Friday, October 4, 2024

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #1 6/19/2002

NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #1 6/19/2002

Don West welcomes us to the show and brings out Ed Ferrera. Ed says he's not talking just about total nonstop action, he's talking about TNA. We see cage dancers in the background.

Mike Tenay is on commentary and says this is the premier event of NWA-TNA. He says the legends of the NWA are in attendance and says they will be respecting history. He says they will make history by crowning an NWA champ tonight in The Gauntlet for The Gold. Mike runs down the rules of it.

We go to Jeremy Borash in the ring and he brings out various NWA legends including Harley Race, Dory Funk Jr., Jackie Fargo, "Bullet" Bob Armstrong, Corsica Joe, Bill Behrens and Ricky Steamboat.

Steamboat has the NWA title and talks about becoming a world champ. He says this belt means more to him than any other title. He says becoming champ is the ultimate goal. He says he will be the special ref for when it comes down to the final two wrestlers in the gauntlet.

Jeff Jarrett comes out. He says The Gauntlet for The Gold is the biggest bunch of crap he has ever heard. He asks if Ricky or Dory won their titles in a battle royale. He calls it a joke and calls Jackie Fargo an old fart. Fargo tells him to kiss his @ss. Fargo says he will put Jeff as the first entrant in the gauntlet. Jeff says it's alright with him and says he will kick 19 other @sses and walk out the champ.

Ken Shamrock comes out. He says the gauntlet tonight sucks and says Jeff is right. He says Jeff may whip 18 other people's @sses tonight but not #19, as #19 is him. Scott Hall comes out through the crowd.  

Scott says he agrees the battle royal sucks but says they will do it tonight. He tells them to quit crying about it. Scott tell them to focus on trying to beat him. Jeff tells him and everyone else to stick it.

Thoughts: This whole opening segment was terrible. They welcome us to the show and talk about tradition and history while Ed Ferrera talks about actual TNA. They then spent the whole segment here talking about how stupid the battle royal concept is despite it being the main event and something that is supposed to draw people in.  

Goldilocks is in the back. She says she has some TNA right here and it's Puppet The Psycho Dawrf. Puppet says let's start the show with midgets and talks about "the day I came outta my momma". He says everyone stops and stares at him. He complains about Teo and Hollywood and says he wants to see midget blood, which he says he can provide. Jeff Jarrett then talks past him and kicks chairs.

AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn & Low-Ki vs. The Flying Elvises (Jimmy Yang, Jorge Estrada & Sonny Siaki)

We see the legends watching in the back. They call The Elvises, "The Flying Elvis Impersonators" and the legends are not happy with this.

Ki's team offer a handshake but The Elvises hit them from behind. Ki and Lynn hit dropkicks while AJ does a hurricanrana. Ki topes out while Lynn dives off the top over him. AJ powerslams Yang and is pop-up dropped. Yang flying knees him for 2.

AJ escapes a backdrop. Lynn tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Yang. Lynn boots him out of the corner then hits a tornado ddt. Yang headflips out of it and enzugiri's him. Yang walks up Lynn in the corner and flips off of it. Sonny uppercuts Lynn then misses a flipping leg drop.

Lynn headscissors Sonny then bulldogs him off the casadora. Ki hits shots on Sonny then Sonny flipping neckbreakers him for 2. Sonny backbreaker drops him using his shoulder. Ki takes a samoan drop then a slingshot seated moonsault from Jorge.

Jorge goes up and over then hits a nasty neckbreaker. Jorge running ssp's him. Ki dropkicks Jorge in the knee and hits kicks to the chest and head. AJ flying forearms Yang and Yang does a nice bump for it. AJ asai moonsaults into a reverse ddt on Yang. Yang hits a nasty looking spinning heel kick on AJ for 2.

Ki koppo kicks Yang off the apron. Ki jumps up and Jorge sky highs him. Lynn cradle piledrivers Jorge. Sonny spinning neckbreakers Lynn. AJ enzugiri's Sonny. Ki does a cartwheel kick in the corner but nails AJ on accident. Ki takes a top rope dropkick to the back of the neck then Yang hits a corkscrew moonsault on AJ to win.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining trios match and opener here. They did a bunch of fast-paced flying here and everyone looked good. 

Teo vs Hollywood

Toe gets hit from behind as he poses n the ropes. They botch a tilt-a-whirl. Holly's head is banged off the buckles and Teo chops him. Teo headbutt drops Holly's crotch in the corner. Holly is thrown into the buckles head first and Teo hits corner punches. Teo then humps Holly's head.

Holly hits a landslide for 2. Teo rolls him up for 2 then Holly lariats him. Holly goes up top and hits a frogsplash for 2. Holly takes some punches to the face off a botched irish whip. Teo russian legsweeps him and hits a top rope twisting splash to win.

Thoughts: It was short and not good. There were multiple botches and sloppy moments here. 

We see the girls dance in the cages.

Ed and Don are in the ring. Ed says next week will have a lingerie battle royal. Ed says he demanded we get a sneak peek tonight. They bring out Francine (former ECW girl), Miss Joanie (no idea but she looks good), Daffney (wearing a pink wig and pre-implants), Alexis Laree (Mickie James pre-implants), Sasha (no idea), Erin (a Baltimore Raven's cheerleader), Elektra(former ECW girl), Taylor Vaughn (was in the WWF as Barbara Bush) and Tarita (no idea).

Don says we will see the biggest catfight in history and says only one can be known as Miss TNA. Francine calls Don "pudgy" and says none of the girls deserve to be in the ring with her as they can't compare to her. She says she's The Queen of Extreme and asks what they have done for the wrestling business. Elektra asks her who deemed her Queen of Extreme. She says this is a new company and she doesn't hear extreme in the title. She blames Francine for bankrupting ECW. Francine attacks her and they catfight. Francine rips Elektra's top off (she has a bra on underneath). Francine says she will do this to the rest of the girls and says no one will see her in her lingerie as she will be crowned the first ever Miss TNA.

Thoughts: Yeah, this was pretty much what it sounded like. It would have been nice if they explained who some of these girls are.

Goldilocks interviews Mortimer Plumtree. He has a paddle and is dressed up like a private school teacher. Mort says he's the story of a life filled with torment. He says the torment and pain lead to will and lead him to power. He says he has a tag team who are his servants that do and wear what he says. He says they owe him their freedom. He calls on them to make their presence known and brings out The Johnson's.

James Storm & Psicosis vs. The Johnsons (Richard Johnson & Rod Johnson)

The Johnson's are in tan outfits and are supposed to look like male genitalia. Storm is super thin here and is wearing cowboy gear. Storm shoots off some smoke from guys during his entrance.

Psi and a Johnson lock up. Psi takes punches and a corner splash. Psi then takes a double underhook suplex. Psi is suplexed then he hits a spinning heel kick. Psi hits a step up enzugiri.

Storm hits a top rope dropkick on a Johnson then the other Johnson goes out. A girl named Alicia who they say was with The Maestro in WCW comes out to watch. A Johnson knees and clubs on Storm. Storm takes an armdrag. Storm is thrown over the top but skins the cat. Storm hits punches then hits a bulldog off the casadora. Psi basement dropkicks a Johnson.

Psi runs the ropes and is pulled down by the hair. They talk about Psi's real name and name in Mexico. Psi takes a double flapjack and punches in the corner. They make dick jokes and Psi takes an exploder. Psi takes a double shoulderblock and hits a facebuster out of a powerbomb attempt.

Storm is tagged in and hits punches on The Johnson's. He hurricanrana's one of them then Storm and Psi are thrown into each other. The Johnson's hit stereo head and arm suplexes. Storm backrolls a Johnson an is tripped by Plumtree outside. Storm then takes a TKO and is pinned.

The Johnson's gimmick is horrible and was clearly a Vince Russo style idea. It's a shame because they are big dudes and would be a believable tag team if they were more serious. It was neat to see a young James Storm here who was doing some flying around.

Alicia talks to the ref after. The ref gives her money and she follows him to the back.

Golidlocks interviews The Dupp's. One of them is the future Trevor Murdoch. They follow her and introduce her to their mutual girlfriend. They try to drink beer and someone tells them no beer drinking in the locker room. Goldi walks away.

Sterling Marlin and Hermie Sadler of Nascar fame come out and are interviewed by Jeremy Borash. They talk about the upcoming race and get interrupted by K-Krush (R-Truth). He says he's sick and tired of hearing about race car drivers. He says this is pro wrestling and says they have no business in a ring.

Krush says he's an athlete and says his grandma can do what they do. Sadler interrupts them and asks how anyone can take him seriously looking the way he looks. Sadler says Krush doesn't know who they are but says the people here. Krush says "d@mn you and d@mn Alabama". He says he will introduce them to pro wrestling. Brian Lawler comes down and beats up Krush, hitting a high atomic drop. Brian superkicks him then Sadler and Marlin throw Krush out.

Brian gets on the mic. He tells Krush' kind to pick on his kind right now. Krush says okay and Brian challenges him to a match next week. Brian says he will have Marlin and Sadler with him.

Thoughts: It was fine for what it was and made sense.

We got to the back and Jeff Jarrett is threatening Jackie Fargo. It is broken up and he says he wants him to remember who did this to him.

Christian York & Joey Matthews vs. The Dupps (Bo Dupp & Stan Dupp)

Fluff Dupp is with Stan and Bo. She's their cousin and girlfriend. Ed says they sound like a skunk and Mike says it's all in the family. One of the Dupps picks out a wedgie and they jump their opponents. Joey takes a double flapjack then York hits a springboard double dropkick.

Stan takes a double suplex for 2. Joey hits punches on Stan then takes a full-nelson slam. Bo slaps and punches Joey. Bo hits a facekick on Joey and splashes him. Stan hits punches then Joey neckbreakers him.

York flying lariats Bo. Bo blocks a sunset flip and misses a butt drop. York back elbows Bo off the 2nd rope then York sentons Bo. Stan and Joey go over the top. York tornado ddt's Bo. Fluff crotches York on the top rope and Bo pins York to win.

It was another short one here and it wasn't that bad. York was definitely nervous here and was a bit sloppy. Bo moved around pretty well here. The Dupp's gimmick is terrible but would have been tolerable without the incest stuff.

Bo picks his nose and eats it after. 

We see Toby Keith's "How Do You Like Me Now?" music video. Toby then comes out and sings, "The Angry American". Jeff Jarrett comes out and pushes Toby. Security comes to separate them. Jeff gets on the mic and says nobody wants to hear him sing and tells him to get out of here. He says it's time to get the main event going. Jeff then says, "How do you like me now?".

