Saturday, August 24, 2024

TNA Impact 8/22/2024

TNA Impact 8/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

Ultimate X Qualifying Three Way Match - Frankie Kazarian vs. KUSHIDA vs. Hammerstone

Hammer hits corner spears on Kush. Kaz rolls up Hammer then takes corner spears. Hammer takes a double team and goes out. Kaz rolls up Kush then Kush cradles him for 2. Kaz sunset flips Kush and Kush back rolls into a basement dropkick on him. Kush handspring kicks Hammer off the apron.

Kush hits leg kicks on Kaz. Hammer hits a top rope double dropkick on both opponents. Hammer belly to belly suplexes Kaz then exploders Kush. Kaz hits Hammer from behind. Hammer chases Kaz and Kaz ends p between both opponents. Kaz is beaten up on by both. Hammer throws some horrible looking clubs. Hammer is tripped into the steps by Kush.

Kaz slingshot cutters Kush for 2. Kush hiptoss cartwheel dropkicks Kaz then tornado ddt's Hammer. Kush armbars Hammer then Kaz springbord legdrops Hammer. Kush teases hitting a green mist on Kaz then just punches him. Hammer torture racks Kush then Kush hoverboard locks him. Hammer then hits a nightmare pendulum out of it and pins him.

Thoughts: It was on the shorter end. It was your usual three way and it was fine. Hammer's finisher looked good and thankfully he won here.  

Kaz beats up on Kush after and samurai drivers him.

Eric Young is interviewed after watching this in the back. Eric congratulates Hammer but says heh as to face him next week now. Steve Maclin comes in and says he'll be watching.

Mike Santana talks. He says he has lived in survival mode for a long time and tries to break it. He says it keeps pulling him back in. He says he realizes who he has to be as he spends more time here. He throws his chair and says The System better make sure they get the job done the next time they come at him. He says he will run through them and won't stop until they all fall one by one. He says he will cut the head off the snake. 

Alisha Edwards vs. Rosemary

Masha Slamovich is with AE. AE talks trash and pokes her. AE tries to back off and is pulled down. Rose hits mounted shots. Rose lariats AE on the ropes then sliding forearms her. Rose hanging headscissors her. Masha distracts Rose and AE bridging cutters her for 2.

AE bangs Rose's head off the mat and gets a 2 count. AE crossbodies and hip attacks her in the corner. Rose hits a big spear for 2. Rose spinning facebusters her. Masha Slamovich trips Rose. AE hits a flatliner as Spitfire go after Masha outside. Rose hits a double underhook bomb on AE and pins her.

Thoughts: It was average. It was one of AE's better outings here though. There was lots of shenanigans on the outside.

Rose puts a black rose on AE after.

George Iceman and Ash By Elegance talk. Ash suggests a "Match By Elegance" against Jordynne Grace.

PCO, Rhino & Xia Brookside vs. Kon, Madman Fulton & Steph De Lander

I will not be covering this match. PCO's team won. Matt Cardona was supposed to be in this but says he wasn't ready yet.

Nic Nemeth talks. He says becoming TNA champ was showing everyone he could still go. He says he sees himself as a great. Josh Alexander says the welcome mat was rolled out for Nic and he's a shiny new toy. Josh says everyone is on his time now and says we are doing things his way. Josh says he will take his shot. Nic says he will show everyone what TNA is and can be. He says he loves representing TNA and says Josh's low blow to him proved that Josh can't hang with him. Josh says he is the iron man of TNA. He says he will have him where he wants him in the 60 minute iron man match.

Jordynne Grace talks. She says Ash By Elegance can't accept defeat and wants to wrestle her on her terms. She says Ash wants to surprise her. Grace says she's surprised every week with open challenges and says they won't stop her. She says she doesn't know what a "Match By Elegance" is but says nothing can stop a juggernaut.

Ultimate X Qualifying Three Way Match - Laredo Kid vs. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Jai Vidal

Jai is wearing make-up and takes kicks from both opponents. Kid flying headscissors Guj. Jai bangs Kid's head off the apron. Guj dropkicks Jai. Guj flying headscissors Jai out. Kid kicks Guj on a plancha attempt. Guj is throw out and Jai rolls up Kid.

