Saturday, August 31, 2024

AEW Rampage 8/30/2024

AEW Rampage 8/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) vs Private Party

Zay waistlocks Matt. Matt trips him and side headlocks him. Zay hammerlocks him and takes a back elbow. Matt goes up and over then he dropkicks Zay. Zay hits a big forearm on Matt then hits more forearms.

Zay asai moonsaults over Matt then flying headscissors him. Zay hits a leg lariat. Quen armbreakers Matt. Matt takes a double flapjack. Matt takes a neckbreaker + double stomp combo. Quen walks up the buckles and flip dives out onto Mike and Matt.

Matt lariats Zay. Mike splashes Zay then hits chops. Jay hits punches on Matt. Jay hits a hiptoss into a cartwheel dropkick on Matt. Jay gets figure four attempts blocked. Jay is popped up into a Mike forearm. We go to PiP break and return.

Jay jawbreakers Matt then Jeff hits lariats on Mike and Matt. Matt misses a corner splash and Jeff hits corner punches on him. Jeff back body drops Quen then leg lariats Zay on the ropes. Jeff does the Fargo stru and Mike rolls him up. Jay neckbreakers Matt then Mike superkicks Jeff. Jay flatliners Mike then Matt spinning high heel kicks Jay.

PP does the silly string and Zay tornado ddt's Matt. Quen hits a 450 for 2. Mike death valley drivers Quen. Zay neckbreakers Mike. Jay hits a lethal injection on Zay then takes a running knee from Matt. Jeff is eye poked by Matt then Jeff figure fours him.

Jay figure fours Mike at the same time. Mike and Matt then team up at the same time.

It was a decent trios tag match here. Everyone got their spots in and they kept this one moving. It went about as well as it could have gone.   

Mina Shirakawa vs Missa Kate

They trade waistlocks. Mina kicks her then slides under her and dances. Kate dances with her. Mina kicks her in the back then Kate backrolls her. Mina russian legsweeps Kate. Mina stomps Kate's legs into the mat.

Mina kicks her off the ropes and hits a top rope splash for 2. Mina takes a kick from Kate for 2. Mina rolls her up for 2. Mina spinning forearms and back fists Kate. Mina then does some kind of back to her. Mina lifting reverse ddt's her and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special here as expected and some of the girls' offense could have looked better. At least they kept it moving.

Stokeley Hathaway and Kris Statlander talk. Stoke says Willow surrounded herself with deviants and said her support system sucks @ss. Stoke says Willow is the furthest thing from street. Stoke asks someone off camera if there is a problem. Stoke then pushes the guy and says we have a Willow fan on the crew. Kris then nails the guy. Kris says September7th will be the death of friendship.

The Grizzled Young Veterans vs The Outrunners

Zack and Truth go at it. Truth side headlocks him. Zack and Drake wristlock Truth. Drake works Truth's arm then Truth slams Drake. Drake takes a double bodyslam.

Turbo takes a double clothesline. Turbo boots Zack from the ropes and The Runners hit a double shoulderblock and a double elbow drop. Turbo hits chops on Zack. Truth takes baseball slides and Drake accidentally kicks him in the head.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Zack blocks Drake from getting suplexed then Drake spinning heel kicks Truth. Drake forearms Truth down and side headlocks him.

Truth backdrops Drake. Turbo is hot tagged in. He hits shots on The Vets. Turbo slams Zack and Drake. Drake step up enzugiri's Turbo and Turbo hits a double flying clothesline. Truth is pushed off the top and lands on the top rope throat first.

Zack double throat thrusts Truth. Truth takes a deadly looking doomsday device. Truth then takes a legsweep + lariat and is pinned.

Thoughts: The doomsday device was nasty and that was after Truth got kicked in the head on accident. He ended up not wrestling the next night and it's no surprise why. It was a decent tag with The Runners getting some support from the crowd and them keeping things moving. I'd like to see this again when they have more time. 

I will not be viewing the next match.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Komander vs The Beast Mortos vs Lio Rush

They pair off and fight. KT and Mort headbutt their opponents and Mort slaps Kom. KT and Mort gorilla press their opponents but are pushed into each other. Lio and Kom hit stereo dropkicks then do stereo planchas. They then get caught at the same time and their backs are rammed into each other.

Mort and KT trade shots outside then Kom and Lio dive on them at the same time. Lio boots Kom then rolls him up. Kom rolls him up. Lio slides out of a lariat and hits an enzugiri. Mort and KT take turns beating up on Lio. Lio sues the ropes and headscissors Mort. Lio takes a facekick from KT then Kom is popped up and dropkicks KT.

Kom rope walk corkscrew moonsaults outside. Mort then tornillo topes outside onto Kom. We go to PiP break and return. Mort headbutts KT in the chest and KT forearms him down. KT blocks Lio's headscissors. Lio hits a strike combo then Lio bottom rope seated springboard stunners him. Lio is dropped face first by Kom. Mort lungblowers Kom.

Mort and KT double clothesline each other. Mort boots Kom then slingblade bulldogs him on his head. Kom headscissors Mort. Mort slaps him from the apron. Kom takes a top rope german and he spanish flies Mort at the same time. Lio then top rope frogsplashes the pile of wrestlers.

Kom superkicks Lio and KT. Kom rolls up KT for 2. Kom springboard poisonrana's Mort for 2. Kom misses a rope walk ssp on Mort then Lio jumps off of Kom's back and topes Mort. Lio then hits another hard tope on Mort. Mort hits a hard spear on Lio inside then Mort backbreakers Kom. Mort powerbomb backbreakers Kom. KT knees Mort in the face. KT blue thunders Kom then hits a spinning falcon arrow ofr the win.

Thoughts: It was fast paced and wild as expected and they did too much as expected. The first part of this was all stereo moves for the most part. KT and Mort were working together for a while and gave it up. The top rope german + spanish fly spot was unique. Lio was moving so fast here.

Overall thoughts: I liked 2 of the 4 matches I saw here. It was mostly all wrestling not a lot of storylines going on here. The matches were mostly random. Poor Truth Magnum really took a whooping in his match. It was about average overall.

AEW Collision 8/31/2024

AEW Collision 8/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

Hologram, Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly vs Lee Moriarty, The Beast Mortos and and Johnny TV

Kyle and JTV start us off. They duck kicks and Kyle hip throws him. Kyle goes for an armbar and JTV ropebreaks. Kyle knees JTV in the gut and kneedrops him. OC then goes for a pin. Holo monkey flips JTV.

Lee and OC get in. Lee armdrags and armlocks him. Lee wristlocks him. OC wristlocks him then Lee takes him down by the wrist and splits his fingers. Holo tilt-a-whirl armdrags Lee. Lee clubs Holo's back and they try pins. Holo rolls him up then dropkicks him. Mort crucifix bombs Holo then double shoulders over the other faces.

Mort takes a satellite headscissors from Holo. Lee goes for a submission on Holo and we end up getting a 4 person sleeper spot. Mort then shoulders over OC and breaks the chain.  Mort tornillo topes his partners on accident then Kyle flying knees Mort off the apron. OC topes Mort then Holo does a top rope flip dive onto everyone. 

We go to PiP break and return. OC pulls JTV over the top. Kyle hits knees to Lee's gut and legsweeps him. Kyle stirke combos JTV and hits forearms on Mort. Mort slaps him and takes a flying knee. Mort spinning lariats him. Mort slingblade bulldogs Kyle then powerslams him.

Holo is bakc body dropped into a headscissors on JTV. Holo spin kicks Mort in the head, does a bounce off the ropes from his shoulders and headscissors Mort. Holo does an assisted springboard from Lee and JTV on accident then Mort spears him down. Kyle hits kicks on Mort while OC does weak kicks.

OC stunners Mort out of the suplex. JTV takes a high/low then Mort pop-up samoan drops Kyle. OC ddt's Mort then hits an orange punch. Lee germans OC then shotgun dropkicks Kyle. Lee hits a double tope outside then JTV does a samoan drop on Holo. Holo 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps JTV. Then Holo crucifixes JTV and wins.

It was a little long for an opener but it was an entertaining match. We had lots of flying and cool spots here and it made up for OC's usual goofing off. It was just a nice collection of different wrestlers.

The Bang Bang Gang (The Gunn's and Juice Robinson) vs The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods, Ari Daivari and Tony Nese)

Smart Mark Sterling introduces his crew. He says someone said episodes of Collision with The Athletes on it are the best episodes. He says his crew are stars and act and walk like stars.

Tony backs Austin up in the corner then Ari does the same. Woods hits a shot on Austin then Austin grabs him by the ears. Woods decks Austin with a shot then The Athletes double stomp on Austin. Woods overhead throws Austin. Nese pulls Austin's throat down over the top and Ari lariats Austin.

Ari and Nese pound on Austin together. Austin hiptoss neckbreakers Ari. Juice gets in and hits punches on Woods and then Nese. Juice spinebusters Woods then full-nelson slams Nese. Woods planchas Ari outside. Colt splashes Woods and Nese then does a euro step neckbreaker on Nese.

Mark distracts Nese on the apron and Nese is thrown into Mark. Woods takes a 310 to Yuma and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a shorter but fast paced tag. I liked it but wish it would have gotten more time. They did a good job with the little time they had. I think The Athletes are better than getting jobbed out like this though.

We see Mone talking on Friday at the NJPW show. She said she lost an eyelash from Momo Watanabe. She says the Stardom women are strong but she's the CEO and the best at what she does. She challenges anyone to come find her and be like her. She says they will never be as rich as her.

Hikaru Shida talks. She says she will be a champ again and said the world finds out what that means. She says she will go out on top tonight. 

FTR vs Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)

Matt armdrags Dax early. Dax shoulders him over then hiptosses him. Matt trips him and walks on his back. Dax chops him down then Matt is picked up by his hair by FTR and thrown down. Cash takes a 2nd rope dropkick from Matt. Matt takes a double back body drop and Mike is back body dropped onto Matt outside. 

Dax back rolls Mike then is sent into the post by Taven. We go to PiP break and return. Dax armdrags Matt and fights out of the corner. Dax cradles Matt, teases a punch and ddt's him when he ducks. Cash gets in and hits lariats. He dropkicks Mike and euros Matt and Mike.

Dax goes up and over then flying lariats Mike. Mike spinning forearms Cash. Cash hits a top rope double diving clothesline on his opponents. FTR hit stereo germans. Dax germans Mike and Cash jack knife pins him for 2.