Gauntlet For The Gold Battle Royal

Buff Bagwell and Jeff Jarrett are the first two in. Buff hits punches, boots and a neckbreaker. Buff lariats him and bangs his head off the buckles. Buff hits a blockbuster off the 2nd rope. Buff charges at Jeff and is thrown over the top for the elimination

Lash LeRoux is next in. Jeff boots him then throws him out under the the top rope. Jeff throws him into the rails outside then drops him throat first on it. Jeff hits the stroke and eliminates Lash over the top

Norman Smiley is next in. Jeff stomps him and hits punches. Norm stops him and does his big wiggle. Jeff lariats him then bangs his head off the buckles. Norm swinging slams him and tries to do his dance on Jeff but Jeff low blows him. Jeff hits the stroke and throws Norman Smiley over the top for the elimination.
Apollo of IWA PR fame is is next in. Jeff pounds on him as he enters then Apollo hits a sky high. Apollo hits lariats then neckbreakers him. Apollo stomps on him and Jeff avoids elimination. Apollo stomps on him. Apollo gorilla presses him. K-Krush is next in. He saves Jeff from elimination and axe kicks Apollo.

Krush stomps on Apollo then lariats him over. Krush hits mounted punches on Apollo. Apollo hits a double lariat and Slash is next in. James Mitchell is with Slash. Apollo hits punches on Slash then lariats him. Apollo back body drops him.

Apollo spinning ddt's Slash. Apollo gorilla presses Slash and Jeff nails Apollo. Jeff suplexes Apollo and Slash hits elbow drops on Apollo. Del Rios is next in. He looks like a Scott Steiner clone. Del fights off a 3v1.

Slash bites Del then hits boots to the gut. Del hits a belly to belly on Slash. Slash and Del bang each others heads off the buckles. Justice, who would later become Abyss, comes out. Justice clubs Apollo and boots him in the gut. Justice facekicks Jeff then boots Del in the gut. Justice black hole slams Del.

Apollo is in trouble laying on the apron. Slash reverse ddt's Del. Konnan comes out next. Konnan hits punches on Jeff then rolls into a lariat on him. He then does the same to Slash, Del and Justice. Konnan facebusters Justice.

Jeff tries to throw Apollo over the top. Joel Gernet, looking very thin comes out. He makes his usual sex jokes and brings out Bruce of The Rainbow Express. Lenny Lane comes out with Bruce.

Bruce hits shots on Apollo and is lariated. Rick Steiner is next in. Ric hits stiff lariats on 5 people, really nailing Bruce. Rick suplexes Slash over the top. Slash is eliminated. Rick powerslams Justice then lariats him over the top. Justice is eliminated

Rick powerslams Jeff. Malice is next in. He choke slams Del Rios, Konnan and K-Krush. He throws Bruce, K-Krush, Konnan and Del Rios over the top for eliminations. Rick charges at Malice, goes over the top and Rick Steiner is eliminated. Apollo skins the cat to avoid elimination.

Scott Hall comes out. Scott hits shots on Malice and Jeff. Apollo botches a top rope diving lariat as he just jumps down and lariats Malice. Apollo superkicks Malice. Scott hits a razor's edge on Jeff. Malice pounds on Apollo in the corner. 

Toby Keith comes out and appears to be an entrant. Toby suplexes Jeff. Toby and Scott then throw Jeff Jarrett over the top rope. Jeff Jarrett is eliminated. Toby follows Jeff up the ramp to the back.

Malice, Apollo and Scott are in the ring. Malice gets double teamed. Scott and Apollo shake hands as Chris Harris comes in. Chris looks great here with little body fat. Chris thesz presses Apollo and pounds on him. Gangrel/Vampire Warrior comes in next. He suplexes Chris then stomps on Apollo. Chris hits shots on Vamp. Malice hits a hard lariat on Scott. Devin Storm/Crowbar is next in. Harris eye rakes Storm then Storm sitout gordbusters him. 

Storm chops up Harris then Harris chops him back. Harris takes a double lariat. Steve Corino is next in.  Steve hits a corner lariat and clearly misses a facewash kick by a mile on Harris. Steve hits punches on Vamp. James Mitchell helps save Malice from elimination. Scott is double teamed by Storm and Steve.

Ken Shamrock is next in. Ken high kicks Steve and superkicks Storm. Ken powerslams Storm. Ken jumping knees Malice and tries again but is powerbombed down. Harris and Vamp go at it. The final entrant is Brian Christopher (who was called Brian Lawler earlier0.

Brian hits shots on Steve then Harris. Brian throws Harris out. Chris Harris is eliminated. Devon Storm and Vampire Warrior have the top rope pulled down on them. Devon Storm and Vampire Warrior are eliminated. Brian lariats Steve Corino over the top. Steve Corino is eliminated.

Malice chokeslams Brian. Ken kicks Brian in the back and throws him over the top. Brian Christopher is eliminated. Malice takes a 2v1 from Scott and Apollo. Apollo takes a back body drop over the top. Apollo is eliminated. Scott Hall goes for a razor's edge on Malice and is thrown over the top. Scott Hall is eliminated.

Malice and Ken Shamrock now move onto a singles match for the NWA Title.

NWA World Title - Gauntlet for the Gold Final Match - Special Ref: Ricky Steamboat - Ken Shamrock vs Malice

Ken runs into a big boot to start. Ken hits shots to the gut and Malice eye pokes him. Malice side slams him for 2. Malice suplexes Ken. Malice blocks a sunset flip and punches Ken. Malice goes for a chokeslam but Ken armbars him out of it. Ken holds onto the armbar for a while and Malice rope breaks.

Malice hits punches and goes for a boot. Ken catches it and ankle locks him. Malice rope breaks. Ken puts the ankle lock back on and Malice ropebreaks. Steamboat breaks up the hold. Ken argues with Steamboat. Ken hits  kicks to Malice's leg.

Malice boots him out of the corner. Ken belly to belly suplexes him and wins.

Thoughts: The gauntlet was fine. They put Rick Steiner over hard during it for some reason and also put over Jarrett, but knowing TNA's history and just seeing how he was all over the show, it wasn't a shock. They put over Malice some as well. I didn't like K-Krush not being put over strong. It was tough as they had a lot of people involved and limited time to explain who everyone in it was. I didn't really like the match after the battle royal. It didn't get a lot of time but the match wasn't set up well with Ken pretty much having full control over Malice and eventually tapping him out. It would have made more sense to have Jarrett involved in the final since he's obviously being featured.

Ken Shamrock celebrates and Ed says trying to fight him or Malice is like competing in the special olympics.

We cut to the back and security is breaking up a situation between Jarrett, Toby Keith and Jackie Fargo.

Jeff Jarrett then comes out and complains again about gauntlet for the gold determining the title. He asks if Harley Race or Dory Funk ever competed in one of these for a world title. He nails Bob Armstrong and Dory Funk. Jackie Fargo comes out and calls him a punk. he says he'll whoop his @ss next week and Jeff says they don't gotta wait. Scott Hail then comes out and fights with Jeff on the ramp.

Overall thoughts: They had a lot to do here, trying to introduce a whole new roster for the first time, set up storylines for upcoming shows and have a normal PPV on top of it with only about 2 hours of time. They could have done a lot better introducing various wrestlers as there were no video packages for them but they did at least set some things up for next time.

It got off to a bad start as they were trying to treat this as a serious thing with the legends then had Jeff Jarrett call the main event stupid and a total joke. There's no excusing that. The opening trios match was fine and maybe the best thing on here. The midgets match was awful but at least it was short. 

The Johnson's debuted one of the worst gimmicks ever in the next match and ruined whatever good will they would have gotten if they had a normal gimmick.  K-Krush's segment with the Nascar drivers and Brian Christopher was acceptable. The Dupp's then debuted after with yet another rotten gimmick. The main was fine but not great. I didn't mind Ken winning and at least they tried to put over Malice. They then set up Hall vs Jarrett after.

It was a horrible show overall. The wrestling was nothing special. They debuted a bunch of awful new gimmicks and made it clear that this promotion was going to be an Attitude Era copycat. Had they just done a normal show without all the bad gimmicks, it wouldn't have been great, but it would have been a lot better than this. They maybe had some goodwill going into it and probably threw all of that away in record time. I can't imagine anyone watching this one live and wanting to see what the next show had in store.

Marigold 9/28/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 8

Marigold 9/28/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 8

Nao Ishikawa vs. Myla Grace vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

KM takes a double boot to the gut then takes attacks from both. KM is put in a camel clutch by Nao and Myla dropkicks Nao for some reason. KM rolls up Nao and gets rolled up by Myla. KM is psushed into Nao then Myla double basement dropkicks them through the ropes.

Myla suplexes KM and KM rolls her up. Myla and nao try to pin each other off of it. The three of them trade forearms then Nao hits a double clothesline. Nao rolls up Myla for 2. Myla superkicks her then Nao hits a big forearm on her. They trade forearms and KM double ddt's them.

KM dropkicks Nao then Nao slams her. KM cradles Nao for 2 the rolls over her back and hits a ddt. Nao double underhook suplexes KM and KM rolls her up off of it. Myla breaks it up and then pins Nao.

Thoughts: It was not that good as expected. A lot of moves didn't hit clean here and I worry that these matches are going to bring Komomo down to Myla's level instead of helping her improve.

We had the usual Grand Prix ceremony but nobody spoke this time.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Chika Goto

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Chika pulls her in on a handshake and forearms her. They trade forearms and Chika forearm flurries her on the ropes. Nat kicks Chika against the ropes and pulls her down by the hair. Nat springboard double stomps Chika's gut for 2.

Nat crabs her. Chika hits hip attacks and atomic drops her. Chika hip attacks her on the ropes then giant swings her. Nat rolls her up for 2 and Chika hits corner lariats and hip attacks. Chika running facekicks her and Nat ddt's her. They trade mounted forearms.

Chika hits a uranage for 2. Nat does an octopus in the air and Chika turns it into an abdominal stretch. Nat back rolls her for 2 then superkicks her for 2. Nat hits a double knee drop off the top and wins.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Chika tried hard and showed a lot of spirit and Nat brought some stiffness against her. It worked out a lot better than it should have. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Nori hits leg kicks. Yuz forearms her back. Nori walks up the buckles and armdrags her down. Nori basement dropkicks her. Yuz dropkicks her then slams her. Nori spinning high kicks her in the face and gets a big "WOW" from the male announcer for it.

Norh its kicks to the back then PK's her. Nori hits knees to the head then Yuz spinning headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks her and walks up the buckles to facebuster her for 2. Yuz rolls her up then dropkicks her. Nori jumping spin kicks her. Yuz hits a lightning spiral and a northern lights suplex for 2.

Nori step up enzugiri's her then backdrops her for 2. Yuz superkicks her then Nori crucifixes her. Nori hits a high kick and a jumping kick. Yuz crucifixes her and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a good match. Lots of hard kicks were thrown here and they kept things going at a fast pace. The two matched up pretty well together and Nori cut out the ankle lock stuff that usually brings her matches down.

