Tuesday, March 11, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 3/8/2025 Season 5, Episode 26

WOW Women of Wrestling 3/8/2025 Season 5, Episode 26

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wow-women-of-wrestling-312025-season-5.html

Lana Star is with The Fab Four. She says Holly and Pink will win them the tag titles. Lindsay says Lana's priorities are messed up and asks why they are always first. Lauri says they can take notes and see how real champs work. Lindsay says they don't need them. Holly says there will be two new WOW tag champs tonight. Penelope Pink won't high five Holly.

Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs Tormenta and Princess Aussie

Linds backs up Aussie in the corner and misses a shot. The four all get in. Aussie and Tor hit shots on MSH. MSH miss dropkicks then take dropkicks. Aussie topes MSH. Tor goes up top and swantons onto MSH outside.

Aussie elbow drops Laur. Laur is tripped into the ropes then pulled over the 2nd rope. They seem to mess a spot up and Linds lariats Tor. Tor's head is banged off the mat for 2. Linds foot chokes Tor in the corner. Tor takes a double back elbow. Laur rolling spears Tor. 

Linds hits corner spears on Tor. Laur catapults Linds into Tor. Laur foot chokes Tor. Tor rolls out of the way of the heels and tags out. Aussie top rope crossbodies Linds. Aussie lariats Linds then flying crossbodies her for 2. Aussie superkicks Linds. Aussie is lifted into a codebreaker on Linds.

Aussie and Tor pound on their opponents. Tor is thrown out by Linds. Aussie takes a side slam + top rope elbow drop combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: There were some sloppy moments here. This got a lot of time and maybe a little too much. It should have been a little better than it was considering the experience of the wrestlers in it. I just thought it as so-so.

Gigi Gianni vs Chantilly Chella

BK Rhythm does a rap on Chella before it starts. Gigi and Chella go at it. Gigi waistlock takedowns her and they trade front facelocks. Chella side headlock takeovers her. Gigi headscissors her. Gigi hits mounted forearms on Chella.

Chella is on the 2nd rope and Gigi double knee presses her down. Gigi chinlocks Chella. Gigi swinging side slams her. Chella headscissors Gigi out of the corner and hits kicks. Chella legsweeps her then meteora's her.

Cehall step up knees her in the corner and 2nd rope dropkicks her. Gigi over the back neckbreakers her. Chella goes to springboard and BK interrupts her. Gigi does like a single leg codebreaker to the face and picks up a win.

Thoughts: It was short but was a decent effort from the girls. They matched up okay and had no real issues.

Genesis vs Roxxy Fierce

Gen backs her up in the corner then slaps her. Rox waistlock takedowns her twice. Rox throws her into the buckles and corner forearms her. Rox hits a corner splash then hip attacks her on the ropes.

Gen boots her in the corner then pulls her leg around the middle rope. Gen bangs Rox's leg off the apron then bangs the knee off the mat. Gen does a double leg grapevine heel hook on her and Rox gets out.

Gen misses a corner boot. Rox shoulders her over then hits lariats and back elbows. Rox backdrops her for 2. Gen misses a spin kick. Gen boots her then spin kicks her in the head for the win.

It was another shorter match but I didn't have any issues with it. Gen got the win as expected. I would have liked to have seen a finish with the leg she worked on though.

Gen gets on the mic after. She says she beat The Fierce Sisters. She says Roxxy is strong but says she's getting bored. She says she's tired of winning all the time and not getting a title shot. She said she broke out of Exile but it seems like they want her there. She says it doesn't matter who she faces as she will lay down the law.

Santana Garrett comes out. She said Paola Mayfield and Abilene Maverick demanded a title match. She said McLane says you have to earn it, not be given it. She says she gives it her all night every night and says she is asking for a title match against The Classmaster. McLane says Classmaster's feet were on the ropes against her in their match so he agrees.

At least the logic was okay, but I'm not a big fan of title shots being given this way.

Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty talk in the back. Betty's worried about having to put her hands on Holly tonight. Jones says not to worry about it as Holly wouldn't hesitate to do it to her.

Pink, Holly and Lana walk to the ring. Pink doesn't want involved in the family drama but Holly says she needs her help.

WOW Tag Titles - Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty vs Penelope Pink and Holly Swag

Pink pushes Holly into the ring. Holly then punches Pink to tag her in. Jones snapmares Pink then pulls her arms back while pushing on the head with the legs. Jones then bodyscissors rolls her around the ring. Jones corner hip attacks Pink then Pink is brought down by both opponents for 2. 

Betty bulldogs Pink and kicks her in the back. Betty superkicks Pink. Holly gets in but doesn't want to fight Betty. Jones throws Holly in from the apron. She hits some shots on her. Jones hits back elbows on Holly then sliding lariats her for 1.

Holly is tripped into Betty's knee. Betty spanks Holly. Holly spits on Betty and slaps her. Holly clubs on Betty. Pink then forearms and boots Betty in the corner. Holly foot chokes Betty and chops her.

Betty then hits a chop and takes a double throat thrust. Holly clubs on Betty and knees her. Betty takes a double step up knee in the corner. Pink poses on Betty on the ropes and Jones knocks Pink off the ropes. Holly stomps and elbow drops Betty.

Holly chops Betty then sliding leg lariats her. Betty is put on the 2nd rope and takes a sliding german. Holly wants a high five but Pink refuses. Pink is pulled down face first on the buckles and takes a rainmaker lariat.

Holly and Jones go at it. Jones hits a big slap then lariats her. Jones back elbows her then corner splashes her. Jones running back elbows her and pulls her down backwards. Betty hits a russian legsweep on Pink. Jones and Betty send their opponents into each other but they avoid banging into each other. Miami's Sweet Heat then runs in and beats up Jones and Betty. Jones and Betty win via DQ.

Princess Aussie and Tormenta then help the faces out and beat up on the heels. Ref's then come down to break it up.

Thoughts: It got a lot of time and was a good match here. I just wish we could have gotten a better finish as it deserved one. Holly did good job heeling it up here as she spit on her mom Betty to get heat. The work was just also above the usual WOW work, though some of the strikes could have hit harder. 

Overall thoughts: There was only one match that was good here and that was the main. There wasn't much else of note here. The opener wasn't as good as it should have been and the other two matches were acceptable. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and I don't think you really need to see it.

Monday, March 10, 2025

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/10/2025

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/10/2025

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-monday-night-raw-332025.html

We are in New York City. Michael Cole and Pat McAfee are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Jey Uso enters through the crowd.

Jey Uso vs Grayson Waller

GW shoves him off the lock up. GW side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Jey flying back elbows him. Jey slams GW. GW hits mounted punches. Jey is sent into the post. GW misses a corner splash. Jey enzugiri's him then lariats him over the top. Jey topes him outsdie. Theory trips up Jey from outside. GW slides out and lariats him.

We go to break and return. GW hits a springboard elbow drop. Jey hits punches on GW. Jey superkicks him then uppercuts him. Jey samoan drops him. Jey hits a corner hip attack on GW.

Jey misses a top rope splash and superkicks him but misses. GW stunners him over the 2nd rope and rolls in with a flatliner for 2. GW hits mounted shots. GW icks him then spinning forearms him. Jey superkicks him. Jey then superkicks Theory. Jey spears GW for the win.

Thoughts: Jey didn't get enough offense in on this one and it didn't look good for him to take a whooping from Waller, who really hasn't been pushed as much of a threat lately. I thought GW was better than Jey here.

Theory attacks Jey after. Jey then takes a 2v1. Jey throws GW over the top then spears Theory. Jey hits a top rope splash then Gunther chokes Jey from behind. Refs then come to break it up.

We get a video on the Punk/Seth feud.

Alpha Academy talk to Jey Uso in medical. Jey says he will be okay.

Logan Paul comes out. Logan rips someone's shirt off on the front row. Logan says AJ was supposed to come out but he beat him to the punch. He says he's shocked Cody was dumb enough to reject The Rock's offer. He said it took Cena 20 years to realize that nice guys finish last. Logan says his soul is for sale and doesn't run away from opportunities.

He points out Andrew Schultz in the crowd who is some kind of comedian. He asks him why he came here. Schultz says he came to see the cage match. Logan asks who he came to see. Schultz says no one came to see Logan. he says he's not in Cleveland but NYC. Schultz says he wants to see AJ Styles.

Logan pulls him over the top and rips his jacket in the process. Logan goes to suplex him. AJ Styles runs down. AJ hits strikes on Logan and drops him with a spinning lariat. AJ hits a springboard forearm.

Logan leaves. AJ tells him to get back in as he's not done with him. AJ says you don't run from opportunities.

Tornado Tag Match - The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) vs The LWO (Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee)

They all fight to start. The New Day take corner splashes. The faces hit corner punches then stereo bulldogs. Woods is sent into the post. Kofi is back body dropped on the floor and Woods is sent into the rails. Rey is popped up into a la silla on Kofi.

Rey is sent into the steps outside. Lee is caught coming off the steps and double powerbombed on the floor. We go to break and return. Kofi is crotched on the top rope. Kofi hangs off the top. Rey springboard hurricanrana's Woods off the ropes. Lee top rope double stomps Kofi as he hangs for 2.

Lee flying hurricanrana's Woods off the apron onto a table. Rey hits a springboard twisting crossbody on Kofi for 2. Rey hurricanrana's Kofi and 619's him. Kofi gets his knees up on Rey's top rope splash. Lee superkicks Kofi out and tope con hilos him. Someone in a mask hurricanrana's Lee out of nowhere then flying headbutts him. That guy then germans Rey on the floor. The masked guy is taken out by security and it's Chad Gable. Chad runs from security.

