Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/14/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 16

New Japan Pro Wrestling 8/14/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 16

Day 15 is here:

Oleg Boltin & Toru Yano vs. Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato

The young lions attack to start. Oleg is thrown out. Yano takes corner forearms then a double suplex. Yano is stomped on by both opponents. KM goes into the exposed buckle. KM dropkicks Yano. Kato hits forearms on Oleg.

Kato flies at him and is knocked down. Oleg takes a double dropkick. Oleg hits a double suplex. Oleg karelin's lifts KM. Oleg suplexes Kato. Oleg pop-up finlay rolls Kato and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short waste of time. It was fine for the little time they had but couldn't be much more. 

Just 5 Guys (SANADA & TAKA Michinoku) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee)

Gabe and Sanada lock up. Gabe pounds on him and Sanada dropkicks him in the knee and chest. Jake knees Sanada from the apron. Gabe sends Sanada out and chops him into the rails, knocking the rails down. Gabe fish hooks him.

They get back in and Sanada is stomped on by Jake. Jake stands on Sanada. Sanada russian legsweeps him. Taka comes in and hits shots on Jake. Jake guillotine chokes Taka. Taka slaps Jake then takes a high kick. Jake guillotine chokes him and taps him out to win.

Thoughts: This was a short joke. Taka went down to a simple guillotine. 

Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & EVIL)

The heels attack before it starts as usual. Shota thwarts the heels and dropkicks them. Honma and Togo fight. Honma slams him then misses a falling headbutt. Togo works on Honma. Honma lets him his shots to his gut and then Togo boots him in the leg. Honma gets his legs split and Evil stomps Honma's knee.

Togo sentons Honma. Evil uses a weapon on Honma. Honma suplexes Evil. Shota is tagged in and running forearms Evil. Shota fisherman suplexes Evil for 2. Evil kicks Shota kind of low and Togo hits punches on Shota. Shota takes a double boot to the gut and takes a double headbuster. Togo pushes the ref then is pushed down on Shota. Togo uses a weapon to choke shota. Honma makes Evil poke himself in the eyes.

Togo eye pokes Honma then Togo takes a double flying shoulder. Honma falling headbutts Togo then Shota taps out Togo with the STF.

Thoughts: It was another short one filled with the usual HoT shenanigans that added nothing. 

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira & Great-O-Khan)

Khan rams Shingo into the corner. Akira flying headscissors Shingo. Akira corner lariats Shingo and corner back elbows him. Akira superkicks Shingo. Shingo lariats him. CN goes to springboard in and Shingo knocks him off the ropes.

Naito crvates Akira then neckbreakers him. Akira hits forearms. Naito eye rakes him then Akira leg lariats him. CN comes in and trips. CN runs the ropes fast and facekicks Naito. CN double stomps  Bushi. CN standing moonsaults Naito for 2.

Naito tornado ddt's CN. khan and Shingo trade shots. Khan shoulders over Shingo. The stream has issues and we cut ahead. Khan hits uppercuts on Shingo then Shingo backdrops him. Bushi top rope dropkicks Khan. Bushi dropkicks Akira in the knee. Khan is sunset flipped into a Naito baseball slide.

Akira superkicks Bushi then CN jumping knees Naito. Akira and CN do plancha's outside at the same time. Bushi rewind kicks Khan. Khan blade runners Bushi then chokeslams him for the win.

Thoughts: Anything is better than the last few short joke matches we got. It was just a throwaway 6-man though without a lot of notable moments. They teased Shingo vs Khan here and they stared down after.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Hirooki Goto vs. HENARE

Henare backs Goto up on the ropes. They shove each other and Goto shoulders him over. Henare flying shoulders him. Henare sentons him and Goto goes out. Goto is sent into the rails. Henare hits forearms inside. Henare boots Goto out of the corner then Goto lariats him.

Goto spinning heel kicks Henare then backdrops him for 2. Henare back elbows him then 2nd rope twisting enzugiri's him. Goto running lariats Henare. Goto blocks a step up knee then hits an ushigoroshi.

