Thursday, August 29, 2024

Marigold 8/4/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 7

Marigold 8/4/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 7

Day 6 is here:

Kizuna Tanaka vs Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

KM hits forearms then Kiz dropkicks her. Kiz hair throws her then KM hair throws her back. They trade chest forearms. KM rolls her into an armbar. KM cradles her for 2 then rolls her up for another 2. KM backslides her then rolls over her back with a ddt.

KM flying lariats her then Kiz sunset flips her. Kiz armbars her then triangles her. Kiz top rope dropkicks her for 2 then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kiz rolls her up and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short opener. The girls mostly did rookie offense and it was fine for what it was though nothing memorable. 

Handicap Match - Bozilla vs Rea Sato and Myla Grace

Myla pushes Rea at Boz. Rea hits dropkicks that don't bother Boz. Boz blocks an irish whip and lariats her over. Myla hits shots on Boz and Boz blocks her sunset flip. Myla basement dropkicks her then hip attacks her on the ropes.

Myla comes off the 2nd rope. Boz stomps on Rea in the corner then drops Myla down chest first. Myla corner splashes Myla and misses one on Rea. Rea dropkicks her. Boz takes a dropkick + backdrop combo for 2.

Boz lariats Myla then pounces Rea. Boz chokeslams Myla then misses a vader bomb on her. Myla superkicks her and Rea basement dropkicks Boz. Both of Boz's opponents are on the buckles and Boz double powerbombs them together and wins.

Thoughts: It was a squash as expected. I didn't really think this was necessary. Marigold doesn't have a big roster and Boz is kind of running out of people to run over as is. They shouldn't try to speed that up.

Nao Ishikawa & Natsumi Showzuki vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NS = Natsumi Showzuki, NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Nao hits forearms on Chi then Chi corner spears her. NN corner facekicks Nao then Nao takes a double suplex. Chi and NN pose on Nao. Chi cartwheel double knee drops Nao. Chi and NN use Nao as a foot rest on the ropes then NN does her reverse pendulum kick to her.

NN snapmares and chinlocks Nao. NN curbstomps Nao for 2. Nao rolls up NN. Nao gets tripped by Chi outside and NN basement dropkicks her. Nao hits forearms on NN. Nao cartwheels off the ropes then crossbodies NN. NS dropkicks NN then corner meteora's her.

NS double knee drops NN off the bottom rope then NN facekicks her. NN meteora's NS for 2 then grounded sleepers her. NN hits knees to body of NS then NS fisherman suplexes her for 2. NN john woo's NS hard into the buckles.

Chi facewash kicks NS then stands on her on the ropes. Chi iron claws NS. NS somehow disrupts Chi's claw slam (I didn't get the logic of it) and NS meteora's her through the ropes.

Chi brings a chair in but is thwarted. Nao and NS tug of war over Chi then push each other. NN shotgun dropkicks the both of them. NS sunset flips Chi for 2 then flying knees her for 2.

Nao brings a chair in and the ref stops her. Chi boots the chair away and torture racks Nao. NS breaks it up. Chi takes corner attacks and Nao bulldogs her. Nao top rope crossbodies Chi for 2. Nao rolls her up and bridges on her. NN throws a chair at Nao's head in front of the ref.

Nao is put in the chair and takes a double dropkick from her opponents. Chi slams Nao on the chair. Chi foot chokes Nao. Nao cartwheel headscissors Chi for 2. Chi powerslams Nao for 2. Chi delayed fisherman suplexes Nao and wins.

Thoughts: It was a weird one here with Nao teaming with Showzuki, who usually isn't her partner. They didn't really get along and Showzuki isn't a true face for the most part. The heels were heels and heeled up on Nao. I didn't like NN using a chair on Nao in front of the ref. I also thought this one went long.

Showzuki stomps Nao after.

Miku Aono & Misa Matsui vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

This is the semi-main event as we only have 5 matches here.

Mirai side headlocks Misa. Misa side headlocks her. Mirai shoulders her over. Misa does an up and over in the corner and trips Mirai. Misa basement dropkicks Mirai. Miku pulls her opponents into each other. Mai and Mirai hit corner attacks on Miku. Mai footchokes Miku and bangs her head off the buckle.

Mai hair throws Miku the footchokes her. Mai rolls Miku into a paradise lock then stands on her. Mirai and Mai bully Miku while she's tied up then Mai sits on her. Miku then takes a double basement dropkick. Mirai runs the ropes and Miku dropkicks her.