Rey is put on Kofi's knee then takes a to prope double stomp. Rey is then pinned.

It was all action without a lot of downtime. Chad Gable interfered here under a mask. It was an athletic match as expected and it was okay.

Finn Balor says Bron Breakker is rubbing him the wrong way to Carlito. He accuses Carlito of not listening. Raquel, Dom and Liv walk in. Liv says when Raquel beats Bayley tonight, she gets a shot at Lyra. Dom says he got Finn an IC Title match against Bron. Finn hugs him and thanks him. Dom tells Liv he believes in Finn and Finn has got this.

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. He says Cena isn't here but will be there next week. He complains about Cena kicking him in the nuts. Cody calls him a moron. Cody says Cena won't win his 17th title but he will get to beat his hero in his last chance to be champ. Cody says he's the captain now and leaves.

#1 Contender's to the Women's Intercontinental Title - Bayley vs Raquel Rodriguez

RR backs up Bay in the corner. RR throws her down backwards by the hair. Bay is knocked off the apron. Bay clubs on RR as she gets back in. RR shoulders Bay over. RR corner splashes Bay then hits short arm shoulderblocks. Bay diving armdrags her off the ropes. RR spins Bay with the front facelock. RR fallaway slams her.

RR is pulled face down on the buckles. Bay hits forearms and knees her in the face. Bay hits a bronco buster. Bay elbow drops RR as she leans over the bottom rope. Bay argues with Liv as we go to break. We return and RR misses a legdrop on the apron. Bay stunners her over the 2nd rope and running knees her. Bay diving cutters her over the 2nd rope and sliding lariats her. RR throws her. Bay backrolls her then running knees her. Bay hits a top rope elbow drop for 2.

Bay backdrops RR. RR is sent out and sent into the post. Liv trips Bay while Dom distracts the ref. Bay knocks Dom off the apron. Bay's tope is caught by RR and RR belly to belly suplexes her on the commentary table.

RR facekicks her then one-arm powerbombs Bay for the win.

I'm really surprised by all the losses Bay is taking lately. I'm sure it's going somewhere but it's putting Bay in a hole that I don't know if she will be good enough to get out of. The match was just average here.

Cathy Kelly interviews Chad Gable in the back. She says he attacked Rey and Lee earlier under the mask. Chad says it wasn't him and says it was a fan. Cathy does't buy it. Chad says security is pathetic and said they should have stopped the masked guy. We then see security apprehending someone in a mask. Chad then stares at Cathy and says NY security is pathetic.

Iyo Sky is interviewed by Michael Cole in the ring. Iyo says it's a dream to be at MSG as champ. She says something about being on her way to Mania. Bianca Belair is brought out. 

BB says they haven't always seen eye to eye but she's excited to face her at Mania. She talks about Rhea disrespecting her and her putting her hands on Rhea. She says she just wants to talk about Mania. Rhea Ripley comes out. Rhea asks why BB was out here last week.

Rhea asks if BB wanted to help Iyo. She says there's no reason for her to be out there. BB says Rhea can't beat Iyo and is trying to blame her. Iyo tries to get bweenten them and Rhea pushes her away in her mouth. The two argue then BB piefaces Iyo. Iyo then slaps Rhea and BB. Iyo then throws a fit and the segment ends.

Thoughts: It seems like we are getting a three way. I'm not surprised. Iyo vs BB wasn't the strongest women's match.

Steel Cage Match - Seth Rollins vs CM Punk

Seth pounds on Punk as he enters. Punk then hits punches. Seth hits punches back. They slap each other and hockey fight. They trade more punches. Seth blocks a step up knee and powerbombs Seth into the cage.

We go to break and return. Punk is sent into the cage. Seth opens the door for Punk and tells him to take the easy way out. Punk flips him off and hits punches. Punk hurricanrana's Seth into the cage. Punk hits a GTS.

Seth pumping knees him and rakes Seth's face on the cage. Punk step up knees Seth in the back of the cage. Punk then tells Seth he can leave and opens the door. Seth gives him in the finger. 

Punk neckbreakers him then hits a top rope elbow drop. Punk hits another top rope elbow drop and then a 3rd. Punk climbs the top of the cage. Seth goes up there with him. Punk lays on the top of the cage and is superplexed down.

They trade punches on their knees and get up and trade. Punk hits a GTS for 2. Seth turns a GTS into an STF. Punk puts him in an anaconda vice. Seth curbstomps him for 2. Seth is swept on the buckles and takes a GTS for 2.

Punk hits a curbstomp for 2. Seth hits his own GTS then curbstomps Punk for 2. Seth 2nd rope curbstomps Punk. Roman Reigns then comes out and grabs Seth by the cage. He pulls him out and Seth wins since it is escape the cage rules. 

Thoughts: They tried here and had a good match. There was no blood or anything too wild but they put over that they hated each other well and did some cool stuff like stealing each others moves. The ending was what it was but at least it wasn't for nothing.

Roman superman punches Punk then spears him on the floor. Roman sends Seth into the rails then curb stomps him on the floor. Roman goes to curbstomp Seth into the steps but officials and Adam Pearce stop him.

Paul Heyman comes in the ring and hugs Punk. Roman sees it and is upset. Roman then sends Punk into the cage and spears him.

Thoughts: And there we go. This seems to set up a triple threat Mania giving all three something to do. This also follows up on the thing with Paul owing Punk a favor though it kind of turned Roman heel here for attacking Punk for no reason.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent Raw. The main was good but not great. Nothing else was too memorable here. There was way too much time spent showing celebs and a lot of the roster was missing here. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 but I didn't think it was the best show possible here.

WWE LFG 3/9/2025 Episode 4

WWE LFG 3/9/2025 Episode 4

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-lfg-322025-episode-3.html 

This aired against AEW Revolution 2025.

Shiloh Hill is back and feeling better after getting knocked out last week. Taker asks how he's doing.

Shawn tells everyone that and the coaches were all part of a group or a team but became individual stars. They talk about factions and Shawn says the NWO was the best faction of all time. They then bring in Eric Bischoff, who they credit for making the NWO.

Eric talks to all the trainees and asks if they grew up watching the NWO. None of them did and he tells them to talk to their parents about it (that's sad but they'd have to be close to 30 to do that so I get it). Shawn then brings out X-Pac Sean Waltman.

Sean says he's a 2x Hall of Famer and said he played an important role in the NWO and DX. Shawn says today is about forming your own faction. Leigh Laurel finds it hard to come up with a faction. Shawn wants to see how they can work together but also know their roles and show who they are. Drake Morreaux is excited.

Shawn says we will have an 8-man Faction Face-Off tag later with the coaches teams. Bayley Humphrey says it'll be her first match ever. She says she's nervous but excited. Elijah Holyfield is nervous too. Sirena Linton is as well.

Eric says he wants to see a vignette and tells them to google the first NWO interview. X-Pac wants to see how they work together and what kind of match they put together.

We go to break and return. Bubba discusses faction ideas with his crew. Zena Sterling says they should be farmers. Bubba isn't impressed. Cutler says it's his first week on Bubba's Team and is ready to crush it. He talks about being a wrestler at Duke. He says he loves to work and fight. He says he is trying to find where he belongs like Hercules. He says he wants to be in WWE. Cutler says they need to find a common thread between them. Drake says they are a deformed family. Bubba loves it of course since he did that gimmick. Bubba then tells them about The Dudley's. Bubba says thye ar eturning into the modern day Dudley's and will be the best Dudley's they can be.

Cutler says the Dudley overalls aren't his thing. Bubba says Cutler stood out to him last week with his soft fire. He says he needs personality from him. He says Kurt Angle stood out to him because he had so much personality. He says he needs Cutler to throw his personality out. He says there's no personality there right now with Cutler.

We then see Bubba's crew dressed up as The Dudley's. Tatyanna Dumas says they based off where they came from. Tat has a dog with her. Zena is an airhead. Cutler is angry and doesn't talk. Drake has Mardi Gras Dudley gear on.

Team Booker says they aren't going back but forward. Leigh said she didn't have many ideas to start. Anthony Luke says they should be "TNE - The Next Era". Leigh says it sums up who they are. Booker does a hand's in cheer on it. They are all dressed in black leather and wearing sunglasses like The Matrix. Booker tells them how to do the vignette.  

BJ Ray comes in to check up on his health. He doesn't want to have surgery and says he has to check with the surgeon.

Bubba and Booker talk. Bubba says Booker's team has a problem making adjustments for the match. Bubba questions Jasper Troy about him not wanting to lose to Zena. Booker backs up Jasper and supports him not wanting to lose to a girl. Booker says he doesn't like Bubba's idea. Jasper Troy says putting the match together was stressful. He says it's not easy or pleasant. Leigh says this gave her an idea of what it's like to be in WWE where plans change on the fly.

Booker says Bubba knows what he's talking about but needs to be put in check sometimes.

The Next Era (Anthony Luke, Leigh Laurel, Jasper Troy and Penina Tuilaepa) vs The Dudley's (Zena Sterling, Tatyanna Dumas, Drake Morreaux and Cutler James)

Bischoff and X-Pac are watching this with the judges. The Dudley video was really good and was perfect for this mix and match team. Zena shoulders Leigh over then rolls her up. Zena side headlocks her. Leigh side headlock takeovers her. Zena takes her down and bangs Leigh's knee off the mat. Zena slams her for 2. Dumas 2nd rope double axe handles Leigh's arm.

