Wednesday, August 14, 2024

WWE NXT 8/13/2024

WWE NXT 8/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

Wes Lee is interviewed as he enters. He is asked hwy he turned and I'm not sure what he says. Ethan Page takes the mic and heads to the ring. He says Oro Mensah wanted to dethrone as champ. Page said he proved he has every right to call him All Ego. He says The Era of Ego will continue to roll on strong. He says Wes, Trick and Pete Dunne won't take the title away. He says it's not NXT but NXMe.

Joe Hendry's music then hits. He says Page is the NXT champ. He said he became the talk of WWE until he appeared and closed the show. Page tells him to take his victory and take his @ss back to TNA. He says he doesn't know why he's even hanging around NXT. Joe says he's here to win the NXT Title.

Page says everyone believes in Joe Hendry. He says he doesn't though. Page says Joe's song makes him sick and says he's on the 14th minute of his 15 minutes of fame. He says he will expose him for being a flash in the pan if he comes after his NXT Title.

Joe says he's no overnight success and has been grinding for 10+ years. Joe said he made believers out of Kurt Angle and says Booker T is the President of The Joe Hendry Fan Club. Joe says he will make a believer out of Page. Joe says he will take it to various places and sings his song.

Wes Lee then comes in and superkicks Joe. Page laughs. Wes then looks at Page.

Thoughts: Joe challenging for the NXT Title is something. I doubt they have to the guts to go through with him winning it but that's probably more interesting of a program than what they would have had lined up otherwise. 

Wren Sinclair goes up to Borne and Dempsey. Wren says Charles will bring the belt back to the NQCC. Dempsey says to stay out of it and she says she will be in everything. Wren is surprised to find out Tavion is actually in Japan. Dempsey says he's been trying to get the Heritage Cup back for 3 months and it's time to execute.

Ava, Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone have a lottery ball roller. They say there will be a gauntlet eliminator and whoever wins get a shot at the NXT Title at No Mercy. They are choose names for this. Rizzo, Wren and Sol are chosen. Stevie takes credit for all of this and Stone says it was his idea.

NXT Heritage Cup Match - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Charlie Dempsey

Round 1 - Tony takes down CD and pounds on him. Tony side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Tony fireman's carry takeovers him. CD throws him over. Tony gutwrenches him and CD grabs a triangle choke. CD armbars him. TD throws him and CD granks a leg lock and time runs out.

Round 2 - Tony rolls him and CD cravates him. CD shoulders him over. CD does a stiff fisherman buster and pins him. Tony is up 1-0.

Round 3 - This starts during PiP break. Tony forearms him down then stands on him. Tony lariats him. CD is on the apron and punches Tony in the gut. CD neckbreakers him over the top rope. CD stomps him then does another cravate. CD hits euros then hiptosses him. CD back elbows him and rolls him up as we return from break. TD backslides him and the round ends. CD knees him in the face after the round ends. 

Wren slaps CD to hype him up.

Round 4 - Tony rolls up CD. CD stomps him. Tony lariats him then hits a belly to belly suplex. Tony powerslams him for 2. Tony backdrops him. CD rolls him up with a bridge and pins him. This is tied 1-1.

Round 5 - They trade shots. They roll on the mat and Tony spinebuters him for 2. CD northern lights suplexes him for 2. Tony goes for a back body drop and CD catches him with an armbar. CD goes for a triangle then Tony powerbombs him now. Borne tries to interfere and Tony hiptosses Stacks onto him. Wren trips Tony off the buckles then CD double underhook suplexes Tony and pins him. CD wins 2 falls to 1.

Thoughts: The match wasn't the greatest as expected. This is just not a match style Tony can shine in. The finish furthers the Wren/NQCC storyline and definitely takes things down a new path.

NQ pose together after.

Lola Vice and Kelani Jordan talk. They see Tatum Paxley talking to dolls and KJ brings up her being nuts. Lola talks to Tatum. Tatum flips out and says nobody is her friend. She asks her what she wants. Tatum says not everyone can be cool and popular MMA fighters who get everything handed to them. Lola says she doesn't know where is she going with this and Tatum says she will show her.

