weird one with them taking a good minute break during the match so Risa could go drink water. I didn't understand that at all. It was okay up to that but that brought this down and the finishing section wasn't that good. 

They talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a shorter show as they were doing two shows in the same day. Nothing was that great here but I liked Anou/Syuri and thought Xena/Koguma was a good showing for those two. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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