Saturday, September 14, 2024

CMLL 91st Anniversary 9/14/2024

CMLL 91st Anniversary 9/14/2024

Los Depredadores (Magia Blanca, Magnus & Rugido) vs. Los Viajeros Del Espacio (Futuro, Hombre Bala Jr. & Max Star)

Rug and Fut go at it. Fut takes him down. Rug throws him over by both arms. Fut does a fireman's carry takeover nad is tripped. They stand off and tag out. Max and Magia go at it. Max gets on his shoulders and hurricanarana's him. Fut springboard headscissors Mag then Fut is popped up and dropkicks Rug. Bala messes up a dive and Fut does a springboard tornillo to the outside. Max then does a step up flip dive to the outside. Magia then tornillos off the top onto everyone.

Bala corkscrew headscissors Rug. Bala then uses the orpes and hits a dive. Bala tornillos outside onto Mag off the apron. Rug and Fut go at it. Fut does flips out of the corner then springboard armdrags him.

Fut armdrags Magia off the buckles then Fut sattelite headsicssors Mag. Max headscissors Rug using Mag then Max rotation headscissors Mag out. Max is tripped and Magia basement dropkicks him. Bala tope rope crossbodies Magia then is elbow dropped in the crotch. Mag 619's Fut then Fut takes a wheelbarrow german from Rug.

Fut is double hiptossed onto the ramp. Fut is held in the air on the ramp and dropkicked in the butt. Fut is popped up then springboard plancha's onto the ramp. Fut takes a double back body drop then Magia top rope splashes Fut.

Magia shotgun dropkicks Bala. Mag is pulled over the top then Rug is bodyscissored by Fut. Fut is popped up and armdrags Magia out of it. Fut is then popped up to the outside and hits a botched headscissors on Mag.

Magia takes a hurricanrana from Max. Max top rope headscissors Rug down then Bala and Max get pins together and win.

There were a lot of botches here so I can't put it over that much. They did try a lot more difficult spots than they normally do but they didn't hit them clean. There was a real stupid monent at the end where one of the wrestlers had a pin but the ref wouldn't count it as he wa watching a move be done off the top instead. 

Neon, Star Jr. & Templario vs. Los Hermanos Chavez (Angel de Oro & Niebla Roja) & Soberano Jr.

1st Fall - Roja is basically the fatter of the two Chavez brothers. Sob and Temp go at it. They headbutt each other at the same time. Sob side headlocks him and Temp shoulders him over. Sob locks up Temp's leg and armdrags him. Sob pulls away on the handshake.

Oro hiptosses Star then Star armdrags him. Star headscissors him then flying shoulders him. Star sentons him. Neon and Roja go at it. Neon flying headscissors him out. Neon goes to run the rumps but Oro pulls the ropes up on him and sends him out. Sob and Temp fight again. Temp is tripped and held for a shot.

Oro chops Temp. Temp is hiptossed into a powerbomb then Neon and Star are dropped onto Temp. Sob's team then gets a triple pin.

2nd Fall - KeMalito is beaten up outside by Sob then kicked over into Star. Neon is superkicked on the rails. Oro is drpped onto Star. Oro slinghsot swantons onto Temp then Neon gets kicked. Neon is popped up into a kick then Sob is lifted into a legdrop on him. Temp flying headscissors Sob then Temp is triple stomped on.

Neon and Star do springboard hurricanrana's en stereo then they do stereo tope con hilos. Temp wlaks the top rope and crossbodies Roja. Temp sitout powerbombs Roja and pins him.

3rd Fall - Flip Gordon is show in the crowd. Sob beats up KeMalito on the apron. Temp counters a 2v1 then powerbombs the brothers onto each other. Sob top rope crossbodies Temp then is flipped in the air for a sitout powerbomb. Temp headscissors Sob out.

Star and Roja trade chest chops. Star hits a big punch then Oro nails Star. Star walks up the buckles and does a headlock + headscissors takeover. Star is popped up and headscissors Oro. Star corner lariats Sob. Star hits kicks on Sob then springboard double stomps him.

Neon moonsaults off the ropes and armdrags Oro. Neon then seated springboard armdrags Roja. Neon top rope diving armdrags Sob out and then poses. Oro boots Roja on accident then Temp powerslams Oro. Star does a walk up double springboard tope con hilo. Neon then does a double springboard moonsault. Temp hits a flying space tiger from the ramp to the ring on Oro for 2.

Temp superkicks Oro then Oro euros him. Temp hits a flying space tiger onto Sob outside. Oro does a 2nd rope moonsault outside then Star springboard plancha's Roja inside. Star hits a driver on one brother and Neon hits a code red on the other.

Neon takes a michinoku driver and Star is dropped from the top onto Neon. Sob does a top rope tornillo on Temp and pins him. Soberano's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It started off slow and really picked up during the third fall with the faces doing all their big dives and going nuts. I thought it was a good effort overall with them busting out all the stops for the big show and doing stuff they don't normally do.

Flip Gordon does a promo between matches and seems to maybe challenge Rocky Romero.

Copa Independencia 2024 Final Match - Titan vs. Mascara Dorada

MD = Mascara Dorada

Titan front facelocks him. MD hammerlocks him and Titan side headlocks him. Titan bridges and headflips out of a wristlock. MD flips off the ropes and armdrags MD. They roll around. Titan does a takedown with his foot and they shoulder shoulder each other, double kip up and try to dropkick each other at the same time. They then do double headflips up.

Titan dropkicks MD and they go out. MD superkicks him. MD is sent into the rails but flips over them. MD gets on the rail and takes a cradle shock on the floor. Titan double stomps him on the floor. Titan basement dropkicks MD then kicks him in the back.

MD spinning headscissors Titan then fosbury flops on him outside. MD suplexes him. They trade chest chops. MD blocks a spin kick then hits one of his own. MD flips out of a tornado ddt. Titan limbos out of a lariat and jumping kicks him. Titan dives at MD in the corner and MD black hole slams him. Titan gets his knees up on a 450 then reverse sitout slams MD for 2.

MD racks Titan on his shoulder then Titan rolls him up into a reverse indian deathlock. Titan then pulls MD's arms back with it and MD ropebreaks.

Titan hits an attitude adjustment then does a tornado ddt. Titan holds on and gordbusters him. MD michinoku drivers him for 2. MD hits a 450 for 2. Titan hits kicks and drops him. Titan hits a top rope double stomp on MD for 2. Titan indian deathlocks him and taps him out.

Thoughts: I wasn't that much of a fan of it. These are two of the better flyers in CMLL and we didn't get a ton of flying here. It really slowed down in the middle of the match and the last section of it was mostly all submissions.

El Fantasma gives Titan the cup after.

Orange Cassidy does a promo. He says it's his first time in Mexico then Jericho and Big Bill nail him. Jericho then talks in Spanish on the mic.

CMLL World Women's Title Match - Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Zeuxis

Z = Zeuxis

They lock up. Willow clean breaker her. Z does a side headlock takeover and is headscissored. Z handstands out of it. Z ties up Willow's legs and pulls on her hair. They greco roman knuckle lock. Z takes her down and Willow bridges. Willow sits on Z then wristlocks her.

Z takes her down and does a bow and arrow. Willow slams her then shoulders her over. They go head to head and pull each other's hair. Willow corner lariats her then Z corner euros her. Willow superkicks her then perfectplexes her for 2. Z flying headscissors her out.

Z kicks her from the apron then Willow knocks her off the apron. Willow cannonballs her off the apron. Willow running boots her then spinebusters her for 2. Z pulls her down by the hair and hits kicks on her. Z hits a corner meteora then topes her into the rails.

Willow death valley drivers her on the apron for 2. Z russian legsweeps her and does a grounded octopus. Z rolls her up for 2 then headkicks her. Z meteora's her for 2. Willow hits a skyhigh for 2. Willow misses a top rope moonsault. Z slaps her then misses a top rope moonsault. Willow slaps her back.

Z hits a top rope spanish fly and wins it.

Thoughts: It was on the shorter end and inoffensive. It wasn't great or anything and didn't get a ton of time. It could have been bad but they had an average or a passable match out of it. We all knew Willow was losing sooner rather than later and they decided to have her lose here.

Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero & Satoshi Kojima vs. Atlantis Jr., Ultimo Guerrero & Volador Jr.

AJ = Atlantis Jr.

1st Fall - Koji and UG start us off. Koji shoves him and backs him up in the corner where he and Rocky pound on him. OC is fighting with his sunglasses on. UG takes chops in the corner and OC does comedy weak chops. OC hits AJ from behind then AJ takes a double suplex.

Vol gets in and grabs Rocky by the beard. OC hits Vol from behind then Rocky stomps on Vol. UG is triple stomped on. Rocky bites UG's fingers and OC splits the fingers. UG takes real chops from Rocky and weak chops from OC. Rocky hits corner lariats on UG. Koji mongolian chops UG then lariats him in the back of the head. Koji brainbusters UG and pins him. Vol takes an OC superkick and goes out. Rocky topes Vol. Rocky top rope stomps AJ into an OC beachbreak. OC pins AJ and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Flip Gordon teases getting involved. He calls Rocky over and Rocky hits him. Flip hops the rail and the ref stops Flip. Vol takes a double shoulder. AJ is double teamed then Koji shoulders him over. AJ takes a double suplex.