Dumas takes a double shoulderblock. Penina side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Penina legdrops her for 2. Penina misses a splash. Dumas tags in Cutler

Cutler and Luke get in. BJ Ray sits with the judges and is kicked out and pushed. We go to break and return. BJ Ray talks about getting kicked out and mocks Bubba. Cutler does a throw on Luke.  Drake gets in and wants Jasper. They stare down. Jasper side headlocks him. Jasper elbow drops him in the back of the neck. Drake boots him out of the corner then lariats him. Drake backdrops Jasper. Drake splashes Jasper for 2.

Jasper hits Drake from behind. Drake takes a flying kick + spinning slam from Jasper and Luke. Luke corner lariats Drake. Jasper black hole slams Drake. Roxanne Perez is seen watching. Jasper abdominal stretches him. Drake neckbreakers Jasper and Mickie screams "oh God".

Cutler gets in. He slams Luke then slams Troy onto Luke. Cutler corner spears the two then hits a double lariat. Mickie doesn't look pleased. Penina comes in and doesn't hit a dropkick clean. Zena hits a top rope splash. Cutler samoan drops Troy.

Thoughts: It's always hard to rate these matches because they aren't in front of real crowds, they do a lot of cuts so we don't see everything and the judges kind of end up being part of the whole thing as well. Zena didn't look that good and Troy's size got exposed against Cutler here as he looked smaller than him. It was also hard because when the genders would tag in or out, the other team had to tag out too. It wasn't anything too good.

Bubba and Booker fist pound after. Booker says they did a good job in putting this together. Mickie asked what happened with BJ Ray during the match. Bischoff says BJ talked to him and Bully Ray kicked BJ out. Bubba says BJ was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Bubba says BJ has the tools but doesn't know how to use them. Taker says it drives him crazy how BJ can't get out of his own way. Bubba says he was BJ back in the day and nobody understands him better than he does. 

Mickie talks with her team about ideas for a faction. Mickie says she sees them as the perfect athletes. Troy Yearwood says they should be called "The Pinnacle of Performance" or POP for short. Troy says he likes to ready and write poetry. He can make his pecs move also. Mickie says thye need to look similar but not the same. Troy wants to wear gold.

Michelle McCool and The Undertaker discuss team ideas. Bayley likes "Slayer of Souls", which Taker recommends. Shiloh says Taker has cool ideas. Taker says he has an idea about his team being in a dark alley that you wouldn't want to find. Taker wants Tyra to do a death stare.

We then see them film vignettes. Bayley says he used to work in a morgue and Shiloh played a dead person in it.

Mickie's team is wearing gold and white and has gold lights. They have a light up ball that Dani syas is like having the world in their hands.

Mickie and Taker talk to their teams about today's match. Chris says he hopes he and Shiloh can get it right this time. Sirena is worried about her first match. She's a former college gymnast and says she's Mexican. She said she watched lucha with her family. She says her dad got deported at 16. She said her uncle took up the role for her but then he got murdered.

Taker talk about the match with his team. Bayley talks about being friends with Sirena. Bayley's from Arizon and did acrobatics and tumbling. She says she loves athletics and likes to throw girls rather than catch them. She says she has a bubbly personality and is excited to entertain people (they ignore her totally being on steroids). Taker gives Elijah and Bayley advice on their first match. Taker says he lost sleep over this. Mickie says her first match was in an armory with 50 people there. Sirena says it's surreal.

We get vignettes for the two teams. PoP definitely has a superhero type of vibe to it. SOS had a nice horror kind of theme to their vignette.

The Pinnacle of Performance (Chris Island, Troy Yearwood, Sirena Linton and Dani Sekelsky) vs Slayers of Souls (Tyra Mae Steele, Bayley Humphrey, Elijah Holyfield and Shiloh Hill)

SOS come out in all black and come out with no theatrics. Bayley throws Sirena back to start. We go to break and return. Bayley throws her and shoulders her over. Sirena jumps at her and is rammed into the corner.  Bayley hits bad chops on Sirena. Sirena chops back. Bayley knees her in the gut. Sirena crossbodies her.

Dani and Tyra get in. Tyra trips her and takes her down. Tyra takes her down by the arm and armlocks her. Dani rolls, kips up and cartwheels out of a wristlock. Tyra wristlocks her. Tyra hits waistlock takedowns. Dani headscissors her down. Dani snapmares Tyra and dropkicks her.

Elijah and Chris get in. They lock up. Elijah pushes him and hiptosses him. Chris side headlocks him then flying shoulders him. Chris then rips off his shirt and throws it in the crowd. We go to break and return.

Troy armlocks Hill then hits a nice dropkick on him. Hill knocks Troy off the apron. Chris monkey flips Hill. Chris is swept off the buckles. Hill backdrops Chris. Chris is group beaten in the corner. Chris takes a corner spear from ELijah. Chris hits forearms on Elijah. Elijah knees him in the gut then shoulders him over. Chris takes a double shoulderblock for 2.

Chris rolls up Hill then Hill lariats him. Hill kicks away Troy's tag attempt. Hill misses a corner charge. Troy hits shots on Hill when he gets in. Troy does a high flying knee on Hill. Dani and Sirena jump on thier female opponents and bang their heads off the mat. Troy cradles Hill. Elijah takes a big lariat. Troy does an AA into a press on Hill and wins.

Thoughts: I felt like we saw a little more of this than the last one. Elijah wasn't bad but is kind of wooden in the ring. Troy and Hill showed the most potential in this one with Hill being a step above everyone. However, Hill is the most experienced. We didn't see much from Sirena.

Elijah says you don't feel like a wrestler until your first match. Bayley says she will cherish that moment her whole career. Sirena says it felt great to be able to trust Bayley. She then tells Molly Holly that it felt incredible. X-Pac says Hill stood out.

We go to break and return. The coaches have to give points out. Booker points over his team and Shawn says Booker is totally not biased in any way. Taker says the finishes in both matches were good. He says he has never been more proud of his crew. He says there's some legit stars in this group.

Mickie says she's proud of her team and says they all killed it. Bubba says how well they worked together stood out. Bubba says his team did a good job. Bischoff says Zena entertained him. Bischoff gives Undertaker's Team a point as he says they brought mystique. X-Pac gives Booker's Team a point.

Team Booker has 3 points, Team Mickie has 2 points Team Undertaker has 1 point and Team Bubba has 0 points.

Shawn says CM Punk is next week's guest. Punk says when you think you have all the answers, he changes the culture.

Overall thoughts: It's a tough show to rate as it's a work of a work at times. It's not always clear how much of the matches we are seeing and the matches aren't shot like traditional matches. The show is gradually dipping more into wrestling which is good. The coach competition thing still hasn't gotten that interesting though. This was probably the best episode so far as it was almost all wrestling focused but I wouldn't recommend this show.

New Japan Pro Wrestling 3/9/2025 New Japan Cup 2025 Day 2

New Japan Pro Wrestling 3/9/2025 New Japan Cup 2025 Day 2

Toru Yano & YOSHI-HASHI vs. Daiki Nagai & Katsuya Murashima

The young lion attack before the bell. The club and stomp their opponents. Yoshi takes a double shoulderblock. Yano takes a double back elbow. KM flying forearms Yoshi then stomps him. Yoshi hits a slam on him then chops him. Yano hiptosses KM and pulls a turnbuckle pad off.

Yano eye rakes KM then sends him into the exposed buckle. Yoshi hits chops on KM for 2. Yoshi suplexes KM for 2. Yoshi half-crabs KM and KM ropebreaks.

Yoshi clubs on KM. KM hits chops. KM dropkicks Yoshi. Nagai comes in and dropkicks Yoshi. Nagai crabs Yoshi. Yoshi takes corner attacks and a double suplex for 2. Yoshi back elbows Nagai then hits a neckbreaker for 2. Yoshi does a butterfly lock variation on Nagai and wins.

It was a short rookie vs vets match. I would have liked to have seen it gone longer than it did as it ended before it got really exciting. 

BULLET CLUB (Chase Owens & SANADA) vs. Just 4 Guys (TAKA Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)

Yuya and Sanada go at it. Yuya wristlocks him. Sanada reverses it then Yuya reverses it. Yuya side headlock takeovers him. Sanada side headlock takeovers him and they stand off.

Yuya side headlocks him then hits an armdrag on both opponents. Yuya chops over Sanada. Yuya chops Sanada. Chase trips Yuya from the outside and Yuya has the rope kicked into his crotch. Sanada takes Yuya into the crowd and bangs his head off a seat. Chase bangs Taka's head off the apron. Sanada hits Yuya with a bottle.

Chase hits shots to Yuya's back then backbreakers him. Sanada punches Yuya. Yuya chops him back. Sanada dropkicks Yuya in the knee. Yuya flying lariats Sanada.

Yuya hits a dropkick on Chase. Taka gets in and slaps Chase. He hits a step up knee in the corner and running knees him. Taka pump kicks him for 2. Taka rolls him up then Chase hits a pumping knee for the win.

It was a waste of time here with Taka getting put down with a simple pumping knee.

United Empire (Jakob Austin Young, Jeff Cobb & TJP) vs. TMDK (Hartley Jackson, Ryohei Oiwa & Zack Sabre Jr.)

TJP and Zack go at it. They trade some holds and TJP armdrag trips him. Zack twists TJP's ankle then TJP twists Zack's ankle. TJP headstand corkscrew headscissors him. TJP surfboards Zack and Zack goes for the armbar.

TJP ducks a headkick and they stand off. Hart and Cobb go at it. They should battle. Cobb chops him then Hart shoulders him over. Cobb suplexes him. Hart then crossbodies Jake off a double team attempt. 