Yuz talks on the mic after and gets Nori mad with it. Nori slams her and stomps on her. The young girls then break it up.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. MIRAI

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

They stand off early and NN facekicks her down. Mirai hits a lariat then rolls her up for 2. NN flying dropkicks her for 2. NN misses a face kick and ends up on the apron. NN stunners her over the top rope.

Mirai is sent into the seats outside and gets chaired there. Mirai hits forearms out side then is sent into the chairs again. NN does a reverse pendulum kick on her as she hangs over the apron.

They trade chops for double chops and flurry each other. NN sleepers her then throws her down for a grounded sleeper. NN pendulum kicks her then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Mirai lariats her then hits a top rope dropkick.

Mirai backdrops her then lariats her for 2. Mirai airplane spins her into a cradle shock. She has the pin but the ref is pulled out by CHIAKI. Chi grabs Mirai then NN chairs Mirai.

They go out and Mirai is sent into the seats again. They fight in the stands and Mirai pounds on her with forearms. NN boots her down the steps then chairs her. NN is sent into the chairs and Chiaki gets some shots in. Mirai stops a double team on the stage and both get counted out.

They were having a perfectly fine match then ruined it with the ref getting pulled out and an outside brawl leading to a countout that brought it down. The officiating here was horrible and it's a shame they went this route.

They fight more after.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Utami Hayashishita vs. Kouki Amarei

They do a double knuckle lock and Utami shoulders her over. Utami slams her then camel clutches her. Kouki hits running facekicks for 2 then pulls on both of her arms.

They trade facekicks for forearms and Kouki knocks her down with a facekick. Kouki pulls on Utami's arms again and bridges then Utami ropebreaks. Kouki flying kicks her.

Kouki goes up top and is hit. Utami samoan drops her then release germans her. Kouki release backdrops her. Kouki misses a top rope 180 splash and Utami sliding lariats her. Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. Kouki running facekicks her for 2.

Utami lariats her for 2. Utami hits a big slap then germans her for the win.

Thoughts: Kouki did little but facekicks as usual. Utami did her usual harder hitting offense. It wasn't that good.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - CHIAKI vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

Chi side headlocks her. Chi catches a crossbody and hits a backbreaker. Chi cartwheel double knee drops her then does a high crab. Kiz ropebreaks and facewash kicks her. Kiz flying neckbreakers her.

They trade forearms and Kiz armbars her. Kiz rolling snapmares her and hits sliding knees. Kiz dropkicks her off the ropes then hits a fisherman's suplex for 2. They botch a spot where Kiz is supposed to dropkick the ref then Chi just boots the ref. Chi and Kiz fight over a chair then Chi chokeslams her on it. Kiz armbars her.

Chi powerslams her then Kiz spin kicks her. Kiz hits her re:dream and wins.

The botched ref bump spot ruined whatever goodwill this had. Chi booted the ref right in the gut and the ref didn't care. It just exposed the match and the rest of it was short and not that good.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Misa Matsui vs. Mai Sakurai

Misa flying dropkicks her to start then hits knees to the gut. Misa 2nd rope crossbodies her then Mai northern lights suplexes her. Mai suplexes her and backrolls into a grounded guillotine.

Misa hits a chest forearm flurry then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Mai stunners her over the top rope. They trade chest forearms. Misa catches a kick and puts Mai in a stretch muffler. 

Misa bangs Mai's leg off the ropes. Misa top rope dropkicks her then fisherman suplexes her. Mai facekicks her then backdrops her. Misa flying knees her then Mai hits a gordbuster. Misa rolls her up off of it for 2 then Misa la magistrals her into a bridge for 2. Mai crucifix drivers her for 2 then shining enzugiri's her.

Mai hits a pump kick for 2 then STF's her for the win.

Thoughts: It was short and a bit rushed. What we got was okay but far from the best it could have been and it's because Mai was going to win here and go onto the final later. I'm disappointed with Misa's progress so far in Marigold. I thought she was around Miku's level when it started but she is clearly not there.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Miku Aono

They lariat battle off the handshake. NT slaps her then germans her. NT running lariats her. Miku high kicks her. They go out and Miku stomps on her. Miku is sent into the seats. NT slaps Miku outside then throws her into the seats.

They trade forearms and leg kicks. NT dragon screws her. NT elbow drops Miku's leg inside then NT does a figure four variation. NT hits leg kicks and chest slaps. NT then chest kicks her while she's kneeling. Miku snapmares her and kicks her in the back twice.

Miku rolls her and kneedrops the arm. Miku goes for an armbar. NT chest kicks her. They get up and trade chest forearms. NT chop flurries her. Miku corner dropkicks her twice. Miku hits leg kicks and is shouldered over. Miku hits her twisting swinging slam for 2.

Miku overhooks both of NT's arms. Miku lariats her on the ropes then NT lariats her over. NT running lariats her. Miku rainmakers her for 2. NT superplexes her for 2. NT sliding forearms her.

Miku takes a dragon screw from the buckles then NT figure fours her. NT chest forearms her and gets kicked while on the buckles. Miku slap flurries her then backdrops her. NT no sells it then backdrops her. NT hits a lariat for 2 then Miku lariats her for 2. They lariat each other at the same time and both go down.

Miku high kicks her then double underhook suplexes her. The time limit then runs out.

It was pretty clear towards the end that this would go to a draw. Marigold loves their draws and we were due for one. The opening part and the ending part of the match were good. It fell apart some in the middle and lost its momentum. I think they kind of figured out what they need to do though for next time and I feel confident the next affair between these two should be the good one it could be.

They slap each other after then get up and give each other passion fingers. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. Bozilla

Boz shoves her over to start. Sare hits a big forearm then is shouldered over. Sare dropkicks her. They trade chest forearms and Sare goes down. They trade forearms outside and Sare is thrown into the seats. Sare rolls her outside and double stomps her outside. Sare then double stomps her off the apron. Boz gets on the 2nd buckle and plancha's Sare and a few others. They can't really catch her though due to her size and she lands hard.

Boz splashes her in the corner then pounces her. They trade chest forearms. Sare germans her then Boz germans her back. Sare fujiwara armbars her. Sare dropkicks the arm of the buckles then dropkicks her through the ropes.

Boz lariats her on the ropes. Sare blocks a powerbomb and hits mounted shots. Boz powerslams Sare for 2. They fight on the buckles and Sare headbutts her down. Sare top rope double stomps the arm. Sare double stomps her while she's seated then does a pin attempt but Boz gets her feet on the ropes.

Boz hits a big lariat then piledrivers her. Boz 2nd rope moonsaults her for 2. Boz then hits a sitout powerbomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good match here with Sare doing a lot of the work on the arm and trying to upset Boz but not being able to. Most of Sare's offense was double stomps which was believable against the bigger Boz. Boz showed her agility here and it's a shame it had a time limit as I think these two could have a classic with enough time.

Boz grab's Sare's title after and puts it on her shoulder. They then fight over the belt and Sare takes it away.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix Final Match - Utami Hayashishita vs. Mai Sakurai

They trade wristlocks. Utami side headlocks her. Utami dropkicks her then shoulders her over. They trade forearms. Mai flying kicks her. Mai puts her in an STF but Utami rolls out of it and crossfaces her.

Utami lariats Mai against the ropes and Mai goes out. Mai is thrown into the post and hits it head first. Mai bangs Utami's head off the apron. They trade forearms on the stage. Utami gets booted and rolls down the steps. Mai crossbodies Utami off the stage.

Mai top rope dropkicks Utami for 2. Mai is pulled off the buckles. Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. Mai superplexes Utami. Mai gordbusters her for 2. Mai backdrops her. Mai throws her over for 2. Utami side slams her then sliding lariats her for 2. Utami germans her.

Mai armdrags her into an STF. Mai hits a tiger suplex for 2. Mai top rope elbow drops her for 2. Mai STF's her and Utami. Utami lariats her. Utami has her across her back and spins her down. Mai then crucifixes her for 2. Mai crucifix bombs her for 2.

Utami does a slingblade then does a shocking baszler for 2. Utami spinning torture rack bombs her and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this one that much. It didn't have clear face or heel roles. There wasn't much of a story. They wasted a bunch of time outside. There were no real big moves, super memorable moments or things like blood that can also make matches better either.
9 of the girls are given trophies for their performances in the GP after and multiple girls pose with Utami. Utami then does a speech after with her trophy.

Overall thoughts: It was about average overall, sadly. Sareee vs Bozilla was the best match on this one. Nanae vs Miku had some bright points but didn't live up to my expectations. The main wasn't that good. Misa/Mai wasn't that good and neither was Kizuna/Chiaki. Chika/Showzuki somehow had a decent match and Mirai/Nozaki got ruined. The pre-show match was not good as expected.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/2/2024 Lunacy Episode 6

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/2/2024 Lunacy Episode 6

Last week's show is here:

The New Backseat Boys talk in the back with Johnny Kashmere. They say it's too good to be true and they have waited their entire lives to rep JCW. They promise to be the greatest tag champs in JWC history and say, "Backseat's back, alright".

Breyer Wellington and Geeves are interviewed by Joe Galli in the back. Breyer says they are here to make it on rain on JCW. He says they will always be forever. He says whatever obstacle they put in front of him, he will make it rain.

Matt Cardona, Manny Fresh and Joe Galli are on commentary.

Geeves comes out to the ring to talk. He says to pay homage to Breyer Wellington as he gets hit with drinks. Breyer gets in and also gets hit with drinks and bottles. 

Simon Gotch vs "Richie Boy" Breyer Wellington

Breyer offers a handshake. Simon slaps it away and takes him down by the wrist. Simon grabs the thumb and bangs it into the mat. Simon makes him put on amateur wrestling headgear.

Simon takes him down and immediately armbars him. Simon lets go of it and hits mounted punches and a front facelock. Simon rolls him to the ropes. They go out and  trade punches. Simon hits shots then backdrops Breyer.

Simon hits forearms and euros then hits him in the back of the neck. Simon belly to belly suplexes him. Geeves gets in the ring. Simon takes off Geeves' jacket for him and kicks him in the gut. Simon hits an oklahoma stampede. Breyer rolls up Simon from behind then is put in a bulldog choke. Breyer then submits.

Thoughts: This was a weird one. Simon seemingly had it won early but let go. They fought for a few more minutes then Simon beat up Geeves and submitted Breyer. This was mostly a one-sided match.

Deputy Dickhead vs Zack Gowen

Officer Colt Cabana comes out with someone else in a police style outfit (who is later referred to as Deputy Dickhead and grabs the mic. He says he was supposed to have a match tonight but he realized his opponent has one leg only. He says he believes in police brutality, but not that much. He says he won't wrestle some gimp and has Deputy wrestle him instead.