Rocky hits shots on UG then bites him. OC pounds on UG. UG tries to fight back but takes a triple team. Vol does a handstand into a double back elbow and headscissors Rocky out. Vol then topes him into the rails. Koji corner lariats UG. OC hits a stunner on AJ then takes a package tombstone. Koji takes a 2nd rope gordbuster from UG. UG and AJ get stereo pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Rocky knocks over AJ. Rocky hits punches and chops on him. AJ flying headscissors OC and superkicks Koji. AJ powerslams Koji then flapjacks OC onto Koji. AJ monkey flips Rocky. OC puts his hands in his pockets and does weak kicks to Vol. Vol kciks OC and tells Koji how to do a spot as he forgot LOL. Vol thwarts his opponents and headscissors Rocky out.

UG chops down Rocky then chops OC. UG takes a triple team. UG hits a double clothesline out of the corner. Koji hits a chop flurry on UG then Koji 2nd rope elbow drops Koji for 2. Koji ddt's UG then UG backdrops Koji. UG baseball slides Koji off the apron.

OC top rope plancha's UG. OC puts his hands in his pockets then flying headscissors and dropkicks UG. OC topes UG into the rails then AJ hits a double tope con hilo on UG and OC. Vol canadian destroyers Rocky and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like OC screwing around as usual but it works a little better if he's a heel. I cam buy a heel screwing around because that's something a heel might do. Koji forgetting his spot and Vol telling him what to do was one of the worst instances of breaking kayfabe that I have ever seen. I expected distaster here and they somehow made it work well enough, but it wasn't great.

4-Way Winners Advance Mask vs Mask Match - Esfinge vs Hechicero vs Valiente vs Euforia

They did a good job building this. Everyone fought each other for 1-2 months prior to this. Every match devolved into mask ripping wars and with many DQ'd. We also got multiple 3 and 4 person matches which are not common in CMLL.

Hech flies into the ropes and takes a wild bump then Val is thrown down by Euf. Esf superkicks Euf then Val springboards and armdrags Hech off the apron. Esf is irish whipped and does a tope then Val topes Hech. Val top rope diving headscissors Esf. Euf powerbombs Val for 2. Hech double leglocks Euf then rolls up Eesf. Val hurricanrana's Euf.

Esf is lariated over the top. Euf hits a tope con hilo on everyone but is caught and powerbombed on the floor. Esf hits kicks on Val. Esf tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Hech and Val. Val dropkicks Esf out. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers Val.

Hech is pulled out and takes a big bump over the top. Esf armdrags Euf. Esf monkey flips Hech then superkicks Euf. Esf springboards and is caught with double boots from Euf. We get a double pin spot for 2. Esf hits corkscrew kicks on people.

Euf superplexes Val for 2. Esf hangs over the top rope and Euf dropkicks him. Hech comes off the ropes and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Euf picks up Val and drops him on his knee. Euf powerslams Esf. Eesf figure fours and bridges Hech.

Esf powerslams Val for 2. Esf superkicks Euf. Esf is popped up into the buckles then Euf grounded dragon sleepers Esf. Esfinge is eliminated and Euforia stays in the match. 

Val drops Hech onto double knees. Val armdrags Euf then topes him into the rails. Hech does a wild triangle moonsault outside. Euf is lariated over the rail by Val. Val spinebusters Hech then spinning neckbreakers him for 2. Hech rolls Val into a grounded sleeper.

Val's submission on Hech is blocked. Val misses an asai moonsault and Hech does a sharpshooter with the arms tied up on Val. Valiente submits and is eliminated. Valiente leaves and Hechicero stays in the match. 

It's mask vs mask now - Hechicero vs Euforia. They trade chops and Hech dropkicks him. Hech springboard dropkicks Euf then hits a great suicide dive. Hech clubs on Euf on the rail then elbow drops him from the apron. Hech tries to dropkick Euf on the rails while Hech is on the apron and Hech misses.

Hech's arm is banged off the post. Euf rips up Hech's mask. Euf hits a big tope con hilo. Euf gets crotched on the top rope then Hech walks up the buckles and 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Hech step up knees him then takes a big powerbomb. Euf ripcord slams Hech then flapjacks him.

Euf is hit while on the 2nd rope and Hech does a nice springboard armdrag for 2. Hech lariats him and rips his mask up. Euf 2nd rope powerbombs Hech for 2. Hech rolls Euf around the ring with his legs for a 2 count. Euf corner meteora's Hech for 2. Hech counters a ripcoard slam and figure fours Euf. Euf ropebreaks then does a double arm submission to Hech off of it. Euf 2nd rope double underhook splexes Hech for 2.

Hech misses a corner charge. Euf backrolls him into a grounded dragon sleeper. Hech splashes Euf against the ropes. Hech and Euf trade punches. Hech headbutts him on the ropes. Euf blocks his 2nd rope hurricanrana and hits a 2nd rope powerbomb for 2. Euf hits wasteland on Hech and misses a top rope swanton. Hech headscissors drops him then rolls him into a crucifix + leg submission. Euforia submits. Hechicero is the winner and Euforia must unmask!

Mephisto and Soberano Jr. (his brother) come out to comfort Euforia and Hech celebrates in the crowd. Euforia talks on the mic and addresses Hechicero. Euforia takes off his mask and he kind of resembles Volador Jr.

Thoughts: I figured Hechicero was the least likely to get unmasked in this one and thought it could be a toss-up between Esfinge, Valiente and Euforia losing their mask. Euforia is basically a midcarder who does the job in various main events and he's a heel, so him losing wasn't shockign. This got a ton of time and was treated as the big deal it was supposed to be. Everyone except Val went all out here. Hech and Euf did a bunch of moves they don't normally do. This was not a WWE style match where two people sat out and watched the other two fight. Everyone was involved in this one. A little blood would have added onto this but it was done really well otherwise. CMLL doesn't do big dramatic matches like this often so when they do, it really feels special. This was really well done. I thought it was a great match and definitely one of the better matches of 2024.

Mistico vs Chris Jericho

1st Fall
- Big Bill is with Chris Jericho. They stall for a bit. CJ side headlocks him and shoulders him over. They trade armdrags and try to dropkick each other at the same time. CJ boots him and punches him. CJ then stands on Mist's head and CJ chops Mist. Mist talks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him down. Mist walks up the buckles then plancha's Big Bill outside.

Mist springboard planchas CJ twice. Mist flying headscissors CJ and CJ blocks his 619. CJ crabs him and Mist submits. Jericho wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - CJ sends Mist into the rails outside then backdrops him inside. CJ poses on him on a pin attempt and rips Mist's mask. CJ hits punches then chokes Mist on the ropes. They trade chops and Mist goes down. CJ misses a triangle dive then Mist topes him outside.

Mist tornillos him outside. Mist gets crotched up top. They fight on the buckles and CJ goes down. Mist top ropw swantons him then springboard splashes him. Mist gets the pin and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Big Bill chokeslams Mist on the apron right in front of the ref. CJ hits chops and forearms. CJ misses a corner splash and goes into the buckles. Mist then does a tornillo to nobody and lands on the floor. CJ suplexes him on the floor. CJ delayed suplexes him inside.

CJ hits punches on the buckles and hurricanrana's him off the top for 2. CJ hits chops. Mist spin kicks and superkicks him. CJ and Mist hit corner lariats then Mist powerslams him. CJ double underhook drops him then misse a lionsault. Mist rolls him up for 2.

CJ gets hits feet up on Mist's top rope moonsault then CJ sentons him for 2. Mist hits superkicks. Big Bill grabs Mist on the apron and Bill gets nailed by CJ on accident. Mist 619's CJ then goes for la mistica. CJ crabs him.

Mist springboards and CJ hits a codebreaker for 2. Mist does another la mistica that looks awful and taps out CJ to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. It was long and slow. CJ wasn't really able to keep up with Mist's lucha moveset and Mist had to move slower. The two la mistica attempts at the end looked really bad.

Big Bill attacks Mistico after. Jericho throws the ref out then slaps Mist while Big Bill holds him. Orange Cassidy then comes out to help and orange punches Big Bill. Mist dropkicks Bill off the buckles. OC and Mist shake hands after and OC puts his sunglasses on Mist.

Overall thoughts: It was a big show and CMLL pulled out all the stops here. Everyone put more effort in than usual and we got to see people do things they don't normally do. The mask match was the best thing on here which wasn't a shock. It was a great match and delivered. Mistico/Jericho was disappointing. Orange Cassidy's tag worked better than expected but there was a bad spot where Vol had to tell Kojima what to do on a spot right in front of the camera's. The 2nd match was good. The women's match was about average and Titan/Dorada disappointed. I did like this show overall and felt CMLL did everything they could to make this one special.