Oiwa and Jake get in. Oiwa back elbows him then shoulders him over. Zack stomps Oiwa's arm into the mat. Hart slams Jake for 2. Jake flying headscissors Oiwa into a russian legsweep. Cobb comes in and flying shoulders Oiwa. Cobb backdrops him and standing moonsaults him for 2.

Oiwa low dropkicks him then splashes him. Cobb superkicks Oiwa. Oiwa takes corner attacks and Jake flying knees Oiwa. TJP gets on Cobb's back and they splash Oiwa. Jake 2nd rope dropkicks Oiwa then is pulled over the top. Oiwa shoulders Jake over and everyone starts getting a move in. Hart hits a double clothesline.

Jake hits a dropkick on Oiwa and running knees him. Oiwa backdrops Jake for 2. Oiwa spinning lariats Jake and wins.

Thoughts: Everyone got their section in on this one and not much else. The TJP/Zack section was nice and made me want to see that match. We also got to see the heavies in Hart and Cobb go at it here. It was an average match. 

House Of Torture (Ren Narita, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay, Gabe Kidd & Gedo)

YK = Yoshinobu Kanemaru, DF = David Finlay

The two sides fight as Gabe's crew enters the ring. They fight then goes outside. Gabe and Ren fight in the seats as does DF and Yujiro. Gabe's head is banged off part of the seating structure and DF is sent into a rail. Ren hits Gabe with a chair.

YK elbows Gedo in the back then bangs his head off a buckle. Ren foot chokes Gedo. Yujiro chokes Gedo then does headbutt drops on him. Yujiro back elbows Gedo in the corner then boots him out of the corner. Gedo hits a punch and both go down.

DF gets in. He running back elbows Yujiro in the corner then 2nd rope euros him for 2. DF is hit in the back form the apron then takes a lariat. DF takes a kneebraker and has both knees banged off the mat. YK figure fours DF and Gabe breaks it up.

YK grabs the ref to avoid a hold. He sends the ref into DF then step up enzugiri's him. YK grabs a mouthful of whiskey. Gedo interrupts YK and DF hits YK in the gut. DF lariats YK then hits overkill for the win.

Thoughts: This was average and rather mailed in here. They didn't get a lot of time and I'm not even sure if everyone even officially got in here.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji) vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL & SHO)

LIJ attacks before the bell and sends HoT out. Evil is sent into the rails by Yota. Yota hits forearms on Evil. Evil eye rakes Yota. Yota running facekicks him. Yota is tripped by Togo from the outide. Evil then sends Yota into the rails. Evil chokes Yota with a chair.

Togo stomps on Yota and foot chokes him. Togo hits a fist drop for 2. Yota's arm is double axe handled off the 2nd rope then Yota's arm is wrapped around the ropes and pulled on. Sho footslaps Yota. Yota hits forearms on him. Sho eye rakes him then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Shingo gets in. He slams Sho and misses a senton. Singo hits corner lariats on Sho and Evil. Shingo uranges Sho into a senton for 2. Shingo ddt's Sho. Sho throws the ref into Shingo then ends up hitting a spear.

Shingo's legs are split. Shingo hits a dragon screw on Evil with help from the ref. Bushi dropkicks Evil in the knee then does it to Sho. Bushi then topes Evil into the rails. Evil eye rakes Bushi. Togo 2nd rope chops Bushi in the crotch for 2. Sho low blows Yota then kicks the ropes into Shingo's crotch. Sho hits Bushi with a wrench. Evil sharpshooters Bushi and submits him.

Thoughts: It was the usual HoT garbage with refs being used, weapons being used and the heels doing low blows. It wasn't much of note and we've seen this hundreds of times. 

David Finlay's crew goes after HoT after and HoT leaves.

New Japan Cup 2025 First Round Match - Bad Luck Fale vs. Oleg Boltin

They shoulder battle and Oleg shoulders him out of the ring. Oleg is sent into the rails. Fale hits him in the gut outside then rams him hard into the rails, knocking over a table.

Oleg get back in and is stomped then stood on. Fale stomps on him then bangs his head off the buckles. They trade chops and Oleg goes down. Fale hits him in the throat and punches him down. Fale stands on him.

Oleg hits forearms. Fale hits a corner lariat flurry. Fale misses a corner charge then he slams him. Fale misses an elbow drop. Oleg slams Fale then splashes him for 2. Oleg tries to do a karelin's lift but can't get it. Fale samoan drops him then elbow drops him for 2.

Oleg dropkicks him then hits a finlay roll. Oleg the pins him.

Thoughts: It wasn't the fasted paced match ever but I thought they got the idea of this one down and did okay with it. Fale really only took one bump here and it was at the end.  

New Japan Cup 2025 First Round Match - El Phantasmo vs. Great-O-Khan

They do some amateur wrestling. Khan side headlocks him. then shoulders him over. ELP dropkicks him. ELP goes over Khan in the corner. Khan catches ELP's springboard then backbreakers him. Khan headscissors him and pulls on the arm.

ELP hits chops and forearms. Khan running forearms him from behind. Khan hits mounted forearms on ELP. Khan sits on ELP's neck in the corner then mongolian chops him. ELP hits lariats then flying headscissors him. ELP lariats him over the top. ELP then topes him.

Khan is sent into the rails and then dropped with a shot. ELP bangs Khan's face off the apron. ELP misses a top rope moonsault to the outside. Khan tombstones ELP on the floor. ELP gets super close to being counted out. Khan then pump kicks him.

ELP does pin attempts on Khan then backslides him. Khan pump kicks him and takes a step up enzugiri. Khan straight punches ELP then does a sheep killer. ELP 2nd rope tornado ddt's Khan for 2. ELP superkicks him for 2.  Khan flatliners him then hits a chokeslam for the win.

Thoughts: It didn't quite reach its full potential here and slowed down in the 2nd half when it needed to speed up. It just ended up being an average match in front of a so-so crowd who wasn't that interested. There was always going to be a styles clash here and they weren't able to make the most of it.

New Japan Cup 2025 First Round Match - Tomohiro Ishii vs. Drilla Moloney

They each hit forearms. Ishii hits more forearms and shoulders him over. DM kips up then dropkicks him. DM foot chokes him then stomps on him in the corner. DM kicks him in the back for 2. DM hits chops and forearms.

DM boots him out of the corner then powerslams him for 2. Ishii powerslams him. Ishii suplexes him. Ishii hits chops and forearms in the corner. Ishii drops him with a forearm. Ishii 2nd rope superplexes him. DM no sells it then germans him. Ishii shoulders him over. DM pump kicks him then hits a hard rolling spear.

DM superkicks him then Ishii spinning lariats him. DM enzugiri's him. Ishii blocks a spear and headbutts him. Ishii running lariats him then DM lariats him back. Ishii hits forearms and DM spinebusters him for 2. 

DM hits a piledriver then hits a rolling spear for 2. Ishii germans him for 2. Ishii headbutts him and DM spinning forearms him. DM hits snake eyes on him then is lariated. Ishii sliding lariats him for 2. Ishii flips out of a dominator and hits a running headbutt. Ishii hits a running lariat for 2.

DM superkikcs him then brianbusters him for 1. Ishii spears him. They slap each other and Ishii enzugiri's him. DM hits an over the shoulder piledriver and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like some of the no selling here but I liked it otherwise. It was a good hoss match with lariats and headbutts. DM got his mouth busted open. I think it's a bit soon to have Drilla taking out Ishii since he just turned heavyweight though. 

New Japan Cup 2025 First Round Match - Tetsuya Naito vs. Callum Newman

CN tries some pins to start then running boots Naito. They trade forearms. Naito spits at him. Naito boots him out of the corner then pulls his neck down over the top rope.

CN is sent into the rails outside. Naito stomps CN's knee. Naito atomic drops him then does a figure four variation. CN ropebreaks. Naito hits elbows and is backdropped with his legs hitting the ropes. CN basement dropkicks him and PK's him.

Naito hiptosses him and baseball slides him. CN is irish whipped but his leg gives out. Naito baseball slides him in the knee then does a leglock on him. CN ropebreaks.

Naito stomps on the knee and hits back elbows. Naito then hits a diamond dust. Naito step up enzugiri's him. CN PK's him then pump kicks him. CN goes for a suplex and Naito hits a bad diamond dust off of it.

Naito spinebusters him then has his destino blocked. Naito tornado ddt's him. CN no sells it then Naito cradles him off a destino and wins.

Thoughts: They both worked each others knees here then just went to their normal finishing stretch, forgetting everything that came before it. This wasn't that interesting and Naito's destino looked bad here.

Satoshi Kojima & Yuji Nagata vs. Hirooki Goto & Hiroshi Tanahashi

This feels out of place in the main since a version of this was in the second match the day before, but it is what it is.

Yuji wristlocks Goto. Goto rolls out of it and backs him up on the ropes. Yuji slaps him. They trade forearms. Goto shoulders him over. Goto avoids a PK. Koji and Tana get in. Tana side headlock takeovers him and is put in a headlock.

Tana and Koji trade chest chops. Koji shoulders him over. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Koji ddt's Goto and Tana. Yuji and Goto trade. Yuji hits chest kicks and forearms. Yuji corner facekicks him. Goto takes a double shoulderblock. Koji stomps on Goto.

Goto and Koji trade forearms. Koji knee chokes Goto. Yuji armbreakers Goto then hits chest kicks. Yuji facekicks Goto then Goto lariats him off the ropes.

