Friday, August 9, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 8/8/2024 Episode #76

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 8/8/2024 Episode #76

Last week's show is here:

The Dark Order (John Silver and Alex Reynolds) vs Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes

Sammy hits a dropkicks and kips up. Silver takes a double shoulder and double elbow drop. Alex is lariated over the top and goes into the rails. Sammy teases a dive then does a spin and then Dustin does the same.

Alex hits forearms on Dustin in the corner. Dustin bulldogs him and he sells his knee. Dustin pulls Alex over the top. He punches Alex and Silver outside. Alex gets his head banged off the rails. Alex is down in the ring then Evil Uno uses a chair on Dustin.

Silver ddt's Dustin's leg into the mat. Alex elbow drops Dustin's leg. Dustin rolls him up then Alex yanks on Dustin's leg. Alex hits punches on Dustin. Silver dragon screws Dustin then single leg crabs him. Dustin pulls Alex over the top then powerslams him.

Sammy and Silver get in. Sammy top rope crossbodies him then lariats him over the top. Sammy topes him then corkscrew plancha's Alex outside. Sammy standing spanish flies Silver for 2. Sammy misses an SSP then is superkicked. Sammy takes a german for 2.

Sammy superkicks Alex then pumping knees him. Alex pop-up knees Sammy. Sammy takes a bridging ddt + top rope double stomp combo. The Order are pushed into each other. Dustin canadian destroyers Alex. Sammy flying knees Silver then hits a GTH to win.

Thoughts: It went a little long but was fine with Dustin being worked on then the faces making a comeback and winning.

Billie Starkz and Athena talk in the back. Athena says she's tired of being angry and is used to being disappointed at her. She says she sits at the top of the mountain and Lexi sits up there. She wants Billie up there. She said Billie lost her TV Title at the PPV. Athena says they are revoking her MIT diploma and are going to call her a minion in training again. Queen Aminata and Red Velvet walk in. They say this is their show. Red says she won her match fair and square and brings up what Athena did to win hers. Red says it won't happen anymore. Queen says she spoke to The Board of Directors and says they will see them in the ring for a tag match tonight. Athena tells Billie this wouldn't have happened if she won her match. 

Taya Valkyrie vs Hyan

Hyan forearms her and Taya backs off. Taya trips her then corner meteora's her. Taya hits chops and forearms. Taya sliding lariats her and pulls Hyan's arms back.

Hyan rolls her into a knee to the face and a lariat. Taya boots her and hits a spear. Taya curbstomps her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here and it didn't do much for Taya.

Griff Garrison and Maria are interviewed and have Serpentico's mask. The announcer asks where Cole Karter is. Serpentico and Angelico walk in and say they want another match for the mask. Griff agrees but says Angelico is banned from ringside. Maria says Serpentico has to unmask when he loses.

Thoughts: This feud has been on and off again for months. It's on again now. Why they did this now instead of at the PPV is unknown.

ROH Tag Titles - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean)


The heels hit Infantry on the handshake. The heels miss corner splashes then are both lariated over the top. The heels then grab their titles and go to leave. The heels are brought back in. Taven takes a double hiptoss into a double fistdrop for 2. Taven tries to do an up and over but is rolled up. Taven cradles Dean then Dean lariats him. Mike takes a double forearm for 2.

Mike sleepers Bravo. Bravo chinbreakers him. Bravo armdrags Taven. Mike hits Dean from the apron and is nailed. Taven suplexes Dean. Mike stomps Dean. Dean is popped up into a forearm for 2. Taven russian legsweeps Dean for 2.

Mike snapmares Dean, runs the ropes and eye pokes him. Dean is sent into a mike forearm. Taven backdrops Dean into a powerbomb. Taven spinning high kicks Dean for 2. Dean hits a big forearm on Mike. Bravo gets the hot tag in. He cleans house on the heels then crossover fakeout punches Taven. Bravo neckbreakers Mike. Bravo slingshot cutters Taven.

Bravo scissors kicks Taven then Dean top rope splashes Taven for 2. Mike death valley drivers Dean then running knees him for 2. Mike takes a double team uranage. Taven throws Bravo into the rails. Dean takes a low blow and a spike piledirver and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag as expected and The Infantry lost as expected. While it wasn't a clean loss, I still don't like The Infantry losing.  These two teams have worked together a bunch of times and it's been a decent match every time.

Rachael Ellering vs. Brooke Havok

BH reverses a wristlock. RE then armlocks her. BH hits forearms. RE tries a pin on BH. BH legsweeps her then poses. RE kicks her in the face then sentons her. BH basement dropkicks her. BH swinging neckbreakers her for 2. RE blackhole slams her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash and it wasn't anything impressive. Havok looked better there than did Ellering.

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty talk in the back. Lee says their thing with Top Flight and Action Andretti has gone on too long. Lee says his next match with Andretti should be an ROH Pure Title match. Shane says Top Flight and Andretti are playing. He says they will have to bring their best again Lee. He tells them to protect their neck. 

