NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #8 8/7/2002
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/nwa-tna-weekly-ppv-7-7312002.html
Mike Tenay, Don West and Ed Ferrera are on commentary.
We see the back with The Dupps, Goldilocks and Apolo outside of Ricky Steamboat's office.
The Amazing Red & The SAT (Joel Maximo & Jose Maximo) vs. The Flying Elvises (Jimmy Yang, Jorge Estrada & Sonny Siaki)

This starts as The Elvises enter. All 6 men fight. Yang dropkicks a Maximo out. JE headscissors a Maximo then hits a hiptoss neckbreaker. Red spin kicks Sonny then Sonny lariats him. Red takes a pop-up samoan drop. Yang flips off of Joel in the corner. JE does a seated moonsault on Joel. Jose takes a triple team sitout powerbomb. Red is double teamed and Siaki pops up Red, just to take a dropkick. Red is back body dropped onto his partners outside.
The Elvises pose and Siaki stops them. Siaki stomps on Joel then hits a flipping neckbreaker for 2. Yang and JE get mad at Siaki and join the commentary table. Siaki is catapulted into a kick then held for a slingshot double stomp and slingshot legdrop. Siaki is then held for a baseball slide. Yang said Siaki was taking care of business himself so they are at commentary.
Jose eye rakes Siaki with his foot. Red standing ssp's Siaki for 2. Joel hits a big lariat on Siaki. JE sings at commentary. Siaki is double tripped then takes a surfboard + dragon sleeper combo. Red then top rope double stomps Siaki while he's in the hold.
Red elbow drops Siaki for 2. Siaki flips Red on a suplex. Red walks up Siaki's back then Siaki is whipped into an overhead belly to belly. Red bends over and Siaki uppercuts him. Siaki goes up top and Red corkscrew kicks him. Siaki takes a top rope double spanish fly. Red hits a corkscrew moonsault on Siaki but Siaki's partners come back in to save Siaki.
JE goes up and over and headscissors red. Yang hits a double dropkick then Jose and Joel are lariated over the top. Yang jumps off of JE's back and dives on Jose and Joel. Red hits a code red on JE for 2.
Yang blocks a code red and hits a b-driver for 2 on Yang. The SAT botch a spot and Yang takes a piledriver. JE fights off a spanish fly up top and hits a double ddt off the top. Yang spinning heel kicks Red and Red does a nice bump for it. JE and Yang do a top rope splash and top rope legdrop combo. The two pose after and Siaki picks up the pin on Red to win.
Thoughts: I didn't like The SAT not being able to put down Siaki when they had the 3v1. That made them look bad. The match was still good though and full of action. Yang impressed and Red did his usual flying.
We see a Mike Tenay interview from earlier with Apolo. Apolo says he wants Mike to get to the point. Mike says Apolo is undefeated but was leapfrogged last week by Ron Killings for a title shot. Apolo says respect is everything and you earn respect for life when you get someone's respect. Apolo says Steamboat lost his respect as he gave his spot to Truth. Apolo says he worked too hard for too long to let some corrupt individual stop him. He says he will make Steamboat tell him why he did what he did.
Apolo talks to Ricky Steamboat in the back. He says he needs to talk to him. Ricky says they will talk when he's busy and he wasn't this now crap. Jerry Lynn then jumps on AJ in the back and bangs his head off tables. He throws AJ over the table and they roll over another table. Lynn is sent into chairs and AJ pounds on him. AJ is driven through the bathroom door and the fight is broken up soon after.
Thoughts: This was a good little brawl with both guys looking like they were trying to beat the other up.
Ricky Steamboat comes out and The Dupp's are following him. Ricky tells them to go do whatever they want to do.
NWA Title - Ken Shamrock (c) vs Ron "The Truth" Killings
Ricky Steamboat is on commentary for this. Ken side headlock takeovers Ron. Ken leglocks Ron. Truth hits punches on Ken. Ken slips but high kicks him. Ken does a reverse triangle and Truth ropebreaks.