Mike crossbodies Dax then Dax is eye raked by Matt. Mike rolls up Dax for 2. Dax takes a death valley driver and running knee for 2. Mike takes a shatter machine then Matt takes a powerplex. Matt then gets pinned.

It was a good tag here as expected. They kept it moving, had some nice spots and Matt/Mike didn't look out of place at all here. I'd like to see this one again.

The Grizzled Young Vets attack FTR after and hit a high/low on Dax. Drake says this is where the best wrestle and that's why they are here. Gibson said they were forced to live under FTR's shadow for years. They say they are here to stay and say we will only remember their name when they are done. 

Thunder Rosa says she's back and laughs when she hears various girls say they are the ace of the women's division.

We see Lance Archer beating up random people backstage. He grabs the camera and says everybody dies.

Top Flight, Action Andretti and Lio Rush vs The Iron Savages, Jacked Jameson and Turbo Floyd

AA flips over Jacked's back and dropkicks him. Boulder shoulders over AA. Lio is wearing Top Flight gear and tags in. Boulder shoulders him over. Bronson shoulders Darius. Darius goes up and over then Bronson takes a triple team that knocks him over. Boulder comes in and cleans house.

Dante tags in and lariats Jacked. Dante airplane spins Jacked and jumping knees him. Dante kicks Bronson in the gut then airplane spins him. AA jumps off Dante's back and dropkicks Bronson.

Dante jumping knees Boulder. Boulder takes a 4 person suplex in a cool spot. Turbo gets in and punches all 4 opponents. Lio hits a tope on Bronson outside. Darius hits a flatliner off the botom rope and Dante top rope frogsplashes Jacked to win.

Thoughts: It was quick and a bit messy early. Everyone got in before they could get any momentum. The four person suplex spot was cool and they squeezed as much cool stuff as they could in here, so I did like it. I'm not sure why Truth Magnum was not wrestling here.

Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb are interviewed. Queen says she was in the ring with everyone tonight. Deeb says she has too but she's beaten everyone. She said she doesn't like Rosa or Shida but likes queen. She says Queen is not ready though. Deeb asks her to work with her tonight. 

Kyle Fletcher vs Tomohiro Ishii

Don Callis is on commentary. They shoulder battle and trade forearms. They shoulder battle again and Ishii shoulders him over. Ishii hits chops. Kyle slams him. Kyle hits corner punches then Ishii hits big shoulderblock on him. Kyle superkicks him then brainbusters him on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms and Kyle is knocked down. Ishii corner lariats Kyle then suplexes him. Ishii backdrops him for 2. Kyle leg lariats him off the apron then topes him.

Kyle half-nelson suplexes him. Ishii no sells it. Ishii germans him. Kyle no sells it. They trade spinning strikes and Kyle sitout powerbombs him. Kyle superkicks and lariats Ishii. Ishii headbutts him then hits a big lariat for 2.

Kyle lawn darts Ishii into the 2nd buckle. Ishii top rope hurricanrana's Kyle. Ishii sliding lariats Kyle for 2. Kyle brainbusters Ishii for 2. Kyle superkicks him then lariats him. Kyle tombstones Ishii for 2 then does his forward piledriver and wins.

Thoughts: They did way too much here and didn't sell anything. Ishii took some awful looking head bumps here and I don't know how he avoided injury.

Pac is interviewed. He said he is not content even though he had his Wembley moment. He says it's a crock of crap that good things come to those who wait. He says he's tired of waiting. He said he'd fight Will if he had his way. He said they should get partners and face each other on Dynamite though. Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy come in. Kyle is on the phone and tries to give it to Pac then Pac slaps the phone down. OC gives it to Kyle. It sounds like Kyle and OC will be teaming with Will against Pac, Yuta and CC.

Buddy Matthews vs Komander

Buddy wristlocks him and yanks his arm. Kom wristlocks him. Buddy side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kom walks up the buckles and twisting crossbodies him. Kom is caught then headscissors buddy out. Kom springboard dropkicks Buddy. Kom topes him, gets caught and is suplexed on the floor. We go to PiP break, full break and return. They fight on the apron. Buddy knees him in the chin. Kom hurricanrana spikes him over the middle rope. Kom hits leg kicks and is euro'd down. Kom hits a punch. Buddy hits kicks, stomps his foot then takes a superkick. Kom step up enzugiri's him then Kom poisonrana's him. Kom topes Buddy.

Kom is caught on an asai moonsault but hits a spinning ddt out of it. Buddy is legswept on the ropes. Kom springboards and takes a pumping knee. Buddy then picks up the win with a death valley driver type of move.

Thoughts: The outcome was never in doubt. I liked it and thought they matched up well together.

Brody comes down to congratulate Buddy. MxM Collection get on the tron. They say next week is fashion week and they will make a fashion statement, turning them into The House of Black and Blue. Mansoor says they will send them back to hell where they belong. They say next week is fashion week and say "Friday Night Fashion Fight". Buddy says it's their funeral. Brody looked like he had new chest tattoos here. 

#1 Contender to the TBS Title - Thunder Rosa vs Queen Aminata vs Serena Deeb vs Hikaru Shida

They try a 3 person lock up. Deeb is pushed into 2 others then Shida forearms all 3. Shida step up enzugiri's Deeb. She puts 3 girls in the corner and hits a flying knee. Shida hits corner punches on Queen.

Rosa and Deeb stare down face to face. Deeb hits euros and they trade slaps. Rosa hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Queen suplexes Rosa then germans her. Shida throws Queen out. Shida facekicks Deeb.

Queen and Deeb hit a suplex together on Shida and Rosa. We go to PiP break and return. Queen suplexes Rosa then suplexes Shida. Queen hip attacks Rosa and Shida in the corners. Queen facekicks both in the corners. Deeb lariats Queen and Rosa.

Deeb lariats Shida. Deeb neckbreakers Rosa over the 2nd rope. Deeb dragon screws Shida then swinging neckbreakers Queen. Deeb single leg crabs Shida. Rosa basement dropkicks Deeb. Rosa backcrackers Queen then dropkicks Shida and Queen against the bottom rope.

Deeb trips Rosa and falls back on an indian deathlock on her while suplexing Shida. Deeb rebound germans Shida then pepsi twists her. Rosa neckbreakers Deeb. Queen forearms Rosa down. Shida flying knees Queen.

Rosa and Shids are rolled up together. Shida and Rosa trade chest forearms. Rosa germans Shida then Shida running knees her. Rosa top rope hurricanrana's Shida then superkicks Queen. Rosa death valley drivers Shida for 2. Deeb hits a nasty forward piledribver on Rosa and nearly breaks her neck. Queen hits kicks on Deeb.

Queen headbutts Deeb. Shida backslides Queen for 2 then hits a chest forearm. Shida brazilian kicks Queen then hits a spinning katana knee to win.

Thoughts: It was a four way. It could have been a little cleaner and that Rosa piledriver looked deadly. I thought it needed a bit more time but it wasn't that bad.

Overall thoughts: It was a heavy wrestling show with not so much going on storyline wise. The wrestling was good though so I thought it was a good episode.

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/25/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Sean Vincent and Drew Abbenhaus are on commentary. They run down the card.

Payton Ayres vs Richard Shaw

Lilith Khan and Travis Cook are with Payton. They lock up. Shaw hits a corner spear and some shots. Payton chops back and rakes Shaw's eyes on the ropes. Payton back rakes Shaw then chest clubs him. Payton misses a corner splash and Shaw side headlock takeovers him.

Shaw side headlocks him and Payton grabs the throat. Shaw rolls out and Khan eye rakes him. Shaw takes a stunner over the top rope. Payton hits corner spears and Shaw boots him out of the corner. Payton shoulders over Shaw then hits a big slam. Payton then gets the pin.

It got more time than expected but still was on the shorter end. Payton did fine as a heel here and Khan got involved for the first time.

Jayson Breed is interviewed. He says he feels alive. He says it isn't the first time he has faced Atila Khan in this building. He said he took him to his limit last time and said he knows what's in store for him tonight. He said he went on a vacation and went to his grandfather's ranch. He said he told him about Devastation Inc and says he was told to cut the head off the snake. He says he will do that tonight.

"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams vs Jaquan Wright

This is the first time I have seen JW on this show. They say JW is a recent graduate of the Bob Orton Wrestling Academy. Glenn hammerlocks and side headlocks him. JW side headlocks him and shoulders him over.

JW gets out of a wristlock and hits armdrags. JW dropkicks Glenn and Glenn goes out to recover. Sean Vincent fans Glenn outside. Glenn hits a knee to the gut and clubs his back. Glenn chops JW then hits a big suplex. Glenn pump kicks JW then does a cobra-clutch russian legsweep. Glenn then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here. JW didn't look bad for a newer rookie and it was okay for what it was.

We see clips of Gary Jackson getting inducted to Cauliflower Alley's Hal of Fame. 

Promoter's Corner - Wrestling at the Chase - Greg Valentine vs Gil Guerrero

Greg backs Gil up in the corner then armdrags him. Greg wristlock takedowns him and clubs on Gil. Greg elbow drops him and knee drops the arm. Greg wristlocks him. Gil hits some shots and throws him by the head. Gil dropkicks Greg and Greg backs off.

Gil hits more shots then side headlocks him. Greg backdrops him. Greg goes forward with a piledriver then armlocks him. Greg throws him out to the floor.

Gil gets back in and takes gut shots and clubs from Greg. Greg hits forearms and elbows Gil in the head. Greg elbow drops Gil's leg then does a neat spinning toe hold. Greg splits Gil's legs then ties the legs up. Greg stomps the back and they trade shots.

Greg elbow drops him then figure fours him. Gil then submits and Greg wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great. Greg and Gil didn't throw the best of strikes. Greg worked the legs some before winning with the figure four and hit lots of strikes here.

Sean Santel vs Kenny Kingston

Sean tries some shoulders early and is knocked over. Ken hits corner spears then hits a big splash in the corner. Ken misses a splash then Sean hits boots to the knees. Sean butt drops Ken's knee then yanks on it.

Ken hits shots to the gut and Sean bangs Ken's knee off the mat. Ken boots Sean off during his half-crab attempt. Ken hits some lariats then hits a pounce. Ken powerslams Sean and gets the upset win.

The idea was good but Ken's execution could have been a little better here as some of his shots looked weak. I was surprised to see Ken pick up the win.

