Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/7/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 12

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/7/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 12

Yesterday's show is here:

United Empire (Callum Newman & Great-O-Khan) vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA & TAKA Michinoku)

Khan armlocks Sanada. Sanada blocks a pump kick and puts Khan in the paradise lock. Khan hits Taka in the face and mongolian chops him. Khan sits on his neck in the corner. CN goes up and over Taka when he gets in and facekicks him. CN takes a pump kick from the side by Taka. Sanada comes in and dropkicks both opponents. He then plancha's both opponents.

Sanada hits a magic screw on him. Taka gets in and pump kicks CN. CN kips up and enzugiri's him. Taka takes a shoulder thrown and a chest kick for 2. Taka pump kicks and running knees CN. CN running facekicks Taka then corkscrew kicks him. CN os cutters him to win.

Thoughts: It was a short waste of time here with Taka getting more offense in than usual before being put down.

Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee)

The heels looking for Shota in the crowd and can't find him. Shota then appears in the ring and waves at them. Jake is thrown out by Shota. Gabe takes a double team from the faces. Honma misses a falling headbutt. Shota and Jake fight outside.

Jake misses a corner facekick on Honma. Shota running forearms Jake twice. He basement dropkicks Gabe then running euros Jake in the corner. Shota fisherman suplexes Jake for 2. Jake atomic drops Shota.

Shota forearms him and exploders him. Gabe and Honma go at it and trade forearms. Gabe is shouldered over. Jake backdrops Honma for 2. Honma slaps Gabe and Gabe lariats him over. Gabe lariats him and wins.

Thoughts: It was another short one here. It just was what it was. Jake wasn't in there much so he didn't get exposed.

Jake and Shota push each other after. They eventually start fighting and get separated.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & EVIL)

The faces get hit before the bell rings as usual. Evil chops Shingo. They shoulder battle and Shingo is thrown out. Shingo is sent into the rails by Togo. Togo works Shingo's leg inside. Togo fist drops him and Shingo is thrown back by two wrestlers.

Evil chops Shingo and Shingo forearms him. Evil eye rakes him then Shingo dragon screws him. Naito armdrags and basement dropkicks Togo. Naito neckbreakers Togo. Naito takes corner attacks and a fisherman's suplex for 2.

Evil throws Shingo out. Evil is pushed into Togo and sent out. Shingo lariats Togo on the ropes then Naito taps out Togo with a koji clutch.

Thoughts: It was a short one here with some HoT shenanigans as always. Naito doesn't use the koji clutch alot.

Evil tries to bring weapons in and the young boys hold him back. He throws a cart in and Shingo is pushed around on it by Naito.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Jeff Cobb vs. Oleg Boltin

Oleg waistlock takedowns him. Cobb slaps and headbutts him. Cobb hits a double throat thrust then Oleg slams him down. Oleg stomps on him in the corner. Cobb stands on Oleg's back. Cobb slams him then misses a standing moonsault. Oleg 2nd rope shoulderblocks him. Cobb hits a dropkick then Oleg dropkicks him back.

Oleg belly to belly suplexes him. Oleg shoulders him over then splashes him for 2. Cobb karelin's lifts him. Oleg germans Cobb on his neck then karelin's lifts him.

Cobb vader bombs him for 2. Cobb backdrops him then hits a slam for 2. Cobb standing moonsaults him for 2. Oleg finlay rolls him. Oleg running lariats him and Cobb superkicks him. Cobb hits a big lariat then hits a tour of the islands slam to win.

It was a good heavyweight match here. The two matched up well as expected and did various slams and lariats here.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - El Phantasmo vs. Konosuke Takeshita

They shake hands. KT shoulders him over and ELP dropkicks him. ELP hits chops and takes a flying lariat. They trade forearms. KT ddt's him and throws him hard into the buckles. KT misses a flying knee and goes over the top. ELP topes him into the rails. ELP then moonsaults him off the top over the rails. ELP does his springboard senton into an asai moonsault. ELP springboards and is caught with a blue thunder.

ELP high kicks on the apron. ELP top rope hurricanrana's him then top rope splashes him. KT facekicks him and ELP poisonrana's him. ELP lariats him then hits a CR2 for 2. ELP superkicks him outside. KT package tombstones him off the apron through a table.