Tana gets in and flying forearms Yuji. Tana hits shots on Yuji then slams him. Tana 2nd rope swantons Yuji for 2. Yuji exploders Tana. Koji hits machine gun chops on Tana.

Koji corner forearms Tana then 2nd rope elbow drops him.  Tana slaps Koji. Goto gets in and spinning heel kicks Koji. He then backdrops him. Koji hits a cutter on Goto. Goto lariats Koji. They lariat each other at the same time but only Goto goes down.

All four men get in the ring. Tana and Goto hit stereo ushigoroshi's. Goto GTW's Koji then lariats him. Goto chest kicks Koji then hits a GTR. Goto then wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter tag here and not quite the main it should have been. We didn't even get killer Nata here. It was mostly just forearms and lariats and it wasn't anyone's best effort. It was average.

Goto and Tana talk on the mic after to close the show. 

Overall thoughts: Drilla/Ishii was the best thing on here by far. Oleg/Fale wasn't bad. The main was average and really shouldn't have been in the main event slot. ELP/Khan didn't quite work and Naito/Newman wasn't that good. I was okay with the opener though. I wouldn't really recommend this one as it wasn't NJPW's best work and only Drilla was really at this best here. I'd give this a 5 out of 10 overall.

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #8 8/7/2002

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #8 8/7/2002

Last week's show is here:  https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/nwa-tna-weekly-ppv-7-7312002.html

Mike Tenay, Don West and Ed Ferrera are on commentary.

We see the back with The Dupps, Goldilocks and Apolo outside of Ricky Steamboat's office.

The Amazing Red & The SAT (Joel Maximo & Jose Maximo) vs. The Flying Elvises (Jimmy Yang, Jorge Estrada & Sonny Siaki)


This starts as The Elvises enter. All 6 men fight. Yang dropkicks a Maximo out. JE headscissors a Maximo then hits a hiptoss neckbreaker. Red spin kicks Sonny then Sonny lariats him. Red takes a pop-up samoan drop. Yang flips off of Joel in the corner. JE does a seated moonsault on Joel. Jose takes a triple team sitout powerbomb. Red is double teamed and Siaki pops up Red, just to take a dropkick. Red is back body dropped onto his partners outside.

The Elvises pose and Siaki stops them. Siaki stomps on Joel then hits a flipping neckbreaker for 2. Yang and JE get mad at Siaki and join the commentary table. Siaki is catapulted into a kick then held for a slingshot double stomp and slingshot legdrop. Siaki is then held for a baseball slide. Yang said Siaki was taking care of business himself so they are at commentary. 

Jose eye rakes Siaki with his foot. Red standing ssp's Siaki for 2. Joel hits a big lariat on Siaki. JE sings at commentary. Siaki is double tripped then takes a surfboard + dragon sleeper combo. Red then top rope double stomps Siaki while he's in the hold. 

Red elbow drops Siaki for 2. Siaki flips Red on a suplex. Red  walks up Siaki's back then Siaki is whipped into an overhead belly to belly. Red bends over and Siaki uppercuts him. Siaki goes up top and Red corkscrew kicks him. Siaki takes a top rope double spanish fly. Red hits a corkscrew moonsault on Siaki but Siaki's partners come back in to save Siaki.

JE goes up and over and headscissors red. Yang hits a double dropkick then Jose and Joel are lariated over the top. Yang jumps off of JE's back and dives on Jose and Joel. Red hits a code red on JE for 2.

Yang blocks a code red and hits a b-driver for 2 on Yang. The SAT botch a spot and Yang takes a piledriver. JE fights off a spanish fly up top and hits a double ddt off the top. Yang spinning heel kicks Red and Red does a nice bump for it. JE and Yang do a top rope splash and top rope legdrop combo. The two pose after and Siaki picks up the pin on Red to win.

I didn't like The SAT not being able to put down Siaki when they had the 3v1. That made them look bad. The match was still good though and full of action. Yang impressed and Red did his usual flying.

We see a Mike Tenay interview from earlier with Apolo. Apolo says he wants Mike to get to the point. Mike says Apolo is undefeated but was leapfrogged last week by Ron Killings for a title shot. Apolo says respect is everything and you earn respect for life when you get someone's respect. Apolo says Steamboat lost his respect as he gave his spot to Truth. Apolo says he worked too hard for too long to let some corrupt individual stop him. He says he will make Steamboat tell him why he did what he did.

Apolo talks to Ricky Steamboat in the back. He says he needs to talk to him. Ricky says they will talk when he's busy and he wasn't this now crap. Jerry Lynn then jumps on AJ in the back and bangs his head off tables. He throws AJ over the table and they roll over another table. Lynn is sent into chairs and AJ pounds on him. AJ is driven through the bathroom door and the fight is broken up soon after.

Thoughts: This was a good little brawl with both guys looking like they were trying to beat the other up.

Ricky Steamboat comes out and The Dupp's are following him. Ricky tells them to go do whatever they want to do. 

NWA Title - Ken Shamrock (c) vs Ron "The Truth" Killings

Ricky Steamboat is on commentary for this. Ken side headlock takeovers Ron. Ken leglocks Ron. Truth hits punches on Ken. Ken slips but high kicks him. Ken does a reverse triangle and Truth ropebreaks.

Ken hits gut shots on Truth. Truth backflips then hits a jumping side kick for 2. Truth snapmares him and chinlocks him. Truth flying forearms Ken. Ken leglocks Truth then Truth lariats him. Truth stomps and legdrops Ken for 2. 

Truth hits corner punches on Ken then Ken sitout powerbombs him. Ken drops Truth with punches then powerslams him for 2. Ken flying back elbows him and dropkicks him. Ken hurricanrana's him then does an ankle lock.

Ken lariats Truth over the top. The New Church watch from the ramp. Truth's head is banged off the steps. Don Harris comes out to keep an eye on New Church. Monty Brown shows up on the ramp.

Truth suplexes Ken on the floor. Ken hits punches on Truth. Ken then armbars him. Truth hits punches on Ken then is back body dropped over the top. Ken and Truth trade shots outside. Apolo comes down, pushes Don then hits shots on Truth. The New Church, Apolo, Don and Brown then join the brawl. Steamboat sends everyone out who isn't supposed to be there. Truth cutters Ken and wins.

Thoughts: This was a shock and was totally unexpected. Truth was fighting race car drivers a few weeks ago and is now champ. It wasn't built up to well and they certainly didn't make the most of it. The match was average. It started out well but cooled off. The finishing run wasn't that good here with people getting kicked out then Truth suddenly winning.

Ricky Steamboat gets in the ring after. He says he told Apolo he would talk to him on his time and says this is his time and office. Apolo comes out. Ricky says Apolo has been running around here like a maniac and can't do this anymore. Ricky says he will give him a title shot.

Jeff Jarrett then comes out. Jeff says he waited patiently for his title shot and has been passed by each week. Jeff says this is a case of reverse discrimination. Jeff says Ricky is passing him by as he's not a minority. Jeff asks why Ron and Apolo got shots and not him. Ricky says the BS stops tonight. Ricky says the winner of an Apolo/Jarrett match later tonight gets a title shot. Ricky says he will be the special ref tonight and says there will be a conclusive winner at the end of it. Jeff says Ricky will be in the ring so he's fair game tonight too. He says he'll say them in the ring after.

Thoughts: I'm actually on Jarrett's side here. Ricky has been handing out title shots to anyone and why shouldn't Jeff get a shot too? TNA forcing Ricky to be a tough boss isn't working though and just makes Ricky look bad doing something he's not good at.

Jive Talkin' with Disco Inferno

Disco's set has been downgraded with all of his stuff missing. He asks who is responsible for this. The Dupp's come out with Stan having a horse on a stick and Bo having a spitoon. Disco asks who they are and says they smell. Stan's spraying lighter fluid.

Bo says they are announcing the first Dupp Cup Invitational tonight. He says the cup will be the spittoon. He says the cup has been passed down through generations. He then says someone took their first dookie in the cup. Bo calls Ricky "Rick Steamship". Bo says Ricky told him they could do what they wanted so The Dupp Cup Invitational will be the new hardcore division here. Disco asks if Ricky is retarded. Stan says they were told they could do whatever if they leave him alone and Discos says he gets it now. 

The Dupp's reveal a chalkboard with the rules. You need 10 points to win The Dupp Cup. You can get points this way:

- 5 points - Crying like a p*ssy in the ring
-2.5 points - If you spank someone in the bare backside with the horse on the stick an they like it.
1 point - Hitting an opponent with an object you got from a fan
2.5 points - Introduce opponent to Jay
2.5 points - Putting an opponent through a table
2.5 points - Putting your opponents head in the toilet
2.5 points - If you goose a woman
2.5 points - Nail Jeremy Borash or the ticket lade
2.5 points - Using a farm animal during a match
2.5 points - Spanking your opponents bare backside with the horse on a stick.
3.5 points - Putting your opponents head in a dirty toilet
3.5 points - If you goose a man
5 points - Putting an opponent through a burning table
10 points - Sticking your opponents head in a cotton candy machine with one full rotation 

Disco calls Goldilocks a dumb b!tch when asking if there's an opponent. Stan then strips and shows a photo of Goldilocks on his shirt. Disco calls her a b!tch. Stan gets mad. Stan says Disco should be his first opponent. Disco brings out Tough Enough's Paulina and she blocks Stan from getting in this way.

