Wednesday, August 21, 2024

WWE Deep South Wrestling 11/10/2005

WWE Deep South Wrestling 11/10/2005

We see clips from last week with The Regulators (The Shane Twins/The Gymini) attacking The Assassin. We see The Miz and the rest of the locker room coming to the rescue. The Assassin says he finishing The Regulators and suspending them indefinitely.

Bill Demott and Nigel Sherod are our hosts. Bill says The Regulators made a statement. He says we have a 21 man battle royale to determine the first DSW champ tonight.

The Assassin talks. He said he doesn't care what The Regulators did to him, he cares what they do to others. He said he broke his own cardinal rule last week. He said he will rescind their suspension and add them to the battle royale. He declares open season on The Regulators and says anything you want to do to The Regulators, you can.

Angel aka Angelina Love interviews The Regulators who are with an unknown girl. One of the twins says they love a challenge with this open season. They ask whose fault it was that Assassin got in the ring and put their hands on them. They say there isn't anyone who can get in the ring with them. They say who will draw them money and say they will. They say High Impact can't do anything with them. They say they will take on all comers and tell Assassin not to get in the ring with them. Mike (a twin) says he caved Assassin's face in and made him cry. They say to tell the boss man that.

Angel interviews Team Elite (Derrick Neikirk & Mike Knox). Knox puts his arm around her. Knox says there's no rules tonight so he can rip and tear at people. Derrick says they are so successful because they exploit weakness. They say they will do what they do best - win. Knox laughs and scares off Angel.

High Impact (Tony Santorelli & Mike Taylor) do a promo. They say it doesn't matter if it's at the skatepark, motorcross or in the ocean surfing waves, they still have to make sure The Regulators aren't behind their shoulders. Mike says The Regulators will know what it's like to have the bullseye on their chest. Tony says it's all about the tag titles tonight and payback. He says they are coming at them full throttle. He says they live by the phrase - no regrets and no fear.

The Miz does a promo. He says he's coming out kicking and screaming tonight. He says he will kick and crane kick them out to get them off his back if he has to. He says he heard the wrestlers say they will gang up on him. But he said he's been through that form before and will come out on top. He says there's nothing like being The Miz in a goofy voice.

Thoughts: Oh this was early Miz, alright. He was hyped up to 10 here.

Angel goes to interview Palmer Cannon who has a girl on his lap. She says she wanted a close insight on the battle royale and he asks how close she was thinking. He then asks the other girl to leave and has Angel sit on his lap. He says up close and personal is the best way to reach people. He says his company and network controls the airwaves and by default, controls DSW. He says there can only be one winner and it's him. Angel gives him the mic and cleans his glasses off. Palmer stares at his cheat and says it's great to be him. Freakin' Deacon (Luke Gallows) walks in and takes some of Angel's hair. He asks if she wants to taste one of his treats. He then puts it in her mouth and she is grossed out. She then spits it up in a trash can. Palmer says they have to work on Deacon's timing.

Thoughts: Wow this was really bad. This was like some d-grade adult film and I don't get what it was supposed to accomplish. 

Battle Royale

Everyone gangs up on The Regulators. One of them has 7 men trying to throw him over the top and eventually gets eliminated. Multiple people go for the other Regulator. Palmer Cannon hides behind the ref. The other Regulator is eliminated.

Freakin' Deacon goes to defend Palmer Cannon in the corner. Deacon eliminates two people then throws over Ray Gordy. Deacon crossbodies off the ropes and takes out a fe people. Everyone pounds on him and he tries to fight back.

Palmer Cannon hides under the ring then Deacon gets eliminated by multiple people. we go to break and return. Cannon is still hanging out outside. Kid Kash and Nick Mitchell trade shots in the ring. "The Silverback" Ryan Reeves (aka Ryback) works on someone in the corner. Tony Santorelli gets knocked off the apron by Mike Knox.

Tony goes after Palmer outside and Palmer ends up going in the ring to avoid him. Everyone then corners Palmer. Palmer eliminates himself to avoid being beaten up on. Miz beats up on Derrick Neikirk and saves Mike Taylor. Knox is hanging upside down on the outside.

Antonio Banks is thrown over the top. Roughhouse O'Reily (Conor O'Reily) is nearly sent over the top. Nick Mitchell is worked on by Team Elite in the corner. Nick Mitchell lariats Mac Daddy Johnson over the top and goes with him for the double elimination.

Eric Perez is doubleteamed then thrown over the top by Mike Taylor and Miz. Kid Kash stomps on Damien Steele. Kash is on the apron and snapmares him to the floor in a cool spot. Derrick Neikirk hangs off the bottom rope outside. Kid Kash gets put on the apron. Ryan Reeves hits shots on O'Reily then shoulderblocks him over. Kash and Knox then throw Reeves over the top.

We go to break and return. Miz and Kash square off. Kash hits kicks then Knox joins in. Neikirk chokes Mike Taylor on the ropes. Kash walks up the buckles and diving headscissors Knox. Knox pump kicks him. Kash is  trying to avoid going out as Mike and Miz work on him. Mike lariats Neikirk. Mike tries to push Neikirk out with his feet. 

Mike takes elbow drops. Miz fights off a triple team. Miz hits a double ddt off a double flapjack. Neikirk and Kash double clothesline each other. We go to break and return. Miz and Mike hit clotheslines. Mike slams Knox. Mike and Miz do a senton + elbow drop on Knox.

Kash is nearly thrown out but grabs the top rope. Kash baseball slides Mike out and eliminates him. Miz is triple teamed then Neikirk and Knox turn on Kash, eliminating him. Kash still tries to pull Miz out though. Mike Taylor comes out and beats up Kash. Neikirk is thrown on Miz then Knox knee drops Miz.

Miz is thrown over the top but hangs on and headscissors Neikirk out. Knox then pump kicks Miz off the apron and wins.

Thoughts: This was a long one that went 30 minutes. It was fine and kept my interest but it could have been a little shorter. Battle royale's just have a ceiling as to how good they can be due to the format. I thought they were successful in pushing a Mike Taylor/Miz partnership, putting over Palmer Cannon as a weak heel and pushing Team Elite. I was surprised The Regulators went out how they did and that nothing more came of it.

Mike Knox and Derrick Neikirk are interviewed. Mike says if one of them wins, we both win. Derrick says Mike pushed him out. Derrick says when it came down to just them, they planned to make a decision. Mike said it didn't come to that and he made a decision.

Bill DeMott says the tournament for the DSW Title begins next week.

Overall thoughts: There was only one match here and it was a battle royale. It was fine just not must see. The Palmer Cannon segment was really bad and felt like a cheap adult movie. The other interviews/promos weren't that good either. I wouldn't recommend this one and just thought it was average.

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