TNA Victory Road 2024 9/13/2024

TNA Victory Road 2024 9/13/2024

The Hardy Boyz vs First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro)

KC and Jeff shoulder battle. KC does Jeff's dance and Jeff hits jawbreakers. Jeff then does his own dance. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back and splashes KC. KC gets his arm banged off of Matt's shoulder then KC's head is banged off the buckles. AJ pulls Matt by the hair and trips him. Matt throws KC over the top onto AJ then dropkicks them through the ropes.

Matt is tripped into the ropes and KC dropkicks him there. Matt is sent into AJ's boot then AJ stands on him. AJ hits his running knee in the corner on Matt. AJ corner splashes and side slams Matt for 2. AJmisses a top rope swanton. Jeff gets in and hits shots on KC then sitout gordbusters him.

Jeff legdrops KC for 2. AJ grabs Jeff by the hair and hits a world's strongest slam. AJ gets caught up top and takes a double superplex. KC top rope splashes Jeff for 2. AJ takes a double ddt then a double lariat over the top. KC takes a stunner into a twist of fate. Matt hits a twist of fate on KC then Jeff top rope swantons KC to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent opener here with The Hardy's winning as expected. There was nothing great here but the crowd was happy and we got some highlights to start this show off.

X-Division Title - Zachary Wentz (c) vs Mike Bailey

Mike gets a pin attempt and legsweeps him then they stand off. Mike has new karate leather gi pants on. Mike trips him and hits a chest kick. Zach takes him down and pounds him. Mike misses a superkick then Zach superkicks him. Zack topes him then hits mounted punches.

Mike facekicks him off the apron and triangle moonsaults him. Zach hangs over the top rope and Mike springboard double kneedrops him. Mike does a figure four variation on Zach. Zach atomic drops him and legsweeps him. Mike rolls him up then Zach sunset flips him. Mike hits a kick combo.

Mike spin kicks and axe kicks him. Mike chest kicks him down. Mike misses a standing ssp but lands on his feet. Zach germans him. Zach hits a step up knee then rolls him into a PK. They both miss standing ssp's and high kick each other at the same time. 

They trade forearms. Zach offers to let Mike slap him then Mike tries to get Zach to slap instead. They literally stand there with their hands behind their back and look at each other. They then slap battle and Zach crossbodies him over the top. Zach slides out and Mike asai moonsaults him outside. Mike baseball slides under the bottom rope and Zach double stomps his back. Zach PK's him from the apron then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him.

Mike standing moonsault double knees him on the apron. Zach snapmare drivers him on the ramp. Zach does a top rope swanton and Mike gets his knees up. Mike PK's him and standing moonsault double knees him. Mike superkicks him. Zach 2nd rope cutters him for 2.

Mike sitout powerbombs him then hits a top rope ssp for 2. Mike misses ultimate weapon and Zach rolls him up then la magistrals him for 2. Zach then hits a flipping ddt. Mike reverse ddt's Zach. Zach pumping knees him then hits a snapmare driver for 2.

Zach superkicks him and Mike counters his UFO cutter with a backrcracker. Mike does a single arm electric chair driver and wins.

It was an awful match with them doing a bunch of dangerous stuff and not selling any of it. I do not get the logic at all of Mike winning the title, losing it to Zach and then winning it back. I don't think that helps either guy out.

The System talk. They say everything is bigger in Texas. Brian says they will become 2x tag champs. JDC welcomes himself to The System and says let's get weird. Moose calls Nemeth a blonde b!tch and says we are staring at the 4x TNA champ. Alisha says it will be tough to replace her but brings in Tasha Steelz. She says it's do or die tonight for Spitfire and says they die tonight.

Matt Cardona and Steph de Lander vs Rhino and PCO

Steph gets on the mic beforehand. She says she's proud to be in front of this crowd. She said her career has been full of ups and downs. She said the fans have been with her every step of the way. She says Matt and PCO need to sort this out as it is hurting her. She says other things hurt her though and says she needs neck surgery. She said she wakes up everyday in pain. She said she didn't want to let anyone down.

She said Matt has been a jerk lately but he's her best friend. She thanks Matt. Steph tells both men to stand up and figure this out without her. She says this isn't a reitrement speech and says she has more to give. She says thank you and see you later. She hugs PCO and they walk out together. Matt claps for them then kicks the ropes into Rhino's crotch as he goes to leave. Matt hits a leg lariat on Rhino and leaves him laying.

Thoughts: I have no idea what this was about. I didn't like Steph essentially blaming this thing on PCO and Matt when she's PCO's wife and she should be take his side over others always. It also wouldn't be a TNA PPV without a wrestler substitution or a match cancellation and we never ended up getting this match.

Gia Miller interviews Nic Nemeth. Nic says this is big. He said he wanted to go higher. He said him and Moose had one match and Moose kicked his @ss. He says he will defend his title proudly tonight. Nic says TNA is the place to be. He says Moose and The System go down tonight and says he walks out TNA champ.

TNA Knockouts Tag Title - Spitfire disbands if they lose - Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz (c) vs Spitfire

Dani blocks a headlock takeover then she misses a lariat. Jody boots Masha out of the corner. Jody hits corner lariats on Masha and flurries her. Jody exploders her. Dani slams Tasha then slams Jody onto her.

Tasha hits an enzugiri from the apron and Jody is suplexed by Masha. Tasha chops Masha up and hits shots in the corner. Tasha rolling snapmares her and PK's her for 2. Masha suplexes Jody. Tasha camel clutches Jody. Jody hits a tornado suplex on Tasha.

Dani gets in and hits lariats on Masha. Dani dropkicks her. Dani superplexes Tasha into the ring then she fallaway slams Masha into Tasha. Dani powerbombs Masha for 2. Tasha superkicks Jody then Masha germans Jody for 2. Masha northern lights bombs Jody.

Masha and Tasha are pushed into each other then they take moves from Spitfire. Masha takes a sitout powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

I didn't really buy into the storyline of Jody and Masha being forced to break up. It would have helped if they weren't fighting a makeshift team and if there was more of a storyline to lead up to this. I didn't think the match was anything special. 

Alisha Edwards yells at Masha after. She points a finger at her then Tasha saves Alisha by hitting a cutter on Masha. Tasha then pounds on Masha and Alisha poses with Tasha.

Hammerstone and Jake Something do a promo. They said their win on the pre-show was a statement. Hammer says Eric Young and Steve Maclin are two names on a long list. He says anyone who gets in their way will suffer the exact same thing. They then shove each other. 

Josh Alexander vs Joe Hendry

Joe gets on the mic beforehand. Joe says Josh doesn't think he has what it takes. Joe says he doesn't define himself by people like Josh. Joe says the people believe in Joe Hendry.

Josh takes him down, rides his back and paintbrush slaps him. Joe shoves him. Josh headscissors him and Joe kips up out of it. Josh side headlocks him they shoulder battle. Josh trips him then side headlocks him. Joe shoulders Josh out of the ring.

Joe hiptosses Josh then hits headbutts and euros. Josh corner spears him, goes up and over then Joe back elbows him. Joe stalling suplexes him for 2. Joe's arm is pulled down over the top rope and Josh crossbodies Joe's back on the apron.

Joe sunset flips Josh and Josh ankle locks him. Josh germans him. Josh guillotines him in mid-air and Joe suplexes him out of it. Josh shoulders and lariats Joe over. Josh misses a top rope dropkick. Joe fallway slams him then pop-up powerbombs him for 2. Joe drops him off his shoulders onto the floor outside.

Josh powerbomb backbreakers him for 2. Joe back body drops him and Josh is crotched up top. Joe 2nd rope fallaway slams him for 2. They trade shots. Joe chops him then Josh ankle locks him.

Josh hits forearms and Joe hiptosses him into the buckles. Joe mudhole stomps him. Joe is pushed into the ref then rolls and puts his own ankle lock on. Josh low blows him but Joe reveals he is wearing a cup with his face on it. Joe hits a standing ovation and ankle locks him. Joe then wins with the ankle lock.

Thoughts: It was a longer match. It was okay. I didn't like Josh tapping out to his own ankle lock. I'm glad they had Joe win here since he's so over. I thought this could have been a bit shorter.

TNA Tag Titles - ABC (c) vs The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers)

Brian and Bey lock up and Brian backs off. Brian side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Bey dropkicks him then armdrags him. Ace armlocks Brian. Ace rolls, trips Brian and kicks him. Ace then does la magistral and armdrags him with an armlock.

Brian takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. Eddie takes a kick combo to the head. Bey tope con hilos Eddie. Ace kicks Brian from the apron then Ace is pulled out by Eddie. Alisha Edwards distracts Bey. Bey tries to skin the cat to get in and Brian spears Bey during it.

Bey is drive into the apron edge and chopped by Eddie. Brian chokes Bey on the ropes then Alisha chokes Bey. Brian waistlocks Bey then knees him in the gut. Eddie backbreakers Bey.