The Big Texan is interviewed by Drew. Texan said he thought Haku was a friend of his. He said he thought the days of Haku biting noses off and poking eyeballs out was over. He said the monster inside of Haku needed to get out and he turned his back on him.

He says Haku was a mentor to him and it's like going after your mentor. He says he doesn't know anymore but needs to focus on Kowalski. He said he's normally the biggest guy in the ring but is not against Kowalski. He says it will be a true test but a test he will win. He said he showed he could take him down in their last match and can keep him down as long as others don't get involved.

Curtis Wylde vs Rob Stardom

Rob poses then Curt poses. They lock up, Rob clean breaks him and poses. Curt then poses. They lock up and Curt hits punches. Curt elbows him in the head then Rob pulls Curt's head down over the top rope.

Rob cranks on Curt's head then bites his ear. Curt hits some punches and Curt double axe handles Curt's back. Rob boots him in the face and chokes him.

Rob hits some headbutts then Curt hits some chops. Curt boots him out of the corner and avoids a charge. Curt hits more punches and elbows him in the head. Curt hits a spear for 2. Curt hits a rock bottom and gets the win.

It was fine and there was nothing wrong with it. They posed off early. Rob took control for a bit, Curt made his comeback and picked up the win. Curt got the win as expected here as I think Rob has yet to win in the matches I watched.

Atila Khan vs Jayson Breed

JB side headlocks Khan. JB side headlock takeovers him twice. Khan throws him back and hits some headbutts. JB fights back with punches and takes a shot to the throat.

Khan chokes him in the corner. JB gets some offense in and turns his back. Khan hits him in the throat then cranks the head. Khan hits punches then hits shots to the gut and chokes him.

Khan slams him and misses an elbow drop. JB clubs on him then hits a flying lariat. Khan hits a double throat thrust then does a grounded hold that we can't really see. Khan then chokes him out with it and wins via submission.

Khan refuses to break the hold after. Curtis Wylde comes down to make the save, hitting punches on Khan. Haku then follows him. He hits a mongolian chop then hits lariats. Haku puts Curt in the tongan death grip and Curt goes down. Khan holds Curt for slaps and shots from Haku. Haku and Khan then hit a double headbutt drop on Curt. Haku beats up on JB after and rams him into the apron edge. Haku beats up on JB more after then gets another shot on Curt.

Travis Cook gets on commentary after and says we can do this the easy way or the hard way. He says Herb Simmons can put his name on the offer sheet and this all goes away. If he doesn't, then this continues. Cook asks if Herb has the stomach for this kind of fight

Thoughts: Khan did his usual thing here. JB didn't bring a lot to the table on this one. He didn't get a ton of offense and needed to show more fire in the offense he did get in. It was cool to see Haku come out after. He might be old, but he still has some intensity and is still believable as a threat.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was entertaining old school pro wrestling from SICW. The matches usually aren't 5 star classics, but kayfabe is kept, everything makes sense and they get the basics down. I enjoyed this one and it's always fun to see Haku.

TNA Xplosion 8/23/2024

TNA Xplosion 8/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

Sami Callihan vs XYON

They lock up and Xyon shoves him back. He does a haka pose then Sami does one back. Sami runs into him and is shouldered over. They shove each other. Sami headbutts him then Xyon is pulled over the top. Sami clubs Xyon's chest over the top rope.

Xyon pulls Sami's throat down over the top and hits a big clothesline. Xyon hits mounted punches and chokes him. Xyon boots him and Sami gives him a thumbs down. Xyon headbutt drops him.

Sami lariats him down. Xyon puts the ref in the way and hits shots on Sami. Xyon death valley drivers Sami for 2. Xyon misses a top rope headbutt. Sami does a short piledriver on Xyon and wins.

It was short and nothing special. Xyon had a better outing here than last time but didn't do much outside of the basics. Sami won as expected.

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Gia Miller interviews Jai Vidal. Jai says he's a baddie. He says he loves reality tv shows like Bad Girls Club and Baddies. Jai talks about Bad Girls Club. Gia says they should do a wrestling version of it. Gia calls him an honorary knockout. Jai says he's the male knockout. Jai says he's pretty and would be the one everyone is jealous of on a reality tv show. Jai says there's a Bad Boys show too and he wants to be on it. 

Masha Slamovich vs Dani Luna 

Jodi is with Dani and Masha has Alisha with her. They lock up. Dani wristlocks her. Masha rolls, cartwheels and headflips out then armdrags her. Dani headscissors her. Masha side headlocks her then Dani side headlock takeovers her. Masha throws her down by the arm and kicks her in the arm.

Dani hits corner lariats and a suplex. Dani sliding lariats her for 2. Masha pulls Dani's throat down over the top rope. Masha hits kicks to the arm and throws Dani down by the arm.

Masha knees Dani in the gut then kimura suplexes her. Masha pulls on Dani's hair while hooking the arm. Dani is thrown into the buckles shoulder first. Masha armbars her. Masha hits short arm lariats then Dani suplexes her. 

Dani hits forearms then flying kicks Masha. Dani running lariats Masha then hits a slingshot blue thunder for 2. Masha gets a 2 count on Dani and hits knees to the arm. Dani rolls her up for 2 and facekicks her. Dani hits a wheelbarrow german on her then powerbombs her for 2. Masha fujiwara armbars her then taps her out with a head and arm hold.

Thoughts: It was fine with Masha working the arm and eventually submitting her with it. Dani's offensive section wasn't that good here though and almost brought it down.

Overall thoughts: There were 2 new matches and a new interview segment here. The main was okay and Sami/Xyon was very basic. The less said about the interview segment, the better. I wouldn't recommend this.

WWE Speed 8/30/2024

WWE Speed 8/30/2024

The last show is here:

WWE Speed Title Match - Andrade (c) vs Pete Dunne
we have a 5 minute time limit. They hit facekicks and Pete goes for a crossface. Andrade is cradled off the figure four. Pete hits chops. Andrade forearms him from the apron and top rope crossbodies him. Pete is hiptossed into the buckles.

Andrade hits a split-legged moonsault for 2. Pete kimura's him then is backrolled into the buckles. Pete hits a big boot and germans Andrade. He stomps Andrade's fingers then buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Andrade corner meteora's Pete twice.

Pete splits Andrade's fingers then Andrade spinning back elbows him. Andrade hits the message and gets the win at 4:13.

It was a fast paced match as usual. They had some clunky spots here as they were rushing. It wasn't anything special and it wasn't that great, but you can only do so much with the short time limit.

The WWE Speed Women's Tournament starts Wednesday with Iyo Sky vs Lyra Valkyria.

Overall thoughts:
There was only one match as usual here. It wasn't that good and you don't really need to see this one.

TNA Emergence 2024 8/31/2024

TNA Emergence 2024 8/31/2024

TNA X-Division Title Ultimate X Match - Mike Bailey (c) vs. Laredo Kid vs. Hammerstone vs. Zachary Wentz vs. Riley Osborne vs. Jason Hotch

Hotch goes for the title early. Hammer takes triple superkicks then Kid is thrown into a headscissors on him. Riley and Kid do topes outside then Hotch tope con hilos Wentz. Hammer pushes Hotch off the top, making his head bang off the apron. Mike hits a kick combo on Hammer then Hammer germans Mike. Hammer is pulled over the top. Mike gets caught on a plancha and is thrown into the ring. Hammer takes a double baseball slide.

We get a tower of doom spot off the apron onto Hammer. Wentz hits a cutter off the buckles. Wentz and Mike climb the pole. Mike is kicked off of it but does a moonsault onto wrestlers outside.

5 men climb the cables but all end up going down. Mike hits shots on everyone. Wentz hits a handspring into a jumping knee on mike. Riley is belly to belly suplexed from inside to out onto Mike. Hammer 2nd rope gorilla presses Kid onto people outside.

Hotch low blows Hammer then does a spinning sitout torture rack bomb. Kid uses the cables to top rope hurricanrana Hotch. Riley swings off the cables into an SSP onto people. Mike hits ultimate weapon onto Riley.

Wentz and Mike fight while hanging from the cables. Mike is knocked off the cables and Wentz wins the match.

Thoughts: Wentz was not my pick to win here. Mike has not been a champ for long and I don't know if I really get the title switch Wentz also may be losing at the NXT PPV, which would hurt him.. Riley winning would have been more fun. The match was entertaining as expected. We had some creative spots and it was a good opener.

Josh Alexander is interviewed. He said the iron man match should be called his match as he won the only other iron man match they had. He says this is his match. He says Nick will get embarrassed tonight and says he will show that Nick doesn't have what it takes to cut it in TNA. He says he needs that championship and it belongs to him. 

Steve Maclin vs Eric Young

They lock up and stare down. Eric shoulders him over and bangs Steve's head off the buckles. Steve boots and chops him in the corner and Eric hits some shots back. Steve hits chops then Eric rakes Steve's eyes on the top rope. Steve olympic slams Eric for 2.

Eric hits punches and lariats Steve. Eric then does a high angle death valley driver. Eric is put in tree of woe and Steve does his caught in the crosshairs spear. Steve uranage backbreakers Eric. Steve hits another caught in the crosshairs spear for 2.

They trade shots and double clothesline each other. Eric lets Steve get a shot in. Steve drops him with a big forearm and talks trash. Eric starts to power up and takes his free shot on Steve as Steve lets him hit him. They butt heads and hockey fight. Steve flying knees him out then Steve misses a tope, going hard into the floor and ramp.

Eric bites him then hits a top rope elbow drop. Eric piledrivers him for 2. Eric goes for another piledriver and Steve jack knife pins him.

Thoughts: It was just average here and nothing too special. Steve's missed tope looked really brutal. They tried to put some emotion and rivalry into this one but I don't think it was promoted well enough for the crowd to get it.

They shake hands after.

Nic Nemeth is interviewed. Nic says he made it along 20 years stealing the show, but right now, it's about being the best. He says he knows what Josh is capable of. He says this is Josh's match. Nic says he can see that he can see Josh winning this but he says he wants to look him in the eyes and beat him at his own game. Nic says no matter times you hit him, he (Nic) gets up and stares you straight in the eyes. He says it's time for him to get up and leave TNA champ.

Jordynne Grace and Spitfire vs Ash By Elegance, Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich

They all hockey fight and Ash's team is thrown out. Jody is double back body dropped onto her opponents outside. She lands partially on Alisha and knocks Alisha out Dani topes opponents outside. Grace goes for a dive on Alisha but Alisha is knocked out and the spot is awkwardly cancelled.