Ken hits gut shots on Truth. Truth backflips then hits a jumping side kick for 2. Truth snapmares him and chinlocks him. Truth flying forearms Ken. Ken leglocks Truth then Truth lariats him. Truth stomps and legdrops Ken for 2.
Truth hits corner punches on Ken then Ken sitout powerbombs him. Ken drops Truth with punches then powerslams him for 2. Ken flying back elbows him and dropkicks him. Ken hurricanrana's him then does an ankle lock.
Ken lariats Truth over the top. The New Church watch from the ramp. Truth's head is banged off the steps. Don Harris comes out to keep an eye on New Church. Monty Brown shows up on the ramp.
Truth suplexes Ken on the floor. Ken hits punches on Truth. Ken then armbars him. Truth hits punches on Ken then is back body dropped over the top. Ken and Truth trade shots outside. Apolo comes down, pushes Don then hits shots on Truth. The New Church, Apolo, Don and Brown then join the brawl. Steamboat sends everyone out who isn't supposed to be there. Truth cutters Ken and wins.
Thoughts: This was a shock and was totally unexpected. Truth was fighting race car drivers a few weeks ago and is now champ. It wasn't built up to well and they certainly didn't make the most of it. The match was average. It started out well but cooled off. The finishing run wasn't that good here with people getting kicked out then Truth suddenly winning.
Ricky Steamboat gets in the ring after. He says he told Apolo he would talk to him on his time and says this is his time and office. Apolo comes out. Ricky says Apolo has been running around here like a maniac and can't do this anymore. Ricky says he will give him a title shot.
Jeff Jarrett then comes out. Jeff says he waited patiently for his title shot and has been passed by each week. Jeff says this is a case of reverse discrimination. Jeff says Ricky is passing him by as he's not a minority. Jeff asks why Ron and Apolo got shots and not him. Ricky says the BS stops tonight. Ricky says the winner of an Apolo/Jarrett match later tonight gets a title shot. Ricky says he will be the special ref tonight and says there will be a conclusive winner at the end of it. Jeff says Ricky will be in the ring so he's fair game tonight too. He says he'll say them in the ring after.
Thoughts: I'm actually on Jarrett's side here. Ricky has been handing out title shots to anyone and why shouldn't Jeff get a shot too? TNA forcing Ricky to be a tough boss isn't working though and just makes Ricky look bad doing something he's not good at.
Jive Talkin' with Disco Inferno
Disco's set has been downgraded with all of his stuff missing. He asks who is responsible for this. The Dupp's come out with Stan having a horse on a stick and Bo having a spitoon. Disco asks who they are and says they smell. Stan's spraying lighter fluid.
Bo says they are announcing the first Dupp Cup Invitational tonight. He says the cup will be the spittoon. He says the cup has been passed down through generations. He then says someone took their first dookie in the cup. Bo calls Ricky "Rick Steamship". Bo says Ricky told him they could do what they wanted so The Dupp Cup Invitational will be the new hardcore division here. Disco asks if Ricky is retarded. Stan says they were told they could do whatever if they leave him alone and Discos says he gets it now.
The Dupp's reveal a chalkboard with the rules. You need 10 points to win The Dupp Cup. You can get points this way:
- 5 points - Crying like a p*ssy in the ring
-2.5 points - If you spank someone in the bare backside with the horse on the stick an they like it.
1 point - Hitting an opponent with an object you got from a fan
2.5 points - Introduce opponent to Jay
2.5 points - Putting an opponent through a table
2.5 points - Putting your opponents head in the toilet
2.5 points - If you goose a woman
2.5 points - Nail Jeremy Borash or the ticket lade
2.5 points - Using a farm animal during a match
2.5 points - Spanking your opponents bare backside with the horse on a stick.
3.5 points - Putting your opponents head in a dirty toilet
3.5 points - If you goose a man
5 points - Putting an opponent through a burning table
10 points - Sticking your opponents head in a cotton candy machine with one full rotation
Disco calls Goldilocks a dumb b!tch when asking if there's an opponent. Stan then strips and shows a photo of Goldilocks on his shirt. Disco calls her a b!tch. Stan gets mad. Stan says Disco should be his first opponent. Disco brings out Tough Enough's Paulina and she blocks Stan from getting in this way.