Brian sleepers Bey and Bey jawbreakers out of it. Eddie is sent out. Bey goes for the tag and Eddie pulls Ace down to the floor. The crowd chants "stupid hair" and "shave it off" at Eddie. Eddie chops down Bey then hits mounted punches. Bey takes a powerbomb onto double knees for 2.

Eddie slams Bey. Bey hurricanrana's him for 2. Bey goes for the tag and Ace is pulled down. But he tags in anyway. Ace hits shots on Eddie then flying headscissors him. Ace russian legsweeps Brian then legdrops him. Ace helicopter kicks Edide and stomps his head into the mat.

Bey hits a double cody cutter off the buckles for 2. The heels take offense and Bey is thrown up but takes a blue thunder from Eddie. Bey is tripped by Alisha and takes a big spear from Brian. Eddie shining wizards Bey and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower match. The hot tag to Ace was not done well and the finish was not that exciting. It was just so-so for the most part as the faces never really got that big comeback in and the match never took off to another level. 

TNA Knockouts Title - Jordynne Grace (c) vs Wendy Choo

Grace hits a forearm flurry then flips her off the side slam. Grace buckingham drops her and ddt's her on the floor. Wendy STO's her on a pillow outside. Grace's family argues with Choo and takes the pillow away from her. grace then poses with her family.

Choo lays her on the middle rope and hits knees and kicks. choo snapmares her then twists her neck with her feet. Choo foot chokes her on the ropes then cartwheels into a forearm on her. Choo running boots her.

Grace ends up in tree of woe after getting hit on the buckles and Choo basement dropkicks her as she hangs. Grace bangs Choo's head off the buckles. Choo takes a euro while up top. Choo is on Grace's back and Grace rolls her down with both landing on the mat.

Grace slams her the hits a rolling death valley driver for 2. Grace uraken's her then hits a kudo driver for 2. Grace blocks a sunset flip off the buckles then Wendy 2nd rope belly to belly suplexes her. Choo brainbusters her for 2. Grace slaps her and hits a regalplex for 2.

Choo cobra clutches her then hits a straightjacket german. Choo half-nelson slams her then does a cobra clutch variation. Grace hits a big powerbomb and a made in Japan to win.

Thoughts: It went long and wasn't that interesting. There was just not great story here and it was hard to buy that Choo had any shot of winning this one.

Rosemary spears Grace after. Choo then puts her cobra clutch on Grace.

Santino Marella is in the back and his daughter Arianna Grace walks in. Santino is all happy and she said she told him to keep it professional. Santino says no shenanigans and calls her his little liason.

Frankie Kazarian comes out to do commentary.

TNA World Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Moose

Nic piefaces him and Moose hits corner spears. Nic pounds on him and hits a corner splash. Nic dropkicks him and hits corner punches. Moose powerbombs him off the corner punches. Moose then hits a sky high for 2 while Nic is on the buckles. Nic is sent shoulder first into the post.

Moose puts him in an abdominal stretch and Nic bites the hand. Moose dropkicks him. Moose takes a back body drop on the ramp. Moose uranages him. Moose chinlocks him.

Moose is pulled over the top and pump kicks Nic outside. Nic hurricanrana's Moose on the floor then Moose apron powerbombs him. Nic hits forearms and lariats Moose over the top. Nic goes with him. Moose is pushed into the post then takes a german on the floor. Nic is then powerbombed through a table. Moose spears the buckles when Nic moves. Nic superkicks and fameassers him for 2.

JDC and Alisha come down and distract Nic. Nic comes off the top and is caught, but gets on Moose's back for a sleeper. Moose throws him over by the hair and Nic superkicks him. Moose hits a rolling spear for 2.

Moose grabs the title belt and Mike Santana pulls it away from Moose. Mike and JDC fight to the back. Nic hits a danger zone for 2. Moose walks up the buckles and superplexes Nic. Moose holds on for a powerbomb and Nic hits a fameasser off of it. Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers pull the ref out on the count. The ref wants to DQ Moose and Nic tells him not to. Eddie and Brian are then ejected.

JBL then comes out and nails Brian and Eddie. Moose spinning lariats him and rolling spears him for 2. Nic hits lariats and a superkick. Moose headbutts him then Nic lariats him. Nic hits a superkick and a danger zone then Nic get the pin.

Thoughts: I though they did too much here with various moves on the floor and the apron and the various people interfering didn't really add anything to this one. I don't really understand the point of Moose losing here. I wasn't a big fan of this match and didn't like it much.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer and slower show. I didn't like the show that much. We had the usual match substitutions and cancellations that TNA always has on PPV's. Nothing was that great with maybe Hendry/Alexander or the opener being the best matches on here. The main wasn't that good as they did too much and too many people interfered. The tag title match disappointed, the women's match wasn't good and Bailey/Wentz was indy crap. I wouldn't recommend this.

Friday, September 13, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/13/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

This aired at 10:40PM due to SmackdownLowdown starting at 10PM. I hope this isn't a permanent thing as 10PM is late enough as is. They also picked a bad night do to it as there's a TNA PPV on and a big CMLL show with a 4-way mask match tonight.

Cutler James and Shiloh Hill vs Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon

UC = Uriah Connors, CJ = Cutler James

Kale shoulders Hill over. Kale flies at Hill and is caught and put in the corner. Hill hits corner spears then Kale takes a double back elbow. UC is tagged in and gets slammed by CJ. Hill tilt-a-whirl slamns UC then Kale nails Hill from behind. Kale backbreakers Hill. UC slingshot swantons Hill's back. Kale slingshot splashes Hill's back then UC does his slingshot swanton again.

Kale hits a nice corner lariat on Hill. UC trips Hill then sentons his back. Kale boots and kicks Hill. Kale knee drops Hill's back and pulls on his chin. Kale and Hill double clothesline each other. CJ and UC then get tagged in together.

CJ hits forearms on UC then corner spears him and Kale. CJ hits a double clothesline then wheelbarrow drops UC. Hill hits a twisting double underhook slam on Kale. UC is caught on a slingshot twisting crossbody and CJ slams him down to win it.

Thoughts: There was nothing wrong with this. It wasn't great or anything but everyone did what they were supposed to and there were no botches. I'd watch this one again.

Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright talk in the back. Grey says she's been down on herself and has to face an olympic gold medalist tonight. Bright tells her how good she is and says she has got this. Gre says she will use her amateur wrestling skills.

Tyra Mae Steele vs Kendal Grey

Tyra gives a fake medal to a fan. She then shows off her medal and two amateur wrestling titles. This should be a good amateur style match as both are amateur wrestlers.

Tyra rolls her then waistlock takedowns her. Tyra rolls her around then waistlock takedowns her. Grey takes her down then Tyra hits a nice fireamn's carry. Grey cartwheels out of a fireman's carry and gives Tyra one. Grey does a nice rolling armbar.

Tyra deadlifts her from the armbar and slams her down. Tyra hits boots to the gut and suplexes her for 2. Tyra does a bow and arrow variation on her. Tyra then rolls her into an stf variation. Grey takes Tyra down with an arm across the throat and belly to belly suplexes her for 2.

Grey is caught off the 2nd rope then takes snake eyes. Tyra pounces/throws her for 2. Tyra does a nasty looking dragon sleeper. Grey flips out of it and pins her.

Thoughts: The ending was nice here. The two matched up pretty well and their amateur wrestling was good. I wish they would have focused on that more as we don't see the women do that a lot. This went pretty well and both girls looked decent.

Niko Vance aka Skylar Clinton is interviewed. He said his debut is long overdo. He says he's been quiet for too long and it ends now. He says he was a former D1 football player until he got kicked off the team for fighting. He says he doesn't care about Luca Crusifino having his family in the corner. He says he's tired of wasting his time talking and says he will just show us.

Luca Crusifino vs Niko Vance

Niko debuted last week on WWE Main Event as Skylor Clinton, so this is not his TV debut.

Niko side headlocks him. Luca crossbodies him then arm throws him. Luca bangs Niko's hand off the mat and Niko hits corner spears. Luca crossbodies him and Niko rolls through it. Niko rams his back into the buckles then Niko hits knees in the corner.

Niko lariats him for 2. Niko hits knees to the gut and germans him for 2. Niko headcranks him. Niko hits a flying headbutt to the chest. Luca cradles him then hits a stunner. Luca neckbreakers him.

They trade punches and Luca hits running forearms. Luca hits a running shoulerblock then running euros him in the corner. Luca superkicks him. Niko goes for a flying headbutt and runs into a codebreaker. Luca gets the win.

Thoughts: The match was just average but I like Niko. He's big. He looks and acts tough and he's alright in the ring. He reminds me of Bron Breakker and I wouldn't be shocked to see them go at it someday if Niko sticks around.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. The women's match was the best thing on the shower. The opener and main were both average but both were unoffensive. I wouldn't recommend this.

WWE Smackdown 9/13/2024

WWE Smackdown 9/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

This is the first episode of Smackdown on USA. Michael Cole and Corey Graves are on commentary. SD has a new logo with the S and D kind of combining, though it looks more like an S.

Triple H is in the ring. He said he remembers being on the first episode of this show going 1v1 with The Rock. He says there's no better way to start this off than Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa in a cage.