Jai boots Kid out of the corner then bangs Kid's head off of his foot. Jai enzugiri's Kid in the corner then slaps him. Jai buzzsaw kicks Guj then tries to jump off his back but slips and falls hard. Guj plancha's off the top outside. 

Guj is dropkicked off the apron and Kid top rope moonsaults outside. Kid snap suplexes Jai then hits corkscrew moonsaults off the buckles on the inside. Guj flying forearms Kid then pop-up euros him. Jai eye rakes Guj.

Guji hangs from the top rope and Jai top rope double stomps him. Kid then michinoku drivers Jai. Kid 450's Jai and wins.

Thoughts: I figured Kid was winning. Jai's botch was pretty brutal here. Gujjar is like the indian El Phatasmo and an okay showing here. It was a high flying three way and while maybe not great, they didn't overdo it. 

Rich Swann and AJ Francis yell at a rough. Rich says he should be going to Emergence. He says the ref let Chris Bey interfere in his match. Mike Bailey and Trent Seven walk in. AJ has words for them but Mike says he agrees with Rich. Mike says he wants to prove he's the best of the best. He says next week he can face him in an X-Division Title match. Rich says the title is coming for First Class. AJ says whatever Mike has in wrestling, he lacks in brains.

- Rich Swann got suspended this week for getting a DUI IIRC. I think we will see this match but probably not much else from him for a while. 

Charlie Dempsey vs Jonathan Gresham

JG isn't doing the squid stuff again here. JG armdrags him then CD wristlocks him. They trade holds and CD takes him down by the arm. JG side headlock takeovers him then CD armdrags him down. CD does a bridge with an armdrag then side headlocks him. JG ties CD's arms up with his legs.

CD bites JG's shin then takes him down by the leg. CD hooks his leg and does a cool bridge with a cravate. CD cravates him and does a cravate takeover. JG hammerlocks him. JG shoulders over CD. CD bridges to stop a pin then CD monkey flips him. JG monkey flips him back then both do it again. They bridge at the same time.

They fight for control on the mat. CD ties up the legs, JG pins him down and wins it.

Thoughts: It was all technical wrestling here as expected. Technically it was fine but obviously, it wasn't the most exciting thing to watch and went a little longer than it needed to.

JG hits him after and they trade forearms.

We see clips of Joe Hendry in NTC and Wentz going after Wes Lee.

The Hardy Boyz vs The System (Moose and JDC)

Jeff chases JDC with a chair and runs into a lariat from Moose, forcing the chair into his face. Moose chokes Jeff with a shirt outside. Moose misses a corner charge. Jeff snapmares him and pulls his neck forward. Jeff jawbreakers Moose then jumps off Matt's back onto Moose.

JDC dropkicks Jeff for 2. Matt's neck is catapulted into the ropes. Matt hits shots on JDC then hits forearms on Moose. Moose back elbows him down. Jeff comes in and hits twist of fate on Moose. Jeff gets crotched on the top rope. JDC throws Jeff hard into the buckles.

JDC pounds on Jeff. Moose hits corner spears on Jeff. Jeff spin kicks Moose to get out of his hold. Matt is tagged in and hits forearms on Moose. Matt neckbreakers Moose then bangs his head off the buckles. Matt then spinning ddt's Moose. Matt walks the 2nd rope and elbow drops Moose.

 JDC pulls Matt over the top rope. JDC stomps Matt outside. JDC chinlocks Matt. Moose chops Matt then Matt suplexes Moose. Jeff and JDC get in. Jeff atomic drops JDC then legdrops him in his inner legs. Jeff elbow drops him.

Jeff russian legsweeps JDC the legdrops his legs again. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on JDC for 2. JDC and Jeff double clothesline each other down at the same time. Matt hits a side effect on Moose. Moose runs up the buckles and ends up taking a cutter from Matt on his way down. JDC top rope guillotine legdrops Matt.

JDC is crotched on the top rope. Matt hits a twist of fate on him. Jeff top rope swantons JDC and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay main. There was nothing special or memorable about it but it made sense and they played their heel and face roles well. It went long and the Hardy's didn't get exposed here.

Moose nails The Hardy's from behind after. Mike Santana comes out and spinning lariats Moose. The rest of The System then attack. Joe Hendry comes out and helps out and the faces stand tall to end the show.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual TNA show. It made sense and it was an okay show but nothing really stood out and it wasn't super exciting.

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