Sunday, August 18, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/18/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/18/2024

Last week's show is here:

Mexican National Women's Tag Team Title Match - Kira & Skadi (c) vs. Las Valientitas (Hera & Olympia)


Hera and Kira go at it. Kira trips her and armdrags her. era flips her over her back then Kira armdrags her and kips up. Kira toyota rolls Hera then sunset flips her for 2.

Kira springboards into an armdrag on Hera. Olym gets in. Olym side headlocks her then flying headscissors her. Skadi euros Olym then double underhook backbreakers her. Hera flying headscissors Skadi. Skadi elbow drops Hera.

Skadi is double teamed then takes a double boot. Kira is dropped onto Hera's knee. Hera hits an assisted springboard dropkick on Skadi. Kira takes corner lariats.

Kira is popped up into a headscissors on Olym from the ramp. Kira then sends Olym into the post. Kira forearms Olym. Kira jumps off of Skadi's shoulders into a double stomp on Olym. Skadi surfboards Hera with help from Kira. Olym sneaks in and tries to pin Skadi.

Olym hits a pendulum facebuster on Skadi for 2. Skadi drops Kira onto Olym then slams down Hera. Skadi and Olym collide in mid-air then Hera and Kira collide in mid-air.

Hera code red's Skadi with help then Olym powerbombs Kira onto Skadi. Kira's team both try pins for 2 counts. Kira rolling armbars Hera then Skadi taps Olympic out with a kimura.

Thoughts: They really did try here but there were a ton of messy moments. Sadly, there were too many messy moments to really put this over. And it's a shame because they tried some cool spots here and really put out an effort to impress. I'd like to see them try this one again.

Mistico, Soberano Jr. & Templario vs. Mascara Dorada, Ultimo Guerrero & Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Temp and MD go at it. MD headscissors him. Temp rolls through a sunset flip and they trade armdrags. They then stand off. UG goes after Mist outside and bangs his head off the post. MD back elbows Temp then superkicks him. MD hits corner punches on Temp.

Temp takes a double boot. Vol running kicks Mist. MD is popped up into a butt drop on a bridged Mist. MD kicks Temp in the leg. UG handstand pendulum bronco busters Temp. MD stomps on Mist. Vol superkicks Sob and backcrackers him. Vol pins Sob.  MD hits a top rope ssp on Mist and pins him. Dorada's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Vol rips on Mist's mask then UG goes for it. Mist takes a superkick from MD. Mist is popped up into a kick from Vol. Temp takes a 2nd rope double gorilla press. MD hits corner spears on Sob.

Temp is tripped then MD basement dropkicks him. Sob is held for a superkick from MD. MD superkicks Sob. Mist hits a handspring double back elbow then headscissors UG. Mist topes UG. Sob tornillos MD off the top and Temp submits Vol. Mistico's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Temp flips off of MD then superkicks him. Temp and UG gather cheers from the crowd and Temp flying headscissors UG. Temp headscissors Vol out.

Mist headscissors MD. Mist springboard headscissors Vol. Mist springboard crossbodies UG. UG takes a hurricanrana from Mist off the 2nd rope. Mist walks up the ropes and corkscrew armdrags UG.

Sob flips over MD's back. MD flips over him. Sob blocks a headscissors and hits a styles clash on MD. Vol superkicks Sob. Sob pump kicks him then flying headscissors him. Sob fosbury flops Vol. MD top rope flying headscissors Temp then tornillo's him. Mist hits la mistica on UG. He wins the fall and the match.

It was an okay trios match. They gave a bit more than the usual offerings and they kept this one moving. Having flyers on both sides helped things.

Esfinge, Hechicero & Titan vs. Los Infernales (Averno & Euforia) & Valiente

1st Fall - This will be the 3rd time I've seen Hech and Euf square off today. I don't really mind but I know what to expect here. Euf hits lariats on Hech then grabs the mask. Av running boots Titan on the ramp. Val spinebusters Esf and rips his mask up. Euf unties Hech's mask.

Val stomps Esf outside. Euf spinebusters Esf. Val rips on Hech's mask while Euf pulls the ears off of Esf's mask and throws them. Val bangs Hech's head off the wall. Av bites Esf's fingers and Val unties Hech's mask.

Euf rips on Hech's mask. Euf spinebusters Hech then  double armbars him. Hech taps out then Val taps out Esf with a tequila sunrise. Valiente's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Val back elbows Esfinge. Esf headscissors Val and gets stomped on by Val and Av. Esf's head is banged off the buckles and Val pushes it into the buckles. Val back elbows Titan then Titan is pulled out and lands hard on the floor.

Esf is bridged on the apron and takes a basement dropkick. Euf chops Hech on the ropes then Val gets some chops in. Titan springboard dropkicks Av. Esfinge hits a springboard double dropkick. Hech headscissors drops Av then Titan springboard double stomps Av. Hech pin Averno and his team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Euf is in tree of woe and Hech dropkicks him. Hech pounds on Euf and Titan rolls Av on the ramp. Hech and Esfinge grab each other by the mask and trade chops. Titan breaks it up. Av chops Titan. Titan spin kicks him in the gut then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Val pulls Titan down from the apron and takes a pele kick. Titan ducks a lariat and kicks Av.

Titan hits a strike combo on Euf then Hech springboard dropkicks Euf. Esfinge springboard splashes Euf. Hech step up knees Val then Esfinge springboard dropkicks Val. Titan walks the ropes with Hech's help and headscissors Av down. Titan then topes Av. Hech step up knees Euf then Esfinge monkey flips Euf. Val low blows Esf while the ref isn't looking and pins him. Euf then unmasks Hech and pins him.

Thoughts: They continued to push the issues between Esf, Hech, Val and Euf ahead of the mask match. It was fine for what it was but not great. They got a bunch of time for this one but I don't think it was anyone's best work ever.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show. All 3 matches had some okay parts to them. The women's match would have been really good if they had hit their spots clean. The second match was the best match on the show and the main continued the issues between the 4 guys in the mask match at the Anniversary show.

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