Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/10/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 3

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/10/2024 N-1 Victory 2024 Day 3

Day 2 is here:

Atsushi Kotoge is injured and out of the tournament

Junta Miyawaki & Shuhei Taniguchi vs. Kai Fujimura & Kazuyuki Fujita

Kai and Fujita drink before it starts. Junta takes arm throws on Kai. Kai side headlocks him. Junta armdrags him then is armdragged back. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then stare down. 

Junta hammerlocks him then hits knees to the arm. Junta headstands whirl having the hammerlock on. Fujita rushes Junta and stomps him.

Fujita side headlocks Shu. They shoulder battle. Shu facekicks him and shoulders him over. Kai takes a double shoulder for 2. Kai back elbows Junta and bangs his head off the buckles. Fujita slams Junta and single leg crabs him. Shu breaks it up.

Junta takes a double shoulderblock. Junta gets his legs split. Kai hiptosses him and flipping sentons him for 2. Kai flying forearms Junta for 2. Kai cradles him for 2 then holds on for a brainbuster for 2. Junta shoulderbreakers him. Junta tornado ddt's him into the kimura. Junta hits shots to the arm then Shu and Fujita trade forearms outside.

Kai dropkicks Junta. Junta trips him and does an indian deathlock with an armlock. Kai submits as Fujita and Shu trade outside.

It wasn't the best opener. Fujita isn't exactly the guy I'd look to if I wanted to get a crowd going. It was just not that interesting. 

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Alpha Wolf vs. Tavion Heights

Tav has new shiny black and white gear. He has a leg sleeve to go with singlet. He has his name in Japanese on his gear. The outfit looks awful.

They mat wrestle. Tav leapfrogs him and is dropkicked in the knee. Tav is pulled out over the top then Wolf rolls into a plancha on him outside. Wolf is thrown into the rails. Tav slams him on the floor and says "this is my house".

Wolf's face is raked on the rails. Tav lariats him on the ropes. Wolf superkicks him and diving lariats him off the buckles. Tav jackhammers him for 2. Tav powerslams Wolf for 2. Wolf hits a stiff shotgun dropkick then suplexes him. Wolf plancha's him then sends him into the post.

Wolf slams him on the floor. Wolf top rope moonsaults him for 2. Wolf slaps and germans him for 2. Tav gets his knees up on Wolf's top rope moonsault. Tav flying lariats him then hits a high belly to belly. Tav slingblade headbusters him for 2.

Wolf superkicks him then Tav hits a nice belly to belly to win.

Thoughts: It went better than expected and was a fun little match. Tav showed off some his explosiveness here and definitely tried to get a reaction from the crowd on this one. Tav doesn't really look like a power guy, but it's how he wrestles and they will have to figure out how to promote that.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Manabu Soya vs. Titus Alexander

Titus cartwheels out of a wristlock and puts his own on. Titus side headlocks him. Soya shoulders him over. Soya hits back elbows. Titus does a nice leapfrog and a high dropkick.

Titus topes him outside. They go back in and Titus kicks him in the back. Titus backdrops him. Soya offside shoulderblocks him.

Soya bulldogs him then suplexes him for 2. Soya knees him in the gut. Titus goes up and over him then upkicks him. Titus rolling snapmares him then Titus brainbusters him. Titus hits an attitude adjustment for 2. Titus flips out of a release german and facekicks him. Soya death valley drivers him.

Soya runs at him and takes a half-nelson slam for 2. Soya hits chops and Titus chops back. Titus handspring cutters him then flying knees him for 2. Soya flips him with a lariat. Soya knees him then running lariats him for 2. Soya jumping ddt's him to win.

Thoughts: This was good. Titus got a lot in and got multiple hope spot to make you think he was going to win before he got put down. It could have been a little faster though.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Luis Mante vs. Dragon Bane

LM knocks Bane off the apron as he enters. Bane does a neat armdrag using the apron outside. Bane is caught on a tope con hilo and apron edge powerbombed. Bane is rammed into the post and sent into the rails.

LM backbreakers him then crabs him. Bane hits chops. Bane handspring back elbows him then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. LM facekicks him out. They fight in the crowd. Bane flying kicks him. Bane jumps off the stairs entrance and landed headfirst going down stairs. Bane ended up in the lobby off of it.