Disco says they need to offer someone to fight for The Dupp Cup. The Dupp's pull out 64 cents. Disco says they need to offer more. Stan says you get one night with Fluff Dupp but The Dupp's get to watch. Ed Ferrara gets in the ring and agrees. He says he's 2.5 points up already and punches Jeremy Borash. He then gooses Don West for 3.5 points.
Jeremy Borash jumps on Ed's back and attacks him. Ed throws Jeremy over the rail.
The Dupp Cup Invitational - The Dupp's vs Ed Ferrara
The Dupps go into each other when Ed ducks. Ed slaps both. Ed takes a legdrop and a splash. Stan gets a fan's chair and hits Ed with it to score a point. Bo then chairs Ed and The Dupp's have 2 points.
Stan hits Edd with a boot from a fan and Bo hits Ed with a drink from a fan. Stan hits Ed with a fan's walker. It's now 6-5 with Ed barely ahead. Stan takes Ed on the ramp and says he will show him Jay. Jay is a blowup doll and Stan hits Ed with it to get to 7.5 points.
Stan tries to get in the ticket lady's office and she hits him with a broom. Stan destroyers Disco's set with Jay. Stan tries to hit Disco when Disco complains. Paulina low blows Stan then hits him with the chalkboard. Ed spears Bo outside. Ed gets a chair from a fan and hits Bo with it three times. Ed leads 8-7.5
Ed low blows Bo. Ed then hits Bo with the horse on a stick to the butt. Bo likes it though and Ed loses 2 points. Ed grabs a table. Bo chokeslams Ed through the table and hits 10 points to win.
Thoughts: This was an infamous segment. I actually liked this. It was silly but it made sense and had some fun parts to it with Ed losing points for Bo enjoying being hit and Stan getting hit by the ticket lady. I can understand why people hate it but The Dupp's shouldn't be doing 60 minute hold for hold classics. They should be doing weird things like this. I didn't like people being able to score points multiple times through the same rule though because it made them look dumb when they didn't just hit their opponents multiple times with weapons from the fans.
Monty Brown is interviewed earlier in the day by Mike outside. Monty says he's from Michigan and played football in college and in the NFL. He says they were AFC champions in Buffalo and in New England. He says now he's sitting here with Mike. Monty says the transition from football to wrestling wasn't hard. He says he dives head first into everything he does. He said he drove 6 hours back and forth to make his opportunity and it has paid off.
Monty says there's politics in everything. Monty says he was a free agent in the NFL and had to fight and scratch to get there. He says it's about making the most of your opportunities. He says he beat the politics mentally and physically.
Monty says he doesn't like Ron Killings. He says you go out and make your opportunities. He says Truth's mind isn't right. Elix Skipper then hits Truth from behind with yellow paint. He says Brown doesn't know where him and Ron came from. He says he's not used to what they did on the streets. He stomps on him and says all Monty can do is learn. He says he's a chicken and he's not having it in his house.
First Blood Match - Malice vs Don Harris
Don gets charged at as he enters. Don hits punches and Mal sends Don into the apron and rails. Don boots a chair into Mal's face then sends him into the rails again. Mal is thrown over the rail.
Mal chairs Don then Don chairs him back. Don chairs Mal more. Dont hits knees on Mal then rams a chair into his head. Mal's head is banged off a chair. Mal clubs on Don.
Mal pounds on Don then they go onto the ramp and stage. Mal takes a back body drop on the ramp. Mal is thrown off the ramp into a rail.
Slash jumps in and pounds on Don. Slash tries to hit Don with an ice pick but Don gets it and hits Slash with it. Slash is bleeding and Don pounds on him on the ramp. Mal rolls Don down the ramp.
Don low blows Slash and boots James Mitchell. Mal hits Don from behind and Mitchell gets the blood from his gold box on him. Don sidewalk slams Mal. Don somehow bleeds when doing this. The ref sees the blood and Mal gets the win.
Thoughts: I don't know how Don got busted open as he was the one doing the move, but it didn't seem like it was planned. If it was planned that was really stupid. It was an average brawl around the areana. There wasn't a lot of here but punches, clubs and people being whipped into things.