Dep boots and stomps on Zack. Colt goes to the commentary booth. Zack back elbows him and boots him out of the corner. Zack hits a 2nd rope tornado ddt. Zack does his own version of the figure four with his arms since he doesn't have the second leg to fully pull it off.

Dep boots him in the knee. Dep tries a figure four but Zack doesn't have the second leg so he can't do it. Dep  tries a spinning toe hold instead. Zack then rolls him up off the figure our attempt and Zack is shouldered over.

Dep running ssp's Zack. Dep tries a top rope moonsault but misses. Zack then hits a one-legged canadian destroyer. Zack goes up on the ropes and Colt crabs him by the throat. 2 Tuff Tony stops Colt then Zack hits a top rope moonsault on Dep and wins.

The figure four stuff was amusing here. It wasn't a super serious match but was somewhat interesting as a freakshow spectacle. I think they made the most of this they could have despite Zack's limitations.

Deputy pleases to Colt after and Colt hits him with a beer and beats him up.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope says we will take a look at Kongo Kong. We then see some highlights.

We have ring girls between the matches holding up JCW Lunacy signs.

JCW Title - Willie Mack (c) vs James Storm

They go to lock up and Storm stalls outside. Stom then hits him from behind and pounds on him. Mack reverses a hiptoss with a headlock takeover then flying headscissors him. Storm goes up and over then Mack flying kicks/knees him. Storm goes out to recover and Mack throws some things at him.

Mack chops him against the rails then twists his nipples. Storm spits beer in Mack's face. Storm chops Mack outside then hits him with a beer. Mack fights out and takes a back elbow. Mack is thrown hard into the corner and goes down.

Mack is thrown into the corner and hits a lariat. Mack flying back elbows him then hits a big slam. Mack standing moonsaults him for 2. Mack hits a punch and Storm enzugiri's him from the apron. Storm ddt's him for 2.

Storm grabs a chair from the outside. A fan throws a beer at the side of Mack's face then Storm is hit with two drinks. Storm is thrown into a chair in the corner and Mack stunners Storm to win.

Thoughts: The match wasn't much. They spent a lot of time outside and kept a slow pace. It wasn't anything special but it did get enough time at least. Mack got hit hard with a drink in the side of the head from a fan near the end of this and it definitely seemed to bother him.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual JCW Lunacy show. The matches are mostly all random. There's not a lot of storylines and the matches are shorter matches that aren't that great. They do have clear faces and heels though which I applaud. The crowd threw drinks at the wrestlers all night long, hitting some of them with cans, hitting them near the eyes and hitting them while they were on the top rope. It's dangerous for the wrestlers and it needs to stop as wrestling is dangerous enough. I wouldn't recommend this one but at least it was only 40 minutes long.

Stardom 9/28/2024

Stardom 9/28/2024

Azusa Inaba & HATE (Konami & Rina) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori)

Aya and Rina trade forearms early. Aya hits chest kicks and Rina throws her down backwards. Aya chest kicks her then slams her for 2. Aya is tripped on the ropes then takes a bulldog + basement dropkick sequence. Rina hair throws Aya then foot chokes her with Kon.

Aya is double teamed on the ropes. Kon snapmares and kicks Aya in the back. Aya hits chest forearms on Kon then is forearmed down. Aya hits a spinning heel kick in the corner. Yuna gets in and basement dropkicks Kon.

Yuna shoulders Kon over then slams Rina. Poi is put on Yuna's shoulders but Inaba breaks it up. Kon combos Yuna then PK's her for 2. Yuna dropkicks her then Poi gets in. Poi top rope crossbodies Kon for 2.

Poi misses a dropkick against the bottom rope and takes a sliding kick to the chest. Kon fisherman's suplexes Poi for 2. Inaba pump kicks Poi. Inaba rolls Poi into an ankle lock. Poi takes kicks from Inaba and Kon for 2.

Inaba takes a sliding lariat and a rolling pin from Poi. Rina facekicks Aya over then Aya hits a big high kick on her. Inaba gets a nice near fall on Poi for 2 then superkicks her for 2. Poi germans Inaba. Inaba takes a triple axe kick from her opponents then Poit 180 splashes Inaba off the top and wins.

It was an okay opening tag here. They kept it moving. Aya had a good showing here throwing some stiff kicks and they got the best use out of Inaba that they could.

Thekla claps for the faces winning after. Poi holds her title up in Thek's face.

Momo Kohgo vs. HANAKO

Momo is caught on a 2nd rope twisting crossbody early. Momo side headlocks Hana then side headlock takeovers her. Momo double knee drops Hana's arm then bangs it off the mat. Momo gets her flying headscissors countered with a side slam.

Hana rams Momo into the buckles then corner splashes her. Hana knee drops her for 2. Momo springboard dropkicks her. Momo 619's the arm then goes for an armbar. Hana powerbombs her out of it then corner facekicks her. Hana suplexes her for 2.

Momo superkicks her then does a head and armscissors into an armbar. Momo boots her and Hana facekicks her. Hana hits a sitout F-5 then wins with a lifting head and arm choke.

They battle more after and Hana stomps her.

I liked it. Momo was the underdog here and did fast paced offense. Hana was treated like a hoss and bullied her around before picking up the pin. The finish was weak though. 

Three Way 12 Man Tag Team Match - God's Eye (Hina, Lady C, Ranna Yagami & Tomoka Inaba) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (Maika, Waka Tsukiyama & Xena) & Rian vs. Neo Genesis (Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki, Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki)

Hina ended up getting the win over Miyu here. It started off fast paced but mostly just had 2 people in it for the majority of this despite so many people being involved. It went a little longer than it needed to and I expected a bit more than what we got. Lady C had a good showing here and it was a bit hard to keep track of things.

Cosmic Angels (Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Tam Nakano) vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora, Ruaka & Saya Kamitani)

SK = Sayaka Kurara

SK dropkicks Saya multiple times to start. Saya dropkicks her back. Ruaka shoulders SK over then hair throws her. Ruaka corner splashes SK for 2. Tora suplexes SK then hits a senton. Tora grounded sleepers her. SK dropkicks Tora then top rope rossbodies her.

Tam hits corner attcks on Ruaka and Tora then does a reverse ddt + ddt combo. Anou top rope dropkicks Tora then Tora back body drops her. Tora misses a senton then lariats Anou over hard. Saya hits running knees on Anou. Anou boots her in the gut then germans her.

Anou step up enzugiri's her. SK dropkicks Saya in the corner. Saya forearms her down and SK hits more chest forearms. Saya slams SK. SK slams Saya then SK top rope dropkicks her.

SK takes corner attacks from the heels and takes a northern lights suplex for 2. Tora and Ruaka hit each other on accident and get hit for it. Tam hits a top rope dive on her opponents outside when the heels move.

Saya springboard crossbodies SK. SK takes corner attacks and a top rope dropkick from Saya for 2. SK hits chest forearms again then Saya pump kicks her. Saya spinning heel kicks her corkscrew kicks her in the back. Tama hits a spinning high kick on Saya then SK spears Sara. Saya pump kicks SK.

SK rolls up Saya and Saya takes a double basement dropkick. SK then pins Saya.

Saya beats up on the faces after

It was a decent tag here with Kurara getting a lot of time in the ring and getting a big upset pin over Saya. The heels were heels as usual here and did fine with that role. Tam didn't get a lot in on this one.

STARS (Koguma & Saya Iida) vs. STARS (Hanan & Hazuki)

Kog and Haz start us off. Kog wants to do her dance. Haz just kicks her and for some stupid reason, Haz's partner helps the other team beat up Haz. Saya slams and high crabs Haz. Kog hair throws Haz then facewash kicks her. Haz dropkicks her then hits facewash kicks on Kog.

Haz hair throws Kog and does more facewash kicks. Haz sentons Kog then Han top rope crossbodies Kog. Han running euros Kog. Han hits hip throws on both opponents and gets a 2 count on Kog.

Kog 2nd rope crossbodies Han. Kog chops Han then Han flying leg lariats her. Haz top rope dropkicks Kog then codebreakers her for 2. Haz crossfaces Saya while Han does a bow and arrow variation on Kog.

Saya chops Haz and Haz chops back. Saya chop flurries her then hits elbows for 2. Saya does a dragon sleeper variation and Haz ropebreaks. Haz suplexes Saya then Saya lariats her. Kog hits forearms on Haz and they trade forearms. Kog takes a combo from Haz and Han.

Haz top rope dropkicks Kog for 2 then crossfaces her. Haz cradles Kog then la magistrals her for 2. Kog does a surprise roll-up on Haz for 2. Kog counters a codebreaker with a pin attempt. Haz facekicks her over then germans her. Everyone gets a move in then Kog and Haz forearm each other down at the same time.

Haz codebreakers Kog then hits a top rope swanton for 2. Haz suplexes Kog for 2. Saya powerslams Haz off the ropes then Kog top rope splashes Haz for 2. Haz takes a doomsday device shoulderblock. Haz la magistrals Kog for 2. Kog headbutts Haz then Saya suplexes Haz. Kog hits a top rope splash on Haz and wins.

Thoughts: It was a dumb match with them goofing off to start with partners attacking partners then them turning it into a serious match. The work wasn't anything too special and despite them being partners, they mostly had a normal match without playing up some of the issues stablemates might have fighting each other.

Kog gives the girls the mic to talk after and Kog is crying over this. Everyone dog piles on Haz and hugs her and Saya cries. Everyone signs Happy Birthday to Hazuki after. 

AZM & Mayu Iwatani vs. Mina Shirakawa & Toni Storm

Toni backs up Mayu on the ropes. Mayu waistlocks her and Toni rolls her. Mayu does a side headlock and Toni shoulders her over. Toni rolls her up for 1 and Mayu side headlock takeovers her. Toni does a headscissors and they stand off. Toni takes a double dropkick for 2.

Toni backbreakers AZM. Mina stomps on AZM then surfboards her. Mina kicks AZM in the back for 2 and Toni hits hip attacks on AZM. Toni and Mina then hit hip attacks on AZM together. Mina flying neckbreakers AZM.

Mina spinning high kicks AZM then AZM suplexes her. Mayu comes in and dropkicks Mina. Mayu walks up the buckles and flips into a double armdrag on Mina and Toni. Mayu hits a double dropkick on the ropes. Mina is tripped into a baseball slide.

Mina rolls Mayu into a figure four then ddt's AZM to pull on Mayu's legs. Toni shoulders over Mayu. Toni running chest kicks Mayu then hits wind-up punches. Toni fisherman suplexes her for 2. Toni germans Mayu then Mayu germans her back. 

