Sunday, August 25, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/24/2024 Season 4, Episode 50

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/24/2024 Season 4, Episode 50

Last week's show is here:

Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Gloria Glitter and Kandi Krush) vs Stephy Slays, Lil' J-Boogie and Ariel Sky

Kandi boots and arm throws J. J tries Krush then la magistral's her. J hits armdrags. Kandi is tripped and Slays basement dropkicks her. Slays double boots her out of the corner. Coach gets in and Slays crossbodies her for 2. Coach takes a double back elbow for 2.

Coach stomps on J then gives her a wet willy. Coach hits some corner attacks. Glitter hits knees to the gut of J then Kandi low euros J. Kandi elbow drops J for 2. Kandi throws J off the front facelock and tries to pin her with a foot on the chest.

Glitter hits jawbreakers on J then slingblades her. Slays gets in and hits running lariats on Coach. She then dropkicks Coach into her partners and splashes all 3 in the corner. Slays snapmares Coach then facekicks her. Ariel then comes in and pins Coach out of nowhere to win.

Thoughts: The finish was random here with Ariel only coming in for the pin and nothing else. She must be injured as she had to be helped in the ring after and looked to be in major pain. The match was good with the heels beating up the faces and Slays having a nice run. 

Fury vs Ice Cold

Ice backs her up in the corner. Fury rolls up Ice then lariats her over. Fury suplexes Ice then Ice throws her down backwards. Rebel Haze gets on apron and Ice knocks her off. Ice misses a legdrop. Fury flatliners her then pumping knees her. Ice leg lariats her for 2. Fury hits a falcon arrow for 2. Ice hits a standing shiranui and wins.

Thoughts: The finish looked good here. I thought it was an okay match here with them being  a little more athletic than usual and trying some things they don't normally do.

The Brat Pack (Gigi Gianni and BK Rhythm) vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike)

We saw this a few weeks ago and the match got stopped due to BK getting kicked in the face from Tara. Kara's in the black and Tara is in the white. Dave said he had to have a talk with The Dojo Defenders about the rules on kicks in wrestling. BK says The Defenders have no flow and says she can still trash talk with a broken jaw.

Kara hits kicks on Gigi then step up enzugiri's her. Kara running euros Gigi in the corner then headscissors her out of the corner. Gigi takes a double boot then takes leg kicks from Tara. Gigi begs for mercy and backs off from Tara's kicks. Tara charges at her and Gigi side steps her, sending her into the buckles.

Gigi locks up Tara's leg then ddt's it. Gigi texas cloverleafs Tara. BK bangs Tara's head off the buckles then corner lariats her. Tara hits a strike combo then BK corner lariats her. Gigi hits boots on Tara in the corner then foot chokes her.

Gigi chinlocks Tara. Tara legsweeps her. Kara gets in and hits shots on Gigi. Kara hits some kicks the nnorthern lights suplexes her for 2. Tara throws BK out. Kara hits soul foot on Gigi and wins.

It was an okay tag here but I would have liked them to play off their last match more. Tara definitely took it easy here with the kicks to avoid injuring anyone.

Lana Star and Miami's Sweet Heat go to the hotel. The clerk gives them the bill from when The Mother Truckers stayed and pretended to be them. They say they want to check the security camera's and see who did this.

Reina del Rey vs Sandy Shore

SS tries to shoulder her over but Rey doesn't move. SS flying shoulders her and is knocked over. SS step up enzugiri's her and is lariated over. Rey stands on the back of SS. Rey buttdrops SS' back then fish hooks her.

SS is put in the electric chair and dropped face first onto the buckles. Rey hair throws SS then running knees her in the corner. Rey shoulders her over then hits short arm lariats. Rey lariats her from behind and wins.

Thoughts: It was all squash here with Rey overpowering Shore.

Crystal Waters comes in to check on Shore after and is beaten up. Waters is thrown down onto Shore.

They announce that two journalists and Jeanie Buss will select the best matches of the year for WOW to be re-aired in two weeks in the WOW Fan Appreciation Showcase. This is likely due to the season ending and them needing to fill time until the new season begins.

Next week has The Fierce Sisters vs The Classmaster and Samantha Smart.

Penelope Pink vs Tormenta

Lana Starr gets on the mic and asks if Pink remembers when Tormenta and Sophia Lopez cost her the title in a three way. She says she will never forgive Sophia Lopez. She says Pink will destroy Tormenta tonight. Vickie Lynn McCoy is with Lana.

Tor slides out of a kick. Tor top rope crossbodies her for 2. Tor goes for an up and over and is caught and dropped down. Pink bangs Tor's head off her knee. Pink sits on Tor on the ropes then McCoy and Lana choke Tor on the ropes. Pink crossbodies Tor on the ropes.

Tor backcrackers Pink while she's on the 2nd rope. Tor hits some kind of drop on Pink. Tor takes a sliding german. Pink goes to get back in and is dropkicked. Pink is on the floor outside and Tor moonsaults her off the apron. McCoy hits shots on Tor outside.

Tor gets in and Pink hits a forward flipping reverse ddt and wins it. 

Thoughts: The idea was good with them doing more of a heavyweight style match. It was not the prettiest match though and the execution could have been better. I still liked it but it would have been a lot better if the moves were hit cleaner.

Pink gets on the mic after. She said she has had enough and calls out The Beast. She said this isn't the end and says her goal is to take out everyone who has wronged her in WOW. She says she's coming for her WOW Title. 

Overall thoughts: I liked 3 of the 4 matches so I thought it was a good show overall.  I liked some of the follow up here on The Mother Truckers running up the bill at the hotel on Lana and that they actually referenced BK Rhythm getting her jaw broken by Tara Strike.

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