Friday, August 16, 2024

WWE Smackdown 8/16/2024

WWE Smackdown 8/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Tiffany Stratton and Pretty Deadly are in the ring. There's a lot of pink, champagne and unicorns for Nia Jax's Championship Celebration. Nia is brought out with a crown and a throne.

Nia says Tiff shouldn't have and she says she should have. She says this is her big moment and she just wanted to give back. Nia says all the pink isn't her style. She says her style is more destruction and she said he proved it at Summerslam. Nia says she's champ and everyone in the locker room better bow down. She says what better way to start than for Tiff to bow down. Tiff asks if she should do it now and seems hesistant. Tiff says that's why Pretty Deadly are here - they will sing a song and they will all bow down together.

Pretty Deadly say they will do Pretty Deadly: The Musical. They sing but the sound is not played well. PD sing and dance. Michin then comes in and hits everyone with a kendo stick, including PD in our first act of female on male violence for the night. Michin then takes Nia's champagne.

Jade, Naomi and Bianca watch in the back. Jade says they will take their tag titles back. Naomi says they will beat the breaks off of Alba, Isla and Blair next week. Bianca says Naomi won't miss her chance tonight against Blair. Carmelo Hayes comes in and asks if they are coming to the after party for when he beats Andrade. Jade says isn't Andradre 2 up on him? Melo says they are watching his matches though.

Andrade vs Carmelo Hayes

Andrade high kicks him from the apron then is crotched on the top and falls over. Melo stomps his head in. Melo 2nd rope twisting lariats him. Melo hits shots in the corner and Andrade hits a nice dropkick. Andrade 2nd rope connector moonsaults him. Andrade takes a bad looking bump off the buckles and goes to the floor. We go to break and return.

They fight on the buckles. Andrade top rope spanish flies him for 2. Melo superkicks him. Andrade hits 2 suplexes and Melo cutters him off his suplex attempt. Melo pumping knees him then Andrade hits a spinning back elbow. Andrade goes for the message and Melo pins him off of it.

I wasn't a fan of it. I didn't like the top rope spanish fly not meaning anything and thought it was more an indy style match.

Andrade goes to leave, Melo grabs him and they start fighting. Refs and officials try to break it up. 

Tama Tonga goes up to Solo Sikoa in the back and gives him the necklace. Tama says he will rip roman apart when they get in the ring tonight. Solo says he appreciates it but he's the tribal chief. He says if Roman takes the necklace from him, he will be the tribal chief. He says he will acknowledge him if he does it and but says that's "if" he can take them back.

We get a video on Giovanni Vinci. He says when he gets in the ring it's not to compete, it's to win. He says he's living the dream and facing every challenge head on. He says he plans to conquer Smackdown and show the world what he's all about. 

Naomi vs Blair Davenport

Roxanne Perez is in the front row to watch this. Blair pushes her and they trade forearms. Blair pounds on her. Naomi slides out of a lariat and double mule kicks her. Naomi hip attacks her. Naomi thesz presses her off the apron. Naomi top rope crossbodies her for 2.

We go to break and return. Blair backbreakers her for 2. Naomi hits a bad headscissors and they crossbody each other at the same time. Naomi hits some shots then springboard enzugiri's her. Naomi split drops her for 2.

Naomi sliding kicks her then corner dropkicks her. Blair footpresses her down. Blair then picks up the win soon after with a kamigoye.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good. Naomi didn't have good offense here and was in control of most of the offense.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller talk in the back. Waller accuses him of throwing him under the bus. Theory says this is a huge opportunity. Waller says he doesn't know why he's worried about this as it's Kevin Owens. He tralks trash about him then KO walks in. KO says he's right about him being handed things. KO says he's a loser and says he doesn't deserve the title match. KO agrees that it'll be an easy win against him and says let's go do it. KO says let's go prove him right that he's a loser, a moron, and an easy win.

This new KO character is very odd and I don't get it at all.

We get a video on the passing of Wild Samoan Afa.

Kevin Owens vs Grayson Waller

Ethan Page is in the front row for this one. KO shotgun dropkicks him to start then stomp flurries him. GW cravates him then hits knees and punches. KO back elbows him then sentons him. GW goes out and KO running lariats him. GW is thrown into the rails and has his head banged off the commentary table. Theory distracts KO then GW slides out and lariats him. KO throws Waller over the rail then nails Theory. Theory is then thrown into the timekeeper's area.

