Saturday, August 31, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/25/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Sean Vincent and Drew Abbenhaus are on commentary. They run down the card.

Payton Ayres vs Richard Shaw

Lilith Khan and Travis Cook are with Payton. They lock up. Shaw hits a corner spear and some shots. Payton chops back and rakes Shaw's eyes on the ropes. Payton back rakes Shaw then chest clubs him. Payton misses a corner splash and Shaw side headlock takeovers him.

Shaw side headlocks him and Payton grabs the throat. Shaw rolls out and Khan eye rakes him. Shaw takes a stunner over the top rope. Payton hits corner spears and Shaw boots him out of the corner. Payton shoulders over Shaw then hits a big slam. Payton then gets the pin.

It got more time than expected but still was on the shorter end. Payton did fine as a heel here and Khan got involved for the first time.

Jayson Breed is interviewed. He says he feels alive. He says it isn't the first time he has faced Atila Khan in this building. He said he took him to his limit last time and said he knows what's in store for him tonight. He said he went on a vacation and went to his grandfather's ranch. He said he told him about Devastation Inc and says he was told to cut the head off the snake. He says he will do that tonight.

"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams vs Jaquan Wright

This is the first time I have seen JW on this show. They say JW is a recent graduate of the Bob Orton Wrestling Academy. Glenn hammerlocks and side headlocks him. JW side headlocks him and shoulders him over.

JW gets out of a wristlock and hits armdrags. JW dropkicks Glenn and Glenn goes out to recover. Sean Vincent fans Glenn outside. Glenn hits a knee to the gut and clubs his back. Glenn chops JW then hits a big suplex. Glenn pump kicks JW then does a cobra-clutch russian legsweep. Glenn then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here. JW didn't look bad for a newer rookie and it was okay for what it was.

We see clips of Gary Jackson getting inducted to Cauliflower Alley's Hal of Fame. 

Promoter's Corner - Wrestling at the Chase - Greg Valentine vs Gil Guerrero

Greg backs Gil up in the corner then armdrags him. Greg wristlock takedowns him and clubs on Gil. Greg elbow drops him and knee drops the arm. Greg wristlocks him. Gil hits some shots and throws him by the head. Gil dropkicks Greg and Greg backs off.

Gil hits more shots then side headlocks him. Greg backdrops him. Greg goes forward with a piledriver then armlocks him. Greg throws him out to the floor.

Gil gets back in and takes gut shots and clubs from Greg. Greg hits forearms and elbows Gil in the head. Greg elbow drops Gil's leg then does a neat spinning toe hold. Greg splits Gil's legs then ties the legs up. Greg stomps the back and they trade shots.

Greg elbow drops him then figure fours him. Gil then submits and Greg wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great. Greg and Gil didn't throw the best of strikes. Greg worked the legs some before winning with the figure four and hit lots of strikes here.

Sean Santel vs Kenny Kingston

Sean tries some shoulders early and is knocked over. Ken hits corner spears then hits a big splash in the corner. Ken misses a splash then Sean hits boots to the knees. Sean butt drops Ken's knee then yanks on it.

Ken hits shots to the gut and Sean bangs Ken's knee off the mat. Ken boots Sean off during his half-crab attempt. Ken hits some lariats then hits a pounce. Ken powerslams Sean and gets the upset win.

The idea was good but Ken's execution could have been a little better here as some of his shots looked weak. I was surprised to see Ken pick up the win.

The Big Texan is interviewed by Drew. Texan said he thought Haku was a friend of his. He said he thought the days of Haku biting noses off and poking eyeballs out was over. He said the monster inside of Haku needed to get out and he turned his back on him.

He says Haku was a mentor to him and it's like going after your mentor. He says he doesn't know anymore but needs to focus on Kowalski. He said he's normally the biggest guy in the ring but is not against Kowalski. He says it will be a true test but a test he will win. He said he showed he could take him down in their last match and can keep him down as long as others don't get involved.

Curtis Wylde vs Rob Stardom

Rob poses then Curt poses. They lock up, Rob clean breaks him and poses. Curt then poses. They lock up and Curt hits punches. Curt elbows him in the head then Rob pulls Curt's head down over the top rope.

Rob cranks on Curt's head then bites his ear. Curt hits some punches and Curt double axe handles Curt's back. Rob boots him in the face and chokes him.

Rob hits some headbutts then Curt hits some chops. Curt boots him out of the corner and avoids a charge. Curt hits more punches and elbows him in the head. Curt hits a spear for 2. Curt hits a rock bottom and gets the win.

It was fine and there was nothing wrong with it. They posed off early. Rob took control for a bit, Curt made his comeback and picked up the win. Curt got the win as expected here as I think Rob has yet to win in the matches I watched.

Atila Khan vs Jayson Breed

JB side headlocks Khan. JB side headlock takeovers him twice. Khan throws him back and hits some headbutts. JB fights back with punches and takes a shot to the throat.

Khan chokes him in the corner. JB gets some offense in and turns his back. Khan hits him in the throat then cranks the head. Khan hits punches then hits shots to the gut and chokes him.

Khan slams him and misses an elbow drop. JB clubs on him then hits a flying lariat. Khan hits a double throat thrust then does a grounded hold that we can't really see. Khan then chokes him out with it and wins via submission.

Khan refuses to break the hold after. Curtis Wylde comes down to make the save, hitting punches on Khan. Haku then follows him. He hits a mongolian chop then hits lariats. Haku puts Curt in the tongan death grip and Curt goes down. Khan holds Curt for slaps and shots from Haku. Haku and Khan then hit a double headbutt drop on Curt. Haku beats up on JB after and rams him into the apron edge. Haku beats up on JB more after then gets another shot on Curt.

Travis Cook gets on commentary after and says we can do this the easy way or the hard way. He says Herb Simmons can put his name on the offer sheet and this all goes away. If he doesn't, then this continues. Cook asks if Herb has the stomach for this kind of fight

Thoughts: Khan did his usual thing here. JB didn't bring a lot to the table on this one. He didn't get a ton of offense and needed to show more fire in the offense he did get in. It was cool to see Haku come out after. He might be old, but he still has some intensity and is still believable as a threat.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was entertaining old school pro wrestling from SICW. The matches usually aren't 5 star classics, but kayfabe is kept, everything makes sense and they get the basics down. I enjoyed this one and it's always fun to see Haku.

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