Mayu superkicks Toni. AZM comes in and PK's then basement dropkicks Toni. AZM top rope dropkicks Toni for 2. Toni and AZM trade forearms. Toni headbutts her in the chest then Mayu superkicks Toni. Mayu then topes Toni outside.

AZM and Mayu do a double team double stomp off the top onto Toni. They then hit a double superkick. AZM buzzsaw kicks Toni for 2. Mina springboard enzugiri's AZM. Mina and Toni hit stereo thesz presses then Toni double chokeslam bombs AZM. AZM headscissors Toni for 2.

Toni germans AZM and Mayu. Toni and Mina dance then do stereo hip attacks. Toni hits a storm zero on AZM and wins.

Mayu holds her title up at Toni after and Toni tries to lick it.

It wasn't a classic and didn't get a ton of time, but it was entertaining and it didn't wear out its welcome. There was no great story here or anything except for Mina and Toni goofing around. Toni had the black and white video for her entrance here.

Goddesses Of Stardom Title Match - HATE (Momo Watanabe & Thekla) (c) vs. God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Thek and Syu go at it. Syu has black Jpaanese style pants on with some pink, red and purple. Thek side headlocks Syu then Syu side headlocks her. Syu side headlocks her and takes a headscissor. They stare down and tag out.

Saki 2nd rope diving headscissors Momo. Saki is also in new gear. HATE stomps Saki on the outside and Saki gets sent into the seats. Momo gets a 2 count on Saki inside and stands on her face.

Thek stomp flurries Saki then snapmares her. Thek superkicks her in the back of the head for 2. Thek footslaps Saki. Saki fires up and hits a forearm and a slap. Thek hits shots back then Saki superkicks her.

Syu shotgun dropkicks Thek and knees her in the gut. Syu underhook suplexes her then ddt's Momo. Syu hits a double dropkick then a double meteora on her opponents. Syu top rope guillotine legdrops the back of Thek's neck for 2.

Thek drops Syu with a big forearm then facekicks her on the ropes. Thek hits another boot to the head. Thek forearms Syu in the corner then Syu codebreakers her. Syu fujiwara armbars her and Saki does a christo to Momo at the same time.

Thek limbos out of a lariat then spears Syu. Syu and Momo trade chest kicks. Syu pumping knees Momo. Saki is tagged in and corner knees Momo. Saki hits a chest kick flurry to a downed Momo.

Saki catches Momo up top then top rope hurricanrana's her. Momo chickenwings Saki then PK's her. Saki sunset flips Momo then Saki takes a sandwich kick to the head. Momo uranages Syu then Thek running facekicks Syu out of the ring. Thek top rope plancha's Saki and Syu outside.

Momo meteora's Saki for 2. Saki hits a nice roundhouse shot on Momo then Momo b-drivers her for 2. Saki rolls her up for 2 then Momo takes a sandwich buzzsaw kick. Momo cradle tombsgtones Saki for 2. Thek top rope double stomps Syu's back and hits a nasty curb stomp.

Momo high kicks Thek on accident and Saki rolls up Momo for 2. Momo kicks Saki in the head for 2. Momo does a half-nelson wrist-clutch suplex on Saki and wins.

It was a decent tag mostly for Saki taking things seriously for a change and surprising everyone with it. I had no issues with this though I don't get why they put this as the main over Toni's match.

Momo and Thekla talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show overall. It was a little longer than it needed to be though. There was nothing must see on this one but the main, semi main and opener were all fine.

Marigold 9/23/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 7

Marigold 9/23/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 7

Day 6 is here:

Myla Grace & Nao Ishikawa vs. Komomo Minami & Minami Yuuki

KM = Komomo Minami

Nao has a new outfit. KM's team hits dropkicks to start. Myla and Nao hit attacks back together. Myla throws Nao down onto Yuuki then hair throws her. Nao chokes her on the ropes then facebusters her. Nao camel clutches her and Myla basement dropkicks Nao for no real reason. Yuuki rolls up Nao for 2.

Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2. KM dropkicks Nao multiple times then Nao slams KM for 2. Myla gets in and rolls KM into a crossface. KM dropkicks Myla then rolls over her back and ddt's her. Yuuki dropkicks Myla  several times for 2.

Myla is thrown over by both opponents and takes a double basement dropkick. Yuuki hammerlocks her then KM gets on Nao's back for a sleeper. Myla lariats Yuuki then dropkicks her through the ropes for 2. Yuuki rolls Myla up for 2. Yuuki takes a double dropkick then a spinning fisherman's neckbreaker.

Yuuki and KM take stereo double underhook suplexes. Myla michinoku drivers Yuuki and wins.

Thoughts: It was a real simple tag. I hated the spot where Myla dropkicked Nao. I think it was supposed to be on accident but it was done so poorly that it didn't look like that at all and I can't put this over because of it. Yuuki continues to show very little and is easily the worst wrestler on the roster at this point.

Naho Yamada, former of ActWresGirl'z, comes out and they mention that hse joined Marigold. She said she's excited to entertain the fans.

We get another Grand Prix ceremony and Natsumi Showzuki talks this time.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Misa Matsui vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz is put in a side headlock then Misa crossbodies her. They dropkick each other at the same time and Kiz hits a dropkick for 2. Kiz armbars her and pulls on her arm around the ropes. Misa running knees her in the corner then hair throws her. Misa chokes her with her knee on the ropes.

Misa snapmares her then camel clutches her. Misa stands on her then Kiz flying lariats her. Kiz armbars her. Kiz dropkicks her off the ropes. They trade chest forearms. Misa rolls her into a double stomp then basement dropkicks her. Kiz rolling armbars her.

Misa backslides her then bridge pins her for 2. Kiz spin kicks her then fisherman's suplexes her for 2. Kiz hits her re:dream for 2. Misa flying knees her then dropkicks her off the ropes. Misa cradles her then low flying knees her for 2. Misa hits a fisherman's falcon arrow and wins.

Thoughts: It needed more time than it got. It was short but they kept it moving. Misa winning was no surprise.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - CHIAKI vs. Bozilla

They test strength. Boz knees her in the gut then side headlock takeovers her. Boz hits a cradle shock for 2 then corner splashes her. Chi bangs Boz's head off the buckles then stunners her over the top. They trade forearms. Chi spears her against the ropes and Boz lariats her against the ropes.

Chi gets on Boz's back then is dropped backwards. Chi hits facewash kicks on Boz. Boz germans her then pop-up throws her. Chi eye rakes her and puts the ref in her way. Boz lariats the ref on accident. Chi uses a chair on Boz and basement dropkicks it into her. Boz powerslams Chi but the ref is down and can't count.

Boz picks the ref up and Chi eye rakes her. Chi basement dropkicks her then hits a rolling spear. Boz push kicks her then hits a mean sitout powerbomb to win.

Boz F-5's her after.

Thoughts: It was fine with Chi using heel tactics to even things up before being put down. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Sareee

I've got big time expectations for this as these two are the best women in the world. NT shoulders her over and they trade chest forearms. NT corner lariats her. They trade mounted forearms and roll outside with it. Sare pounds on her outside and they bang each other's heads off the seats.

They each sit down in chairs and slap each other. NT shoulders her over. Sare rolls her outside into a double stomp. Sare is swept on the apron then has her leg banged off the post. NT dragon screws her then throws a chair at her leg.

NT single leg crabs her and Sare rope breaks. NT works the leg. NT hits chest slaps in the corner. Sare then gives it back to her. NT drops her with a forearm and they trade forearms. NT backdrops her. Sare bridges out of the pin then NT does an ankle lock.

NT leglocks her then hits stiff lariats and forearms on the ropes. Sare does an octopus to her. NT throws her over then sliding forearms her. NT goes for a move and is put in an octopus. Sare armbars her then top rope dropkicks her.

Sare goes up top and gets slapped. NT superplexes her. They go up top and Sare hits headbutts. Sare superplexes her. NT clips her then running lariats her.  NT comes off the top and lands on knees. Sare M. Bison stomps her while she's down then NT dragon screws her off the buckles. NT figure fours her.

Sare armbars her and misses her dropkick through the ropes but it is sold anyway. Sare hits a top rope double stomp for 2. NT elbow slices her for 2. NT hits a big lariat for 2. Sare rolls her up for 2 then uranages her for 2. NT fisherman's busters her then falcon arrows her. The time then runs out.

Thoughts: The crowd liked it more than I did. They started out well. NT worked the leg some but Sareee didn't do much selling of it. Had they just stuck with the strikes, it would have been better. The draw definitely made you want to see this again and I was surprised they gave it away here as it is arguably one of their bigger matches available.

NT kind of points at Sareee's title after and they shove each other.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

They test strength and NN pushes Yuz down. Yuz armdrags her then dropkicks her. NN shotgun dropkicks her then hits a double chop flurry in the corner. NN gutbusters her then stands on her gut. NN facewash kicks her then does her reverse pendulum kick on the ropes.

Yuz flying headscissors her then hits a nice flying dropkick. Yuz hits another then NN corner facekicks her. NN suplexes her for 2. NN does a grounded sleeper.

NN pendulum kicks her then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters her down for 2. NN boots her in the gut then Yuz hits chest forearms. NN facekicks her and Yuz hits a hard facekick back. Yuz lightning spirals her then hits a northern lights suplex for 2.

Yuz dropkicks her and slams her. NN sleepers her and Yuz rolls her back with a pin attempt. Yuz cradles her for 2 then crucifixes her for 2. NN facekicks her and shotgun dropkicks her. NN ripcord facekicks her for 2.

NN hits a hard kick to the head and basement dropkicks her to win.

Nagisa offers a handshake after. Yuz slaps the hand and Nagisa boots her in the head.

Thoughts: This was done well and I liked it. These two beat the crap out of each other with hard kicks and boots. Yuzuki showed some good spirit here and Nagisa basically worked like a poor man's Nanae here.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. MIRAI

Nat - Natsumi Showzuki

Nat declines the handshake. Mirai hits a chop flurry on the ropes. Nat armdrags her and dropkicks a lariat away. Nat does an octopus then does it between the ropes. Nat high kicks her then gets a 2 count on a pin attempt. Nat armbars her.

Mirai ropebreaks then Nat hits a corner dropkick and meteora. Mirai lifts her up out of the meteora position and powerbombs her. Mirai shoulders her over. They fight on the buckles.

Nat kimura throws her off the buckles then kimura's her on the mat. Nat meteora's her through the ropes then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mirai does a nice drop on her. Mirai half nelson suplexes her off the wheelbarrow for 2.

Nat tries pin attepts and is lariated over. Mirai hits a cradle shock then Nat rolls her into a pin attempt and wins.