The rest of the girls fight outside. Grace goes to pin Ash inside but the ref is checking on Alisha and can't count. Grace spinning guillotine drops Ash. Alisha is being checked on by medical staff outside as they awkwardly try to continue the match.

Jodi hits corner lariats on Ash and exploders her. Alisha is being carried to the back. Ash takes a triple team powerbomb for 2. Masha suplexes Dani then hits snapmares anda kick to the back. Ash cartwheel back elbows Dani in the corner then Dani suplexes Ash.

Grace gets in and hits shots and a slam on Masha. Grace spinning back elbows her then hits a muscle buster for 2. Jodi double knees Masha on the ropes for 2. Masha suplexes Jodi into the buckles. 

Ash suplexes Jodi then misses a top rope swanton. Jodi hits an F-5 on Ash and wins.

Alisha got injured early here and it just destroyed the whole match. It was hard to get into it after that and the match wasn't that good anyway. It also went longer than it needed to. The match should have just ended with the injury.

PCO and Steph De Lander talk in the back. Steph says she will see Matt Cardona on Thursday when she confronts him.

TNA Tag Titles - ABC (c) vs First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro)

Rich Swann is suspended due to getting a DUI, so KC Navarro is now a member of First Class and takes his spot here. Substitutions are honestly the norm with TNA PPV's these days and I'm starting to expect them at this point.

AJ wants a test of strength with Ace and Ace just punches him. Ace hits strikes and AJ shoulders him over. Bey gets in and kicks AJ in the corner. Bey corner spears AJ and flips over his back. Bey dropkicks him then AJ shoulders him over. Bey is whipped into a kick from AJ.

Bey chops KC. KC goes up and over then flips over his back. KC headscissors Bey and trips him into the ropes. KC slingshot kicks him on the apron. Bey backbreakers KC and hits a big lariat. KC takes a double japanese armdrag into a double basement dropkick. Ace uses Bey's back to kick KC. KC is tripped into a double stomp from Bey. AJ pulls Bey by the hair and foot. Bey throws KC out and AJ catches KC. Bey is caught on a dive by AJ. KC enzugiri's Bey on the apron then hits mounted punches. 

Bey is caught off the 2nd rope by AJ but hits a ddt off of it. Ace and KC get in. Ace hits lariats and a russian legsweep. Ace legdrops KC. Ace suplexes KC then high kicks AJ. Ace puts AJ on his back and both fall over due to AJ's weight.

AJ attitude adjustments AJ and drives KC's head into the mat with his feet for 2. KC takes a backdrop + top rope lariat. AJ hits a double suplex on his opponent. Ace springboard dropkicks AJ. 

AJ hits a chokeslam on Bey but he isn't the legal man on the pin attempt. Ace hits the fold on AJ then KC hits a standing sliced bread on Bey. He celebrates then Bey rolls him up and pins him.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good and they just didn't hit things as clean as they should have. They didn't really have the time and it was hard to buy that AJ and KC were winning. AJ and KC losing on their debut as a team isn't a good intro to them.

Jeff Hardy, Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy & Mike Santana vs. The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, JDC & Moose)

The Hardy's got put in Joe's video and were added to the song which was cool. Joe then did the delete taunt with them.

The System stall to start. Mike hits shots on JDC and bangs his head off the buckles. Mike flying back elbows JDC in the corner then hits corner punches. Mike lariats all his opponents. JDC boots Mike then Mike backdrops JDC.

Matt corner splashes JDC then Mike jumps off of Matt's back to hit JDC. Jeff then does it off of Mike's back. Matt elbow drops JDC. Eddie boots and elbows Matt. Matt hits forearms and punches on Eddie. Eddie takes a double suplex then 3 faces double suplex 2 heels. Joe and The Hardy's then do Joe's turn around pose together.

Mike hits chops on Eddie. Mike fights off The System and hits a double dropkick off the buckles. Mike throws JDC over the top onto The System. Mike then walks up the buckles and flip dives outside.  Mike hits doi fives and a Doi sliding kick.

The 2 teams stare down and hockey fight in the ring. Mike stomps on Eddie. Mike holds Eddie and Matt 2nd rope elbows Eddie. Matt is hit from behind by Eddie. JDC hits punches on Matt. Moose foot chokes Matt. Matt neckbreakers Brian.

Jeff atomic drops Brian then legdropkicks him in the gut. Jeff elbow drops him. Jeff hits a whisper in the wind on JDC and Eddie then pulls Moose over the top. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Brian.

Jeff is held and Eddie knee drops Jeff. Eddie hits mounted punches. Moose stops Jeff from making a tag and Eddie stomps on Jeff. JDC eye rakes him. Moose hits some shots on Jeff. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Moose. Joe and Eddie get in. Joe beats up on him then hits a fallaway slam. Eddie boots him out of the corner then misses a 2nd rope splash. Joe fallaway slams JDC then sends Brian into JDC. 

Joe fallaway slams Eddie. Moose tries a walk up the buckles into a diving cutter but Joe moves. Joe pop-up powerbombs Eddie for 2. Joe and Eddie double clothesline each other. Everyone starts hitting their signature/finishing moves. Jeff top rope swantons Brian then JDC falcon arrows Jeff. Joe hits a standing ovation on JDC. Matt hits a twist of fate on Eddie and is pulled out on the pin. Matt twists of fate Moose on the outside. Eddie hits a low blow + shining wizard on Matt when Matt gets back in and pins him.

It was fine but went longer than it needed to. I didn't love either team really losing here but maybe it will lead to someone down next time.

Moose says he's coming for the winner of tonight's title match.

TNA World Title - 60 Minute Iron Man Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Josh Alexander

They do some technical and mat wrestling early. Nic hooks the leg and goes for a pin. Josh side headlocks him then Nic hammerlocks him. Josh throws Nic down then splits his fingers. Josh side headlock takeovers him. Nick flips out of a backdrop and dropkicks Josh. Josh immediately goes for the ankle lock and Nic ropebreaks. 

Josh side headlocks him and Nic headscissors him. The crowd sings, "I believe in Nic Nemeth". Josh shoulders him over. Josh chopblocks him, goes for the ankle lock and Nic rolls him up and pins him. Nick is up 1-0.

Josh chokes Nic on the ropes. Nic hits a chop flurry in the corner and corner punches him. Josh powerbombs him on the knee. Josh backbreakers Nic. Nic suplexes Josh.

Nic misses a splash and pulls the 2nd buckle off for some reason. Josh germans Nic. Josh knee drops the back. Nic hits punches to the gut and Nic is sent hard into the buckles chest first. Josh suplexes Nic then knees him in the gut.

Nic tries for a surprise pin and gets 2. Josh is thrown out. Josh chops Nic outside then Josh gets sent into the steps. Nic hits clotheslines on Josh then hits corner punches. Nic bites Josh's head and neckbreakers him. Nic hits elbow drops then slams him. Nic top rope elbow drops him and Josh gets a 2 count off of it by rolling Nic. They do some kickouts and Nic hits a fameasser for 2. Josh hits a big straight punch then Nic hits a danger zone for the pin. Nic is up 2-0.

Josh's head is banged off the buckles. Nic nekcbreakers Josh then does a bow and arrow. Nic snapmares him and hits an elbow drop for 2. Josh goes for the ankle lock and is kicked. Nic dropkicks him. They trade punches and forearms. The crowd chants for LA Knight, yeet's and does Road Dogg's "oh you didn't know" line. Josh hits many germans as we hit 30 minutes. Nic hits germans. Josh hits a german then takes another. Nic hits some shots then headbutts Josh. Josh's headgear falls off after the headbutt. Josh ankle locks him and Nic ropebreaks.

Josh leglocks Nic. Josh lariats Nic into the ref then exploders him. Josh sets a table up outside. Josh takes a back body drop on the apron. Josh rams Nic's back into the apron edge. Josh hits a spinning tombstone for 2. Josh punches Nic in the face with a weapon then hits a nasty C4 spike and pins him. Nic is still leading 2-1.

Josh hits another c4 spike and pins Nick. This is now tied 2-2. 

Josh goes for a 3rd pin in a row but Nic kicks out.  Nic sleepers him, Josh drops back to break it but Nic holds on. Josh climbs the ropes with Nic on his back and they fall over the ropes to the outside. Nic hits headbutts on Josh then Josh torture rack drops him on the floor. Nic back body drops Josh over the top rope through a table outside. They get back in and Josh hits a c4 spike for 2. Josh chops him outside then Nic hits a jumping ddt inside for 2.

They fight on the buckles. Nic superplexes Josh for 2 with 5 minutes remaining. They trade punches and Nic superkicks him for 2. Nic hits headbutts and Josh lawn darts him into the 2nd buckle. Josh hits a danger zone on Nic for 2. Nic gets out of a c4 spike and hits a danger zone. Nic then hits his own c4 spike to go up 3-2 with seconds remaining. Nic wins as the time runs out, 3 falls to 2.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. They didn't have a scoreboard up so you couldn't see what the score was or how much time was left for most of the match. It was a long match naturally with two of the more vanilla personalities in TNA. They didn't have any kind of story going here and it had an unusual format with the face having the lead the whole time and the heel having to be the one who caught up. This took a lot of the heat out of the match. The first half hour was really boring with them mostly doing rest holds (and the crowd chanting for WWE wrestlers) but the second half was better.

JBL of WWE fame comes out after. He says something to Nic and leaves.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual average TNA show. The main was a 60-minute long iron man match that just didn't deliver. The opening Ultimate X match was good and everyone stayed safe. The System tag was okay. The women's match was a disaster with Alisha getting hurt. Young/Maclin wasn't that special and the tag title match wasn't that good with KC Navarro having to sub for Rich Swann. I wouldn't recommend this.

Friday, August 30, 2024

WWE Smackdown 8/30/2024

WWE Smackdown 8/30/2024

Last week's show is here: 

We're in Berlin, Germany. Michael Cole and Wade Barrett are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive.

LA Knight comes out to talk. He says they haven't been to Berlin in 27 years and what a way than to kick it off with him. He says he defended his title in the capitol of the US and might as well do it in the capitol of Germany. He invites anyone to come down and challenge for his title and Ludwig Kaiser comes out. He says LA wants to defend against the best all over the world. He says himself and Berlin guarantee there is no one better on German soil than the German Ludwig Kaiser.