Disco says they need to offer someone to fight for The Dupp Cup. The Dupp's pull out 64 cents. Disco says they need to offer more. Stan says you get one night with Fluff Dupp but The Dupp's get to watch. Ed Ferrara gets in the ring and agrees. He says he's 2.5 points up already and punches Jeremy Borash. He then gooses Don West for 3.5 points.

Jeremy Borash jumps on Ed's back and attacks him. Ed throws Jeremy over the rail.

The Dupp Cup Invitational - The Dupp's vs Ed Ferrara

The Dupps go into each other when Ed ducks. Ed slaps both. Ed takes a legdrop and a splash. Stan gets a fan's chair and hits Ed with it to score a point. Bo then chairs Ed and The Dupp's have 2 points.

Stan hits Edd with a boot from a fan and Bo hits Ed with a drink from a fan. Stan hits Ed with a fan's walker. It's now 6-5 with Ed barely ahead. Stan takes Ed on the ramp and says he will show him Jay. Jay is a blowup doll and Stan hits Ed with it to get to 7.5 points.

Stan tries to get in the ticket lady's office and she hits him with a broom. Stan destroyers Disco's set with Jay. Stan tries to hit Disco when Disco complains. Paulina low blows Stan then hits him with the chalkboard. Ed spears Bo outside. Ed gets a chair from a fan and hits Bo with it three times. Ed leads 8-7.5

Ed low blows Bo. Ed then hits Bo with the horse on a stick to the butt. Bo likes it though and Ed loses 2 points. Ed grabs a table. Bo chokeslams Ed through the table and hits 10 points to win.

Thoughts: This was an infamous segment. I actually liked this. It was silly but it made sense and had some fun parts to it with Ed losing points for Bo enjoying being hit and Stan getting hit by the ticket lady. I can understand why people hate it but The Dupp's shouldn't be doing 60 minute hold for hold classics. They should be doing weird things like this. I didn't like people being able to score points multiple times through the same rule though because it made them look dumb when they didn't just hit their opponents multiple times with weapons from the fans.

Monty Brown is interviewed earlier in the day by Mike outside. Monty says he's from Michigan and played football in college and in the NFL. He says they were AFC champions in Buffalo and in New England. He says now he's sitting here with Mike. Monty says the transition from football to wrestling wasn't hard. He says he dives head first into everything he does. He said he drove 6 hours back and forth to make his opportunity and it has paid off.

Monty says there's politics in everything. Monty says he was a free agent in the NFL and had to fight and scratch to get there. He says it's about making the most of your opportunities. He says he beat the politics mentally and physically.

Monty says he doesn't like Ron Killings. He says you go out and make your opportunities. He says Truth's mind isn't right. Elix Skipper then hits Truth from behind with yellow paint. He says Brown doesn't know where him and Ron came from. He says he's not used to what they did on the streets. He stomps on him and says all Monty can do is learn. He says he's a chicken and he's not having it in his house.

First Blood Match - Malice vs Don Harris

Don gets charged at as he enters. Don hits punches and Mal sends Don into the apron and rails. Don boots a chair into Mal's face then sends him into the rails again. Mal is thrown over the rail.

Mal chairs Don then Don chairs him back. Don chairs Mal more. Dont hits knees on Mal then rams a chair into his head. Mal's head is banged off a chair. Mal clubs on Don.

Mal pounds on Don then they go onto the ramp and stage. Mal takes a back body drop on the ramp. Mal is thrown off the ramp into a rail. 

Slash jumps in and pounds on Don. Slash tries to hit Don with an ice pick but Don gets it and hits Slash with it. Slash is bleeding and Don pounds on him on the ramp. Mal rolls Don down the ramp.

Don low blows Slash and boots James Mitchell. Mal hits Don from behind and Mitchell gets the blood from his gold box on him. Don sidewalk slams Mal. Don somehow bleeds when doing this. The ref sees the blood and Mal gets the win.

Thoughts: I don't know how Don got busted open as he was the one doing the move, but it didn't seem like it was planned. If it was planned that was really stupid. It was an average brawl around the areana. There wasn't a lot of here but punches, clubs and people being whipped into things.

Slash chairs Don after and Mal chokeslams Don.

Goldilocks is outside of Taylor Vaughn's dressing room. Sonny Siaki asks if she saw Ricky Steamboat. Sonny then says he has left the interview. Bruce walks into the women's locker room and tries to interview Taylor. Taylor chokes him and puts him in the shower. She says she wants her crown back. Taylor says she wants a rematch and Bruce says it's an evening gown match.

AJ Styles and Low-Ki then end up fighting in the women's dressing room before security breaks it up.  

Winner gets a title shot - Special Ref: Ricky Steamboat - Apolo vs Jeff Jarrett

They lock up and let go. JJ goes for a punch in the corner and Ricky blocks it. Apolo knees JJ in the gut and hits shots. Ricky interrupts him then JJ hits Apolo from behind. Apolo totally misses a punch on JJ then atomic drops him. Apolo lariats JJ then kicks him from the apron.

Apolo hits a sky high on him for 2. Apolo goes up and over and sunset flips him for 2. Apolo stunners JJ over the top rope and hits JJ outside. Apolo is sent into the steps. JJ drops Apolo face first on the steps then bangs his head off the commentary table. Apolo's bleeding. 

JJ stomps on Apolo. JJ hits more punches inside then Apolo hits chops. Apolo misses a corner splassh. JJ step up enzugiri's him for 2. Apolo walks up the buckles and is crotched up top. JJ stomps on him as he hangs in tree of woe. Ricky Steamboat pulls JJ off.

Apolo goes for a leapfrog but JJ shoulders him over. JJ figure fours Apolo. Apolo reverses the hold and JJ ropebreaks. JJ misses a leg lariat and goes crotch first into the ropes. Apolo spinning ddt's JJ.

Apolo hits shots on JJ. Apolo corner lariats him. Apolo hits corner punches. Apolo superkicks JJ for 2. Apolo germans JJ. JJ gets his shoulder up, Ricky Steamboat sees it and counts the pin for Jeff Jarrett?

The match was just average but they tried to have a normal and acceptable match and mostly did. I didn't like the finish though. Apolo's shoulders weren't down and neither ere JJ's, so I don't see why the count went through.

Ricky tells Apolo that Jarrett got his shoulder up. Apolo grabs Ricky and asks what his problem is. Ricky asks security to take out Apolo as they argue about the finish. Ricky says JJ won the match. Ricky says he'd give him The Truth and he says he will, but not exactly in an NWA Title match. He says JJ and Truth will be partners in an NWA Tag Title match next week against Lynn and AJ (he messes up the names). Jeff then grabs a chair and security gets in his way.

Thoughts: This was a classic Russo swerve here. It'd be one thing if Ricky was a heel, but he's a face, swerving a heel after the heel won a mostly clean match. This was stupid and again, I find heel Jarrett to be in the right and not the wrong. The crowd rightfully chants "BS" at this.

Miss TNA Evening Gown Match - Bruce vs. Taylor Vaughn

Oh yeah, this is totally what this show needs right now. Bruce comes out in a wig and dress with a tiara.

Bruce misses a corner charge and takes an atomic drop. Tay hits another atomic drop. Bruce rakes Tay's back. They slap each other and Bruce goes down. Bruce knees her in the gut then suplexes her. Tay tries a headscissors but is thrown down. Bruce pulls up Tay's evening gown then pulls it off to win.

Why? This was just Russo Attitude Era shockjock crap.

Bruce then says he wants to make everyone happy after and he trips. He's wearing panty hose and wears something that they blur out.

Mike says it's time for the super salesman Don West to hype up next week's show. Don says it'll be Styles/Lynn vs Jarrett/Truth. Don then shills merch. 

X-Division Title - AJ Styles (c) vs Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn

JL and Ki double team AJ, dropping him on his chest together. JL and Ki trade punches. Ki chops him then JL tilt-a-whirl spinning backbreakers him. Ki hit chest kicks on JL. Ki blocks a kick and AJ enzugiri's Ki. JL lariats AJ over.

JL hits mounted punches on AJ. AJ powerslams JL and pounds on him. JL gori specials AJ but Ki breaks it up with a dropkick. Ki mongolian chops AJ then slams him. Ki flashing elbows AJ for 2.

Ki mongolian chops AJ. Ki avoids an AJ dropkick. AJ hurricanrana's Ki from the mat. AJ flips Ki into a facebuster on the knee. AJ spinning high kicks Ki. AJ low blows JL then hits a mcgillicutter on him. 

AJ hits both opponents. AJ goes for a hurricanrana but is flipped onto the mat chest first. Ki and JL trade. Ki hits a hard kick on JL's chest. Ki high kicks JL from the apron then takes a guillotine legdrop over the 2nd rope. Ki slingshot rolls up JL, who then germans AJ during the landing.

Ki and JL trade chops. Ki rolls AJ into a dragon clutch. Ki dragon clutches JL. JL ddt's Ki for 2. AJ stomps and chops JL. AJ moonsaults off of JL's chest. AJ sits up top and JL ddt's him down for 2. Ki suplexes JL for 2. AJ and Ki trade and Ki high kicks him. 

Ki hits punches and chops on AJ. Ki butterfly suplexes AJ for 2. Ki hits kicks on JL then is flipped into a reverse ddt on Ki for 2. Ki pushes JL off the buckles. Ki and AJ fight on the buckles. JL sunset bombs AJ, who superplexes Ki. They all try pin attempts.

JL stops Ki from taking a styles clash. The three hit punches. AJ is double rammed into the buckles. Ki does a hanging dragon sleeper on AJ that JL breaks up. Ki dragon sleepers JL around the ropes. AJ then asai moonsaults Ki while he has the hold on.