Thoughts: It was one of Natsumi's better efforts so far. They match up well and kept a nice fast pace. There was no real story or faces/heels but the action was good. I liked this.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Kouki Amarei vs. Chika Goto

They lock up and push each other in the lock up. Kouki facekicks her. They shoulder battle and Chika shoulders her over. Chika hair throws her and corner hip attacks her. Chika atomic drops her then hip attcks her. Chika facekicks her for 2.

Kouki slams her then running facekicks her. Kouki jumping corner facekicks her then hits another facekick for 2. Kouki pulls both of Chika's arms back. Chika ropebreaks. Chika pulls her down backwards then hip attacks her on the ropes. Chika slams her for 2.

Chika giant swings her then corner lariats her for 2. Kouki cutters her then falling splashes her for 2. Kouki dropkicks her for 2. Kouki hits a dominator for 2. Kouki misses a top rope splash then Chika low lariats her for 2. Chika hits another lariat for 2.

Kouki backdrops her, Chika reverses the pin and Chika rolls her up for 2.

Thoughts: It was better than it should have been. Chika showed some spirit here and they matched up okay. There was no higher thinking involved here on this one but they kept it competitive and got out before they wore their welcome out.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. Mai Sakurai

They lock up and Miku is backed up on the ropes. Mai rolls her up then Miku dropkicks her. Miku corner dropkicks her twice. Mai dropkicks her. Miku hits kicks to the leg.

Mai facekicks her on the ropes then bangs Miku's head off the apron. Miku is whipped into the chairs. Miku's head is then banged off a table. Mai holds up a title above Miku and poses.

They get in and Miku roughs her up. Miku then takes her out and they trade forearms outside. Mai is then sent into the seats. Mai's head is banged off the sign in the stands then Miku's head is banged off of it. Miku is then booted down the steps and Mai chairs her.

Miku's head is banged off the apron. Mai top rope dropkicks her for 2. Mai leg slices her for 2. They trade chest forearms. Mai facekicks her. Miku backdrops her and Mai flying kicks her.

Miku lariats her against the ropes then sliding lairats her for 2. They fight on the buckles. Mai headbutts her   then superplexes her. Mai northern lights suplexes her for 2. Mai facekicks her then pump kicks her for 2.  Mai hits a sitout gordbuster for 2. Mai STF's her and Miku rolls her up for 2.

Mai does a shining headkick for 2 then Miku lariats her. Miku double underhook suplexes her and headkicks her for 2. Mai rolls her up for 2. Miku lariats her and the time runs out as she hits a styles clash. This is a draw.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. They matched up well and had a fiery match with a lot of roughhousing and stiffness. I liked this one and thought it did a lot for both girls.  

Mai said the draw is no good and all she thought of was winning. She said she's not the Mai Sakurai from their first match and says she will send Marigold into the future. Miku gets on the mic after. She agrees that this is a different Mai from their first match. She said she looks forward to smashing her in the future. She calls out Nanae Takahashi. Nanae comes out. Miku says she's looking forward to facing her for the first time. Nanae starts a passion chant and they grab each other by the hair. Nanae then hits her in the gut but Miku laughs it off.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. Utami Hayashishita

Nori backs her up on the ropes on the lock-up. Utami side headlocks her and they stand off after a missed kick. Nori walks up the buckles and armdrags her. Nori then shotgun dropkicks her. Nori hits knees to the head and hair throws her.

Nori hits chest kicks. We see Takako Inoue at ringside who is finally aging. Nori hits kicks to the back then Utami ropebreaks on an armbar. Nori hits chest kicks and drops her. Utami side slams her and sliding lariats her.

Utami dropkicks her off the buckles. Utami samoan drops her. They trade kicks for lariats. Nori top rope dropkicks her for 2 then suplexes her. Utami forearms her then powerbombs her after catching a kick. Utami does a spinning sitout bomb on her for 2.

Nori backdrops her. Nori high kicks her and spin kicks her in the face. Utami germans her twice. Nori backslides her for 2 then high kicks her. UTami lariats her over. Utami lariats her for 2.

Utami hits a spinning razor's edge and wins.

I liked this one and this was Nori's best match in Marigold so far. She didn't do the submissions that didn't go anywhere and they just opted to beat the crap out of each other. That's what I wanted to see out of this and they delivered. I don't even normally like Utami's matches but this worked.

Utami says she wants to face her again in the future. She says she looks forward to beating Kouki at the next show and says she will face whoever wins the other block of the Grand Prix. She says she's here to show her comeback. She says she loves everyone and leads a Marigold cheer.

Overall thoughts: It was a good Marigold show here. The top half of the card had a bunch of good matches and a lot of the matches delivered beyond expectations. The show was much better than expected and gave me a lot of hope for the future of this company.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

AEW has signed a new TV deal


AEW has signed a new TV deal

AEW has signed a new TV deal today. Details have not fully been released yet but we know it's somewhere around $150 million to $170 million for year. We know it's for three years with an option for a fourth year. We know Dynamite and Collision will be broadcasted simultaneously on HBO Max and TBS/TNT. We know PPV's will also air at a reduced rate on Max and we know the AEW library will be on Max starting in 2025. AEW Rampage was not mentioned in the various press releases and appears to be cancelled. ROH and Battle of the Belts were also not mentioned.

I thought WBD really overpaid here for AEW. It does a bit better than NXT and is getting about 7x the money NXT does. I think WBD overpaid here especially when AEW had few other options due to TV companies having monopolies on TV channels. No wrestling company can exist without TV and WBD spent a lot to keep them on.

I don't think AEW on Max is the win it is portrayed as, though them having their library available online was much overdue. You are going to have to have Max to see the PPV's most likely or be willing to pay more if you don't. A lot of people are not interested in getting Max on top of having to buy a PPV.

The new deal likely means the end of Rampage and possibly Battle of the Belts since neither were mentioned. It's hard to understand why WBD would renew AEW at a higher rate and accept less content with the loss of Rampage. You'd think they would want more content. Rumors have swirled that AEW will create a new show called Shockwave in its place and it is said that show will be on Fox or FS1, but nothing has been officially announced yet. If Shockwave goes to Fox, it will end up being the main show and will be treated seriously. If it ends up on FS1, it will be in a worse spot than Rampage was since fewer people have that channel. Battle of the Belts only happened once in a while and that show being cancelled is no real issue. I didn't always like Rampage, but more wrestling is a good thing and it's a shame if any wrestling show gets cancelled.

Ring of Honor was not mentioned in any of this. It's a horrible brand that even I don't watch and it seems like it will continue to put on shows that nobody watches with no hope of growth. It fails as an entertaining show. It fails as a developmental promotion and it fails at the absolute basics of pro wrestling.

The reports also mentioned that WBD owns some of AEW. This was rumored from the start and explains how AEW got the TV time it did and why WBD has been so friendly towards AEW. 

We'll have to wait for more details to come out, but AEW and Tony Khan should be happy with the new deal. They got a lot of money and it should make them a profitable company. I hope they use the money to get a real developmental system with new rookies. I hope they use it to build their own arena somewhere where they can run shows anytime. I hope they use it on improving production. I hope they do not waste it on more overpriced obscure wrestlers and ex-WWE stars. While I often don't enjoy AEW, more money going to wrestling and wrestlers is a good thing for the industry and hopefully it helps keep wrestling alive and strong. I just wish promotions like WOW, MLW, NWA, NJPW or others could even get a fraction of what AEW got today as it would be game changers for the companies.

AEW Dynamite 10/2/2024

AEW Dynamite 10/2/2024

Last week's show is here:

Note - AEW got their new TV deal today and it was mentioned a bunch of times on this show. I wrote about it here:

They are in Pittsburgh, PA. Tony Schiavone, Excalibur and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary. This is the 5 Year Anniversary Show for AEW.

Jon Moxley's crew talks outside. Pac says war is upon them. He says Wheeler Yuta isn't a creature, but a lion. CC says he and Mox are the same guys and wonders what the problem is. Marina Shafir talks in her language. Mox tells Bryan he will have the belt one way or another and says there will be casualties. He says Bryan will be buried in his backyard and says he will relieve Bryan of duty on October 12th. 

Will Ospreay talks to Kyle Fletcher before his title match. Don Callis interrupts and there's audio issues. Don says he wants to talk about next week and wishes him luck. He says Kyle has a flight to catch and Konosuke Takeshita stares down Will.

AEW International Title - Will Ospreay (c) vs Ricochet

They stare down and lock up. They each do side headlock takeovers and headscissors. They bridge up together and Ric backslides him. Ric shoulders him over. Will kips up. Ric cartwheels over him, flips over his back then does a seated springboard moonsault into an armdrag.

Will headscissors him and Ric headflips out. They then do the double handspring into a flip spot that they did in their NJPW match. They trade and forearms and chops. Will jumps up and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Ric topes him into the rails. Will gets on the rails and Ric hurricanrana's him down on the floor.

Ric does a kneeling springboard swanton. Will handspring corkscrew kicks him. Will springboard forearms him for 2. Ric lariats him twice. Ric pumping knees him. Will flips off of him and hits a step up enzugiri. Will standing spanish flies him for 2.

Will is pushed off the ropes. Will hook kicks him on the apron and hits an os cutter on the apron. We go to PiP break and return. They fight up top. Will flips out of a top rope hurricanrana. Ric hits an os cutter for 2. 

Will avoids a 450. Ric does a backslide bomb on him (which I've never seen before). Ric spinning piledrivers him for 2. Ric spin kicks hm in the head. Will hits a stunner. Will hits a styles clash for 2. will hits an os cutter for 2.

Will misses a hidden blade then Ric hits one. Ric hits a top rope ssp for 2. Ric axe kicks WIll's head. Will hits a poisonrana then Ric hits one. Will then hidden blades him and they do a double a pin for a draw.

They want to keep going and Tony Khan tells Justin that it will. They trade forearms then hits kicks at the same time. Will hidden blades him then Konosuke Takeshita beats up Will. KT then hits a raging fire on Ric. KT then holds up the International Title after.

It was not like their NJPW match at all and was much more toned down and not as flippy. The finish was pretty lame here but I'm not shocked. We all know AEW would love to run this one again on a bigger stage and this seems to be the way they get to it. I didn't think it was that great but a lot more tolerable than the last one. I'm not sure what the point was of having this go to a draw then having KT interfere.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille are interviewed. Mone says to say hello to the CEO. She shows a clip of her highlights. Mone says she is where the money is at and says money changes everything. MVP walks in. He says he loves Big Business, tells her to take his card and says they should talk. 

The Gunn's are interviewed. Austin says The Juice is loose then Adam Page jumps then. Austin is hit with a chair and Colten is sent through a door.

TV Time with "The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho

Bill says we have all become better men thanks to one man - Chris Jericho. Jericho talks about 5 years of AEW and says they have a new TV deal. He says they wouldn't have it without Jericho. Bryan Keith starts a "Thank You, Chris" chant. CJ calls the town they are in Philadelphia instead of Pittsburgh.