KO is sent into the post then ddt'd on the floor. GW pounds on him then rope walk elbow drops him for 2. KO hits a top rope swanton inside for 2.  GW punches him then pulls his throat down over the top. GW rolls in and takes a stunner. KO pop-up powerbombs him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one and wasn't anything too special. Waller lost as expected and I didn't really get the need to continue this one after the swanton.

KO sends him into the Prime Hydration Station after. GW pushes KO into the post and Theory grabs chairs. Cody Rhodes comes down and the faces beat up the heels with chairs. Cody goes to grab his title. KO picks it up and looks at it then gives it to him.

Tama Tonga gives Solo the necklace. Solo says he loves him and says Roman needs to acknowledge him tonight.

We see Titus O'Neil in the crowd.

We go to Legado del Fantasma at a restaurant. Angel is all hyped up and Santos says they are undermined and ignored week after week. He says to remind them who you are and who we are. He says LdF isn't just a name, it's a legacy and they won't have it diminished. He says he will take the US Title from LA Knight. He says LdF knows what needs to be done and says let's take LA back to the trailer park where he came from. They then toast.

LA Knight comes out in the entrance way. He says that looked like a fun dinner to be at. He says all Santos is doing is trying to be like him. He says he will forget where he is next week when he gives him a BFT and knocks his churro in the dirt. He said he doesn't have to be worried about some half-wit calling him trash. LA says he's trash mixed with flash but says this trash will put him on his @ss.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven talk to Michin in the back. They thank her for ruining Nia's celebration. Green said they tried to warn Tiffy but she didn't listen. She asks if she can call Michin "Mimi". She says they were going to do what she did as it was too fun to watch. Michin said it's a good thing she did it as she just got a title match vs Nia. Green and Piper go complain to Aldis and Michin says she was lying. Nia then pushes Michin into the steel door. Aldis gets Nia out of there.

#1 Contenders to the WWE Tag Titles - The Street Profits vs DIY

JG = Johnny Gargano

Trick Williams is in the front row for this. Ford wristlocks JG. JG trips him then front facelocks him. They legsweep each other and miss moves. They then stand off. Dawkins shoulders over Ciampa then flying back elbows him. Ford hits a dropkick on Ciampa. Ford is flipped onto Ciampa and JG takes a double flapjack. Dawkins shoulderblocks Ciampa outside.

We go to break and return. JG hits offense on The Profits. JG hits a bulldog + lariat combo. JG slingshot spears Ford for 2. Ciampa is pounced into a backdrop from Ford. Dawkins misses a top rope swanton and Ciampa pumping knees him.

Dawkins blocks a slingshot spear then suplexes JG. JG hurricanrana's Dawkins. JG and Ford then do plancha's at the same time. They stare down and lariat each other at the same time. They trade kicks and JG superkicks him for 2.

Ford rolls up Ciampa and zig zags him. Ford 450's but Ciampa gets his knees up. Ford takes a shatter machine for 2. Ciampa rolls up Ford then takes a jumping knee. Ciampa takes a sky high + neckbreaker combo for 2.

Ford is back body dropped over the top rope. Dawkins takes a superkick + sitout pedigree combo for 2. JG dives on Ford. JG slingshots in and is caught by Dawkins. JG takes a doomsday device blockbuster and is pinned.

It was a fast paced match with a lot of flying. It was good match and was hard to follow at times. 

Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga come out to talk. Solo says to acknowledge him. Solo tells him to come take the necklace back if he wants it. Roman comes out and takes a while.

Roman gets in. Solo gives the necklace to Tama. Solo and Roman trade punches. Roman flying lariats him then Tama nails Roman from behind. Tama hits shots on Roman. Roman uranage's him.

Roman throws Tama out. Solo hits shots on Roman. Roman superman punches Solo. Roman hits a big spear. Roman then puts the necklace on. Jacob Fatu superkicks Roman. Fatu beats up on him and Roman is thrown out. Roman takes a triple powerbomb through the commentary table.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Roman beat up Solo clean. He should have the necklace. But he's probably not going to. I wouldn't have done this since it really just defeats the whole purpose of this feud and makes Solo look weak.

Overall thoughts: It was a heavy wrestling show and not many new developments storyline wise. I don't like how the Roman/Bloodline story is playing out so far. I think they are doing too much too soon and Solo is not being protected enough. SD had been giving a lot of time to some unusual people like Andrade and DIY over others who would be better selections. I thought it was a boring show and I didn't like it.

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