WWE Undisputed Title - Steel Cage Match - Cody Rhodes (c) vs Solo Sikoa

Cody hits punches and drop down punches. Solo uppercuts him then Cody hits a bulldog. Solo is thrown into the cage headfirst. Cody is back body dropped into the cage and takes a hard ride down. Solo splashes Cody against the cage then hip attacks him against it. Cody is put in tree of woe and Solo headbutts him as he hangs.

Solo misses a headbutt and Cody climbs the cage. Cody is pulled down. Solo hits kicks then sends Cody into the cage. Cody is busted open and Solo hits headbutts on the cut. Cody springboards and is powerbombed into the cage. Cody climbs the cage and hits a diving cody cutter off of it.

Cody is pulled off the ropes and Solo hits another headbutt. Solo's head is banged off the Cage and Cody takes a bad looking suplex off the cage. Solo uranages him twice. Cody hits punches and disaster kicks him. Cody then hit a cody cutter for 2. Solo hits a corner hip attack and a samoan drop.

Solo hits a top rope splash for 2. Solo his another corner hip attack near the door. Cody goes half out of the ring and Solo pulls him back in. Cody hits a cross rhodes for 2. Cody gets on top of the cage and dives on him. Cody tries to go out through the door and Solo swings the door at his head. Cody hits a cross rhodes and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer cage match. Cody took some big bumps here and ended up winning as expected. I didn't think the finishing stretch was as good as it could have been here. Solo could have used some bigger offensive moves. It was fine but not a classic.

The Bloodline climb the cage. Solo samoan spikes cody and Cody takes a group beating. Fatu moonsaults Cody. Fatu climbs the cage then Roman Reigns' music hits. Roman comes out.

Roman locks himself in the cage and beats up on Bloodline. Tama and Loa are sent into the cage. Solo nails Roman from behind. Roman superman punches Solo then Fatu pulls Solo out.

Roman dares Jacob Fatu to get in. Fatu does and closes the door. Solo then pulls Fatu out and closes the cage door. Tama and Loa then beat up Roman. Cody saves Roman and hits a cross rhodes. Roman then hits a spear. Solo says Roman isn't the chief from the outside and points at Cody and Roman. Roman and Cody stare down.

Cathy Kelly interviews Nick Aldis. Nick says Cody, Roman and Bloodline have been put in their dressing rooms. Nick says Solo has a challenge for a match that no one will turn down. Aldis says the night is far from over.

Michin vs Piper Niven

Mich flurries her and Piper is sent out. Mich topes her. Chelsea Green yells at Mich and is tope'd. Mich hits a kendo stick shot on Green then Piper cannonballs Mich off the apron. Piper takes a 2nd rope backdrop. Mich hits a soul foot for the win.

Thoughts: This was short and I didn't like Piper being beaten so easily.

Green attacks Mich after and Piper sentons her. Green throws a trash can in and hits an unprettier on Mich on it. 

Rob Van Dam, Vickie Guerrero, Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser are in the crowd.

A-Town Down Under vs Kevin Owens and Randy Orton

KO has a mystery partner. He brings out a rather unmenacing wrestler and says his actual partner couldn't make it. He says "that's Ricky and that's my partner". A production assistant says KO's partner is here. KO then stunners Ricky.

Theory mocks Orton's pose and Orton takes forever to enter. KO clubs and stomps on Waller then Waller is pulled out by Theory. Orton lariats Theory. Waller's head is banged off the commentary table then Theory is sent into the table. Waller lariats KO then backdrops him onto the table.

We go to PiP break and return. KO atomic drops Theory then lariats him. KO and Waller fight up top and KO hits headbutts. KO hits a top rope swanton on Theory. KO takes a double suplex for 2. Waller slides out and gets his head banged off the commentary table. Theory is sent over the top.

KO fights off the double team in the corner. KO runs around the ring, slides in and tag Orton. Orton powerslams Waller and Theory. Orton backdrops both on the commentary table.

KO and Orton hit stereo bridging ddt's on the heels. KO and Orton hit a stunner and RKO and get the win.

Thoughts: I feel like we've seen this a million times already. KO's team won as expected. The stuff with Ricky was stupid with KO beating up someone who was willing to help him after he pulled all that babyface stuff with Cody. The match was just average.

Aldis is interviewed in the back and says he has set up Fatu and Solo vs Cody and Roman. Cody Rhodes comes in. He says he's done with The Bloodline. He says The Bloodline is Roman's problem and he has no intention of signing the contract for that match. 

We see Nia Jax, Tiffany Stratton and Pretty Deadly at a fish market.

Nia Jax talks in the ring. She says every woman in the locker room fears her and has reason to. She said she was told by Nick Aldis she is defending her title at Bad Blood. She says she doesn't care who her opponent is as she will annihilate them.

Bayley comes out. Nia tells her she runs the women's division and doesn't need a posse like she did with Damage Ctrl to do it. Bayley asks what she's doing with Tiffy then. She said she didn't need Damage Ctrl's help to win the title but says Nia did. She asks where her and Tiff are at.

Tiffany Stratton comes out and joins the argument. Tiff accidentally blames Nia for a loss and Bayley stirs the pot. Naomi comes out. She says she won't let Nia and Tiff attack Bayley. Naomi says it's been a while since she held a title but it's time she does it again. She says Nia has a big mouth and challenges her to a match. Nia says Naomi and Bayley should have a match to see her faces her at Bad Blood. Bayley thinks she means a triple threat. Nia says the winner of a Nia/Tiff vs Bayley/Naomi tag match should get the title shot at Bad Blood. Nia says whoever loses should leave SD permanently. Tiffy says "toodles". Bayley makes a remark. Tiff goes to attack the faces and Naomi hits a hip attack.

Cathy Kelly talks to Nick Aldis. Nick says Roman wants the address the situation in the ring after this match.

We see Damian Priest, Ron Simmons, Teddy Long, William Regal, and Bobby Roode in the crowd.  

Carmelo Hayes vs Andrade

Melo hits him from behind and pounds on him before he gets his jacket off. Melo chops him then is sent to the floor. Andrade 2nd rope moonsaults him. Melo misses a jump off the rails and takes a facekick. They fight on the rail outside and Andrade does a stupid flipping russian legsweep to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. They roll each other up. Melo codebreakers him and Andrade hits a spinning back elbow. Melo gets his knees up on a moonsault into a standing moonsault then Melo hits a la mistica drop on him.

Andrade hits a canadian destroyer and a corner meteora for 2. Andrade hits a 2nd rope twisting double underhook ddt and wins it.

Thoughts: I didn't like their prior encounters and this was just more of the same. They did too much here as usual and that flipping russian legsweep spot on the floor was so stupid.

LA Knight comes out after. LA says according to Aldis, Andrade is the next US Title challenger. He says he gets a first class ticket to getting dropped on his head next week.  

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill are interviewed. They say they got the tag titles back and invite anyone to come apply for a title shot. Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton walk in. Nia says if Naomi sticks her nose in her business again, something bad will happen. Nia says she beat both of them to become the champ and says SD is her kingdom.

Roman Reigns and Nick Aldis are in the ring. Roman says he doesn't need a partner or a contract and says this is family business. He says he's The Tribal Chief whether he has the necklace or not. He says he's the only tribal chief. Roman says this is his show and his WWE.

Cody objects to Roman saying "your WWE". He says it was his WWE but it hasn't been since Wrestlemania. Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu come out. Loa and Tama attack Roman and Cody from behind. Cody hits a cody cutter on Loa. Roman uranage's Tama. Roman sings the contract. Cody then asks for the contract and signs it.

Thoughts: This had a predictable ending to it and Cody officially signing a contract to team with Roman isn't exactly the most exciting end to a show.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing really new on this show. We saw almost all of this already in some fashion aside from Michin vs Piper, which was short. The ending wasn't that exciting either and it really did peak with the cage match. I was surprised Logan Paul was not on this one. I wouldn't recommend this.

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 9/5/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 9/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

Angelito, Kaligua and Pequeno Magia vs Pequeno Olimpico, Pequeno Violecia and Pierrothito

Kal shoulder throws Vio. They wrestle on the mat and stare down when they get up. Vio armdrags him twice and poses. Kal trips Vio and pulls on his legs. Kal armdrag shim and they stand off again. Pier and Angel get in. Pier trips him and they roll on the mat. Angel does kip ups and kip downs. Piert wristlocks him, Angel flips through it and armdrags him. Angel tiger feints him on the ropes and handstand walks out of an armdrag. Angel standing moonsaults him and they stand off.

Magia and Olim go at it. Olim throws him then lariats him. Olim hits a running boot. Magia hiptosses him and dropkicks him out. Magi goes after him and gets triple teamed by the rudos outside. Back inside, Pier hits wasteland. Kal takes sentons from all 3 heels.

Angel gets triple teamed with boots and chops. Angel is bridged on the top rope and Vio dropkicks him in the butt. Magia gets hit from behind by the heels then is double hiptossed into a triple powerbomb.