They trade forearms. Goto hits chops and takes chest kicks. Goto running lariats him. Goto takes a berzeker bomb for 2. There's some stream issues and Henare step up knees him when we return. Henare PK's him and Goto sleepers him.

Goto hits a GTW for 2. Henare hits a lanzarse for 2. The stream cuts away more and we return with Henare winning.

Thoughts: There were a lot of stream issues here and the finish was missed so I can't give the best review of this one. I thought they needed to pick up the pace more or have some big moments to takes this one to the next level. There was nothing wrong with just the potential for a great match was there if they let them do it.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - El Phantasmo vs David Finlay

They trade shots. ELP lariats him over the top then plancha's him. DF charges at him outside and goes through the rail door. They fight in the seats and it shows a lot of empty seats. ELP take a gordbuster on seats.

They get back in and ELP is thrown into the buckles. DF backbreakers him. DF stomps on him and camel clutches him. ELP hits forearms then flying headscissors him. ELP topes him into the rails.

ELP does a springboard swanton into an asai moonsault. DF uranage backbreakers him. DF catches him off the buckles and hits oblivion. DF hits euros. ELP fires up and they trade shots. DF uranage backbreakers him for 2.

ELP hits forearms and slaps. ELP cradles him and tries to roll him up. DF spining forearms him then ELP brainbusters him. ELP superkicks DF for 2. DF buckle bombs ELP then ELP powerbombs him. ELP hits a CR2 and a springboard splash. Gedo then pulls the ref out on the count.

DF hits ELP with a shilelagh and hits overkill to win.

Thoughts: It was the usual average effort from these two and it had a lousy finish. DF just doesn't know what he is outside of being a run-of-the-mill heel.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ren Narita

KT is brought out by HoT and has already been beaten up. They then beat him up on the ramp more. KT's holding his leg and Ren immediately goes for it. KT is sent into the rails and has his knee kicked on the rails. KT's head is then banged off of chairs. 

Ren stomps KT's knee. He flying facekicks him then KT russian legsweeps him. Ren wraps KT's knee around the post and pulls. Ren ties his legs up. Ren stomps hte knee and eye rakes KT. Ren exploders him and is german suplexed.

KT is then hit in the knee again. Ren is pulled over the top but KT can't move due to his knee. KT hits a big lariat on Ren. Ren runs at him and is lariated. Ren leg locks KT.

KT superplexes Ren. Ren guillotine chokes him KT hits a package tombstone. Dick Togo comes down with a weapon. Evil knocks KT into the ref. Togo chokes KT with a weapon and KT takes a magic killer for 2. Togo and Evil stomp KT again.

KT fights off the heels and Ren flying knee presses him. Ren top rope diving knee presses him. KT hits a big forearm. Ren chop blocks the knee then KT powerbombs him for 2. Ren leglocks KT. KT release germans him. KT hits a big forearm and wins.

It was the usual House of Torture garbage. KT got attacked before the match began. The ref didn't notice or care. It went on. The ref got knocked down multiple times. KT was triple teamed and had weapons used on him and the match sucked like it always does.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Jeff Cobb vs. Yota Tsuji

They shoulder battle and Yota is knocked over. They tade forearms and Yota knocks him over. Yota hits chops. Yota charges at him and is thrown down. Cobb hits euros to the back. Cobb hits corner spears then standing dropkicks him. Cobb block Yota's curbstomp attempt and slams him. Cobb standing moonsaults and lands on Yota's knees.

Yota flying headscissors him then curbstomps him for 2. Cobb hits a muso then standing moonsaults him for 2. They superkick each other. Cobb forearms him down and back rolls out of a spear. Yota armdrags him and hits a spear.

Yota forearms Cobb then falcon arrows him for 2. Yota knees him in the face and gets lariated on a marlow crash. Cobb F-5's him for 2. Yota pumping knees him and is lariated. Yota hits a spear then hits another spear for the win.

Thoughts: It didn't get enough time. It was straight and to the point without a lot of extra. It was what you would want and it was entertaining, but we only got a sample of it.

Overall thoughts: I wouldn't recommend this one. It was a nothing show filled with heel shenanigans and worthless undercard matches. The main and Goto/Henare were both good but neither got enough time or the chance to be an epic.

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