CJ said he headlined a sold out Arena Mexico and just beat Mark Briscoe. He said it's time for a new era of Jericho. He says "The Ocho" is gone and it's time to bring on "The Nueve". He then challenges Mark Briscoe to an ROH Title match at WrestleDream.

Mark Briscoe comes out. Mark says part of being a man is not to make excuses. He says he had CJ beat in NYC and said CJ only beat him due to Bill chokeslamming him through a table. He says CJ has been one of the finest wrestlers on the planet. Mark says he wants to beat him to put another notch in his built.

CJ says Mark can't beat him but says maybe his brother Jay could have. CJ says Mark will never be as good as Jay was. Mark drops him with a punch and the rest of The Conglomeration backs him up. Mark says to keep his brother's name out of his mouth. He says CJ will get a Briscoe Brothers style @ss whooping at Wrestledream and says that's consequential.

Thoughts: There has never been a promotion that is obsessed with dead people as AEW. It's like the go to insult. I liked Mark dropping CJ but I don't like someone who doesn't compete in ROH getting title shots.

Darby Allin is at a junkyard. He talks about riding in the back of a bus and said people were taking turns spitting at the back of his head. He said the guys asked him what he's gonna do about it while they held a knife. He said he lunged at him and said it felt so good to do something about them. He said he felt the same way when he saw what Mox's crew did to him. He said he'd rather get stabbed then not do anything against them.

Darby says he's losing faith in himself but says what else can he do but fight? He tells anyone to step right up if they want a piece of him.

"Hangman" Adam Page vs Juice Robinson

They fight on the ramp. Juice knees him in the gut and kicks him in the back. Juice whips him with a leather strap. Page whips him on the floor then throws it into the crowd. Juice's head is banged off a chair.

Juice back body drops Page on the floor. They fight on the steps in the stnds. Juice throws a beer at him and headutts him. Juice hits him with popcorn.

The match then officially starts. They said Taz was attacked before the show in the parking lot and is in NYC, not here. Juice chokes Page with a belt. Page stomps on him. We go to PiP break and return. Juice superplexes him. Juice running elbows him and hits punches. Juice flying lariats him then hits punches. Juice misses a corner cannonball then is thrown into the rails. Juice is dropped face first on the apron then Juice spinebusters him onto the apron edge. Juice cannonballs him into the rail and they go through it.

Juice hits a top rope crossbody in the ring but Page rolls through and fallway slams him into the buckles. Juice running powerbombs him for 2. Page grabs the ref and low blows Juice. Page hits a buckshot lariat and wins.

The ending was out of nowhere here and didn't fit what they were doing. It felt like there was another 5-10 minutes of this. Some of the brawling was alright here but the weak finish hurt this one.

Page takes off his belt after and hangs Juice with it. Jay White then makes his return and lariats Page. Jay hits mounted punches and Page rolls out. Jay beats him up in the seats and gouges his eyes. Jay then spears him through a table that just happens to be against the rail.

Renee waits for Jack Perry to arrive in the parking lot. Jack arrives and Katsuyori Shibata goes up to him. He challenges him for the TNT Title at WrestleDream via translator. Jack says he will think about it. Jack then beats up Shibata and sends him into the bus. He then says he accepts.

Bryan Danielson does a promo. He says f*ck Jon Moxley. He says it's not about him. He says it's not his title, it's AEW's World Title. He says this is where the best wrestle and that's why he's challenging Okada tonight. He says they both won a match against each other and will find out who the best is. He says Okada's title is only on the line for the first 20 minutes then Bryan's title is on the line for the rest of it. 

Dr. Britt Baker vs Serena Deeb

Debe wristlocks Britt then Britt reverses it. Deeb fireman's carry takeovers her then goes for lockjaw. Deeb escapes and we see Mariah May watching in the crowd. Deeb side headlock takeovers her. Britt headscissors her.

Deeb single leg crabs her. Deeb shoulders her over. Britt neckbreakers her. Deeb clips her and we go to PiP break. Britt superkicks her then lariats her. Britt spinning forearms her. Britt hits a slingblade then a fisherman's neckbreaker for 2.

Deeb dragon screws her on the ropes. Deeb powerbombs her for 2 then stretch mufflers her. Britt rolls her into a pin and superkicks her. Deeb rebound germans her. Britt superkicks her then Deeb lariats her. Britt hits an air raid crash.

Britt hits a 2nd rope air raid crash for 2. Britt does lockjaw and taps her out.

Thoughts: I thought they did too much here with a 2nd rope air raid crash not meaning anything. Deeb did her usual limb work and submissions which led to nowhere as they often do. It went longer than it needed to and wasn't the most exciting match.

Deeb attacks Britt after and single leg crabs her. Queen Aminata then comes out and takes down Deeb. She pounds on Deeb and they catfight. Deeb then gets out of the ring.

Hook is interviewed about his dad being attacked earlier. Hook is angry and says he will find who did this and come for them.

Christian Cage tells everyone to shut up in a taped promo. He says he's the face of TBS and says he is the next AEW champ. He says he will have it all soon, hook, line and sinker.

Mariah May does a promo. She says Willow Nightingale is the definition of failing up. She says she loses all the time and gets title shots. Willow comes in. She says Mariah's the shady one and they argue. May pie faces her, Willow hits her and they have to be broken up by Christopher Daniels and security.

Private Party vs The Iron Savages

Private Party have new music. Zay pounds on Bronson then facekicks him. Zay hits a dropkick then PP hit a double dropkick. Boulder takes a double dropkick and no sells it. Boulder is pulled over the top. Quen tope con hilos him. Stokeley Hathaway watches in the back. Zay pops up and dropkicks Bronson.

PP hits a botched gin and juice and wins.

It was a short squash. PP botched their finish here and the crowd didn't care much.

Zay gets on the mic after. He says they said new year, new champs and says they meant every word. He said he doesn't care if his hand or shoulder are messed up, he says they will be the next AEW tag champs. Zay says they beat The Young Bucks one and will do it again. Zay says let's do it right here and right now.

The Young Bucks come out. They say you can't have an Anniversary Show without the two people who built the company. Matt says they should put their tag titles on the line against them right now. Nick says to get a ref down here. Matt says they have limited dates and won't waste on Pittsburgh. They then leave. Jack Perry then attacks Private Party. The Young Bucks join in to help. Katsuyori Shibata comes out and the heels leave.

Christopher Daniels comes out and gets on the mic. He says he'd love to give Party another chance to p!ss The Bucks off. He signs Private Party and Shibata vs The Bucks and Perry on Rampage. 

Renee interviews MVP. Prince Nana comes in. He says MVP was talking real spicy about them. Nana said MVP forgot he used to be a wrestler. MVP says he doesn't deal with complaints but he does - we then see Shelton Benjamin. MVP says he's the president of the complaint departmnet. Shelton then drinks Nana's coffee and says it's pretty good coffee.

I'm not a big Shelton fan. I'm not surprised AEW picked him up and I'm sure he will be a variety of various workrate style matches. 

Champion vs Champion - Okada's Continental Title is on the line for the first 20 minutes - Kazuchika Okada vs Bryan Danielson

The stip here is clearly stupid. This was not well built to at all despite this potentially being a double title match.

They stare down and lock up. They back off. Bryan wristlocks him. Okada rolls through it and trips him. Bryan keylocks him and then avoids a dropkick. Okada misses a rainmaker. Bryan armdrags him and headlock takeovers him. They then stand off.

We go to PiP break and full break. Okada hits forearms then Bryan forearm flurries him. Bryan dropkicks him through the ropes and Okada flapjacks him. Okada neckbreakers him.

Bryan's head is banged off the buckles. Okada flying back elbows him. They trade shots. Bryan hits some headbutts and bangs his head off the buckles. Bryan headbutts Okada while he's on the 2nd rope. Bryan misses a top rope headbutt. 

Okada ddt's him and rakes the eyes. Bryan misses a corner charge and is put on the top rope. Okada dropkicks him down to the floor. Bryan is sent into a rail outside. Okada facekicks him over the rail. Okada is sent into the rails then Bryan flying dropkicks him into the rails.

Bryan top rope dropkicks him out. Bryan topes him then top rope dropkicks him. Okada rolls him up and Bryan goes for the Lebell lock. They each try pin attempts  and trade euros.

They go head to head and slap each other. Okada hits a dropkick and slams him. Okada top rope elbow drops him.  Bryan triangles him and hits elbows to the head. Bryan puts him in the Lebell lock. Bryan flying knees him and Okada rolls out. Bryan top rope flip dives Okada and sends him into the rails. Okada tombstones him on a chair outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Bryan hits kicks and chops. Bryan flying kicks him in the corner then germans him. Okada shotgun dropkicks him. Bryan headkicks him. Okada hits a big dropkick. Okada hits a rainmaker.

They trade forearms on their knees. They get up and keep trading. Bryan piefaces him and spinning forearms him. Okada facekicks him. Bryan flips out of a german and hits a flying knee then Okada hits a flying knee. Bryan ducks a rainmaker then hits his own for 2.

Bryan hits downward forearms. Okada hits a nasty cradle shock. Claudio Castagnoli and Pac come out. Okada hits a short arm lariat. Bryan backslides him and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish at all here. They took some of the attention off of it with Pac and CC coming down and it just wasn't built up to well with nearfalls and stuff. The match started off slow and it was obvious it was going over 20 minutes. I didn't think there was a great story here either. The stipulation was totally stupid and it really wasn't necessary. It's not like this being champ vs champ drew any extra viewers over a normal match between these two. I didn't love the last match between these two and didn't think this was that great either.

Okada rainmakers Bryan after. Pac and CC grab Bryan. Mox and Shafir come down. Mox says this isn't about him and says he's simple minded. He says none of this is what he wants. He says he's planning something much bigger. Wheeler Yuta comes out with a hammer to save Bryan. The heels all get out except for Mox who dares him to hit him. The heels eventually leave.

Yuta gets on the mic and says he's tired of them treating him like a child. He says he's his own man and can make his own decision. Yuta says if they want Bryan, they have to go through him too and they set up Bryan/Yuta vs CC/Pac match. 

Overall thoughts: They had a heavy workrate line-up here with Bryan vs Okada and Will vs Ric. The show was a bit long at almost 2 and a half hours and it was mostly in-ring focused. I thought it was a decent show overall. It wasn't perfect though.

CMLL 9/27/2024 Noche de Campeones

CMLL 9/27/2024 Noche de Campeones

CMLL Trios Titles - Mascara Dorada, Neon and Star Jr. (c) vs Euforia, Mephisto and Averno 

Euf and Star go at it. Star hammerlocks him then Euf side headlock takeovers him. Star headscissors him. Euf trips him and they stand off. Star goes up and over in the corner. Star top rope 450 hurricanrana's him. MD tornillo armdrags Meph off the top and Neon top rope diving headscssors Av. Neon topes outside, gets caught and takes a double team powerbomb on the floor. Neon then gets stomped and they all fight out there.