Angelo chops Kal then Kal flying headscissors Pier. Kal goes up and over Olim then flips out of the corner. Kal kicks the buckle against Olim's head then flying headscissors him out. Magia and Pier go at it. Magia armdrags him off a hiptoss into the ropes. Vio and Angel get it. Angel flips over his back. Vio hits Pier on a fialed double team then Angel is popped up into a headscissors on Pier. Magia is popped up into a double dropkick then Magia and Angel hit stereo tope con hilos.

Kal springboard tornillos Pier then rolls him into a double armbar and leglock submission. Kal the gets the win.

Thoughts: It was average here with no one doing anything too wild. He really only 2 dives here and the finish was kind of sudden.

El Hijo de Pantera, Star Black and Volcano vs Akuma, Felino Jr. and Kraneo


1st Fall - Fel and Pant start us off. Pant walks the ropes then headflips away from Fel. Fel wristlocks him and turns it into a kimura. Pant back body drops him and Fel ties his arms up. Pant surfs Fel's back then Fel rolls Pant. Pant headstand headscissors him down twice. Pant armdrags him off the casador and they stand off.

Fel armlocks him and takes him down. Pant flips out of it using the ropes then is put back in it. Pant snapmares him then Fel back elbows him. Pant walks up to the 2nd rope then rolls off. Star and Akuma get in. Akuma slingshots in then headflips. Star hits a reverse headbutt then its two armdrags. Akuma armdrags him and trips him. Star armdrags him out then Kraneo and Vol get in.

Kraneo shoulders vol over then stomps him with Mije, the mascot. Krane hits spears to Vol's gut and Vol rolls him up. Vol rolls Krane intyo a pin attempt. Pant is thrown into the rails. Star gets double teamed in the ring. Akuma hits corner lariats on Star then Fel superkicks Star. Krane corner hip attacks Star.

Pant is held for a chop from Fel. Pant takes a double back elbow then is thrown into a Krane bodyblock. Krane splashes him then Fel la magistral's Pant and pins him.

Akuma strike combos Vol then Vol takes a double suplex. Krane butt drops Vol while holding Mije and pins Vol. Kraneo's team wins the 1st fall.

2nd Fall - Vol gets double teamed. Fel corner lariats Vol. Akuma slams down Vol then Krane splashes Vol for 2. Vol hits double boots out of the corner and is monkey flipped, then hits a double lariat off of it. Pant springboard headscissors Akuma then tope con hilos Fel. Star reverse tope's Akuma off the top and pins him. Star Black's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol hiptosses Akuma. Krane bodyblocks his partner out on accident then Vol armdrags Krane out. Vol slams Fel and elbow drops him. Vol legdrops Fel and Fel goes out. Pant and Akuma fight. Pant step up headscissors him then Fel superkicks Pant. Pant goes up and over Fel then tope con hilos Akuma through the ropes in the corner. Pant top rope crossbodies Fel then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him.

Star and Krane fight. Star side headlocks him, jumping shoulders him then flips over him when he's down. Star slides under his legs and dropkicks him. Star dropkicks Fel out. Star springboard tornillos Akuma then handsprings and backflips into a reverse headbutt on Akuma. Star tope con hilos Akuma outside.

Vol slams Krane. Fel misses an elbow drop then Pant springboard splashes Krane and Fel. Vol then splashes them all and Volcano's team gets a double pin to win the fall and match.

I didn't like Mije being allowed to be in the ring during the pin here (after being part of an attack) as that's obviously cheating. Other than that, it was a decent little match here. Vol impressed some as usual and Star did some nice flying.

Atlantis Jr. vs Davey Boy Smith Jr.

AJ = Atlantis Jr.

1st Fall - They lock up and DBS shoves him off. DBS wristlocks him and AJ trips him. DBS armbars him then takes him over by the arm. AJ snapmares him. They shoulderblock battle then AJ flying shoulders him over. They go out of the ring and DBS rams him into the apron. DBS slams AJ on the floor.

DBS stomps him then walks on him inside the ring. DBS slams him then sharpshooters him. AJ taps out and DBS wins the fall.

2nd Fall - DBS takes him down then bangs AJ's foot off the mat. DBS surfboards AJ. AJ does a pin off of it. AJ hits some shots then DBS boots him in the gut. DBS stf's him and AJ ropebreaks. DBS stomps him then goes to rip the mask. KeMalito jumps on DBS to try and break it. The ref doesn't care and DBS boots KeMalito out. AJ then rolls up DBS and pins him. Atlantis Jr. wins the fall.

3rd Fall - DBS bangs AJ's knees into the mat. AJ back body drops him then dropkicks him. AJ topes him outside. AJ top rope crossbodies him inside the ring for 2. DBS is back body dropped on the ramp into the ring. AJ dropkicks him off the buckles then KeMalito vader bombs DBS.

DBS ddt's him then AJ suplexes him for 2. DBS powerslams AJ for 2. DBS sitout powerbombs him for 2. AJ cradles him for 2. AJ goes up and over then powerslams DBS. AJ top rope splashes DBS on the chest then on the back. Atlantis Jr. then pins him and wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: I didn't like all the interference from KeMalito, especially with Atlantis being a face. It's one thing when heels do it, but he wasn't the heel here. It was an average match otherwise. It wasn't awful but it was certainly not some great main event match.

Overall thoughts: The 1st match was okay but basic. The 2nd match was good with Star Black and Volcano having good showings. The main was average. It was a decent show overall but not must see.

TNA Impact 9/12/2024

TNA Impact 9/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are in Louisville, Kentucky tonight.

Steve Maclin vs Hammerstone

They lock up. Hammer side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Hammer hits shots in the corner. Steve hits chops in the corner. Steve back elbows him. Steve lariats Hammer for 2. Hammer hits shots in the corner then hits corner spears. Hammer spinebusters him. Hammer chokes him on the ropes.

Hammer hits knees to the gut then backdrops him for 2. Hammer germans him. Steve hits forearms then uranage backbreakers him. Steve does his crosshairs spear for 2. Hammer powerslams him then Steve lariats him over the top. Steve topes him. Hammer 2nd rope belly to belly suplexes him. 

Hammer hits a single leg dropkick then Steve rolls him up to win.

Thoughts: The crowd didn't care about this at all and was totally dead. That completely killed the match. I didn't like Hammer losing here and I really don't get what the play is with him.

Hammer attacks Steve and torture racks him after. Eric Young comes out and stops Hammer. Jake Something comes out and stares down Hammer. They seem to have a partnership set up.

The System does a promo. Eddie says people were hoping for a system failure but they got a system reboot. Brian says they will annihilate The Hardy's. JDC says they are hungry. Moose says all of them will win at the PPV. Eddie says it starts with The System tonight.

Steve Maclin does a promo. He talks about Eric Young. Eric comes in. Steve says there's not enough people in the business like him. He thanks him. He said he has nothing but respect. Eric says if Hammer and Jake want to get in their business, they will show it's not about the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog. Eric says they will see them at Victory Road. 

I won't be covering the Heather Reckless match. 

We get a video from the wrestler formerly known as Xia Li from WWE. She has a fire going and says fire is her belief that guides her through darkness. We are then told she's coming soon.

Matt Cardona comes out and brings Steph De Lander out with him. She's not happy.

Steph goes to talk and Matt says he does the talking about here. Matt says Santino has it out for him after he came back from a life threatening injury. He complains about Santino trying to make him fight Rhino and PCO. He says this is an unsafe working environment. He said he can find his own partner though and said he found the most dangerous monster there is....Steph De Lander.

Matt tells her no funny business at Victory Road and don't try to help your husband. He says no Fingerpoke of Doom. He says he will send her back to Australia if she doesn't do what he says.

PCO comes out. Matt uses Steph as a shield. Steph low bows him and PCO chokeslams Matt.

Thoughts: The Matt/Steph vs PCO/Rhino match does sound interesting but I won't watch it due to it being an intergender match.

Spitfire talk in the back. Jody says it was a heck of an offer that she made for the tag title match. Gia Miller walks in and talks about it. Jody says coming up from the bottom is where they come from. Dani says this isn't it and won't be it. Dani says maybe they need everything on the line to have the heart and prove they can do it. They say it's do or die. 

Tornado Tag Match - ABC vs First Class (KC Navarro and AJ Francis)

They talk trash in the ring and AJ takes a kick from Ace. KC is lariated over the top. AJ picks up Ace for a powerbomb but Ace hurricanrana's AJ over the top. Ace superkicks KC from the apron and Bey tope con hilos AJ. Ace double stomps AJ off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. First Class is in control and AJ running knees Bey and Ace in the corner. KC wraps around the post to kick Bey then dropkicks his body into the post. KC double stomps Bey off the apron. KC is popped up into a splash on Ace.

AJ powerbombs KC onto Ace. Bey pulls AJ's throat down over the top rope. Bey top rope diving lariats KC. Ace corner lariats AJ then AJ takes a double kick in the corner. KC takes a brainbuster + headkick combo for 2. AJ takes a double knee to the face then AJ is double suplexed. KC cradles Bey for 2.