Slash chairs Don after and Mal chokeslams Don.
Goldilocks is outside of Taylor Vaughn's dressing room. Sonny Siaki asks if she saw Ricky Steamboat. Sonny then says he has left the interview. Bruce walks into the women's locker room and tries to interview Taylor. Taylor chokes him and puts him in the shower. She says she wants her crown back. Taylor says she wants a rematch and Bruce says it's an evening gown match.
AJ Styles and Low-Ki then end up fighting in the women's dressing room before security breaks it up.
Winner gets a title shot - Special Ref: Ricky Steamboat - Apolo vs Jeff Jarrett
They lock up and let go. JJ goes for a punch in the corner and Ricky blocks it. Apolo knees JJ in the gut and hits shots. Ricky interrupts him then JJ hits Apolo from behind. Apolo totally misses a punch on JJ then atomic drops him. Apolo lariats JJ then kicks him from the apron.
Apolo hits a sky high on him for 2. Apolo goes up and over and sunset flips him for 2. Apolo stunners JJ over the top rope and hits JJ outside. Apolo is sent into the steps. JJ drops Apolo face first on the steps then bangs his head off the commentary table. Apolo's bleeding.
JJ stomps on Apolo. JJ hits more punches inside then Apolo hits chops. Apolo misses a corner splassh. JJ step up enzugiri's him for 2. Apolo walks up the buckles and is crotched up top. JJ stomps on him as he hangs in tree of woe. Ricky Steamboat pulls JJ off.
Apolo goes for a leapfrog but JJ shoulders him over. JJ figure fours Apolo. Apolo reverses the hold and JJ ropebreaks. JJ misses a leg lariat and goes crotch first into the ropes. Apolo spinning ddt's JJ.
Apolo hits shots on JJ. Apolo corner lariats him. Apolo hits corner punches. Apolo superkicks JJ for 2. Apolo germans JJ. JJ gets his shoulder up, Ricky Steamboat sees it and counts the pin for Jeff Jarrett?
Thoughts: The match was just average but they tried to have a normal and acceptable match and mostly did. I didn't like the finish though. Apolo's shoulders weren't down and neither ere JJ's, so I don't see why the count went through.
Ricky tells Apolo that Jarrett got his shoulder up. Apolo grabs Ricky and asks what his problem is. Ricky asks security to take out Apolo as they argue about the finish. Ricky says JJ won the match. Ricky says he'd give him The Truth and he says he will, but not exactly in an NWA Title match. He says JJ and Truth will be partners in an NWA Tag Title match next week against Lynn and AJ (he messes up the names). Jeff then grabs a chair and security gets in his way.
Thoughts: This was a classic Russo swerve here. It'd be one thing if Ricky was a heel, but he's a face, swerving a heel after the heel won a mostly clean match. This was stupid and again, I find heel Jarrett to be in the right and not the wrong. The crowd rightfully chants "BS" at this.
Miss TNA Evening Gown Match - Bruce vs. Taylor Vaughn
Oh yeah, this is totally what this show needs right now. Bruce comes out in a wig and dress with a tiara.
Bruce misses a corner charge and takes an atomic drop. Tay hits another atomic drop. Bruce rakes Tay's back. They slap each other and Bruce goes down. Bruce knees her in the gut then suplexes her. Tay tries a headscissors but is thrown down. Bruce pulls up Tay's evening gown then pulls it off to win.
Thoughts: Why? This was just Russo Attitude Era shockjock crap.
Bruce then says he wants to make everyone happy after and he trips. He's wearing panty hose and wears something that they blur out.
Mike says it's time for the super salesman Don West to hype up next week's show. Don says it'll be Styles/Lynn vs Jarrett/Truth. Don then shills merch.
X-Division Title - AJ Styles (c) vs Low-Ki vs Jerry Lynn
JL and Ki double team AJ, dropping him on his chest together. JL and Ki trade punches. Ki chops him then JL tilt-a-whirl spinning backbreakers him. Ki hit chest kicks on JL. Ki blocks a kick and AJ enzugiri's Ki. JL lariats AJ over.