We get an Eddy Thorpe video with him talking about being a DJ and dancing. He says Lexis King doesn't have the brains to understand it. King says music is important but is has to be the right kind. He says Eddy is as moronic as the music he creates.

Lexis King vs Eddy Thorpe

King nails Eddy as he enters. Eddy hits kicks and is thrown into the post. King stomps the injured hand of Eddy that he injured. King works the hand. Eddy back body drops him. King pounds on him. Eddy germans him then hits a elbow. King codebreakers the arm and his a coronation neckbreaker to win.

Thoughts: It was short. It made sense with King working the arm but wasn't anything special. This feud is not good at all.

Trick Williams does a video. He says he will figure him out as he solves problems and fixes issues. He talks about dealing with Melo and Ilja. He says he got jumped when he was 18 too like Pete Dunne. He says he will figure Pete out.

Pete Dunne is interviewed about a rematch. Pete says Trick has a lot of figuring out to do. Pete says he's moving forward to the NXT Title.

We see Jacy Jayne, Lash Legend, Fallon Henley, Jakara Jackson and Jasmyn Nyx argue. Jakara says she sees Fallon as an opponent if they meet in the gauntlet match. 

Lola Vice vs Tatum Paxley

Lola takes her over and they trade pin attempts. Tatum ducks a high kick. Tatum crossbodies her back in the corner then sweeping kicks her on the mat. Lola powerslams Tatum. lola corner hip attacks her. Tatum rolls her into a single leg crab then Wendy Choo attacks Kelani Jordan on commentary. Tatum hits a driver on Lola. Tatum misses a top rope move and Lola urakens her to win.

Kelani Jordan is out as Wendy stands over.

Thoughts: It was another short one that was nothing special and little more than to get people on the show.

We go to the back with the lottery ball roller. Rizzo says it was a rough night for her. Jaida Parker, Kendal Grey and Karmen Petrovic are the last people in the gauntlet eliminator. Brinley Reece says she's happy for Karmen and says she can't believe it's been 2 years since they both started this journey. Izzi Dame interrupts and says she deserved to be in it.

Wes Lee comes out to talk. He said he shocked the world and himself last week. He said Wentz let him down again. He said he let him down 2 years ago when he got fired. He said people felt bad for Wentz but felt sorry for Wes. He said people had him as a tag guy and didn't think he could be a singles guy.

He said Wentz and Trey abandoned him in TNA while he broke his back to become a top star here. He said he achieved greatness on his own. He said he's done being a caretaker and done worrying about what Wentz will say or do. He said he kept everything together when they were a team. 

He says he can't have his friends riding his coat tails with where he wants to go. He says he knows him and Wentz will have a match and brings up No Mercy. He says he will show him no mercy when he beats him up. He says Wentz and Trey can go back to TNA while he focuses on bigger and better things like the NXT Title. He said he wishes him the best on his future endeavors.

Pete Dunne comes out. He says he's impressed and said someone around here has started to figure it out. Pete says his eyes are focused on the NXT Title. Joe Hendry comes from behind then nails Pete and Wentz. They fight and security tries to break it up.

Thoughts: Wes' promo was really good here and brought up real life stuff that made sense.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer are interviewed. NF says they aren't on the same page lately. Ax says it's a thing of the past. NF said they arrived on time and are locked in. He says the focus is on defending the tag titles. Ax says they are locked up and says things will end the same way they did last week.

The D'Angelo Family is interviewed. Tony says Dempsey's crew got one on him. Oba Femi walks in front of him and says it's time for his open challenge. He says he's ready for battle against Otis.

Chase U is in the locker room. Duke apologizes and says they were taken off guard. Duke says it doesn't matter how wins the gold, just as long as it comes to Chase U. Riley tells them to bring the titles home. Ridge says he's excited and grateful. Ridge thanks Thea for believing in him. He says he feels like they are 100% behind him. He says it will be the title reign to end all title reigns.

WWE NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Otis

Oba side headlocks him. Otis blocks a side headlock takeover. They shoulder battle and Otis knocks him out of the ring on a shoulderblock.

We go to break and return. Oba works a chinlock and Otis backs him up in the corner to break it. Otis hits a side slam. Otis takes a big chop outside then Oba running euros him into the steps. Oba hits elbow drops then running euros in the corner. Otis back body drops him.

