Thursday, August 15, 2024

Stardom 8/12/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 3 Night Show

Stardom 8/12/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 3 Night Show

The last show is here:

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Natsupoi vs Yuna Mizumori

They shake hands. Poi shoulders her over. Poi cartwheels over a dropdown and is armdragged. Poi rolls her up, cartwheels on her and armdrags her. Poi basement dropkicks her. Poi stomps on Yuna and basement dropkicks her in the back of the neck for 2.

Poi indian deathlocks her but pulls on the arm instead of the head. Poi hits chest forearms on the ropes and foot chokes her. Poi bullies her around and headhunters her. Poi dropkicks her through the ropes. Poi top rope crossbodies her then goes for a triangle/armbar.

Yuna dropkicks her. Poi hits spin kicks and kicks her in the arm. Poi spin kicks her in the face. Yuna hits a corner lariat flurry then running lariats her. Yuna hits mounted forearms then Poi hits some. Yuna hits more then Poi hits more.

Yuna hits a bad go to sleep then plants off the buckle and lariats her. Poi rolls Yuna up while on her shoulders then Yuna tries more pin attempts. Yuna sliding lariats her. Poi germans her. Yuna no sells it. Poi headscissors drops her and goes for the armbar. Poi then taps her out.

Thoughts: It was a solid match. Poi worked the arm all throughout and Yuna got some comebacks in before being put down.  

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - AZM vs Tomoka Inaba

TI wristlocks her. AZM reverses it. TI hammerlocks her. AZM side headlocks her. TI side headlocks her. TI hits a big forearm then AZM fires back. AZM trips her and PK's her. TI blocks an armdrag with an armbar. TI pulls on AZM's arm around the ropes. TI armdrags her and armlocks her.

They trade forearms. AZM trips her and high kicks her while her head hangs off the apron. AZM PK's her. AZM kicks her in the back. AZM 2nd rope double stomps her arm then armbars her. AZM top rope dropkicks her. AZM boots her in the head. They trade forearms.

TI forearm flurries her. TI chops her then AZM figure fours her legs and germans her. TI hits a pop-up knee and they each high kick each other. Both then go down.

AZM rolls her up for 2. AZM comes off the top, misses and is put into an armbar. TI knees her in the face. AZM suplexes her. AZM legsweeps her and gets rolled up into a pin attempt. TI chest kicks her. AZM hits kicks to the head. 

They fight on the buckles and AZM does an octopus on her on the buckles. They trade forearms outside. AZM sits on the apron and headscissors her then hits a bad looking kick. TI knees her in the face and both get counted out as TI stops her from getting in.

Thoughts: I liked the idea of it with AZM working the arm some. I thought they matched up okay. I didn't like the finish. It wasn't pretty and TI didn't really try to in the ring quick enough for me.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Hazuki vs Konami

Haz runs at her with forearms and they trade wildly to start. Haz forearm flurries her. Kon trips her and pulls her out. Kon bangs her head off the mat outside. Haz is sent into the seats then Kon is sent into the seats. Kon is thrown into the post. Kon is suplexed on the floor. Haz chokes her on the ropes then facewash kicks her.

They trade forearms. Kon hits a hard slap then high kicks her. Kon PK's her. Kon armbars her then ties up both arms. Kon then grabs a leg on top of it. Kon chest kicks her. Haz pump kicks her then Kon hits a hard kick to the chest. They trade and Kon hits hard chest kicks. 

Kon release germans her. Haz codebreakers her and pump kicks her. Haz suplexes her then crossfaces her. Haz misses a to prope senton. Kon is handed a box from her stablemates and it is dropkicked into her. Haz puts her on the 2nd rope and codebreakers her. Haz hits a top rope senton for 2. Kon pushes Haz into the ref and the ref takes a nice bump for it. Kon spraypaints Haz in the face. Haz rolls her up but the ref is out.

The ref gets in and Haz grabs the ref. Kon I think high kicks her then hits a nasty kick to the face. Kon does like a straightjacket ripcord knee and wins.

Thoughts: This was a prime example of heel shenanigans ruining a perfectly good match. They were working well together and being real stiff with each other. Then they just had to ruin the match with the weapons and the ref bump. It wasn't necessary and it certainly didn't help anyone.

God's Eye (Hina & Lady C) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora & Rina)


Rina is given flowers before the match. She hits Hina and C with them. Rina facekicks Hina and hits her with the flowers. Hina is then double teamed. Rina hair throws her and Hina takes a double foot choke. Rina spits something at the ref. 

Tora suplexes Hina. Tora slaps Hina down then suplexes her. Tora high crabs Hina then half crabs her while holding the arm. The heels stand on Hina's head. Tora misses a butt drop.

The heels are pulled into each other and C double abdominal stretches them. C hit a bulldog + lariat combo. Tora back body drops C then sentons her. Tora sliding lariats C. Rina basement dropkicks Tora. C facekicks Rina.

Hina gets in and dropkicks Rina. Rina abdominal stretches Hina. Tora double crossbodies her opponents together. Rina gets on Tora's back and they falling splash Hina.

