Sunday, August 18, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/17/2024 Season 4, Episode 49

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/17/2024 Season 4, Episode 49

Last week's show is here:

Jessie Jones comes out to talk. She said the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Dave agrees to give her a WOW Title match against The Beast tonight. She said she would have crashed commentary a long time ago if she knew she could get a title match that way. 

The Classmaster vs Sierra Breeze

Samantha Smart talks. She says she feels like a 5-star chef giving finger food to pigeons (addressing the crowd). She says the only rhythm Sierra Breeze will dance to tonight is the beat of Classmaster's fists.

SB dances to the ring and dances as it starts. SB dropkicks Class then trips her. SB pulls on Class' leg. Class side headlocks her. SB throws her then hits a step up enzugiri. SB pulls on Class' leg.

Class hits corner spears on SB then cravates her. SB takes a snapmare and a kick in the back. SB legdrops the inner thighs of SB then puts her in the scholar collar. Class gets her head banged off the buckles then Class rams SB's back into them. Class hits knees to SB's gut then hits like a fameasser. Class legdrops her.

SB 619's her in the gut then Samantha Smart hits her with a ruler while she's up top. SB falls off the top and Class running facekicks her for the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match. The general idea was there as a bigger vs smaller person match. SB's offense could have looked a little better here.

Samantha Smart gets on the mic after. She says that's how you teach someone to dance, 1-2-3. Dave McClane calls out Smart's interference. Smart says she was just measuring the ring. Dav calls for a replay of what happened. The crowd chants "cheater" and Smart tells them to shut up. Smart says they don't deserve them and Class agrees. Smart says they don't get any more of their time and they had enough.

We see The Mother Truckers looking for a shirt. Holly finds a pin bag that neither one of them know. It turns out to be Lana's Starr bag and Holly asks what it is doing here. Betty says we have to give the bag back and Holly wants a reward.

They go to a hotel and want Lana Starr's room number. The receptionist says they will check and Holly puts on Lana's headcover and hat and pretends to be her. She says "I'm Lana Starr" and another staff member offers to show "Lana" to her room. They go to the room. Betty tries to get her to put the stuff back.

Room service comes in and gives them a cheese plate and champagne. He then gives them a massage table. Holly is excited about all the stuff and says she can't leave now. Betty says we will eat some cheese and have a glass of wine then we have to leave. Holly leaves a note in lipstick on the mirror, saying they returned the stuff and hopes for a reward.

Thoughts: This was a fun little segment here. We haven't got a lot of them lately though I wish we did.

Team Spirit talks. Sasha says she doesn't know really know where they are but they have their spirit. Pep says they won't lose the fight they have and says they want the tag titles.

Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Angel Rose) vs Team Spirit (Pep Riley and Sasha Sparks)

Syl takes down Pep and front facelocks her. Pep hammerlocks her then side headlock takeovers her. Syl headscissors her then Pep rolls her up for 2. Pep armdrags her.

Sasha flying headscissors Rose then dropkicks her for 2. Sasha is double teamed in the corner then wipped into a backbreaker. She is then picked up and lariated. Syl sentons her then hits mounted punches.

Sasha hits forearms on Rose then sunset flips her for 2. Sasha thwarts the heels and Pep comes in with a 2nd rope double crossbody. Pep handspring back elbows Rose then basement dropkicks her. Rose takes a swinging facebuster from Sasha for 2.

Rose pumphandle emerald flowsion's Sasha and wins.

Thoughts: The execution wasn't good here but it was a quick match, it made sense and it had an okay flow to it. I was surprised to see the cheerleaders get pinned after saying they wanted the tag titles. I assume this will go somewhere. 

Genesis does a promo. She says Princess Aussie being from Australia won't stop her from taking her down. She says she thinks Aussie is underestimating her and will take her down.

Princess Aussie does a promo after the break. She says she is looking forward to the match with Genesis. She says she respects Genesis doing her own thing now and says she respects an independent woman. She says she hopes she brings everything she can.

Genesis says tonight is a stepping stone and says she will make her way towards the WOW Title. Gen says two Aussies can play this game.

Genesis vs Princess Aussie

Gen gets on the mic. She says last time she was in the ring. She says she's sick of hearing aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi. She says she's the better wrestler and Australian. The crowd cahnts and she says to stop and let her speak. Gen says if Aussie has that true Australian grit, come face her now.

Aussie runs out. Aussie hits forearms and armdrags her several times. Aussie armlocks her. Gen hits a back elbow and Aussie flying headscissors her. Aussie corner splashes her then suplexes her for 2.

Gen upkicks her from the mat then hits a corner spear. Gen works on Aussie's leg on the ropes then stomps it down into the mat. Gen footchokes Aussie. Gen leglocks her leg. Aussie takes a straightjacket backcracker.

Gen hits two big lariats and Aussie dragon suplexes her. Aussie hits a double underhook ddt and wins.

Thoughts: This was easily the best WOW match of the last few week. Everything looked good and it was just head and heels above the usual WOW offerings. I liked this one and thought they got this right with Gen working the leg before being put down. 

Jessie Jones said she worked hard to get here and says everyone else should work twice as hard. She said she fought for everything she got and says she will make wrestling great again.

WOW Title - The Beast (c) vs Jessie Jones

Jones gets on the mic. She says you can boo her as much as you want but you are looking at the next WOW champ. She says she hopes Beast is ready as redneck girls like her don't run from beasts, they hunt them.

Three people in black attack Beast and break a bottle over her head. Beast gets hit with a title belt. Medics come to check on Beast and help her up. Nobody knows what to do and Dave McClane helps out Beast.

Abilene Maverick then makes her return and is wheeled out in a wheelchair. Ab says karma is a b!tch and laughs. The show then ends with Beast being helped out and Dave shaking his head.

Thoughts: Well, not getting a title match sucks. Abilene Maverick being back though is good news.

Overall thoughts: Us not getting a title match as promised sucked but at least it is clearly going somewhere. The rest of the show was some of WOW's best work in months with the girls getting promo time and out of the ring segments. This was badly needed and is now giving the show some much needed direction going forward. Genesis/Aussie was the best match of the night and I liked the skit with The Truckers taking over Lana's hotel room. The other two matches didn't have the best execution at times but had the right idea. I liked this one and would recommend it.

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