Kaiser gets in the ring. He says he will make the title better than it ever was and will make it the European Title. LA says it's impressive for Gunther's stooge. He says Kaiser can do anything he wants with the title, but he has to win it and he can't. He says Kaiser will lay down and catch three the hard way.

WWE United States Title - LA Knight (c) vs Ludwig Kaiser

They lock up and LA backs him up in the corner. Kaiser wristlocks him and LA yanks on the arm. They butt heads and shove each other. Kaiser side headlock takeovers him and side headlocks him. LA hits punches and Kaiser boot flurries him in the corner.

LA lariats him then backdrops him on the apron. Kaiser is rammed into the apron and thrown backwards into the steps. Kaiser then runs around the ring and basement dropkicks LA into the steps.

We go to break and return. Kaiser pounds on him and boots him. LA lariats him over the top and bangs his head off the buckles. LA jumping neckbreakers him and 2nd rope elbow drops him. LA running knees him in the corner and atomic drops him. Kaiser step up enzugiri's him for 2.

They trade shots and LA powerslams him. Kaiser lariats him and PK's him. Kaiser hits a side rolling death valley driver and Wade calls it a Kaiser roll. LA hits a side effect then a BFT to win.

Thoughts: I didn't like the booking of this. Kaiser lost in his home country and people were cheering him over LA. That's not what you want to happen. It wasn't anything special here as usual with them mostly doing the basics.

We get a video on Gunther vs Orton.

We get a video on Nia Jax. 

Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin vs Legado del Fantasma (Angel and Berto)

Crews side headlocks Berto then dropkicks him. Crews suplexes him for 2. Baron double clotheslines the heels then hits corner punches on Angel. Crews uranages Angel in the corner then lariats him.

Angel running knees Baron then Berto is sent out. Crews pump kicks Angel then flying headscissors him. Crews is hiptossed to the outside onto the heels. We go to break and return. 

Crews is on Angel's back and Berto slingshots in with a diamond dust on Crews. Angel corner splashes Crews. Angel misses a corner spear and Baron tags in. Baron back elbows Angel then hiptosses Berto in. Baron flying knees Berto then death valley drivers Angel. Corbin short arm lariats Berto. Baron 2nd rope lariats Berto then suplex lifts him into a cutter.

Crews top rope crossbodies Angel and germans him twice. Berto flips out of a german and springboard enzugiri's Crews. Crews and Angel collide with crossbodies in mid-air. Baron uranages Angel on the commentary table then Santos Escobar pushes Baron into the steps.

Berto 2nd rope armdrags Crews off the buckles. Crews is popped up into a kick in the gut and wins.

Either Angel or Berto just got re-signed this week and that's likely why they won here. It was average for the most part and got a ton of time for being a lower card match without much behind it. 

The Bloodline do a taped video. They say their opponents (DIY and The Street Profits) next week will acknowledge Solo so they know what they are up against. Solo said he took out his brother and Paul Heyman. He said he then took out Roman and took his necklace. He said if he did this to his own family, imagine what will he will do to his opponents next week. He said he doesn't care whether Owens or Cody wins as the tribal chief is coming for them. 

Nick Aldis comes out to talk. He talks about Bash in Berlin and says it's part of a successful European tour for the WWE. He says the most important match is for the Undisputed Title tomorrow night. He brings out Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens, wishes them luck and leaves.

KO asks Cody if he wants to talk about what happened to his knee during the tour. Cody says his knee is fine and asks about last week. He said KO handed him the title but says it looked like KO was going to him with the title. KO asks why Cody would think he would do that to him. Cody talks about KO maybe thinking he doesn't get enough credit while Cody gets too much.

KO says he doesn't need to hit him with a cheapshot and says he knows Cody hurt his knee. KO says he knows Cody isn't 100%. Cody asks if KO still thinks he doesn't deserve a title shot. KO asks why didn't Cody take a knee during his entrance if his knee is fine.

KO says it's been 8 years since he won the Universal Title. He said people told him he didn't deserve to win the title and only got it because of Triple H. He said that tainted the reign forever. KO asks what will happen when he beats Cody but we find out Cody is injured. Cody says his knee is 100%.

Cody says KO is talking with anger. Cody says KO is angry at having to share the spotlight with him since he returned. Cody says he loves KO. Cody asks if they will still be friends after. KO then just leaves.

Thoughts: KO said Cody was injured, but we didn't see it and that hurt that storyline. I felt like they did get some of the friend vs friend stuff right here but it's the day before the show and it's too little too late.

Corbin and Crews walk in the back. A-Town Down Under go up to them and talk smack. Waller says Theory said Corbin and Crews aren't half the team they are. Baron threatens Theory and Waller laughs. Theory gets mad at Waller. He said he got him knocked out by Terrance Crawford due to Waller talking. He said him and Waller are falling apart. Waller says we banter in Australia and says he's his best mate. Waller asks if they are good and they shake hands on it.  

We get a video on Giovanni Vinci. He says it's not his return, but his arrival. He says everyone will remember his name. They say he debuts next week.

Andrade vs Carmelo Hayes

This is their 4th match together. Melo runs in and they hockey fight. Andrade throws him out then triangle tornillo plancha's him outside. Melo springboard twisting lcotheslines him. Melo hangs off the 2nd buckle and Andrade double stomps him down off the top.

We go to break and return. Melo stomps on Andrade. andrade hits forearms then dragon screws him. andrade flying forearms him. Andrade hits a top rope moonsault into a standing moonsault for 2.

Melo hits a jumping codebreaker. Melo corner meteora's him for 2. Andrade suplexes Melo then back rolls him into a powerbomb. Melo knocks the top rope buckle off. Melo superkicks him for 2.

Andrade 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps him for 2. We go to break and return again. Andrade hits a top rope moonsault slam on Melo for 2. Andrade spinning back elbows Melo for 2. Andrade stands on the top and is pulled down onto the exposed buckle. Melo hits a top rope nothing but net and wins.

I wasn't a fan of this. It was similar to the other matches they had which I didn't like and they did too much here as usual. They said they are tied 2-2 and begged for another one, so this isn't over.

Bianca and Jade talk about the match with Isla and Alba. They say failure is part of the process and you can't be afraid to fail. They say they are defining their own legacy. They say let's go and take the tag titles back.

Michin said she fought her whole life for this. She says whether you like or hate her, you won't forget her after she wins tonight. she says Michin isn't who she is but what she is.

WWE Women's Title - Streetfight - Nia Jax (c) vs Michin

Mich comes to the ring with a shopping cart with a trash can, a chair and kendo sticks. Mich hits her with a kendo stick and Nia goes out. Nia blocks a kendo stick shot and pokes her with it. Nia swings at her and gets pushed into the post. Mich short hurricanrana spikes her over the 2nd rope.

Mich grabs a table outside and Nia hits her with a kendo stick for it. Nia then puts the table back under the ring. Mich dropkicks her through the ropes and pulls the table back out.

We go to break and return. Mich hits kendo stick shots and Nia knocks her out of the ring. Nia uranages her on the apron. Mich sprays her with a fire extinguisher then top rope dropkicks her. Mich goes for a tornado ddt and is dropped onto a trash can.

Mich hits her with trash can lids then tornado ddt's Nia on the lid. A table is set up in the ring and Nia chairs her. Nia is caught on the 2nd rope and Mich powerbombs Nia through a table. Tiffany Stratton then runs down to maybe cash in her briefcase. She hits Mich with the briefcase. Tiff teases cashes in but Nia has words for her. Tiff hits Mich with the briefcase and pulls Nia on Mich for 2.

Bayley then runs out. Bay lariats Tiff and throws her over the rail outside. Mich rolls up Nia for 2 and hits kicks. Nia samoan drops her through a table. Nia banzai drops Mich while she has a trash can on her and Nia picks up the win.

Nia then throws a table piece at Mich after while the can is on her and kendo stick shots her.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one with a bunch of shenanigans. It was fine but nothing too special. They had different looking tables and trash cans as I guess they couldn't find the normal ones in Germany. Nia throwing the table piece at Michin looked dangerous.

Overall thoughts: It was not a star-studded line-up here and Bloodline weren't even in the building. There was a lot of filler on this one and nothing was that good. I would not recommend this.

WWE NXT Level Up 8/30/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker vs Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors

Kale's dance is now called "The Dixon Dance". UC side headlocks Hank and grabs him by the hair before being slammed. Kale side headlocks Tank then Tank reverses it on him. Kale dropkicks Tank then Tank shoulders him over. Tank atomic drops Kale then 2nd rope twisting shoulderblocks him.

Hank corner splashes Kale then he lifts Tank into a butt drop on Kale. UC pounds on Tank then sentons him. Kale chops Tank in the corner then short arm clotheslines him for 2. Kale clubs on Hank's back then chinlocks him.

Kale kicks Tank in the arm for 1. UC slingshot swantons Tank then UC hits boots and kicks on Tank. Hank blocks Tank from going into the buckles and Tank lariats UC. Hank is hot tagged in and cleans house. Hanks hits shots to the gut of Kale then corner splashes him and UC. Hank throws UC into Kale then flying back elbows him for 2.

UC slingshots in and takes Hank's boot. Hank hits a nice blackhole slam on Kale. Kale takes a powerslam + body block and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here. Hank was more fired up than usual and the heels did their job, bumping around for the faces. There was nothing wrong with this one. 

Gallus talk in the back. Cutler James goes up to Mark. He says his match last week was great. He says it wasn't the outcome he wanted but it's the story of his life. He said he watched film of their match and said he learned a lot. He asks for a rematch. Mark says he beat him and says to move on. Wolf says he will teach CJ a lesson and says if he beats him, he gets Mark. Wolf offers a handshake then pulls back. Gallus laughs and leaves. 

Uriah Connors says he isn't going to be interviewed tonight. Two unknown people go up to UC and offer their help. They say he knows their terms and tells him to think about it. 

Cutler James vs Wolfgang

CJ blocks a hiptoss with an armlock early. CJ armdrags him and keeps the armlock on. Wolf hits some forearms and CJ hits short-arm clotheslines. CJ has him in a wheelbarrow, does a lawnmower motion and drops him.

CJ works Wolf's fingers and Wolf rolls to the apron. CJ pulls Wolf's throat down over the top rope. Wolf rams CJ's back into the apron edge. Wolf slams CJ on the floor.