JL hits mounted punches on AJ. AJ powerslams JL and pounds on him. JL gori specials AJ but Ki breaks it up with a dropkick. Ki mongolian chops AJ then slams him. Ki flashing elbows AJ for 2.
Ki mongolian chops AJ. Ki avoids an AJ dropkick. AJ hurricanrana's Ki from the mat. AJ flips Ki into a facebuster on the knee. AJ spinning high kicks Ki. AJ low blows JL then hits a mcgillicutter on him.
AJ hits both opponents. AJ goes for a hurricanrana but is flipped onto the mat chest first. Ki and JL trade. Ki hits a hard kick on JL's chest. Ki high kicks JL from the apron then takes a guillotine legdrop over the 2nd rope. Ki slingshot rolls up JL, who then germans AJ during the landing.
Ki and JL trade chops. Ki rolls AJ into a dragon clutch. Ki dragon clutches JL. JL ddt's Ki for 2. AJ stomps and chops JL. AJ moonsaults off of JL's chest. AJ sits up top and JL ddt's him down for 2. Ki suplexes JL for 2. AJ and Ki trade and Ki high kicks him.
Ki hits punches and chops on AJ. Ki butterfly suplexes AJ for 2. Ki hits kicks on JL then is flipped into a reverse ddt on Ki for 2. Ki pushes JL off the buckles. Ki and AJ fight on the buckles. JL sunset bombs AJ, who superplexes Ki. They all try pin attempts.
JL stops Ki from taking a styles clash. The three hit punches. AJ is double rammed into the buckles. Ki does a hanging dragon sleeper on AJ that JL breaks up. Ki dragon sleepers JL around the ropes. AJ then asai moonsaults Ki while he has the hold on.
JL slingshot splashes Ki for 2. JL hits a neckbreaker off AJ's suplex attempt. Ki hits a styles clash on AJ for 2. JL ki krushers Ki for 2. AJ atomic drops JL then hits JL's cradle piledriver for 2.
Ki misses a handspring cartwheel and nails the ref when JL moves. Ki takes a double back body drop over the top. AJ and JL collide in mid-air with crossbodies. AJ grabs a chair and nails JL. Ki goes for the pin. The ref counts 2 and AJ hits a styles clash, the ref then counts 3 and says Ki pinned Lynn.
Thoughts: I didn't like the finish at all here. Usually a wrestler hitting another wrestler during the pin counts as breaking the pin no matter what. That didn't happen here and I don't approve of it. The match was good otherwise though. We had some creative spots, lots of flying and I liked the guys all stealing each others moves. It got a ton of time and was exactly what you'd hope for out of these 3. It's so obvious that TNA should be focusing on the X-Division, yet we get Bruce instead.
We cu to the back. Jeff Jarrett's yelling at Truth and says he wants a title shot right now. Truth says let's do it.
AJ beats up Lynn after the match. Lynn 2nd rope diving bulldogs him. Lynn lariats AJ over th etop and goes with him.
Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings get on the ramp with security trying to stop them.
Overall thoughts: It was pretty much the same show we've been getting since this started - good X-Division matches that carry show, average heavyweight action and stupid Attitude Era crap and stupid finishes from Russo. The opener was okay but made The SAT look bad for not being able to win 3v1. Truth won the NWA Title out of nowhere. Jeff Jarrett accused Ricky Steamboat of being biased, and with Ricky's actions later in the show, I agree with him. The Dupp's kind of had an entertaining segment. Don Harris somehow got busted open while doing a move and therefore lost his first blood match. Jarrett seemingly won a title shot, but it's for the tag titles instead. Bruce had another horrible segment and the main had a strong X-Division match with a bad finish. It's really a shame what happened here because the wrestlers worked hard and produced good stuff but the other crap on the show and the stupid finishes brought it down. Had this show been fixed up, it could have easily been a 7 out of 10. Instead, I can only give it a 4 out of 10. And even that feels kind of generous considering all the crap that went down here. I will say that there is no lack of things to talk about coming out of these shows though and boring is not a word you would ever use on these shows. I wouldn't recommend this one.