Sunday, August 11, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/11/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 8/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

La Fuerza Poblana (Pegasso & Stigma) & Flip Gordon vs. La Escuadra (El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.) & El Sagrado

HDV = El Hijo del Villano III, V3J = Villano III Jr.

1st Fall - V3J has the tattoos. Flip is getting beat up by The Villanos. Flip takes a triple gorilla press from the ramp into the ring. HDV burning hammers Flip on his head and pins him. The Villanos and Sagrado win the fall.

2nd Fall - Peg is lifted in the air and takes a clothesline off the ropes. Peg takes corner attacks then Sag hits a nice facekick. HDV hiptosses Stig in. Stig is held in the air for a double stomp from V3J. Flip is triple teamed. Flips flips out of a triple gorilla press. He hits kicks on V3J. Peg is flipped into the ropes on the ramp and armdrags 2 heels. Flip twisting pedigrees V3J and pins him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Sag is double hiptossed in from the apron. Peg dropkicks Sag in the leg and Sag says it was in the crotch. Stig headscissors Sag off the ropes after a stream freeze. He then la silla's Sag on the floor.

Peg is thrown into a headsicssors on HDV. Peg headscissors V3J out then armdrags Sag out. Flip flips in. HDV chops him and Flip chops back. Flip flips over him then superkicks him on the apron. Flip springboard slingblades Sag. Flip superkicks V3J.

Flip does an up and over in the corner then does backflips. Flip 2nd rope headscissors V3J. Flip's team then hits double topes. Flip chops Sag. Sag corner facekicks him. Sag is stuck up top. V3J stupidly powerbombs Flip and causes him to superplex Sag. HDV and Stig do splashes and Peg rolls up V3J for 2.

Sag hits a unique flatliner on Flip for 2. Flip springboard twisting neckbreakers Sag. V3J sitout powerbombs Stig. Peg takes a 2nd rope powerbomb on Stig. The Villanos then get 2 counts on them.

Flip springboard dropkicks V3J then topes him. V3J corner lariats Stig then flips off the 2nd rope into Stig's feet. Stig top rope splashes him and pins him then Peg pins Sag. Flip's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Flip being his usual decent reliable self and the faces making a nice surprise comeback to win. This one got enough time

Mexican National Heavyweight Title Match - Star Black (c) vs. Ultimo Guerrero

UG front facelocks him. Star armdrags him. UG monkey flips him. Star armdrags him and they stand off. UG ties the legs up. UG pulls Star's arms back and holds him in the star. Star gets out and standing moonsaults him.

UG trips him and ties the legs up. Star armdrags him. Star misses a reverse springboard tope. Star flying headscissors him out then topes him. They get back in and UG slams him. UG misses a swanton. Star asai moonsaults him for 2.

Star is swept on the apron then UG baseball slides him off. UG dives on him off the apron. Star legdrops him for 2. Star 2nd rope moonsaults and UG gets his boots up for 2. 

UG 2nd rope gordbusters Star for 2. Star lariats UG into the ring from the ramp. Star then dives through the middle rope and splashes him for 2. Star rolls him up for 2.

Star lariats him in the corner. UG 2nd rope powerbombs him for 2. Star handsprings into the ropes, backflips and reverse topes him for 2. UG goes for a stretch muffler and Star ropebreaks.

Star top rope reverse topes him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower match. The finish was out of nowhere and I didn't like it. I didn't care for the match that much. Star was toned down a lot more than usual and he just didn't have a great comeback. The crowd wasn't that much into it either and did not help things. This was disappointing. 

Mistico vs Magnus

1st Fall - Mag running back elbows him and lariats him. Mag corner lariats him. Mist handspring back elbows him then armdrags him. Mist hits a russian legsweep and taps him out with a neat grounded submission. Mistico wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist flying headscissors him then springboard headscissors him. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him. Mist tornillos him outside. Mist springboard crossbodies him. Mist is thrown down off a headscissors attempt. Mag double underhook drops him and pins him. Magnus wins the fall.

3rd Fall -  Mag rips at Mist's mask and it comes off but he is not DQ'd. Mag kicks him as he hangs in tree of woe. Mag snapmares him and stands on Mist's head. Mag yanks on Mist's leg. Mag drops Mist face first on the apron. Mist is pulled against the post.

Mag snapmares him and stomps on him. Mag pulls on Mist's mask and poses. Mag stomps Mist and rips on his mask. Mist flying headscissors him then 619's him. Mist springboard headscissors him out. Mist topes him outside twice.

Mag double underhook backbreakers him for 2. Mag is crotched on the top rope. Mist springboard hurricanrana's him while he's on the ropes. Mag gets his feet up on Mist's top rope moonsault. Mist then powerslams him.

They facekicks each other at the same time and both go down. They trade chest chops. Mist rips Mag's mask. Mist dropkicks him in the knee. Mag la magistral's him for 2. Mag stomps Mist then corner meteora's him. Mist flying headscissors him then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Mist then taps him out with la mistica and wins.

Thoughts: Like the last match, it got a lot of time and was a bit slower than usual. I thought Mist should have sold the moonsault into the double boots a little better here. I thought Mist's comeback in the end got ruined a bit which hurt the ending. It was still a decent match overall but it could have been better.

Overall thoughts: We got three longer matches here and all of them got plenty of time which was nice. The trios was probably the best match and the main was fine just not as good as it could have been. Ultimo/Star was disappointing and neither gut really seemed to give their best effort for that one. It was decent overall but I wouldn't recommend it.

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