The Outrunners vs Barrett Brown & Stephen Wolf

Erica Leigh is with The Runners. That's a new face. The Runners shake hands. Wolf and Truth go at it. Wolf gets chopped. Turbo slams Wolf. Wolf takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. The Runners block a suplex. Truth is lifted into dropkicks on his opponents and The Runners hit stereo dropkicks. Brown takes a double team slam and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here. It was nice to see The Runners get a rare win and it appears they are full-fledged faces here. The Runners did a good job as faces.

Robbie Eagles vs. Darian Bengston

Rob wristlocks DB and takes him down by the arm. Rob wristlocks him, DB trips him then pretends to shoot a basketball. DB knees him in the gut then does a nice headlock takeover.

Rob uses the ropes and armdrags him. Rob flying headscissors him. DB hits chops then Rob spears his knee. Rob leglocks him and DB ropebreaks. Rob corner lariats him. DB hits forearms. DB tries pin attempts and euros him. Rob does a weird flipping snapmare then top rope 450's him. Rob then does his "Ron Miller Special" leg submission and wins.

Thoughts: This didn't work. Rob hasn't been around much and Darian is a new face. The crowd didn't really have a reason to care here and it was too even to be a showcase for either guy. This was totally random.

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Tony Nese

Mark Sterling gets on the mic. He says The Conglomeration stole victory from his Athletes. He says he is working with The Texas Athletic Commission to have that match thrown out. He says he has worked hard to get The Conglomeration banned from ringside while Tony takes on their worst offender. He says we get to see what it looks like when a real Premier Athlete gets to work.

Nese hits chops then is chopped several times. Nese hits forearms and Ishii no sells them. They go outside. Ari Daivari trips Ishii and Nese plancha's Ishii. Ishii gets beat on by Ari and Mark outside.

Nese hits forearms on Ishii and spin kicks him in the head for 2. Ishii forearms Nese and is hit in the throat. Nese pulls Ishii's thrown down over the top. Nese misses a springboard moonsault and Ishii shoulders Nese over.

Ishii hits more chops and backdrops him. Ishii lariats him for 2. Mark gets on the apron and is thrown in by Ishii. Ari gets in and is nailed by Ishii. Ishii headbutts and brainbusters Nese and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay with Ishii mostly doing forearms here and fighting off the heels en route to victory. It wasn't one of Ishii's greatest matches ever but it was perfectly acceptable.

Rachael Ellering is interviewed. She said it was hard being home injured. She said she took a step back, reflected and got better. She said she was on Rampage and Collision and is back home. She says she's not here to survive, she's here to thrive. She says she's a mom of three cats, but she has that dog in her.

Harley Cameron comes in and says she thought it was a 5 year old's birthday party. She tells her to lose all of it and says it was lovely meeting her.

Johnny TV vs. Fuego Del Sol

Taya is with JTV. JTV nails Sol in the gut and hits shots. Sol 2nd rope headscissors him and dropkicks him over. Sol corner forearms JTV. Taya trips up Sol. JTV legsweeps Sol and knees him in the face. Sol is knocked off the apron and JTV hit a moonlight drive on the floor.

JTV chinlocks Sol. Sol fights out. JTV spins him off his shoulders and knees him in the face. JTV cobra clutches Sol. Sol step up enzugiri's him then corner dropkicks JTV. Sol asai moonsaults him and superkicks him.

JTV rolls him up for 2. JTV is crotched on the top rope. Sol then top rope double stomps him there. JTV does his backflip samoan drop and hits starship pain for the win.

Thoughts: It was another okay match. There was nothing wrong with this and JTV put Sol away as expected without too much trouble. JTV never really has a bad outing and Sol may not be the greatest flyer ever but he can do this stuff any night of the week.

Queen Aminata and Red Velvet vs Athena and Billie Starkz

Queen rubs her butt in BS' face while having an armlock on. Queen cradbles BS then suplexes her. queen boots Athena when she gets in. Athena is tripped into a basement dropkick > PK > standing moonsault.

Red hits shots on Athena then slaps her. BS grabs Queen's arm and bites the hand. Athena footchokes and boots Queen. Queen then takes a double footchoke. Athena codebreakers Queen's arm. Queen forearms Athena. Queen gets stomped on by both opponents.

BS goes into the buckles when Queen moves. Red is tagged in and rolls Athena into a pin kicks. Red meteora's her in the back of the neck on the ropes. Red then does a nice spinning ddt on Athena. BS gets in and bites Red's arm when she goes for a hold. BS takes a codebreaker into a german. Queen suplexes BS and stomps her head.

Athena hits corner attacks on both opponents and 2nd rope diving codebreakers Queen. Athena has both opponents on her and she fallaway slams them together. BS swantons Red off the top. Red reverse ddt's Athena then spinning enzugiri's BS. Red corkscrew kicks BS for 2. Lexi throws a microphone in for Athena. Queen and Athena fight over it in front of the ref. BS asks Lexi to hand her a title belt then she nails Red with it. BS then pins Red.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag match here with BS cheating to win. It made sense what what they are doing and followed up on the feud. Red Velvet had a good showing here I liked them making Lexi a regular character now.

Overall thoughts: It was a better show than usual and most of the matches were fine. It still had the usual issues though with champs not being on TV, random wrestlers/matches and things not being followed up on.

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