Sunday, August 11, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/10/2024 Season 4, Episode 48

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/10/2024 Season 4, Episode 48

Last week's show is here:

The Brat Pack (BK Rhythm and Gigi Gianni) vs Spring Break 24/7 (Crystal Waters and Sandy Shore)

CW = Crystal Waters

BK does her pre-match rap. Gigi and Sandy (green) go at it. Sandy side headlocks her. Gigi reverses it and takes her over. Gigi rolls and headflips out of the wristlock. Sandy then rolls and rolls her up to get out of it. CW (pink) basement dropkicks Gigi then tries some pins.

Gigi is whipped into the boots of Sandy and slides out. Sandy dropkicks her through the ropes. CW tries a dive, can't make it and Gigi slaps her. Gigi hits boots in the corner.

Gigi suplexes her for 2. Gigi knees CW against the ropes. BK hits boots on CW then side slams her. BK stands on her and poses on the pin attempt. CW's head is banged off the buckles. CW misses a 2nd rope crossbody on Gigi and doesn't even come close.

Gigi chinlocks CW. Sandy gets in and hits headbusters on Gigi. Sandy neckbreakers her. CW top rope crossbodies Gigi for 2. Sandy is thrown out then Gigi rolls up CW for the win.

Thoughts: This wasn't good. 24/7 had a bad night here with everything they did not looking good at all. There were multiple ugly looking spots here. 

Gloria Glitter vs Stephy Slays

Ariel Sky and Lil' J-Boogie are with Slays. Slays side headlocks Glitter. Glitter side headlocks her. Slays hits knees to the gut. Slays back elbows Glitter and Glitter rolls out.

Glitter neckbreakers Slays over the middle rope. Glitter stomps on Slays. Glitter corner spears Slays and hits knees to the gut. Glitter corner meteora's her then Coach Campanelli and Kandi Krush pull on Slays on the ropes.

Glitter hits jawbrekaers on Slays then headbusters her. Slays lariats her. Glitter blocks a monkey flip. Glitter hits a pedigree and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was average. Nothing wrong with it but nothing bad either. I'm surprised they didn't have Glitter win in dirty fashion.

Top Tier argues Ariel and J-Boogie after. Dave McClane says they will make a trios match out of this but doesn't say when.

Animal Instinct (Catarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

Jinx messes up The Might's name. Goldie says she knows who will be holding the leash this time and says when she parades them around the ring, they will know it's time to listen to their animal instincts.

Jinx and Sugar lock up. They trade wristlocks. Jinx is flipped then Sugar cartwheel splashes her for 2. Jinx side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Sugar trips her and side headlocks her. Jinx headscissors her. Goldie gets in. Sugar dropkicks her then buttdrops her for 2.

Spice jumps off Sugar's back and kicks Goldie. Spice headbusters Jinx then Spice is dropped off the casadora for 2. Spice is put in tree of woe and takes boots from Jinx.

Jinx hits her in the gut then Spice fights back. Spice gets her head banged off the buckles then she is thrown backwards into the corner. Goldie backbreakers her for 2. Spice flying headscissors Goldie. Jinx pull Spice down by the hair.

All 4 girls fight. The heels are tripped into the bottom buckles. The Mights then stomp on their backs. Jinx hits Spice. Sugar walks up the buckles and is knee'd by Goldie. Goldie suplexes Sugar then Spice is dropped onto her. Goldie and Jinx get the double pin and win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with the faces getting some comebacks in here before being put down. There was nothing wrong with this.

Siren the Voodoo Doll plays with tarot cards and talks about seeing The Mother Truckers soon.

WOW Tag Titles - The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swagg) vs Siren The Voodoo Doll and Chainsaw

Holly backs up into Chain, gets scared and tries to tag out. Siren side headlocks Betty. Betty running back elbows her in the corner then facebusters her in a botch. Betty superkicks her. Siren is pulled down straightjacket style.

Siren eye rakes Holly then lariats her. Holly takes a double suplex. Chain pulls on Holly's hair then full-nelson's her. Chain bites Holly then chokes her in the corner. Chain misses a splash and hits chest forearms on Holly. Chain clotheslines Holly. Siren northern lights suplexes Holly.

Siren mostly misses a senton. Holly takes a corner hip attack and corner hip attack (from Chainsaw). Betty is tagged in. She lariats Siren and hits shots on Chain. Siren lariats Betty. Betty stunners Siren and wins.

Thoughts: Siren didn't have the cleanest night here. I thought it needed a bit more time and thought the heels were taken out rather easily. Siren did some new stuff here she hasn't been doing and was moving around better than she normally does. It was passable.

Betty grabs the mic after and asks if the heels are gone. Holly says she glad they sent the zombies back to Thriller. They then say "honk honk" and the show ends.

Overall thoughts: We got a trios match set up for the future with Top Tier vs Sky/Boogie/Slays. That's about it though for this. They didn't have the greatest night in-ring wise here and while it was fine overall, it wasn't WOW's best work. It was easy to get through but I wouldn't recommend this.

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