Hina hits hiptosses then trades chest forearms with Rina. Rina takes a sto + russian legsweep combo for 2. Rina puts an octopus on Hina. Tora falcon arrows Hina then Rina double knee drops Hina off the buckles. Rina facekicks Hina. Rina hits like an octopus bomb for 2. 

Rina facekicks Tora on accident then C lariats them both. C and Hina hit a double neckbreaker. Hina rock bottoms Rina for 2. Rina takes a 3D. Hina hits a weird drop on Rina then fisherman jackhammers her for the win.

I don't know where this Hina has been for all of Stardom's history, but I liked this Hina. This was a good tag. I didn't expect anything of it and thought it would be a throwaway. Instead, Hina busted out a bunch of new moves and her and C came up with a bunch of nice double team moves. The heels did their usual heeling and everything just worked well here. This was a real shocker.

Hina and Rina talk to each other on the mic after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Mei Seira vs Momo Watanabe

Mei misses a dropkick to start. Mei shin kicks her. Momo slams her down off her crossbody attempt. Mei ducks a chest kick then basement dropkicks her. Mei is swept on the apron by Momo. Momo bangs Mei's head off the buckles. Momo locks up Mei's leg. Mei tries to springboard is swept down from the ropes. Momo slaps her and kicks her in the leg.

Mei tries to springboard but goes down due to knee pain. Mei then successfully springboard dropkicks her. Mei lariats her on the ropes then hits a running headhunter. Mei is put in tree of woe then Momo dropkicks her there. Momo meteora's her.

Momo gets stuck up top. They fight up there then Mei dropkicks her off the top. Mei runs up the buckles and plancha's her outside. Mei dropkicks her 3 times. Mei superkicks her then spin kicks her. Mei springboards and Momo high kicks her. Momo hits a b-driver for 2.

Mei rolls her up off a half-nelson then Mei germans her. Momo counters Mei's finisher with a package tombstone. Momo headkicks her then Mei la magistral's her for 2. Momo tiger drivers her and Mei rolls her up for the win.

Thoughts: They ignored the knee work that was done early which sucked. I wish they wouldn't have done that as the match was fine otherwise with them keeping things moving and matching up well together. I can't really put this over though since half the match was meaningless.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Ruaka vs Manami

Manami wins a knuckle lock battle and gets on top of her. She is then knocked off. Ruaka shoulders her over and Manami goes out. Manami is thrown into the seats. Manami throws Ruaka into the seats. They pull each other by the hair and get in the ring. Ruaka hits forearms and camel clutches her on the ropes.

Ruaka shoulders her over. Manami dropkicks her then headscissors her over the middle rope. Manami crossbodies Ruaka off the apron then dropkicks her off the apron. Manami top rope dropkicks Ruaka then backcrackers her while she's on the 2nd rope.

They trade chest forearms. Manami lariats her on the ropes then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Ruaka vader bombs her. Manami throws her off the buckles then Ruaka lariats her for 2. 

Ruaka does something like a crossface. Manami running knees her on the ropes and hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Manami top rope splashes her for 2. Ruaka suplexes her then hits a fisherman's suplex for 2. Manami dropkicks her. Ruaka lariats Manami twice for 2 then double arm chokeslams her for 2. Manami tries pin attempts then flying knees her. Ruaka lariats her then hits another. The time limit expires.

Thoughts: Neither of these two are that good. They let them go the time limit here and while they got enough time, they did not produce. I'm not really surprised by this but I was hoping Ruaka would atleast put a little more effort in than usual. It wasn't good and it went too long.

They fight a little more after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Tam Nakano vs Saya Iida

Saya side headlocks her then Tam side headlocks her. Saya blocks an armdrag and hits her own. They sweep each other and Saya shoulders her over. Tam limbos out of a lariat and dropkicks her. Tam flying pumping knees Saya then kicks her in the back. Tam hits a kick combo on Saya then slams her.

Tam half crabs her. They fight on the buckles. Saya rolls through Tam's top rope crossbody and backbreakers her. Tam hits a big slap on Saya. Saya chops Tam and then lets Tam slap her. Saya hits more chops then machine gun chops her. Tam forearms hr over then Saya double axe handle shots her twice.

Saya running back elbows her and elbow drops her for 2. Saya is headkicked while on the buckles. Tam hanging dragon sleepers her from the buckles. Saya throws Tam down onto the apron then flying shoulders her off the apron.

Saya top rope diving shoulders her for 2. Saya spinebusters her and sliding lariats her for 2. Saya lariats her and does a bridging elbow slice. Saya hits a diamond dust for 2. Tam straightjacket germans her and superkicks her.

Saya legsweeps her. Tam germans her for 2 then top rope destiny hammers her for 2. Tam spinning high kicks her then hits flying knees to the front and back of the head. Saya rolls her with a bridge and pins her.

It was just a match. I didn't think it was particularly special. I would have had Saya throw around Tam and outmuscle her. Then I would have had Tam come back and then go from there. Instead it was mostly even and didn't work as well as it could have.

Tam and Saya talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: I liked the Hina/Lady C tag match the most on this one which surprised me. The main was just average. Having Ruaka do a time limit draw was a poor idea on paper and didn't work out. Momo/Mei should have been better. Konami/Hazuki got ruined by heel shenanigans. I liked the two opening matches. It was just average here with a mix of good, average and bad.

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