Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Stardom 8/11/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 2

Stardom 8/11/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 2

Day 1 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/stardom-8102024-5star-gp-2024-day-1.html

 5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Block - Maika vsYuna Mizumori

They shoulder battle and Maika knocks her over. Yuna hits chest forearms. Maika forearms her over and knee chokes her on the ropes. Yuna hits chest forearms and Maika boots her over. Yuna suplexes her then sliding lariats her. Yuna legdrops her. Yuna bangs Maika's arm over the top rope.

Yuna gets on the top rope and is suplexed. Maika holds on for three more suplexes. They lariat battle and Yuna lariats her over. Yuna lariats her on the ropes. Yuna walks up the buckles and plancha's her.

Yuna cradle shocks her for 2. Maika spinning lariats her and Yuna no sells it. Maika hits an enka otoshi for 2. Maika rolls her up for 2 and Yuna does the same. Maika michinoku drivers her twice and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was more a hoss style match than expected with the girls hitting a lot of lariats and being stiff. It wwouldn't have been my pick for the opener as it was a slower match. I did like it some, but not in this spot.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Block - Hazuki vs Ruaka

Haz poses on the ropes and is knocked off. Ruaka then sends her into the seats. Ruaka shoulders Haz over. Haz flying headscissors her and basement dropkicks her. Haz goes for a dive and is hit with a black box. Ruaka slams and sentons her for 2. Haz 2nd dropkicks her off the 2nd rope then codebreakers her. Haz facewash kicks her and dropkicks her off the apron. Haz then topes her outside.

Haz top rope dropkicks her for 2 then sentons her. Ruaka crossfaces her. Ruaka crossbodies her against the bottom rope then fisherman suplexes her. Ruaka gets stuck up top and Haz superplexes her down.

Ruaka basically nbo sells it and lariats her. Haz goes for la magistral and Ruaka tries a pin off of it. Haz suplexes her then 2nd rope sentons her. Haz misses a top rope senton and takes a sliding lariat for 2. A black box is brought in. They get rid of it and Ruaka lariats Haz. Ruaka lifts her and Haz rolls her up to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special as expected and was a very average match. It didn't sound great on paper and wasn't that interesting in reality.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Block - Manami vs Konami

Manami dropkicks her to start and poses on the 2nd rope. Kon pulls her down from behind and stomps her. Kon snapmares her and Manami does pin attempts. Kon eye rakes her then basement dropkicks her. Manami hits forearms and Kon trips her. Kon bangs Manami's head off the post and sends her into the steps. Kon wraps a chair around Manami's head and pulls on the outside.

Kon bullies her around and foot chokes her. Manami hits shots while Kon is on the ropes and basement dropkicks her. Manami does her taunt and Kon straightjacket chokes her for it. Manami reverses it then Kon does a variation of it on her.

Manami northern lights suplexes her for 2. Kon flying armbars her and pulls back on the fingers. Kon northern lights suplexes her for 2. Manami flying knees her. Kon does an octopus stretch on the buckles and flying knees her. Kon puts her in rings of saturn and Manami flying knees her.

Manami misses a top rope splash. Kon buzzsaw kicks her twice for 2. Kon goes for the triangle lancer and Manami pins her off of it.

Kon hits facekicks on Manami after.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to. The crowd wasn't that into it and the work was just nothat good.

Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Tam Nakano) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Rina)

The Angels attack before it starts and htey go outside to fight. Poi works on Rina outside and Poi is sent into the chairs. Rina chokes Poi outside. Tora suplexes Tam in the ring. Rina slams Tam and splashes her.

Tam running back elbows Rina then Rina facekicks her. Tam ducks a lariat and cutters her off of it. Poi running headhunters Rina then armbars her. Tora breaks it up. Poi cartwheels on Tora and armdrags her. Poi dropkicks Tora and Rina on the ropes.

Poi top rope crossbodies Rina then armbars her. Rinadoes an octopus on Poi. Poi spin kicks her then Rina hip throws her. Tora sentons Poi then misses a butt drop. Poi basement dropkicks her in the back of the head then Tam top rope crossbodies Tora.

Tam pumping knees Tora on the ropes for 2. Tora corner lariats Tam then samoan drops her for 2. Tora takes a double dropkick then Tora cannonballs Tam on the ropes. Poi top rope crossbodies her opponents outside. Tam spinning high kicks Tora then germans her for 2. Tora uses a chair on Tam then does a stretch muffler variation. Tam ropebreaks.