AJ catches Bey's back springboard. AJ goes for a chokeslam and takes a cutter. Ace hits the fold on AJ and AJ takes a double pin.

Thoughts: There wasn't a great feud behind it and it just a tag match without any tags. That hurt a lot of the momentum as did the bad crowd who didn't really care all that match.  The work wasn't bad but this match didn't really do the stipulation justice.

We get a video on Jonathan Gresham. They talk about his biggest battle happening behind the mask. They say with the shedding of the mask, there's a rebirth. He says the battle is far from over though and it's one day at a time.

Gresham is what he is without the octopus gimmick. They seemed to have dropped the gimmick and while it wasn't perfect, I think it's a mistake to drop it. The guy needs more color than just doing a technical wrestling gimmick and it's hard to see him getting far just as himself again. 

Joe Hendry comes out to talk. He says he lives by "say his name and he appears" and he wants to know if Josh Alexander lives by it too. He says he is calling him out. Josh is in the crowd and said he'd love to, but he fears for his safety. Josh says, "go on funny man, make me laugh". Joe says he has a video called, "The Josh Alexander Story".

Joe sings about Josh in the video. He said he was champ but never saw Josh smile. He says he looks like Jessie Pinkman and Walter White. Josh says he has nothing to smile about because of Joe and says he should be the one in NXT.

Josh said he did everything the right way, working with and training with the best but Joe is standing here because he has funny videos. He said he didn't earn it. Josh says Joe won't get to see him smile. Joe says it seems like he's upset. He says Josh is mad they aren't chanting "Walking Weapon" and Joe said he saw a sign that said, "Walking Weiner". The fan then holds up that sign and we get a "Walking Weiner" chant.

Josh says Joe dug his grave a little deeper and he says he will beat him once and for all so fans can see what a real wrestler is like. Joe says Josh thinks he's the only one who has traveled the world and he says he has traveled the world too. Joe says the fans say he can beat him and say she will at Victory Road.

It was a good segment. The feud makes a lot of sense and probably does reflect reality to some degree and those kinds of feuds are best. Anyone would kind of feel bad if they were in Josh's position where they were the top dog at a company and someone else is getting shots over them.

Jordynne Grace talks to Arianna Grace in the back. JG says she and Karmen is welcome here but Wendy Choo is not welcome here. AG says Wendy is not welcome here. She says she wants NXT and TNA to get along perfectly. She says she promises nothing will happen to JG at Victory Road. JG says promises mean something around here. AG wants to do a pinky swear and JG says not to do it here.

Mike Santana does a promo. He says everyone likes to list their accomplishments, but everyone here knows what he has done. He says he is coming for the world title and says his sights are set on Victory Road. He says Nic Nemeth has done a good job and says he hopes Moose wins the title. He says it will just be another thing he takes from Moose and says he wants him to suffer.

George Iceman is in the ring. I think he says this city is the fattest city in the world and says that's why there's so many fat, ugly, fried-chicken eating degenerates in one building. He tells us to show respect for the most gorgeous woman, Ash By Elegance.

Ash By Elegance vs Xia Brookside

They lock up. Ash waistlock takedowns her and piefaces her. Xia trips her and does her own piefaces. Xia headscissors and dropkicks her. Xia crossbodies her for 2.

Ash misses a buttdrop and Xia crucifixes her for 2. George trips Xia and Ash gets a 2 count off of it. Ash spanks her then suplexes her for 2. Ash misses a corner charge and Xia hits lariats. Xia does a flying octopus and russian legsweeps her. Ash is pulled into the buckles and Xia meteora's her in the back of the neck against the buckles. George distracts Xia.

Xia misses the meteora in the corner then Heather Reckless pulls Xia into the post. Ash then pins Xia.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. These girls are not the most athletic or skilled wrestlers and the shenanigans didn't help things. 

Nic Nemeth talks about Moose. He said Moose had his chance and blew it. He said instead of begging him for a match, he went to social media and complained to Triple H, Shawn Michaels and John Cena. Nic says words don't hurt him but he thinks they hurt Moose. He says he has been in the ring with Moose's heroes. He says there is only one way to go when they get to victory road - that's to get in the ring and watch Nic hit him in the face. Nic says one man gets the victory at Victory Road and it's your fighting TNA champ. He says all Moose gets is the road.

Thoughts: It was a clever play on words, but I didn't see the tweet he mentioned and have no idea what he was talking about. They should have showed it.

Ash By Elegance complains to George Iceman in the back. She says her lipstick and eyeliner are messed up. She says Heather Reckless in her mirror. George says he likes what Heather did but doesn't know her. He said he doesn't like what she's wearing. Ash says everyone wants to be like her and look like her, but someone helping her, is something different. George gives Heather his card for a personal makeover. Heather seems interested.

The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) vs. The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards)

Brian and Matt start us off with a lock-up. The fans chant "Happy Birthday" to Jeff Hardy. Matt shoulders Brian over then bangs his arm off his shoulder. Jeff hits Eddie's arm off the buckles.

Matt hits shots on both opponents. Eddie chops Matt up then Matt hits a running back elbow. Matt catapults Eddie's neck into the ropes. Eddie stomps Jeff and bangs his head off the buckles. Brian misses a corner splash. Eddie is sent into him. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back and splashes both in the corner. The System then take stereo lariats over the top.

Jeff double lariats The System off the apron. Brian stomps on Jeff then elbow drops him. We go to PiP break and return. Brian stomps on Jeff. Jeff jawbreakrs Brian and Matt back elbows Brian. Jeff bangs Brian's head off the buckles then corner lariats him. Matt hits a side effect then 2nd rope elbow drops him for 2.

Eddie hides behind Alisha outside and Brian dropkicks Matt through the ropes. Eddie chops and headbutts Matt outside. Matt is thrown in and Eddie hits mounted shots. Brian russian legsweeps Matt for 2. Brian distracts the ref and prevents Matt from possibly tagging out. Brian sleepers Matt. Brian backdrops Matt.

Matt neckbreakers Brian. Jeff and Eddie get in. Jeff hits shots on Eddie then neckbreakers him. Jeff lariats and back elbows Eddie. He atomic drops him then legdrops him in the crotch. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on Brian then hits a twist of fate on Eddie.

Brian spears Jeff and Eddie gets a 2 count off of it. Matt hits a twist of fate on Brian while Brian sits on top. Jeff and Matt hit twists of fate on Eddie. Jeff top rope swantons Eddie and gets the pin.

It was longer and it was an okay tag match here. There was nothing great about it but it your standard traditional tag with the faces winning. I was fine with it though it could have been a little shorter.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual TNA show that was average to okay. The crowd didn't cheer much outside of The Hardy's match which brought down everything. I didn't love anything on here and really wouldn't recommend it.

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/11/2024 Road to Destruction 2024 Day 4

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/11/2024 Road to Destruction 2024 Day 4

The last show is here:

Daiki Nagai vs. Masatora Yasuda

They go to the mat and get up. Masa side headlocks him and is tripped into a side headlock. Nagai fireman's carries him and wristlocks him. Masa reveres it. Nagai puts the hammerlock on, trips him and does another wristlock. Masa headscissors him.

Masa eventually takes him down and works the foot. Nagai side headlocks him and snapmares him. Masa side headlocks him. Nagai shoulders him over and does an AT lock. Masa ropebreaks. They trade forearms and Nagai rolls him into an armlock. Nagai kimura's him and Masa ropebreaks. They trade forearms.

Masa slams him then hits a dropkick for 2. Masa hits another dropkick then crabs him. They then go to another 10 minute draw.

Thoughts: It was basically the same match with the same result that we saw the last two days. They did the usual young lions moveset and it was fine for what it was but not much more.

They slap each other after.

They have a ceremony for Kuniaki Kobayashi, who passed away this week. 

Tiger Mask & Tomoaki Honma vs. Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato

KM = Katsuya Murashima

The young lions hit dropkicks to start then double shoulder Tiger over. Honma takes a double hiptoss and KM boots him. Honma throws him over by the foot and chops him. KM flying forearms him then running shoulders him over.

KM hits forearms and chest chops. Honma shoulders him over. Tiger hits kicks to KM's back. Tiger snapmares him and pulls his arms back. They trade slaps and KM goes down. KM fights back with forearms. Honma single leg crabs him and stomps him.

Tiger double knee drops KM. KM hits slaps and a dropkick. Kato gets in and shoulders over Tiger. Kato hits forearms on Tiger then flying forearms him for 2. Kato rolls him up then Tiger armbars him. Kato hits shots on his opponents. Tiger spin kicks and headkicks him. Honma hits a falling headbutt drop on Kato then Tiger tiger suplexes Kato for the win.

Thoughts: It was your usual vets vs rookies match. The rookies lost as expected and didn't get a ton in on this one.

Tiger gets on the mic after.

TAKA Michinoku vs. Francesco Akira

Akira wristlocks him. Taka headlock takeovers him, is put in a headscissors and they stand off. Taka side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Akira hits armdrags and a dropkick. Akira is thrown off the top and Taka running knees him.