JL slingshot splashes Ki for 2. JL hits a neckbreaker off AJ's suplex attempt. Ki hits a styles clash on AJ for 2. JL ki krushers Ki for 2. AJ atomic drops JL then hits JL's cradle piledriver for 2. 

Ki misses a handspring cartwheel and nails the ref when JL moves. Ki takes a double back body drop over the top. AJ and JL collide in mid-air with crossbodies. AJ grabs a chair and nails JL. Ki goes for the pin. The ref counts 2 and AJ hits a styles clash, the ref then counts 3 and says Ki pinned Lynn.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish at all here. Usually a wrestler hitting another wrestler during the pin counts as breaking the pin no matter what. That didn't happen here and I don't approve of it. The match was good otherwise though. We had some creative spots, lots of flying and I liked the guys all stealing each others moves. It got a ton of time and was exactly what you'd hope for out of these 3. It's so obvious that TNA should be focusing on the X-Division, yet we get Bruce instead.

We cu to the back. Jeff Jarrett's yelling at Truth and says he wants a title shot right now. Truth says let's do it.

AJ beats up Lynn after the match. Lynn 2nd rope diving bulldogs him. Lynn lariats AJ over th etop and goes with him.

Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings get on the ramp with security trying to stop them. 

Overall thoughts: It was pretty much the same show we've been getting since this started - good X-Division matches that carry show, average heavyweight action and stupid Attitude Era crap and stupid finishes from Russo. The opener was okay but made The SAT look bad for not being able to win 3v1. Truth won the NWA Title out of nowhere. Jeff Jarrett accused Ricky Steamboat of being biased, and with Ricky's actions later in the show, I agree with him. The Dupp's kind of had an entertaining segment. Don Harris somehow got busted open while doing a move and therefore lost his first blood match. Jarrett seemingly won a title shot, but it's for the tag titles instead. Bruce had another horrible segment and the main had a strong X-Division match with a bad finish. It's really a shame what happened here because the wrestlers worked hard and produced good stuff but the other crap on the show and the stupid finishes brought it down. Had this show been fixed up, it could have easily been a 7 out of 10. Instead, I can only give it a 4 out of 10. And even that feels kind of generous considering all the crap that went down here. I will say that there is no lack of things to talk about coming out of these shows though and boring is not a word you would ever use on these shows. I wouldn't recommend this one.

AEW Revolution 2025 3/9/2025

AEW Revolution 2025 3/9/2025

Here's what I saw:


ROH Title - Chris Jericho (c) vs Gravity

CJ nails Grav with a baseball bat before it even begins. Bryan Keith and Big Bill then join in. Bandido comes out to help and is hit with the bat as well. CJ then unmasks Grav and hits a judas effect on him. Grav's family then comes out to try and protect him. CJ boots Bandido in front of them then threatens the family as well.

The hosts interviewed a rapper named Yung Gravy who was super tall and had absolutely nothing to say.

Big Boom AJ, Orange Cassidy and Mark Briscoe vs Johnny TV and MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden)

The Rizzler came out dressed as Orange Cassidy in a funny moment. This was all comedy here with OC screwing around. Mansoor had a cookie shoved in his mouth during this one. Taya got involved and Harley Cameron took her out. AJ hit a big powerbomb on Johnny. Big Justice snuck in the ring when Mansoor was on the buckles and he powerbombed Mansoor down. Madden tries to hit Big Justice but Mark and OC saved him. Madden then took a triple team powerbomb and was pinned.

It went a little long and bordered on being too silly but it was fun. It had tons of smoke and mirrors here. I enjoyed Big Justice getting involved in this one.

The Murder Machines surround the faces after. Powerhouse Hobbs then came out and spinebustered Madden as The Murder Machines back off. Two people from something called The Righteous Gemstones then double cokedslammed Madden and put on glasses with Orange Cassidy.

Main show:

MJF vs "Hangman" Adam Page

MJF hit a nasty powerbomb backbreaker early and hit him in the face with his crotch. Page was held in the air and took a nasty ddt on his head. Page ran into the steps shoulder first and then MJF worked the arm. MJF got on commentary during this and used the f-word. Page moonsaulted off a rail and went for a tombstone but MJF reverses it and powerbombed him on a chair seat. The chair didn't even dent from it. MJF went for a piledriver over the 2nd rope but Page held on and hit deadeye. Page then hit a botched angel's wings on MJF, sending his face and neck down in a bad way. MJF got buste open legit from it then Page won soon after with a buckshot lariat.

The armwork went nowhere in this one but the finishing stretch was really wild. I don't know how either guy escaped this one without serious injuries. Both guys took two nasty bumps near the end of this on their necks. They did get the timing right on this though and ended it before it went on too long.

AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Moné (c) vs. Momo Watanabe

They had some sloppy moments early. Momo took a sunset bomb on the floor. Momo hit Mone's 3 amigo's. Mone got put in tree of woe and was kicked. Mone took hard chest kicks and 2nd rope diving meteora'd Momo. Mone hit a huge powerbomb on Momo. Momo 2nd rope uranage'd her then hit more hard kicks. Mone hit a nice money maker and tapped out Momo for the win.

Thoughts: Mone won as expected here. I liked the finish as Mone actually hit her finisher clean for a change and transitioned nicely into the crossface. Mone hit some very hard chest kicks here and really punished her. It went a little long and didn't have the best crowd so it wasn't as good as it could have been, but the stiffness did help this one out. I thought it was average.

#1 Contender to the AEW World Championship - Swerve Strickland vs. Ricochet

Ric had a modified Prince Nana robe on. I have no idea how Swerve got in a #1 contender's match when he has lost so many times. Swerve had a drummer for his entrance for some reason and the drums ruined his theme.

They got off to a fast start here. Ric slapped Swerve and got lariated over the top rope. Nana tried to get Swerve off of Ric and Nana shoved him over on accident. Ric then hit a nice house call kick off the rail while Swervve listened to Nana yell at him. Nana then left and walked to the back.

Some female comedian was in the 2nd row yelling at Ric and Nigel called her "Prince Nana's Mom" and got corrected over it. Swerve took a poisonrana on the apron. Swerve then vertebreakered Ric on the commentary table. 

Swerve then hit a top rope double stomp only for 2. Ric hit a top rope 630 for 2 then Nana came down and took his robe  back. Ric then tope'd Nana and took the rope right back. Swerve toped Ric and Ric barely caught him wit ha death valley driver on the floor. Dr. Ken then yelled at Ric.

Ric hit a vertigo for 2. Ric went for a spirit gun and Nana grabbed Ric by the robe. Ric pushed Swerve into Nana. Swerve hit 2 house call kicks for 2. Swerve then won with a jml driver.

Thoughts: They did too much here and I didn't like it. The vertebreaker on the table and the death valley driver on the floor should have both finished this one but neither did. Neither even really meant that much. There was a ton of shenanigans in this with Nana.

Swerve gives Nana his robe back after and they hug.

AEW Continental Title - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Brody King

Okada backs him up in the corner then eye rakes him. Brody slams him. Brody chops him and is hit as he comes back in. Brody back body drops Okada out of the ring and forearms him. Brody sends him into the rails.

Brody misses a crossbody on the rails then Okada ddt's him on the floor. Okada hits forearms. Brody hits forearms and chops on Okada. Brody misses a corner splash then Okada slams him.

Brody superplexes him. Brody hits lariats then back body drops him. Brody forearm topes him outside. Brody hits a crossbody on him against the rails. Okada misses a dropkick and Brody hits a hard running lariat. Okada over the back neckbreakers Brody on the knee. Okada hits a top rope elbow drop.

Brody hits a corner death valley driver and a corner cannonball for 2. Okada back body drops him then dropkicks him into the rail. Okada hits Brody with his belt for 2. Brody hits a lariat. Brody headbutts Okada then corner splashes him. Brody runs at him and is dropkicked. Okada hits a rainmaker and wins.

Thoughts: It was straight to the point here. It didn't get a ton of time and wasn't the best match they could have had. I'd say I don't like Brody losing but he's lost so many times now than it doesn't matter that much.

AEW Tag Titles - The Hurt Syndicate (Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin) (c) vs. The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum)

Nigel says if The Runners win, he will do Collision in his underwear. Action Andretti and Lio Rush are watching this in the front row. Nigel said his strategy against The Hurt's would be to poison them.

Shelton got dropkicked and was double lariated over the top early. Bobby grabbed turbo then Truth knocked him off the apron for it. MVP gave his crew a pep talk and them they took control. The Runners hit a double elbow dro pand Lashley double clotheslined them both.

Turbo hulked up against Shelton then walked the top rope into an armdrag on Shelton, which Shelton no sold. Lashley then hit a rolling spear on Turbo and they picked up the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like The Runners getting beaten here and turned into a comedy meme. I would not have booked this since The Hurt's couldn't lose here and The Runners shouldn't have lost. It was basically a long squash with The Runners not getting any serious offense in.

AEW Women's Title - Falls Count Anywhere - Toni Storm (c) vs Mariah May


May jumped on Toni as she entered and they fought on the stage. May then spit on Luther. Toni was then ddt'd on the stage. May kicked Luther in the crotch and dropkicked him over a table after grabbing a stun gun. Toni sky high'd May off the stage through a table. May got wcrotched on the rail top then ddt'd on the floor.

May storm zero'd Toni on the steps. Toni's face got covered in blood. May then hip attacked a chair into Toni's face for 2. They grabbed buckets with broken champagne glass and then taped their fists. Toni punched May with the glass fist then poured the glass all over the mat. May then got busted open.