Wolf hits mounted punches and backbreakers him. Wolf chinlocks CJ then CJ suplexes him. CJ hits punches and back elbows him. CJ hits a corner spear then running lariats him. CJ slams Wolf for 2. Wolf hits a big spear then top rope swantons CJ's back. Wolf then gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. It really does feel like James is intentionally being trolled and set-up to fail. His gimmick is just awful and there is no saving it. It's not like he botches or anything, he's just way too green right now and is not ready for TV.

Overall thoughts: We only got two new matches here. One of them was good and Cutler James' match wasn't, which isn't surprising. They have to be intentionally trolling James at this point because the gimmick is awful and he's just not ready to be on TV. I wouldn't recommend this one.

Stardom 8/23/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 8

Stardom 8/23/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 8

Day 7 is here:

Pre-Show Match - Momo Kohgo vs. Sayaka Kurara vs. Rian

SK gets a double boot to start. She is double tripped then takes a double basement dropkick. Momo cradles Rian. SK takes another double boot then Ri cradles Momo for 2. SK dropkicks Momo then Ri srpingboard armdrags Momo.

SK and Ri fight over the pin on Momo then they trade chest forearms. Momo hits a double dropkick then a double 619. Ri headscissors Momo out of the corner and basement dropkicks her for 2. Ri fisherman suplexes Momo for 2. They fight over a backslide and SK tries to pin both.

Rian crossbodies Momo then Momo slams her for 2. Momo dropkicks Ri then wristclutch fisherman suplexes her for the win.

Thoughts: It went 4:30 and it was enough here. It was fine for what it was but there was nothing memorable in this one. Momo won as expected.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Mayu Iwatani vs Mei Seira

Mei dropkicks Mayu to start. Mayu drops down and Mei headflips over her. They armdrag each other then dropkick each other at the same time. They then stand off. Mayu goes up and over, backrolls her and basement dropkicks her. Mayu kicks her in the back and camel clutches her.

Mayu puts Mei on the ropes in the corner and slaps her. She then dropkicks her. They trade strikes and Mayu forearms her down. Mei trips her then springbord dropkicks her. Mei ties up Mayu's legs and pulls on her hair.

Mayu spin kicks her in the gut. Mei stomps Mayu's foot then running headhunters her for 2. They fight up top and Mayu 2nd rope suplexes her. Mayu hits a 2nd rope dropkick. Mayu superkicks her then Mei dropkicks her. Mei is on the apron and Mayu kicks her leg out from under her.

They get back in and Mei springboard dropkicks her. Mei germans her for 2. Mei tries pins on Mayu and Mayu tries some as well. Mayu crucifix bombs her for 2. Mayu buzzsaw kicks her. Mayu rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: It started off fast, slowed down some then sped up again before the finish. Mayu won as expected here. There wasn't a lot of thought put into this one and it was just high speed action for the most part without any faces or heels. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Konami vs Yuna Mizumori

The first few seconds of this are missing. Yuna 2nd rope shoulderblocks her and dropkicks her out. Yuna takes a hanging armbar over the top and is thrown into the seats. Kon kneels with a chair on Yuna in the seats. Kon kneels on her on the ropes then forearms her down. Yuna dropkicks her.

Kon ducks a sliding lariat and armbas her out of it. Kon running kicks her on the ropes then rolling armbars her. Yuna slams her down off of it then hits mounted chest shots. Yuna sliding lariats her then lariats her for 2.

Kon crucifixes her in the air and turns it into a grounded armbar with a headscissors. Yuna catches Kon's leg, puts her head under it and suplexes her. Yuna lariats Kon then hits a cradle shock for 2. Yuna electric chair drops her on her chest.

Yuna sits on her for the pin and Kon rolls her into an arm triangle and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was fine. Kon was the heel and Yuna was the face. Yuna got some decent comebacks in like usual and Kon went for arm submissions until she tapped her out with one. 

Aya Sakura, Hina & Waka Tsukiyama vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora, Rina & Ruaka)

Aya wristlocks Ruaka. Ruaka reverses it and side headlocks her. Ruaka takes her over, Aya headscissors her and they stand off. Aya hits chest forearms on the ropes then Ruaka shoulders her over. Aya takes a double back elbow, a basement dropkick and a splash.

Rina hair throws Aya then footchokes her on the ropes. Rina dropkicks Aya while she's in the ropes. Tora spits something in Aya's eyes for 2 then suplexes her twice.

Tora misses a corner attack then Aya spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Tora punches her in the gut then Tora takes a double dropkick. Aya slams Tora then Waka dropkicks Tora. Waka hits hip attacks on the ropes. Tora euros Waka then Waka flatliners her off the buckles.

Tora snapmares Waka off the ropes then misses a 2nd rope splash. Tora samoan drops Waka then sentons her. Rina gets in and basement dropkicks Waka for 2. Waka crossbodies Rina. Hina gets in and dropkicks Rina. They trade chest forearms.

Rauak shoulders Hina over then Rina northern lights suplexes Hina for 2. Waka 2nd rope dropkicks Rina then Hina does a wristclutch uranage on Rina for 2. Rina backslides and bridges Hina for 2. Hina has Rina on her shoulder gut first and just drops back with her.

Hina takes corner attacks from the heels then Rina 2nd rope double knee drops her for 2. Rina does an octopus to Hina and the faces break it up. Hina running neckbreakers Rina then Tora cannonballs Hina on the ropes. Ruaka crossbodies Hina on the ropes and Rina does a crucifix bomb variation on Hina. Rina gori bombs Hina and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just face vs heel stuff here for the most part. It went a little longer htan it needed to. It was fine but just pretty average work for the most part. 

Rina and Hina talk to each other on the mic after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Momo Watanabe vs Saya Iida

Momo blocks a takedown then takes her down. Saya side headlocks her then Momo headlock takeovers her. Saya headscissors her and they stand off. Momo stomps on Saya then Saya shoulders her over. Momo dropkicks Saya and kneels on her on the ropes.

Momo slams her and hits kicks to the back. Momo drops her with a chest kick then stands on the back of her head. Momo hits kicks to the chest. Saya hits a chop flurry on Momo in the corner. Saya double chops her. Saya sledgehammer shots her then elbow drops her for 2.

Saya does a grounded dragon sleeper and Momo ropebreaks. Saya knocks Momo down and Momo avoids a sliding lariat. Momo kicks her arm on another sliding lariat attempt then Saya sliding lariats her. Momo uranages Saya then meteora's her for 2.

Saya 2nd rope powerslams her off the buckles. Saya chops Momo then Momo chest kicks her. They trade kicks for chops and Momo chest kicks her down. Saya suplexes her then spinebusters her. Saya top rope diving shoulderblocks her. Momo high kicks her then 2nd rope diving meteora's her for 2.

Momo chickenwings her and b-drivrrs her for 2. Saya blocks a kick and lariats her. Momo package tombstones Saya and Momo kicks her hard in the face. Momo half and half suplexes her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a stiff match here with both girls pounding each other. It was alright here and Momo won as expected. I was surprised by the effort they put out in this one.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Tomoka Inaba vs Tam Nakano

TI = Tomoka Inaba

They dodge kicks early. Tam limbos out of a lariat and cutters her. Tam then headhunters her. Tam rolls her into various kicks including an axe kick to the back. Tam snapmares her and back kicks her.

Tam pumping knees her on the ropes. TI takes a facekick on the ropes then dragon screws Tam over the middle rope. TI dragon screws Tam then boots her in the knee. Tam is irish whipped but falls over due to knee pain. TI ankle and leglocks her.

TI hits knees to the head and kicks her in the back. They trade slaps for leg kicks. TI drops her with a leg kick and PK's her for 2. Tam basement dropkicks her in the back of the head. They spinning high kick each other and high kick each other down at the same time.

Tam spinning high kicks her and germans her. TI does another ankle lock. Tam superkicks TI then TI high kicks her. TI hits a knee to the face for 2 then slams her. TI ankle locks her then heel hooks her. Tam then taps out.

Thoughts: I was surprised to see Inaba get the upset win over Tam. It was fine with Inaba working the leg all match long and getting the submission win with a heel hook.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Natsupoi vs Manami

They start off fast and Poi armdrags her. Manami hits a dropkick then hair throws her. Poi hair throws her back then Manami goes it again. Manami monkey flips her and Poi stomps on her. Poi snapmares her and basement dropkicks her in the back of the neck. Poi indian deathlocks her with an armlock.

Poi bangs Manami's arm off her shoulder and does some facewash kicks on the ropes. Poi slams her for 2. Manami hits a basement dropkick then Poi crossbodies her. Poi armbars her and Manami ropebreaks.

Manami basement dropkicks her off the apron then dropkicks her off the apron. Manami top rope dropkicks her for 2. Poi hits spin kicks then running headhunters her. Manami crabs her and Poi ropebreaks.

They fight on the buckles and Manami backdrops her. Manami misses a splash off the buckles then Poi top rope crossbodies her. Manami rolls through it and gets a 2 count. Poi locks up both of Manami's arms

Poi dropkicks Manami through the ropes then Manami flying knees her twice. Poi superkicks her then germans her. Manami rolls her up then Poi taps her out with an armbar.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good as expected. Manami is just not a good worker and is just not at a Stardom level talent wise.

They talk on the mic after and do Manami's taunt. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Maika vs Hazuki

They trade high speed forearms to start and Haz hits a nice running dropkick. Haz hits facewash kicks. Haz running back elbows her in the corner and 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Haz crossfaces her.

Haz hits knees to the gut then Maika powerslams her. Haz ropebreaks on a sleeper. Maika lariats her on the ropes then shoulders her over. They trade forearms and hit attacks on the ropes. Haz pump kicks her against the middle rope and sends her out. Haz then topes her outside. 

Haz top rope dropkicks her for 2. Haz STF's her in the ring then hooks her neck while doing a rings of saturn. Maika is leaning on the top buckle and Haz double stomps her back. Haz superplexes her. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her and holds on for more. Haz then suplexes her.

They trade forearms on their knees. Maika spinning lariats her then hits an enka otoshi for 2. Maika goes for a slam and gets DDT'd. Haz puts her on the 2nd rope and codebreakers her. Haz hits a top rope senton then slams her for 2.

Maika rainmakers her then michinoku drivers her for 2. Maika blocks la magistral and michonoku drivers her. Maika hits another michinoku driver and wins.

Thoughts: It was a stiff match and they took some hard slams and stuff here. They started off fast and slowed down some as it went on. I liked it and thought the two matched up well.