Akira hits chest chops and Taka eye pokes him. Taka hits shots to the throat and side headlocks him. Taka headlock takeovers him and headscissors him. Taka then kimura's him while using the hold and Akira ropebreaks.

Taka step up knees Akira in the corner then does just facelock. Taka snapmares him then Akira flying knees him. Akira makes Taka poke himself in the eye and rolls him up for 2. Akira flying headscissors him then plancha's him outside. Akira top rope crossbodies him for 2 then buzzsaw kicks him for 2.

Akira misses a meteora to the back of the head and Taka is rolled up off his facelock attempt. They try pins on each other. Taka slaps him then Akira michinoku drivers him for 2. Akira meteora's him in the back of the head and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Akira using the michinoku driver on Taka and them keeping things competitive.

TMDK (Kosei Fujita & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA & Taichi)

KF = Kosei Fujita

We haven't seen a lot of Sanada or Taichi lately. Zack and Taichi start us off. They lock up and Taichi clean breaks him. They trade facekicks. Zack euros him, Taichi misses a headkick and they stand off. Zack bows at him and they both tag out.

KF and Sanada go at it. KF chops him on the ropes but Sanada clean breaks him. KF chops him for it and hits more chops. Sanada dropkicks him in the knee then KF flying kicks him. KF PK's him for 2. Sanada pulls KF over the top then dropkicks him off the apron.

KF is thrown into the rails. Sanada stomps KF and Taichi hits kicks to KF's back. KF chops him and Taichi kicks him in the chest. They trade spin kicks and KF germans him.

Sanada side headlock takeovers Zack and Zack twists his neck with his feet. Zack backslides him and twists his neck again. Zack underhook suplexes him and dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Zack euros him and takes a dropkick to the knee. Sanada magic screws him.

Sanada dragon screws him then hits a shining wizard. Zack does an octopus to him and Taichi breaks it up. KF springboard dropkicks Taichi. Zack and Sanada trade euros. Zack backslides him for 2 then Sanada hits a deadfall ddt to win.

Thoughts: I didn't get having Sanada beat Zack here. You wouldn't expect that after Zack won the G1. And Sanada isn't exactly booked that strong usually. I just thought it was average outside of the finish.

Sanada gets on the mic after. He said Zack beat him in his hometown and says he wants to beat Zack in his hometown.

Be-Bop Tag Team (Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano), Oleg Boltin, Ryusuke Taguchi & Shota Umino vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL, SHO, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi)

Evil boots and side headlocks Tana. Tana side headlocks him and they pull each other's hair. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Sho and Shota gets in. Kanemaru nails Shota from the apron then Yano nails Sho from the apron. Shota dropkicks him. Shota fisherman suplexes him.

Yano gets in, hiptosses Sho and takes a turnbuckle pad off. Yano gets thrown into the exposed buckle and the heels beat up on the faces. Sho chokes Yano then Kanemaru footchokes Yano. Kanemaru basement dropkicks him then Yano's head is banged off of Yujiro's boot. Yano's head is banged off the exposed buckle and he is then rammed into it.

Yujiro facekicks Yano on the ropes then Yano atomic drops him. Oleg gets in and is double teamed by the heels. He is thrown into the exposed buckle but does a double shoulderblock. Oleg splashes Yujiro for 2. Yujiro baseball slides Oleg. Togo chops and eye pokes Oleg. Togo is caught off the 2nd rope and suplexed.

Taguchi gets in and misses a hip attack when Togo moves. Taguchi takes corner attacks then takes a 2nd rope chop to the crotch for 2. Everyone gets in and hits moves with Yujiro using a cane on people. Tana dragon screws 2 people then slingblades Togo. Taguchi hip attacks Togo then ankle locks him. Kanemaru spits whiskey in Taguchi's eyes then Taguchi takes a magic killer. Togo pins Taguchi.

It was a nothing match with HoT cheating and eventually picking up the win.

CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay, Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee)

DF = David Finlay

DF and Yoshi go at it. DF backs him up on the ropes then Yoshi shoulders him over. DF hits corner spears then him and Gabe boot flurry Yoshi. Gabe takes a double shoulderblock and Ishii hits a shoulderblock sending DF out. Ishii and Gabe trade chops.

Ishii's neck is pulled down over the top rope and Gabe facekicks him. Jake slams Ishii. DF backbreakers Ishii then corner euros him. Ishii shoulders over DF. Yoshi shoulders over DF then running headhunters him. Yoshi ddt's DF for 2.

Yoshi and DF trade forearms. DF uranage backbreakers him. Goto spinning heel kicks Gabe in the corner then backdrops him. Gabe and Goto trade shots and Goto lariats him. Goto suplexes him and wins.

I think Gabe was legit knocked out here and didn't kick out. It was clear this was not supposed to be the finish. I think Jake may have gotten hurt at some point here too as he was down on the floor holding his leg after getting knocked off the apron and later was reveled to be injured. This was obviously a disaster and the match wasn't much of note.

DF and Yoshi exchange words after then Gabe and DF fight Ishii, Yoshi and Goto on the floor. DF is sent into a wall. Gabe chairs Ishii. Gabe gets sent into the rails then Yoshi is sent into the seats. They all then fight to the back.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi, Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan, HENARE, Jakob Austin Young & Jeff Cobb)

Yota is wearing a mask and Cobb knees him in the gut. Yota flying headscissors him then 2nd rope diving armdrags him. Cobb flying headscissors Yota then flying shoulders him. Cobb goes to take off Yota's mask. Yota takes a double shoulder then Cobb takes the mask off of Yota, which should be a DQ. Yota then takes a standing moonsault.

CN forearms Yota. CN runs the ropes fast and is tripped from the outside. Bushi dropkicks CN in the knee. Hiromu chops CN then corner lariats him. Hiromu basement dropkicks him then does a figure four variation. Shingo suplexes CN for 2. CN hits forearms on Shingo then Shingo lariats him on the ropes.

CN running facekicks Shingo then Shingo shoulders him over. Henare shoulders Shingo over then does a double lariat on Bushi and Hiromu. Henare corner lariats Shingo then samoan drops him for 2. They shoulderblock each other and trade forearms. Shingo hits punches and chops him. Henare chest kicks him then headbutts him. Shingo shoulders him over.

Henare 2nd rope twisting kicks Shingo and they lariat each other over. Khan and Naito go at it. Khan fireman's carry throws him then shoulder throws him. Khan sits on his neck in the corner then Naito 2nd rope reverse ddt's him on his knee. Naito neckbreakers him.

Khan sleepers Naito and Naito armdrags him out of a claw slam. Naito step up enzugiri's him then Khan belly to belly suplexes him. Jake dropkicks Naito in the knee then dragon screws him. Jake hits a basement dropkick then neckbreakers him for 2. Naito takes corner attacks then a tour of the islands backdrop.

Henare and Shingo fight outside as Jake enzugiri's Naito in the ring. Jake takes a double superkick for 2. Bushi topes Khan into the rails then Naito uses Hiromu to tornado ddt Jake. Jake then taps out to Naito's koji clutch.

Thoughts: It was an okay enough tag match but nothing too great. It pretty much just previewed Yota/Cobb and Naito/Khan.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - DOUKI (c) vs. Taiji Ishimori

They trade wristlocks. Douki flying snapmares him and trips him. TI ducks kicks and hits a handspring corkscrew kick. TI then moonsaults him off the 2nd rope outside. Douki is sent shoulder first into the post. TI puts a chair on Douki's arm and bangs it off the post. Douki's arm is banged off the exposed buckle.

They trade forearms and TI kicks him in the arm. TI throws him by the arm and does a cobra clutch. TI grounds him with it then Douki rolls him up. TI codebreakers the arm.

Douki flying headscissors him and topes him outside. Douki uses the ropes on the outside and tornado ddt's TI on the floor. Douki then northern lights suplexes him while holding him in the air. TI eye rakes him. Douki slingshots in and takes a codebreaker. TI drops Douki chest first onto double knees.

TI neckbreakers him over the knee. Douki spinning rack drops him then does a douki chokey twice. Douki slingshot ddt's him for 2. TI rolls him up for 2. TI jumping knees him. TI drives his shoulder into the post then hits a shoulderbeaker. TI pops up Douki and low blows him. TI then hits a crucifix bomb. TI puts Douki in a border city stretch. TI gets caught on a handspring then Douki half-nelson suplexes him.

TI and Douki lariat each other then Douki flips him with one. TI rolls him and rops him into a border city stretch. Douki hits a nasty high angle ddt for 2. Douki hits a side drop for 2. Douki dragon suplexes him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was alright with TI working the shoulder area most of the match and Douki making his comeback to win. The crowd liked it and it's probably about the best match you are going to get out of these two. 

Douki talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was an anverage show overall with the main being the best thing on here. The Gabe Kidd tag was a total disaster with Gabe getting knocked out and losing and Jake Lee getting injured. Taka/Akira wasn't bad and the semi main was fine.