Tora top rope splashes Tam. Tam takes a double back body drop. TOra does a elglock on Tam and taps her out.

Thoughts: It wasn't the most exciting match but I guess it did work logically as Tora worked the leg and submitted Tam with it.

Tora has words for the faces after. Tam gets on the mic and tries to grab Tora by the hair but there's nothing to really grab. She then just slaps her in the head.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Block - Momo Watanabe vs. Tomoka Inaba

TI wristlocks Momo. TI pump kicks her. TI running knees her off the apron then hits forearms on her outside. Momo throws TI into the apron then into the chairs. Momo slams TI in the ring. TI hits chest forearms on Momo. TI pump kicks her.

TI hits more kicks. TI ankle locks her and Momo ropebreaks. TI facekicks her. Momo hits 3 amigos on TI then basement dropkicks her. Momo meteora's her for 2. Momo chickenwings her.

They go for kicks and Momo half and half suplexes her. Momo michinoku drivers her. They trade chest kicks and both get dropped. Momo chickenwings her. TI hits a knee to the head for 2. Momo b-drivers her and TI no sells it. TI kicks her in the head from behind for 2.

TI michinoku drivers her and PK's her for the win.

Thoughts: It should have been better than it was and maybe in front of another crowd it would have been. It just didn't keep up  a consistent pace and the crowd wasn't that good. I thought they also should have just stuck to trading kicks.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Block - AZM vs. Mei Seira


They start off fast and AZM armbars her. They criss cross. AZM trips her, Mei kips up and they stand off after pin attempts. They shake hands and Mei steps on her foot. AZM forearms her down. Mei corner dropkicks her and AZM puts Mei in the rings of saturn.

Mei trips her and flying crossbodies her. Mei running headhunters her. They trade chest forearms. Mei hangs off the apron and AZM kicks her. AZM then double stomps her off the apron. Mei codebreakers her then takes a high kick. Mei runs and 2nd rope headhunters her. 

AZM goes to springboard and is dropkicked off the ropes. They almost get counted out then both head back in. AZM suplexes her and both kip up after. They trade shots and Mei spin kicks her. They roll each other up and try pin attempts for 2. Mei superkicks her and AZM hits a la mistica drop into a pin attempt for 2.

AZM high kicks her for 2. AZM top rope double stomps her for 2. They botch a spot. Mei tries a pin and AZM armbars her. They trade pin attempts. They have a fun spot where they both try to pin each other at the same time and end up holding each other in the air. AZM leg figure four suplexes her and Mei dropkicks her. Mei release germans her then AZM canadian destroyers her as the time limit ends.

Thoughts: This was a unique and interesting match that is definitely worth a look. These are two of the fastest girls on the roster and they had a real high spreed match here. It made sense but it was fast paced chaos. The double pin attempt spot was really cool here. They really matches up well and the time limit draw ending worked here. I really liked this and it was a very creative match.

They shake hands and walk out together.

5*Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Block - Mayu Iwatani vs Saya Iida


Mayu side headlocks her and Saya shoulders her over. Saya slams her then elbow drops her for 2. Saya misses a corner charge and is rolled into a basement dropkick. Mayu dropkicks her on the ropes. Mayu 2nd rope double stomps her for 2.

Saya stunners Mayu then rolls her up for 2. Saya hits corner chops. Mayu chops her and Saya chops back. They trade chops. Saya chops her down. Saya hits a double axe handle shot. Mayu superkicks her.

Saya hits a running lariats for 2. Saya corner lariats her from behind then hits a diamond dust for 2. Saya grounded chickenwings her. Mayu hits a buzzsaw kick.

Mayu top rope splashes her. Saya lariats her then brainbusters her for 2. Saya comes off the buckles and gets superkicked. Mayu tombstones her and wins with a top rope moonsault.

Thoughts: I thought it would have worked better if Saya threw her around and Mayu acted like the underdog. Instead, it was pretty even and they spent a lot of time chopping each other. It was still interesting but not the match I was expecting and not their best possible match.

Overall thoughts: The crowd sucked here and really brought this show down. The undercard just had no chance on this one. Inaba/Momo should have been better than it was. AZM/Mei is a must-see and a unique match. The main was okay but could have been a lot better. I wouldn't recommend this outside of AZM/Mei.

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