They talk on the mic after and are friendly with each other then Maika closes the show with mic work.

Overall thoughts: I liked it overall and though it was above average. There was nothing must see. Tam/Inaba was probably the best match on here and the main had a lot of good stuff in it. Manami's match as easily the worst match of the night.

WWE Main Event 8/28/2024

WWE Main Event 8/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Izzi Dame vs Lyra Valkyria

They lock up. Izzi pushes her into the corner then throws her down off the lock-up. Lyra side headlocks her then legsweeps her. Lyra shotgun dropkicks her. Lyra 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her for 2. Lyra does a headlock takeover.

Lyra uses the buckles to do a headlock takeover. Lyra goes for the springboard and Izzi kicks the ropes, making Lyra bang her head off the mat. Izzi then stomps on her. Izzi backbreakers her then elbow drops her back. Izzi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her.

Lyra hits some shots to the gut then Izzi hits a sky high for 2. Izzi backbreakers her then racks her over the shoulder. Lyra armdrags her out of it then spinning heel kicks her. Lyra hits kicks to the body then side headlock takeovers her. Lyra shotgun dropkicks her. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.

Lyra hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Lyra step up enzugiri's her then hits a cradle shock for the win.

Thoughts: This was Izzi's best match yet. She's finally looking like the powerhouse I figured she could be. She used her size well here and Lyra was a good underdog to go against her. This went well and hopefully is just the beginning of things to come for Izzi.

Alpha Academy vs The Authors of Pain

Otis and Razar start us off. They shoulder battle and then hit clotheslines at the same time. They stare down. Otis rolls out of a clothesline and hits his own. Akira comes off the top onto Razar.

Razar is pulled over the top and Akira basement dropkicks him. Otis topes AOP but is caught and thrown into Oits outside.

We go to break and return. Razar is in control and holds Otis for an Akam running knee. Akam hit a nice lariat on Akira. Akira is then lifted into a knee from Razar. Akam hits knees to the gut and clubs Akira's back. 

Akam messes around with Akira then Akira corkscrew kicks him. Akira flips out of a backdrop and tags in Otis. Otis gets in and hits spinning back elbows. Otis corner splashes Akam then Otis does the caterpillar elbow drop for 2.

Razar fallaway slams Akira. Otis spinning lariats Razar then takes a ddt from Akam. Otis takes a russian legsweep + lariat and is pinned.

Thoughts: This was good. It went as expected and as it should have been with AOP picking on Akira, Otis getting the hot tag in then them going to the finish from there. This was one of AOP's better outings as of late.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches as usual. both were good matches and Izzi finally had a good match here. I liked it but it's Main Event and it is not must see TV.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

TNA Impact 8/29/2024

TNA Impact 8/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

TNA X-Division Title - Mike Bailey (c) vs Rich Swann

Rich wristlocks him. Mike reverses it. We see The Rascalz watching in the back. Mike hammerlocks Rich then side headlocks him. Rich cartwheels over Mike and dropkicks him. Mike dropkicks him back, they dropkick at the same time then get up and stand off. Rich headscissors him. Mike headscissors him through the ropes.

Mike is almost thrown into AJ Francis at commentary. Rich then superkicks Mike. Rich cannonballs Mike off the apron. Rich dragon screws Mike then Mike backrolls him for 2. Rich hits leg kicks. Mike spin kicks him in the gut then axe kicks him. Mike running ssp's him.

They each go for high kicks and high kick each other at the same time. They then corkscrew kick each other at the same time. They kip up together then Mike triangle moonsaults him outside. Rich uses then apron and ropes outside to handspring cutter Mike. Rich top rope splashes Mike for 2.

Mike shoulder throws him then hits a standing moonsault double knee. Mike superkicks him then spin kicks him. Mike is on the 2nd rope. AJ tries to interfere and Trent Seven stops him. Mike misses a move off the buckles and Rich gets a 2 count on him. Mike high kicks Swann then Rich hits a lethal injection for 1.

Rich superkicks Mike in the face. AJ and Trent fight outside and Mike hits a spanish fly counter off a crossbody and wins.

It was a flippy and high flying match here. They didn't overdo it though, they kept it moving and there were multiple points where it seemed like Rich was going to score the upset. This worked and i liked it.

Jordynne Grace is interviewed. Grace says the outcome will be the same tonight and she will prove that nothing can stop her. She says she will walk out still the Knockouts champ.

Joe Hendry said he would usually make fun of Brian Myers but heard some people respect him. He says if you respect Brian, don't chant "Edge's b!tch". Joe says no one respects Brian and says people chant "we believe" when they want to show respect. He says people believe in Joe Hendry.

Joe Hendry vs Brian Myers

Brian side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Joe flying knees him. Brian misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Joe delayed suplexes him then lariats him over the top. Joe fights off Eddie Edwards outside then Alisha goes to slap Joe. The ref sees it and kicks Eddie and Alisha out. Joe is pushed into the steps and Brian rams him into the apron. 

We go to break and return. Brian chinlocks Joe. Joe sunset flips him for 2. Brian back elbows him. Brian trips him into an elbow drop. Brian hits some kicks to the head then hits mounted punches. Brian pulls Joe's arms back.

Brian backdrops Joe. Joe pop-up cutters Brian. Joe hits punches then flying back elbows him. Brian is caught on a crossbody and Joe fallaway slams him. Joe clotheslines him. Joe hits a standing ovation and wins.

It was an average to acceptable match. There was nothing too great about it but nothing bad either. Joe won as expected.

Eddie Edwards comes in and beats up Joe after. Mike Santana comes out to help Joe.

Mike Santana vs Eddie Edwards

They trade chops. Mike back elbows him. Eddie rakes Mike with his nails. Mike hits corner punches. Eddie is back body dropped over the top to the floor. Mike goes out after him and Eddie puts Alisha in the way of Mike.  Eddie backdrops Mike on the apron.

We go to break and return. Mike hits shots to the gut and takes a headbutt. Mike flapjacks Eddie. Mike hits chops. Mike enzugiri's him then backrolls into a cutter. Mike hits doi fives then Doi's sliding kick. Mike tope con hilos Eddie.

Mike goes up top and frogsplashes Eddie for 2. Mike backrolls and gets caught with a blue thunder for 2. Mike rolls him up for 2 and facekicks him. Eddie pop-up drops him and double underhook powerbombs him for 2. Eddie hits a big forearm for 2.

Mike spits at Eddie and Eddie hits knees to the body. Mike spinning lariats Eddie for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. both seemed inspired and they put out a good effort. Mike got most of the offense in here.

Matt Cardona says he's not medically cleared to compete at the PPV tommorow. Santino goes up to him and Matt says Santino's doctor's wouldn't clear him. Matt says he has a mystery monster to face PCO. Santino says Matt gave him his word and Matt says he's almost ready. Santino says Matt won't get away with this.

Steve Maclin comes out to do commentary. He calls Eric Young an old dog and says a new dog is getting in the way. Steve says Eric needs to move aside as he has been here 20 years.

Hammerstone vs Eric Young

Eric side headlocks him and is shouldered over. Eric armdrags and armlocks him then does it again. Eric 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Hammer facekicks him off the apron. Hammer nails him from behind, sending him into Steve Maclin on commentary. Eric's head is banged off the steps.

Hammer forearms him in the back. EY hits some big forearms. EY death valley drivers him for 2. Hammer bangs Eric's head off of his knee and powerslams him for 2. Hammerstone pump kicks and germans him. Hammer sitout powerbombs him for 2. Hammer misses a kick on the ropes and takes a big forearm.

Hammer hits a big kick to the face and hits a nightmare pendulum to win. 

Thoughts: It was shorter than expected. I didn't like Hammer getting tossed around here but it was fine otherwise. Eric had some nice strikes here. 

Cody Deaner and Jake Something come out. Cody says the people have a choice tonight. Jake says thi isn't about the people, he says it's about them ruling the tag division. He tells ABC to get out here.

ABC vs Jake Something and Cody Deaner

Jake rams Ace in the corner and hits corner spears. Jake buckle bombs Ace. Deaner thesz presses Ace and hits punches. Jake slams Ace then slams Deaner onto Ace. Bey gets in and hits shots on Deaner.

Bey hits shots on both opponents then dropkicks Deaner off the buckles. Ace hits forearms on Jake then Jake lariats both ABC members over. Deaner top rope double crossbodies ABC. Jake is pulled over the top to the floor. Jake trips Ace on the apron.

Bey forearms Deaner over Ace drives Jake's head into the mat. Deaner takes a double kick in the corner then takes the art of finesse and the fold.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special here. I didn't think they had enough time for this one.

First Class comes out after and beats up ABC. Ace is held in the air for a cutter from Rich. AJ chokeslams Bey.

TNA Knockouts Title - Match By Elegance - Ash By Elegance vs Jordynne Grace

This is falls count anywhere. They have various weapons around the ring that are pink colored or have feathers on them.

Ash nails Grace with a chair during intros. Grace kicks her in the gut then Ash bulldogs her on the chair. George Iceman gets on commentary. Ash throws a trash in with pink feathers on it. Ash knees her while on the bottom rope. Grace hits headbutts then gordbusters her on the bottom of the trash can. Grace then 2nd rope sentons her while she's laying on it.

Ash is thrown out. She hits Grace with a pink trash can lid. Ash tornado ddt's Grace on the trash can lid on the floor for 1. We go to break and return.

Ash top rope crossbodies Grace and is caught. Grace hits a world's strongest slam then vader bombs her for 2. Grace grabs a protein shake and pours "diamonds" out on the mat. Grace is tripped onto chairs then Ash breaks a champagne bottle on Grace's head for 2.

George iceman gets in the ring to help out Ash then Rosemary appears behind Ash. Rose spears Ash. Alisha Edwards and Masha come down. Masha hits Grace in the head with a title then hits a package piledriver on her. Ash gets a 2 count on it.

Spitfire come down to help then do stereo topes outside. Grace chairs Ash while she's on the buckles. Grace hits a muscle buster off the apron through a table. Grace then pins Ash.

I don't get having Ash lose here again. It wasn't totally clean but I think it hurts her. It was your usual hardcore match with some creative weapons and lots of shenanigans going on.  I'm not sure why this was done on TV instead of being done at the PPV.

We get a one on one talk between Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander. Josh says everyone is on his time from now on. He said he did things the way TNA wanted it and now it's his turn to look out for him. Nic said he waited a long time to have a title in his hand. Nic says he was lucky to win the TNA Title but doesn't plan on losing it. He says he's a fighting champ. He asks why so many people know his name but not Josh's.