Otis hits bolo punches and headbutts him. Otis hits a corner spear. Oba hits him from behind and knocks him out of the ring. Akira cheers on Otis from the apron and Oba chops him. Otis then shoulders Oba over.

Otis spinning back elbows him. Otis slams him then does the caterpillar elbow drop for 2. Otis vader bombs him for 2. Otis hits corner punches then takes a big sitout powerbomb. Oba then gets the win.

Thoughts: There's times when I really wish they stuck through a match during PiP break and this was one of them. What we got looked really good here and I wondered what we missed. Oba's powerbomb on Otis was great and they really seemed to get what they were doing in this hoss vs hoss match. Please run this one again. 

Brooks Jensen talks about being in a dark place. He said he hit rock bottom. He said there's one man who vouched for him and it's Shawn Spears. He said he was a leader and a mentor for him. We then see it's Shawn Spears filming him. Shawn says it was perfect.

Enofe and Blade say that's crazy. Enofe says they should do something about this as they've known each other for a long time. Hank Walker says sorry about that. Tank comes in and they say they got a match with The OC next week. 

Izzi Dame vs Brinley Reece

They lock up. Izzi throws her down and misses an elbow drop. Brin yanks on the arm. Izzi blocks a sunset flip. Brin hits a forward cartwheel lariat. Izzi shoulders her over then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Brin.

Izzi hits a corner spear on Brin then backbreakers her for 2. Brin takes a sky high for 2. Brin 2nd rope shoulders her then shoulders her over. Brin body blocks her and hits mounted shots. Brin has her own her shoulder and throws her over.

Brin forward cartwheels and is booted. Izzi then hits a swinging side slam and wins.

Thoughts: It was fine but it didn't get enough time. Izzi is a lot leaner than she used to be and a lot more muscular. The match didn't have much build and neither has been featured much so it was pretty much dead in the water no matter what.

Ava is interviewed. She says a #1 Contenders match between Hendry, Ethan Page and Wes Lee is signed for next week and talks about the women's gauntlet eliminator. Roxanne Perez comes in and said she did that and said maybe the winner of it can become the next Roxanne Perez. 

Ashantee Adonis talks to two girls and says everyone wants an NXT Title shot, but they should shoot their shot at him. Two girls then go up to Dion Lennox in the back. Dion's reading a book and Adonis says he likes books too. He calls him big pimping and says his style is more ballsy. Dion says he's ready, "It Ends With Us" and Adonis says it can end with us next week in the ring.

NXT Tag Titles - Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs Chase U (Ridge Holland and Andre Chase)

I'm expecting Ridge to get turned on here. We'll see if it happens. Booker calls Ridge a snake and says he expects him to bite. Ax side headlocks Chase. Chase knees Ax in the gut. Ax rolls out of a wristlock into a dropkick. NF rolls up Chase then spinning enzugiri's him.

Ridge is pushed over the top. Ax germans Chase. NF then topes Chase while Ax topes ridge. NF and Ax then hit more topes. We go to PiP break and return.

NF and Chase lariat each other down. Ridge is hot tagged in and hits lariats. Ridge front suplexes NF then throws Ax around into a ddt. Ax hits kicks on Ridge then top rope splashes him. NF 450's Ridge for 2. Ax takes a double stomp into a powerslam for 2. NF plancha's Ridge outside.

Ax nearly kicks NF then NF throws his boot into Ridge. Ax topes Ridge. NF superplexes Chase then holds on for another with an Ax superkick for 2. Chase facekicks Ax on the ropes. NF springboards in and NF takes a backcracker + powerbomb combo. Ax top rope spanish flies Ridge. Chase pushes NF off the top onto a table. Ridge flips Ax with a lariat then hits a package ddt and wins.

Thoughts: The Ridge push continues. They got some guts to do that with this crowd. The match was good with them keeping it fast paced and doing some cool spots. Chase U kept up well here and they used Ridge's power well here. The crowd was hot for this.

A bunch of Chase U students celebrate after. Confetti and smoke sprayers are used.

Overall thoughts: A good main event always helps things out. I liked Oba/Otis here as well. It was an okay episode overall but not great. There were a lot of matches that were too short and NXT just does not have a stacked roster at the moment.

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