Star is sent into the rails. MD takes corner attacks and a running facekick from Euf. Star takes a back elbow then is pulled out to the floor. MD is triple stomped on. MD 2nd rope diving headscissors Euf then the faces hit triple stereo dives on opposite sides. Neon flips over Meph then flying headscissors him. Neon jumps up to the top and diving headscissors Av.

Neon double jump springboard moonsault armdrags Euf. MD flips off of Meph's shoulders and headscissors him. MD walks up the buckles, flips on them and armdrags Av. Euf monkey flips MD and he armdrags Av on the floor off of it. 

MD flying corkscrew headscissors Euf out. Euf and Star stare down and trade chops. Euf gets nailed by his partners on a failed double team. star walks up the ropes and does an armdrag + headscissors combo on Av and Meph. Star is popped up and headscissors Euf down.

Neon jumps up to the top and odes a no hand sswanton. Star walks up the ropes form the ramp and does a double jump tope con hilo. MD does a top rope corkscrew moonsault on Euf.

Av is stuck on the 2nd rope and Neon does a springboard moonsault armdrag on him. Star top rope crossbodies Meph. Star runs the ramp and does a springboard 450 from the outside rope on Meph. MD hits a flying ddt. Neon does a top rope hurricanrana then Star does a springboard crossbody. MD toyota roll code red's Av and pins him. Star and Neon then get 2 counts on their opponents.

Euf takes a triple superkick in the corner. Neon and Star do top rope moonsaults and MD does a top rope 450 on Euf for 2. Euf does a double lariat on his opponents over the top. Star is double hiptossed into a triple powerbomb, then it happens again and Av sits down on it. Av pins Star.

MD superkicks Meph out. Av takes an electric chair neckbreaker from MD. MD does a top rope SSP on Av and gets the pin to eliminate him.

MD springbords and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Euf. Neon runs the ramp and does a double jump blind moonsault outside. MD misses a top rope 450. Meph 2nd rope double underhook drops MD then does a la rosa driver on MD and taps him out with the submission off of it.

Thoughts: This had unusual rules here with seemingly all 3 men on the team having to be beaten for this to end. It got weird because people would get pinned or submitted but then stay in the match. I don't know if they thought about it but what would happen if someone got pinned twice? Aside from that, they went all out here and had a main event match in the opener. The faces did all of their best stuff here and did every kind of flip you could really imagine. It was a great high flying match and was more than you could really ask for here. I'm not sure how that one is going to be followed though.

CMLL World Mini Estrella Title Match - Ultimo Dragoncito (c) vs. Pierrothito

 They shake hands and trade waistlocks. UD armdrags him. Pier hits an attitude adjustment then UD hits wasteland. UD flips Pier then armdrags him. UD snapmares him then crucifixes him. Pier takes an armdrag.

Pier trips him then takes an armdrag. Pier tries some pins and UD goes around his back and armdrags him. UD tope con hilos him through the ropes. They get back in and Pier elbow drops him for 2. Pier pulls UD's arms back.

Piero corner lariats him. Pier kicks him off the apron and 2nd rope plancha's him outside. UD slingshot sunset flips him for 2. UD rolls him up off the tilt-a-whirl for 2. Pier does a pin for 2. Pier spears the post when UD moves. UD then does a top rope moonsault outside.

UD rolls him up off the casadora. Pier pops him up, UD hurricanrana's him and Pier rolls him up off of it. UD then rolls him up and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They didn't flow that well together and didn't move around that well together. Something went wrong with the finish here and it fell flat.

Mexican National Tag Team Title Match - Los Depredadores (Magnus & Rugido) (c) vs. El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.

Hijo = Hijo de Villano III, V3 = Villano 3 Jr.

V3 has the tattoos and Hijo doesn't. Rug and Hijo go at it. They take each other down and so some hard mat wrestling. Hijo handsatnd headscissors him from the mat. Rug works the leg and they double clothesline each other.

V3 and Mag go at it. They armdrag each other and V3 wristlocks him. Hijo moonsaults over Mag then Mag takes a double team kick on the ropes. V3 slingshot splashes Mag for 2.Rug takes V3 down by the arm twice then armbars him. V3 takes a double team back elbow, double team elbow drop and stomps from both opponents.

Rug and Mag take headscissors out then The Villano's are sent into the rail outside. V3 takes a double gorilla press slam and a double team dropkick in the butt.

Hijo gets double teamed. Hijo is pulled off the top rope and takes a basement dropkick from Rug. V3 blocks a 619 and is dropkicked of the apron fro it. Rug planchas The V's and gets caught and thrown onto Mag. The V's then do asai moonsaults outside.

Rug takes a top rope splash while layng on the apron. Hijo top rope sunset flips Mag then holds him in the air for a springboard double stomp from V3. Rug legdrags Hijo. Mag cradle shocks Hijo for 2.

Rug takes a springboard la silla + powerbomb combo for 2. The Villanos miss moonsaults but land on their feet. Rug and Mag get armbars on The V's and get double submissions to win the match.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining tag but I like The Villano's more as heels. This basically had tornado rules as most lucha tags go. 

Mexican National Women's Title Match - Reyna Isis vs. Sanely

Mano Negra came out with Sanely (that's her dad). I believe Niebla Roja is out here with Reyna. They lock up. Sane headlocks her then armdrags her. Reyna armdrags her and side headlocks her. Reyna does another armdrag. Sane wristlocks her then Reyna does the same.

Sane cartwheels over her then armdrags her. Reyna crossbodies her for 2. Reyna pulls her into the buckles with her feet and running knees her in the back of the neck there. Reyna topes her then hits a secone tope.

Sane throws her hard into the rails outside and stands on her. Sane lays her on the rails and facekicks her. Sane foot chokes her then crossbodies her against the 2nd rope. Sane then plancha's her off the 2nd rope outside.

Sane throws her into the post then foot chokes her. Sane lariats her and trips her. Sane then basement dropkicks her for 2. Sane chokes her on the ropes then hits a corner splash. Reyna corner lariats then then top rope crossbodies her. Reyna hits flying double chops for 2.

Reyna headbutts her then corner lariats her. Reyna hits chops then corner dropkicks her lock while she sits on the 2nd rope. Sane hits a top rope dropkick then does a grounded dragon sleeper. Reyna ropebreaks. Reyna lariats her then slingblades her. Reyna spins her and throws her down.

Reyna goes up top and gets hit. Sane hits a hard superplex then does a grounded dragon sleeper and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was fine. Obviously isn't wasn't on the athletic level of the other matches but Sanely got a lot of offense in, Reyna made her comeback then got submitted. There were no botches here and it was a decent effort from the girls.

CMLL World Middleweight Title Match - Templario (c) vs. Volador Jr.

Temp takes him down and cartwheels out of an armdrag. Temp takes a headscissors then spinarooni's up. They botch a flying headscissors spot then Temp topes him into the rails. Vol flying headscissors Temp then topes him outside.

Vol is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Temp throws him backwards off a wheelbarrow. Vol then hits a canadian destroyer. Vol is caught on a handspring and dropped on his chest and gut.

Temp does a flying space tiger drop into the ring and lands on Vol's knees. Vol backcrackers him for 2. Vol is thrown over the top and Temp flying space tiger drops him. Temp hits forearms and walks up the ropes, hitting a springboard dropkick.

Temp hits a wheelbarrow german for 2. Vol canadian destroyers him. Vol slingshots outside into a headsicssors on Temp. KeMonito gets in Vol's way and he boots him outside.

Vol takes an overhead belly to belly suplex into the buckles. Temp 2nd rope powerbombs him for 2. Temp does a sharpshooter variation then a figure four. Vol ropebreaks. Temp is kicked while seated up top then Vol hurricanrana's him off a 2nd rope powerbomb attempt.

Temp powerbomb backbreakers him for the win.

It was an indy style match and I wasn't a fan of it. They botched some stuff early and didn't sell their big spots match as they just moved onto the next thing.

World Historic Light Heavyweight Title Match - Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Soberano Jr.

They lock up. Sob side headlocks him. Atlantis front facelocks him. Sob side headlocks him. Atlantis shoulders him over. Atlantis chops him then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Atlantis tries to tope him but Sob turns to the side and sends him into the rails.

Sob sends him into the rails. Euforia is with Sob and stomps on him outside. Sob unties his mask then elbow slices him down as he hangs off the top rope. Atlantis superkicks him after taking some offense then Atlantis monkey flips him. Atlantis then hits a tope con hilo outside.

They get back in and Atlantis hits a top rope crossbody. Sob rolls him up out of his hurricanrana. Atlantis hits a cutter for 2. Sob 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him then asai moonsaults him for 2. Atlantis wheelbarrow germans him for 2.

Sob b-drivers him on the apron. Sob hits a fosbury flop on the outside. They go back in and Sob top rope tornillos him. Atlantis puts him in la atlantida and submits him.

Thoughts: This was the best effort Sob had put in for a while here. It was a slower match than the other matches on this show and Atlantis did a lot of selling. The finish could have been better here as there was no real build-up to it. I also didn't think Atlantis got enough in during this one. It was about average.

Mexican National Lightweight Title Match - Futuro (c) vs. Rayo Metalico

This one could have been the opener but is the main, which is surprising. They lock up and trade armdrags. Rayo spinning headscissors him out then triangle flip dives him outside. Rayo is flipped then diving headscisosrs him off the 2nd rope.

Rayo top rope dropkicks him. Fut hits a nice tope on the outside. Fut does a springboard armdrag then Rayo flying headscissors him. Rayo headscissors him into the rails. Rayo hits a tope con hilo. Rayo tries for a diving hurricanrana from the apron but is caught and driven into the rails.

Fut springboards and is caught with a powerbomb. Rayo does a springboard codebreaker for 2. Fut spinebusters him. Rayo goes up top and is pushed downto the floor and rails. Fut walks up the buckles and tornillos outside.

They crossbody each other at the same time inside. Rayo hits a standing spanish fly for 2. Fut tiger suplexes him for 2. Ray takes hi mdown by the legs and crossfaces him. Fut asai moonsaults him. Rayo does a top rope diving crucifix bomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was all high flying here as expected. It probably would have worked better if the card hadn't had so much of it. There was a decent amount of breaks between the various spots here and there wasn't much else but the cool moves. I didn't like this that much.

Futuro is stretchered out after.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show. Every match had a bunch of flying for the most part. It was a pretty goof offering overall with every match being a title match. The opener was the best thing on the show (and should have been the main) and for the most part, everything dipped some in quality after.