Misa gets in and rolls Mirai into a double stomp. Miku hits a hard corner dropkick on Mirai then does a basement dropkick in the corner on her. Miku hits kicks on Mirai's back. Mirai takes her down by the leg and curbstomps her. Mirai basement dropkicks Miku.

Mirai and Miku trade chest forearms. Miku leg kicks her then both Miku and Mirai are hit from the outside on the apron. Mirai forces Miku to ddt Misa. Mai gets in and facekicks then dropkicks Miku. Mai legslice reverse ddt's Miku.

Miku hits chest kicks on Mai then fisherman suplexes her. Misa top rope dropkicks Mai then crossbodies her hard against the bottom rope. Misa low flying knees Mai for 2. Mai facekicks Misa for 2. 

Misa hits chest forearms on Mai. Misa catches a facekick and stretch mufflers Mai off of it. Miku hits a double lariat on Mai and Mirai. Misa flying knees Mai for 2.

Mirai hits a double lariat on Misa and Miku. Mai hits a top rope double plancha on her opponents outside. Mai northern lights suplexes Misa then Misa takes a lariat + flying knee combo for 2.

Misa ddt's Mai then Miku sliding lariats Mai. Misa rolls Mai and bridges her for 2. Miku takes a nasty double STO then Misa hurricanrana's Mai for 2. Mirai hits a big lariat on Misa then Mai basement dropkicks Misa. Mai stf's Misa and taps her out.

Thoughts: I didn't care for the submission finish but it was a good tag otherwise. It was fast paced and stiff. The girls matched up well together and Mai stepped up her game. it also got a lot of time.

Mirai and Mai talk on the mic after.

Giulia & Nanae Takahashi vs. Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei

G = Giulia, NT = Nanae Takahashi

Chika's team offers handshakes. G threatens to boot them but shakes their hands.

Chika and G go at it. Chika hits a chest forearm flurry. G boots her in the gut then Chika atomic drops her. Kouki facekicks G while she's against the ropes then G takes a double running boot. Chika is lifted and butt drops G.

G slaps Chika then NT slaps Kouki. Chika's team is tied up in the ropes. G and NT chop their opponents while they are tied up in the ropes. G dropkicks Chika. NT comes in and hair throws Chika. NT and G foot choke her together. 

NT STO's Chika. She goes for a submission and Chika ropebreaks. Chika hits chops on NT then lets NT chop her. NT hits a chop flurry. Chika and NT block each others slams and NT fujiwara armbars her. Chika bites NT's hand to break the hold.

NT then bites Chika's arm. G bites Chika's arm. G snapmares Chika then sleepers her. G stomps on Chika. G suplexes Chika. Chika takes a double team then a double boot.

Chika hits forearms on NT's chest. NT fires back. NT slaps Chika and Chika boots her. NT is laid on the 2nd rope and Chika step-up buttpresses her. Chika then hip attacks NT.

Kouki flying facekicks NT then hits chest forearms. NT hits chest forearms on Kouki then Kouki fires back with her own. They shoulderblock battle and NT shoulders Kouki over. Kouki flying facekicks her then backdrops her.

NT lariats her. G top rope dropkicks Kouki. G hits her with a big forearm then suplexes her. G snapmares Kouki then does a rings of saturn. Chika breaks it up. Kouki powerslams G for 2 then dropkicks her.

Kouki slams G. G king crab holds Chika and Chika ropebreaks. Chika takes corner attacks. Chika is held up in the air and takes a lariat from G off the buckles. Chika hits chest slaps and forearms on G. G headbutt flurries her.

G forearms Chika then G takes a double shoulderblock. G takes super dangerous looking backdrop from Chika into a Kouki powerslam. Chika giant swings G. G and NT hit their opponents as they come off the ropes and Chika takes a sandwich basement kick from G and NT.

Chika chokeslams G for 2 then G chokeslams Kouki. NT and G hit stereo backdrops. G top rope double underhook suplexes Chika. G does a rings of saturn on Chika while NT does a strangle hold alpha on Kouki. G taps out Chika.

It went longer than it needed to but I liked this one. Kouki and Chika got a ton of time here and were given the chance to step up in the main. And that's exactly what they did. They showed good fighting spirit and brought the fight to their opponents. There weren't any bad botches and they filled the time well. It was basically a vets vs rookies type of match and they did a good job with it.

All 4 girls talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: There were only 5 matches here. The opener was okay for what it was. Match 2 and 3 weren't good. Match 4 and 5 were though with Chika and Kouki doing a good job in the main. I liked it overall though it wasn't a must see show.

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