Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stardom 8/17/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 5

Stardom 8/17/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 5

Day 4 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/stardom-8122024-5star-gp-2024-day-4.html

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Saya Kamitani vs. Ranna Yagami

Saya grabs her by the hair and side headlocks her. Ran backrolls her into a pin attempt. Saya side headlock takeovers her. Saya snapmares her and chinlocks her. Saya axe kicks her on the ropes.

Ran hits chest forearms and Saya knocks her over with one. Ran dropkicks her then hits chest kicks. Saya stomps her foot and runs into a chest kick. Saya slaps and spinning high kicks her. Ran then does it back with a high kick and both go down.

They flying kick each other at the same time and Ran leg lariats her. Ran does something like a rocker dropper and pulls on both of her arms. Saya spinning heel kicks her then northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Saya knocks her over with a chest kick and Saya rolls her into a suplex off a missed headkick. Saya ki krushers her and wins.

It was an okay match here with the two matching up well and trading a bunch of kicks. Ranna didn't look out of place here at all but could have shown more spirit.  

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Xena vs. Anna Jay

Xena yanks on Anna's arm. Anna armlocks her. Anna ducks a spin kick then side headlocks her. Anna side headlock takeovers her. Xena backdrops her but Anna holds on to the side headlock. Xena goes up and over then armdrags her. Anna side headlock takeovers her.

Anna neckbreakers her over the middle rope then armdrag her off the ropes. Xena double underhook suplexes her. Xena corner dropkicks her then spinning side slams her. Anna spinning high kicks her in the corner and backcrackers her over the 2nd rope.

Anna koji clutches her. Anna side kicks Xena then Xena does it back to her. Xena germans her then Anna hits a backcracker. They trade chops on their knees. Xena hits a chop flurry.

Anna rolls her up for 2 then backrolls her for 2. Anna superkicks her then hits a gori bomb for 2. Xena gutbusters her and gets the win.

Thoughts: There was no real story or heel vs face logic here but the action was okay with both girls having a good showing. Anna really got chopped up here.

Aya Sakura vs. Rian

Aya wristlocks her. Ri reverses it. Aya side headlocks her. Ri armdrags her then basement dropkicks her. Aya slams her then camel clutches her. Ri hits chest forearms on Aya then is chest kicked over. Ri basement dropkicks Aya. Ri crossbodies Aya.

Ri and Aya trade forearms. Ri headscissors her out of the corner. Ri slams her then Aya triangles her. Aya northern lights suplexes her. Ri rolls her up for 2 then cradles her. Ri backslides her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Aya chest kicks her over. Aya throws her forward out of the backslide and Ri tries a pin on her. Aya then taps her out with a grounded octopus.

Thoughts: It was a decent rookies match with both girls looking okay fot their experience level.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Hanan vs Thekla

Han dropkicks Thek as she (Han) enters. Han dropkicks her against the bottom rope then plancha's a second outside when Thek moves. Han is sent into the seats and Thek throws a chair at her. Thek suplexes her on the floor then slams Ranna Yagami onto her. Han is thrown into the seats again.

They get in and Han hits weak chest forearms. Thek slaps her then pulls on her mouth and does a rings of saturn with the neck. Han leg lariats her on the ropes then running euros her. Han top rope crossbodies her for 2. Han tires to pin Thek and Konami disrupts the pin.

Thek does a grounded octopus. Thek running facekicks her twice. Thek double stomps Han's back. Thek hits a big forearm and hits multiple superkicks. Thek headkicks her for 2. Thek spears her for 2. Han backdrops her and hits a cutie special for the win.

Thoughts: There was nothing wrong with it and it was your average match for the most part. Thek beat up on Han and cheated and Han eventually came back and won.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Koguma vs Starlight Kid

They both do Kog's pose and dance to start. Kog rolls up Kid then is rolled up. Kog goes out to stall. Kid flying headscissors Kog then basement dropkicks her. Kid knee drops Kog's knee then stomps on it. Kid rolls Kog into a reverse figure four.

Kid stomps on Kog's leg then hits a standing moonsault on it. Kog ddt's Kid. Kog corner splashes Kid then stomps on her back. They fight on the buckles then Kid top rope crossbodies Kog. Kid stretch mufflers Kog. Kid dragon screws Kog's leg on the apron. Kog plancha's Kid outside.

Kog top rope dropkicks Kid for 2. Kog hits forearms on Kid. Kid drops her with a forearm then Kog sleepers her. Kog spinning sleepers her. Kog misses a top rope splash then Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes her. Kog does a northern lights suplex variation on Kid for 2 then Kid roll her into a stretch muffler.

They roll each other up and try pins. Kid flying headscissors Kog into a pin attempt then stretch mufflers her. Kog then taps out.

Thoughts: It was okay with Kid working the leg and eventually winning with a stretch muffler. Kog was more serious here than usual but she's still not exactly great. I thought it went longer than it needed to.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Saki Kashima vs Risa Sera

Saki shills her pachinko ad. Risa goes after her and Saki runs to the back. Ranna then holds up the ad and poses with it. The girls come back and Risa has Saki in a headlock. Saki grabs the ad again and hits Risa with it. Saki gets a 2 count on her then Risa hits a spinning cradle shock for 2. Risa giant swings Saki as she holds the ad.

Saki walks to the back again. Ranna Yagami drags Saki out by her feet as she is out. Risa crabs Saki then does a reverse rocking chair on her. Saki 2nd rope headscissors her. Saki hits boots and Risa tells her to come on. Risa hits a forearm combo then Saki overhand slaps her. Risa drops her from her back then vader bomb double knee drops her.

Risa meteora's Saki in the corner. Saki crucifxes her and Risa reverses it for the win.

Thoughts: It was a total joke from start to finish that went long and wasn't good. Saki did little but fool around here before being beaten.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Saori Anou vs Miyu Amasaki

Miyu shoulders her over, ddt's her and basement dropkicks her. Miyu does a double arm and head lock. Anou northern lights suplexes Miyu then heavenly locks her. Miyu misses a dropkick and takes an axe kick on the back.

Miyu dropkicks Anou and they trade chest forearms. Miyu ddt's her then Anou suplexes her. Anou is thrown off the top and Miyu does a head and and double arm submission.

Miyu does a bad diving facebuster off the 2nd rope then ddt's her. Miyu tornado ddt's her for 2. Anou step up enzugiri's her then goes for a leg and arm lock.

Anou top rope dropkicks her for 2 then Miyu hits a hammerlock ddt. Anou germans her and Miyu no sells it. Miyu rolls her up with a bridge for 2. Anou facekicks her then germans her for 2. Anou does a headhunter with a bridge and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match and nothing too special. Miyu needed to show some fire here and really didn't. She was a little mischevious but it didn't feel like she was a real threat to Anou.

They then talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a really average night. It wasn't awful but there was nothing great or must see here. And that's not too surprisingly considering the line-up. I would not recommend this.

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