May broke a bottle between Toni's legs after Toni shoved the bottle into her head. Toni bumped on the glass and gold then took a cradle shock on the glass for 2. Toni hit a storm zero on a chair for 2.

May went up the stage and Toni curb stomped her into a title. Toni then whipped her with the title belt. May threatened Toni with a heel and May hit a cradle shock on the stage for 2. May's face got covered in blood.

They get on boxes next to a table. Toni pounds on her head with the heel then storm zero's her through a table on the stage. Toni then picked up the win.

They legit didn't sell anything here. And it's a shame because they one of the wildest women's matches ever. There was tons of blood. There were lots of great camera shots. They really beat the crap out of each other and did tons of big spots with taipei fists, sky high's off the stage and a piledriver through the table on the stage.  Just none of it but the finish meant much. I found this to be one of the hardest matches to rate because it could have been an all-time classic if things slowed down a little and they sold more. I'd still this was good and memorable, but this had so much potential to be more if this was done better.

The tron then said "The End" at the end of it.

AEW International Title - Konosuke Takeshita (c) vs Kenny Omega


KT had some nice entrance gear here. They trade forearms early and Kenny hits a suplex. Kenny throws him out and slingshot plancha's him. KT is rammed into the side of the ring then Kenny is dropped face first on the apron.

KT ddt's Kenny for 2. Don Callis fires shots on Kenny outside and hits his hand doing it. KT's head is banged off the buckles and Kenny misses a top rope crossbody. KT knees Kenny in the gut. Kenny hits punches on KT. KT exploders him.

KT sets a table up outside. Kenny headbustered KT on the apron. KT takes a finlay roll on the floor then Kenny gets pushed off the rail into a rail. Kenny brainbusters him in the ring. KT waistlocks Kenny.

Kenny 2nd rope twisting armdrags him. Kenny hits punches. Kenny finlay rolls him into a 2nd rope moonsault for 2. Kenny hurricanrana's him. Kenny goes for a dive and is tripped by Don Callis. KT lariats Kenny over the top and goes with him. 

KT release german's Keny on the floor. KT drops Kenny ribs first on the bottom of the table. KT then drops him ribs first on the side of the table. KT sentons Kenny in the ring twice. Kenny gets his knees up on KT's senton. KT misses a top rope senton.

KT hits a big forearm on Kenny then Kenny dragon suplexes him. KT hits Kenny in the gut. Kenny pumping knees him. Kenny hits a powerbomb and a knee for 2. KT spinning blue thunders Kenny for 2.

KT running facekicks Kenny. Kenny sits up top and is lariated down to the floor. KT is up top and Kenny springboard sunset bombs him.

Kenny pumping knees him on the ropes. KT reverses a tombstone and hits his own. KT then hits a spinning package tombstone for 2. KT pumping knees Kenny for 2 then does another for 1.

KT drops Kenny with a forearm. Kenny pumping knees him then hits a cactus driver for 2. Kenny knees him in the face. Kenny hits a hard knee to the face then poisonrana's him. Kenny pumping knees him but Don holds onto KT.

Kenny crucifixes him and tries another pin for the win.

: I liked KT working the gut since Kenny had surgery there but they kind of forgot about it. I didn't think it was bad or anything but just found it to be average. I thought it could have been a lot better with more focused limb work and a better finish. Oddly, they didn't go too overboard here. 

Cage Match - Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher

They each stand on opposite sides of the cage and stare each other. They then get down and charge at each other. They trade forearms and shoulder battle. Kyle shoulders him over. Will is popped up and hurricanrana's Kyle. Will handsprings but his leg gives out then he gets lariated. Kyle boots him in the head.

Kyle chops him and Will chops back. Will hits a stunner out of a suplex. Kyle lawn darts him into the side of the cage. Will's head is raked on the cage. Kyle hits mounted punches. 

Will is sent into the buckles chest first. Will walks up the ropes and flying forearms him. Kyle is sent into the cage then back body dropped. Will standing corkscrew moonsaults him.

Will chops him down and hits hard chops against the cage. Kyle half-nelson suplexes him. Kyle takes the top buckle off and pushes Will into the exposed buckle. Kyle facekicks him. Will superkicks Kyle's head into the buckle then catapulted him into the cage. Will hits punches on Kyle's head.

Will slams him. Will gets crotched up top. Kyke's head is banged off the cage connector. Will corkscrew moonsualts him for 2. Will is crotched on the top rope and Kyle flying kicks him in the head. KYle hits a sitout last ride.

They trade Kawada kicks. Will spinning forearms him. Kyle superkicks him. Kyle goes for a powerbomb and is ddt'd. Kyle brainbusers him for 2. Mark Davis comes out with a bag. The bag his bolt cutters. Mark gives Kyle a bag of weapons. Will kicks the cage into Mark's face. Will hits Kyle with a barbed wire bat then rubs the bat in his face.

Kyle puts a United Empire armband on and gives Will the hand signal. Will flips him off then Kyle low blows him. Kyle shoves the armband in Will's mouth. Will hits a flying hidden blade. Will hits a stormbreaker but Mark Davis breaks up the count. Mark is busted open too.

Mark sleepers Will. Will hits a poisonrana off a coriolis attempt. Will hidden blades a chair into Mark's face. Will hits an os cutter off the cage for 2. Kyle climbs up the cage. He grabs a screw driver and drives it into Will's head. Kyle hits Will in the gut with it then the back. Kyle misses a shot wth it. Kyle rolls Will into a brainbuster. Kyle brainbusters Will on an open chair for 2.

Kyle pours tacks out. Kyle hits Kawada kicks. Will hurricanrana's him then os cutters him on tacks for 2. Kyle climbs the cage. They fight on top of the cage. Will hits him with a screwdriver. Will hits a spanish fly off the top of the cage. Kyle says he f--king hates him. Will hits a hidden blade then hits a tiger driver '91 to win.

Thoughts: They did way too much as expected here and the selling was weak as expected. The top of the cage spanish fly spot was really dangerous. They got a ton of time for this one and Will got the win which should end the feud.

Tony Schiavone interviews some celebs in the front row after from Queen of the Ring.

AEW World Title - Jon Moxley (c) vs Cope

The crowd sings Cope's song.

They stare down and talk to each other. Mox flips him off. They trade forearms. They trade forearms on their knees. They get back up and trade. Mox is lariated over the top and Cope baseball slides him. Cope dives on him off the top to the outside.

Mox is sent over the top and Cope diving lariats him off the apron. Cope's pushed into the post backwards then pulled into the post. Mox talks to JR at commentary.

Mox bangs Cope's head off the rails. Mox neckbreakers Cope on the apron. Mox twists Cope's head then hits crossface shots. Mox boots cope in the head and pulls on his hair. Mox misses a corner charge and is rolled up for 2. Mox cutters him.

Cope impaler ddt's Mox. Cope lariats him. Cope flapjacks him. Cope hits lariats then headbusters him for 2. Cope hits a top rope superplex. Cope crossfaces him and Mox ropebreaks. Cope spears Mox off the apron to the floor. 

Mox says he will break Cope's neck. Mox pulls the mat up off the floor and Cope back body drops him on the floor.  Mox curbstomps him into the exposed floor. Mox piledrivers him for 2. Moxe bulldog chokes him. The ref yells at Mox and Mox shoves him.

The ref takes a chair from Mox. Mox pushes Cope into the ref. Mox hits a botched double underhook ddt on Cope. Cope upkicks a chair into Mox. They double clothesline each other.

Wheeler Yuta comes out. Yuta flying knees Cope. Jay White comes out to help Cope. Jay pounds on Yuta . He tries to hit Mox with the briefcase but ends up nailing Cope. Yuta pulls Jay into the rails. Mox then gets a 2 count.

Cope spears Mox for 2. Cope hits 2 more spears. Christina comes out and pulls the ref out. Christian then hits Edge with his contract. He then cashes it in. This is now a 3-way.

AEW Title - Jon Moxley (c) vs Christian Cage vs Cope

Christian spears Cope for 2. Cage hits a killswitch on Cope. Mox bulldog chokes Cage. Mox then chokes Cage out and wins.

: This was an awful ending to a weak main. I don't know what they were thinking here at all. This went long and just wasn't great. They did too much in every match before it and there wasn't much left for them to do. They didn't do anything too crazy and the excitement just wasn't there. Mox winning and them dropping Cage's contract was such a bad call here. Mox as champ just isn't working and it's clear that we have to wait until Darby comes back to end the title reign.

Mox runs into Prince Nana as he exits through the crowd. They argue. Nana points up and Swerve double stomps Mox off the side of the seats.

Overall thoughts: It was the usual long AEW PPV with over 5 hours of wrestling if you count the pre-show. The main wasn't that good and had a bad ending. Will and Kyle did too much as expected. Kenny/Takeshita was average. Toni/May had the chance to be an all-time classic but there was a total lack of selling and they needed to slow it down some. I still thought it was good though. I didn't like The Hurt Syndicate basically turning The Outrunners into jobbers. Swerve and Ricochet did too much. Momo/Mone was average to maybe okay. The finish to MJF/Page was wild and I thought it was acceptable despite some issues. Jericho/Gravity never happened on the pre-show and I liked the Costco guys tag. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 as they did too much in most of the matches as usual and the ending to the main really sucked. The show was just also a lot longer than it needed to be. I would give the wrestlers a 10 for effort though and the card was clearly designed to have multiple classics. I'd recommend seeing May/Toni and MJF/Page. I'd recommend staying far away from the main and The Hurt Syndicate match.