Saturday, August 31, 2024

AEW Rampage 8/30/2024

AEW Rampage 8/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) vs Private Party

Zay waistlocks Matt. Matt trips him and side headlocks him. Zay hammerlocks him and takes a back elbow. Matt goes up and over then he dropkicks Zay. Zay hits a big forearm on Matt then hits more forearms.

Zay asai moonsaults over Matt then flying headscissors him. Zay hits a leg lariat. Quen armbreakers Matt. Matt takes a double flapjack. Matt takes a neckbreaker + double stomp combo. Quen walks up the buckles and flip dives out onto Mike and Matt.

Matt lariats Zay. Mike splashes Zay then hits chops. Jay hits punches on Matt. Jay hits a hiptoss into a cartwheel dropkick on Matt. Jay gets figure four attempts blocked. Jay is popped up into a Mike forearm. We go to PiP break and return.

Jay jawbreakers Matt then Jeff hits lariats on Mike and Matt. Matt misses a corner splash and Jeff hits corner punches on him. Jeff back body drops Quen then leg lariats Zay on the ropes. Jeff does the Fargo stru and Mike rolls him up. Jay neckbreakers Matt then Mike superkicks Jeff. Jay flatliners Mike then Matt spinning high heel kicks Jay.

PP does the silly string and Zay tornado ddt's Matt. Quen hits a 450 for 2. Mike death valley drivers Quen. Zay neckbreakers Mike. Jay hits a lethal injection on Zay then takes a running knee from Matt. Jeff is eye poked by Matt then Jeff figure fours him.

Jay figure fours Mike at the same time. Mike and Matt then team up at the same time.

It was a decent trios tag match here. Everyone got their spots in and they kept this one moving. It went about as well as it could have gone.   

Mina Shirakawa vs Missa Kate

They trade waistlocks. Mina kicks her then slides under her and dances. Kate dances with her. Mina kicks her in the back then Kate backrolls her. Mina russian legsweeps Kate. Mina stomps Kate's legs into the mat.

Mina kicks her off the ropes and hits a top rope splash for 2. Mina takes a kick from Kate for 2. Mina rolls her up for 2. Mina spinning forearms and back fists Kate. Mina then does some kind of back to her. Mina lifting reverse ddt's her and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special here as expected and some of the girls' offense could have looked better. At least they kept it moving.

Stokeley Hathaway and Kris Statlander talk. Stoke says Willow surrounded herself with deviants and said her support system sucks @ss. Stoke says Willow is the furthest thing from street. Stoke asks someone off camera if there is a problem. Stoke then pushes the guy and says we have a Willow fan on the crew. Kris then nails the guy. Kris says September7th will be the death of friendship.

The Grizzled Young Veterans vs The Outrunners

Zack and Truth go at it. Truth side headlocks him. Zack and Drake wristlock Truth. Drake works Truth's arm then Truth slams Drake. Drake takes a double bodyslam.

Turbo takes a double clothesline. Turbo boots Zack from the ropes and The Runners hit a double shoulderblock and a double elbow drop. Turbo hits chops on Zack. Truth takes baseball slides and Drake accidentally kicks him in the head.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Zack blocks Drake from getting suplexed then Drake spinning heel kicks Truth. Drake forearms Truth down and side headlocks him.

Truth backdrops Drake. Turbo is hot tagged in. He hits shots on The Vets. Turbo slams Zack and Drake. Drake step up enzugiri's Turbo and Turbo hits a double flying clothesline. Truth is pushed off the top and lands on the top rope throat first.

Zack double throat thrusts Truth. Truth takes a deadly looking doomsday device. Truth then takes a legsweep + lariat and is pinned.

Thoughts: The doomsday device was nasty and that was after Truth got kicked in the head on accident. He ended up not wrestling the next night and it's no surprise why. It was a decent tag with The Runners getting some support from the crowd and them keeping things moving. I'd like to see this again when they have more time. 

I will not be viewing the next match.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Komander vs The Beast Mortos vs Lio Rush

They pair off and fight. KT and Mort headbutt their opponents and Mort slaps Kom. KT and Mort gorilla press their opponents but are pushed into each other. Lio and Kom hit stereo dropkicks then do stereo planchas. They then get caught at the same time and their backs are rammed into each other.

Mort and KT trade shots outside then Kom and Lio dive on them at the same time. Lio boots Kom then rolls him up. Kom rolls him up. Lio slides out of a lariat and hits an enzugiri. Mort and KT take turns beating up on Lio. Lio sues the ropes and headscissors Mort. Lio takes a facekick from KT then Kom is popped up and dropkicks KT.

Kom rope walk corkscrew moonsaults outside. Mort then tornillo topes outside onto Kom. We go to PiP break and return. Mort headbutts KT in the chest and KT forearms him down. KT blocks Lio's headscissors. Lio hits a strike combo then Lio bottom rope seated springboard stunners him. Lio is dropped face first by Kom. Mort lungblowers Kom.

Mort and KT double clothesline each other. Mort boots Kom then slingblade bulldogs him on his head. Kom headscissors Mort. Mort slaps him from the apron. Kom takes a top rope german and he spanish flies Mort at the same time. Lio then top rope frogsplashes the pile of wrestlers.

Kom superkicks Lio and KT. Kom rolls up KT for 2. Kom springboard poisonrana's Mort for 2. Kom misses a rope walk ssp on Mort then Lio jumps off of Kom's back and topes Mort. Lio then hits another hard tope on Mort. Mort hits a hard spear on Lio inside then Mort backbreakers Kom. Mort powerbomb backbreakers Kom. KT knees Mort in the face. KT blue thunders Kom then hits a spinning falcon arrow ofr the win.

Thoughts: It was fast paced and wild as expected and they did too much as expected. The first part of this was all stereo moves for the most part. KT and Mort were working together for a while and gave it up. The top rope german + spanish fly spot was unique. Lio was moving so fast here.

Overall thoughts: I liked 2 of the 4 matches I saw here. It was mostly all wrestling not a lot of storylines going on here. The matches were mostly random. Poor Truth Magnum really took a whooping in his match. It was about average overall.

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