He tells Josh if he wants to be the best, look him in the eye and beat him. He says Josh doesn't have it anymore. Josh says nothing is wrong with him, just everyone else. He says he's the best wrestler in the world still. He says Nic isn't champ until Nic beats him. Josh says we are doing this on his time and in his match. Josh tells him to fight him and says he will take the title back tomorrow. He says TNA will be better off for it.

Nic says Josh is the same old Josh. He says the business evolves and you become better every single day. He says that's what it takes to be champ. Nic says Josh never losing his title is a page in a history book. He asks what he did lately and says Josh will never be a true champ. Nic says he can go all night long in the iron man match. Josh says he can do it too and says he doesn't think Nick has what it takes.

They argue more. Josh says what he did for him lately is tomorrow when he wins the title and takes TNA to new heights. Josh says Nic is in for the hardest match of his life. Nic says Josh doesn't have it anymore. Nic says Josh used to be champ but the title stays with him. Nic says he will stay the champ. Nic says every night counts and that's why he's the champ and Josh is not.

Thoughts: Nic and Josh arguing for 10 minutes straight doesn't sound that interesting on paper and it wasn't. This didn't do a whole lot to make me excited for their match.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual decent episode of TNA. There was nothing great or awful on it as usual and it was fine for what it was. While I don't quite get why they did Ash vs Grace here, it was a better match than the usual offerings. I though Bailey/Swann was the best match on this show though. I don't think it was super effective as a PPV go home show though and I think the PPV card is weak overall.

Marigold 8/4/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 7

Marigold 8/4/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 7

Day 6 is here:

Kizuna Tanaka vs Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

KM hits forearms then Kiz dropkicks her. Kiz hair throws her then KM hair throws her back. They trade chest forearms. KM rolls her into an armbar. KM cradles her for 2 then rolls her up for another 2. KM backslides her then rolls over her back with a ddt.

KM flying lariats her then Kiz sunset flips her. Kiz armbars her then triangles her. Kiz top rope dropkicks her for 2 then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kiz rolls her up and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short opener. The girls mostly did rookie offense and it was fine for what it was though nothing memorable. 

Handicap Match - Bozilla vs Rea Sato and Myla Grace

Myla pushes Rea at Boz. Rea hits dropkicks that don't bother Boz. Boz blocks an irish whip and lariats her over. Myla hits shots on Boz and Boz blocks her sunset flip. Myla basement dropkicks her then hip attacks her on the ropes.

Myla comes off the 2nd rope. Boz stomps on Rea in the corner then drops Myla down chest first. Myla corner splashes Myla and misses one on Rea. Rea dropkicks her. Boz takes a dropkick + backdrop combo for 2.

Boz lariats Myla then pounces Rea. Boz chokeslams Myla then misses a vader bomb on her. Myla superkicks her and Rea basement dropkicks Boz. Both of Boz's opponents are on the buckles and Boz double powerbombs them together and wins.

Thoughts: It was a squash as expected. I didn't really think this was necessary. Marigold doesn't have a big roster and Boz is kind of running out of people to run over as is. They shouldn't try to speed that up.

Nao Ishikawa & Natsumi Showzuki vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NS = Natsumi Showzuki, NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Nao hits forearms on Chi then Chi corner spears her. NN corner facekicks Nao then Nao takes a double suplex. Chi and NN pose on Nao. Chi cartwheel double knee drops Nao. Chi and NN use Nao as a foot rest on the ropes then NN does her reverse pendulum kick to her.

NN snapmares and chinlocks Nao. NN curbstomps Nao for 2. Nao rolls up NN. Nao gets tripped by Chi outside and NN basement dropkicks her. Nao hits forearms on NN. Nao cartwheels off the ropes then crossbodies NN. NS dropkicks NN then corner meteora's her.

NS double knee drops NN off the bottom rope then NN facekicks her. NN meteora's NS for 2 then grounded sleepers her. NN hits knees to body of NS then NS fisherman suplexes her for 2. NN john woo's NS hard into the buckles.

Chi facewash kicks NS then stands on her on the ropes. Chi iron claws NS. NS somehow disrupts Chi's claw slam (I didn't get the logic of it) and NS meteora's her through the ropes.

Chi brings a chair in but is thwarted. Nao and NS tug of war over Chi then push each other. NN shotgun dropkicks the both of them. NS sunset flips Chi for 2 then flying knees her for 2.

Nao brings a chair in and the ref stops her. Chi boots the chair away and torture racks Nao. NS breaks it up. Chi takes corner attacks and Nao bulldogs her. Nao top rope crossbodies Chi for 2. Nao rolls her up and bridges on her. NN throws a chair at Nao's head in front of the ref.

Nao is put in the chair and takes a double dropkick from her opponents. Chi slams Nao on the chair. Chi foot chokes Nao. Nao cartwheel headscissors Chi for 2. Chi powerslams Nao for 2. Chi delayed fisherman suplexes Nao and wins.

Thoughts: It was a weird one here with Nao teaming with Showzuki, who usually isn't her partner. They didn't really get along and Showzuki isn't a true face for the most part. The heels were heels and heeled up on Nao. I didn't like NN using a chair on Nao in front of the ref. I also thought this one went long.

Showzuki stomps Nao after.

Miku Aono & Misa Matsui vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

This is the semi-main event as we only have 5 matches here.

Mirai side headlocks Misa. Misa side headlocks her. Mirai shoulders her over. Misa does an up and over in the corner and trips Mirai. Misa basement dropkicks Mirai. Miku pulls her opponents into each other. Mai and Mirai hit corner attacks on Miku. Mai footchokes Miku and bangs her head off the buckle.

Mai hair throws Miku the footchokes her. Mai rolls Miku into a paradise lock then stands on her. Mirai and Mai bully Miku while she's tied up then Mai sits on her. Miku then takes a double basement dropkick. Mirai runs the ropes and Miku dropkicks her.

Misa gets in and rolls Mirai into a double stomp. Miku hits a hard corner dropkick on Mirai then does a basement dropkick in the corner on her. Miku hits kicks on Mirai's back. Mirai takes her down by the leg and curbstomps her. Mirai basement dropkicks Miku.

Mirai and Miku trade chest forearms. Miku leg kicks her then both Miku and Mirai are hit from the outside on the apron. Mirai forces Miku to ddt Misa. Mai gets in and facekicks then dropkicks Miku. Mai legslice reverse ddt's Miku.

Miku hits chest kicks on Mai then fisherman suplexes her. Misa top rope dropkicks Mai then crossbodies her hard against the bottom rope. Misa low flying knees Mai for 2. Mai facekicks Misa for 2. 

Misa hits chest forearms on Mai. Misa catches a facekick and stretch mufflers Mai off of it. Miku hits a double lariat on Mai and Mirai. Misa flying knees Mai for 2.

Mirai hits a double lariat on Misa and Miku. Mai hits a top rope double plancha on her opponents outside. Mai northern lights suplexes Misa then Misa takes a lariat + flying knee combo for 2.

Misa ddt's Mai then Miku sliding lariats Mai. Misa rolls Mai and bridges her for 2. Miku takes a nasty double STO then Misa hurricanrana's Mai for 2. Mirai hits a big lariat on Misa then Mai basement dropkicks Misa. Mai stf's Misa and taps her out.

Thoughts: I didn't care for the submission finish but it was a good tag otherwise. It was fast paced and stiff. The girls matched up well together and Mai stepped up her game. it also got a lot of time.

Mirai and Mai talk on the mic after.

Giulia & Nanae Takahashi vs. Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei

G = Giulia, NT = Nanae Takahashi

Chika's team offers handshakes. G threatens to boot them but shakes their hands.

Chika and G go at it. Chika hits a chest forearm flurry. G boots her in the gut then Chika atomic drops her. Kouki facekicks G while she's against the ropes then G takes a double running boot. Chika is lifted and butt drops G.

G slaps Chika then NT slaps Kouki. Chika's team is tied up in the ropes. G and NT chop their opponents while they are tied up in the ropes. G dropkicks Chika. NT comes in and hair throws Chika. NT and G foot choke her together. 

NT STO's Chika. She goes for a submission and Chika ropebreaks. Chika hits chops on NT then lets NT chop her. NT hits a chop flurry. Chika and NT block each others slams and NT fujiwara armbars her. Chika bites NT's hand to break the hold.

NT then bites Chika's arm. G bites Chika's arm. G snapmares Chika then sleepers her. G stomps on Chika. G suplexes Chika. Chika takes a double team then a double boot.

Chika hits forearms on NT's chest. NT fires back. NT slaps Chika and Chika boots her. NT is laid on the 2nd rope and Chika step-up buttpresses her. Chika then hip attacks NT.

Kouki flying facekicks NT then hits chest forearms. NT hits chest forearms on Kouki then Kouki fires back with her own. They shoulderblock battle and NT shoulders Kouki over. Kouki flying facekicks her then backdrops her.

NT lariats her. G top rope dropkicks Kouki. G hits her with a big forearm then suplexes her. G snapmares Kouki then does a rings of saturn. Chika breaks it up. Kouki powerslams G for 2 then dropkicks her.

Kouki slams G. G king crab holds Chika and Chika ropebreaks. Chika takes corner attacks. Chika is held up in the air and takes a lariat from G off the buckles. Chika hits chest slaps and forearms on G. G headbutt flurries her.

G forearms Chika then G takes a double shoulderblock. G takes super dangerous looking backdrop from Chika into a Kouki powerslam. Chika giant swings G. G and NT hit their opponents as they come off the ropes and Chika takes a sandwich basement kick from G and NT.

Chika chokeslams G for 2 then G chokeslams Kouki. NT and G hit stereo backdrops. G top rope double underhook suplexes Chika. G does a rings of saturn on Chika while NT does a strangle hold alpha on Kouki. G taps out Chika.

It went longer than it needed to but I liked this one. Kouki and Chika got a ton of time here and were given the chance to step up in the main. And that's exactly what they did. They showed good fighting spirit and brought the fight to their opponents. There weren't any bad botches and they filled the time well. It was basically a vets vs rookies type of match and they did a good job with it.

All 4 girls talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: There were only 5 matches here. The opener was okay for what it was. Match 2 and 3 weren't good. Match 4 and 5 were though with Chika and Kouki doing a good job in the main. I liked it overall though it wasn't a must see show.