ELP is all cut up from the table. KT forearms him over. ELP superkicks him for 2. They fight on their knees and ELP rolls him up for 2. KT wheelbarrow germans him and lariats him. Kt then falcon arrows him for the win.

I didn't like the table spot not being the finish of the match. It should have been and the additional stuff after wasn't really needed. It was an athletic match as expected.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - HENARE vs. Yota Tsuji

They trade forearms to start. Henare shoulders him over. They fight over a suplex. Henare 2nd rope twisting kicks him. Henare hits knees to the body. Henare lariats him in the corner. Henare sentons him for 2.

Henare hits kicks to the back. Henare hits headbutts then Yota curbstomps him into the mat. Yota flying headscissors him then tornillo plancha's him. Yota gutbusters him. Henare suplexes him. Yota drives Henare's head into the mat with his feet. Yota 2nd rope samoan drops him

They trade forearms Yota superkicks him and is kicked back. Henare berzerker bombs him for 2. Henare hits chest kicks. Henare hits spinning shots then Yota hits a big lariat back for 2. Henare falcon arrows him for 2. Henare running lariats him.

Yota knocks him down with a pumping knee. Yota slap flurries him. Henare strike combos him back and Henare hits a nice lanzarse spear for 2.

Henare step up knees him in the corner. They each hit a headbutt and Yota hits a big spear for the win.

It was a good heavyweight match with the two trading some big bombs and slamming each other onto the mat. This went about as well as it could have and it was one of Yota's better matches so far.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Ren Narita vs. Yuya Uemura

Ren hits him from behind then Yuya pulls him over the top. Ren bangs Yuya's leg off the post. Yuya's knee is banged off the mats on the floor then he is sent into the rails. Ren stomps on Yuya's knee. Yuya's knee is banged into the post. Ren stomps on Yuya's knee then hits forearms. Yuya hits chops on Ren then Ren eye rakes him.

Yuya goes up and over and holds his leg on the way down. Yuya hits an armdrag and dropkick. Yuya hits chops then backdrops him for 2. Yoshinobu Kanemaru pushes Yuya off the top then Ren leglocks Yuya. Yuya lariats him over the top rope then Yuya topes Ren and YK.

Yuya top rope crossbodies him for 2. Yuya germans Ren. Ren grabs the ref, Kanemaru tries to interfere and is dropkicked by Yuya. Yuya step up enzugiri's Ren then dragon suplexes him for 2. Ren low blows Yuya, knees him in the face and facebusters him for the win.

Thoughts: It was short and it was the usual HoT BS. It was a complete waste of time and little but heel shenanigans.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Hirooki Goto vs. David Finlay

Goto pushes DF against the ropes. Goto side headlocks him and side headlock takeovers him. Goto hiptosses DF over the top. DF gets back in and is shouldered over by Goto. Goto is dropped throat first on the ropes then takes a russian legsweep. Goto is pushed into the rails and DF bites him.

DF stomps him outside. DF trap holds him. Goto hits chest chops and lariats him off the ropes. Goto spinning heel kicks him in the corner then backdrops him. DF lariats him over the top and goes with him.

Goto is sent into the rails. DF pulls up the outside mats and sends up back body dropped on the floor. Goto is sent into the rails. DF bites Goto's fingers. Goto hits a running corner lariat then hits an ushigoroshi. They trade forearms. Goto running lariats DF.

DF takes a bridging elbow slice for 2. DF hits oblivion for 2. DF buckle bombs him then powerbombs him for 2. Goto hits a side pendulum slam. Gedo distracts the ref. DF gets a weapon and Goto headbutts him. Goto chest kicks him then fireman's carry drops him into an elbow slice. Goto headbutts him and GTR's him on the knee for the win.

Thoughts: Goto had a good showing here. It was okay but not great. Goto's booking is weird in this tournament as he took some losses early then is beating Finlay. I'm not sure what the idea is.

Goto gets on the mic after and we see his family who is at the event. He said his daughter has to do better with her homework and she starts crying. He carries his daughter after the speech in a nice moment.

Overall thoughts: It was a good night at the G1. Nothing was awful here though the undercard matches were nothing as usual. Yota/Henare was easily the match of the night here as was as you would expect it to be.

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