Bane spinkicks him then standing spanish flies him. LM no sells it and spinning tombstones him for 2. LM running sitout powerbombs him. LM is laying on the top rope and Bane pele kicks him from the apron. Bane does a top rope hurricanrana for 2.

Bane poisonrana's him. LM no sells it. LM dropkicks him and burning hammers him for 2. LM pops him up and Bane hurricanrana's him to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual awful Luis Mante match. There was no selling here at all and they did multiple dangerous moves that meant nothing.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - Kenoh vs. Ulka Sasaki

They hit leg kicks on each other. Ulka leglocks him. Ken drops him with a kick. Ulka hits various shots and pounds on him. Ken is down in the corner with Ulka stomping him.

Ken trips him into a double stomp then flying knees him in the back. Ulka does a head and arm STO. Ken suplexes him down. They trade chest kicks. They high kick each other at the same time and both go down. They facekick each other. Ulka backdrops him and Ken dragon suplexes him.

Ulka ankle locks him and Ken ropebreaks. Ulka running cutters him for 2. Ulka sleepers him. Ken back rolls into a pin attempt. Ken ankle locks him and kicks him in the gut. Ken PK's him for 2.

Ken misses a foot stomp off the top and Ulka ankle locks him off of it. Ken ropebreaks. Ulka goes for another submission and is kicked in the head. Ken dragon suplexes him and wins.

Thoughts: It was the best Ulka Sasaki match yet. Him and Ken do various MMA strikes and they were able to work that into the match. It made sense and most of their stuff looked good. This went well and I thought it was good.

AMAKUSA, HAYATA & YO-HEY vs. Eita, Ninja Mack & Shuji Kondo

Haya and Eita stare down. Eita side headlocks him. They armdrag each other. Haya legsweeps him and they stand off. Kondo shoulders over Yo then Yo flying headscissors him. Ama headscissors Mack when they get in. Mack cartwheels and flips then they stand off.

Mack trips him. Ama back elbows him then bounces off the ropes into an armdrag. Ama spinning heel kicks him. Yo runs into Haya on accident when Mack moves. They have words about it and Tadasuke tries to play peacemaker. Mack dropkicks them into each other from behind then hits his ninja special on them.

Kondo suplexes Haya. Mack slingshot splashes Haya. Haya takes a double back elbow and a double basement dropkick for 2. Haya tornado ddt's Kondo.

Ama springboard hurricanranas Kondo then corkscrew topes him outside. Ama corkscrew dives him off the top. Mack tries a springboard chop to the outside and misses. Haya boots Eita and Eita eye rakes him. Haya step up enzugiri's him. eita takes a totael elimination type of move and a double superkick.

Eita sweeps Haya off the buckles. Everyone gets in and starts hitting moves. Yo dropkicks Eita then Haya hits a high angle dropkick on Eita to win.

This was a throwaway to add a little variety to the show. They pushed the issues with Hayata's crew a little so I thought it worked. It was quick and we got a few nice highlights out of it.

Haya and Yo challenge Eita and Kondo for the Jr. Tag Titles after.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block A Match - Josh Briggs vs. Jack Morris

JB throws him off the buckles. Jack step up enzugiri's him. JB hiptosses him in with a backbreaker on the knee. JB rams him into the rails. Jack hits forearms. JB side slams him into a splash for 2.

JB sends him hard into the buckles. JB shoulders him over and takes a pump kick. JB slams him then elbow drops him for 2. JB boots him. JB tries to slide out and punch him but Jack plancha's him. Jack then topes him over the rails.

Jack top rope splashes JB's back. Jack ripcord flatliners him. JB throws him into the ropes outside and lariats him. JB comes off the top and is dropkicked. Jack rolls him up for 2. JB sitout powerbombs him for 2.

They trade forearms. Jack hits forearms and chops. Jack jumping knees him then flying knees him for 2. Jack flying knees him. Jack top rope ssp's him and wins.

I liked this one. It was aggressive, they kept it moving and they stiffed each other good here. This was one of Jack's better Noah matches.

N-1 Victory 2024 Block B Match - El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Yoshiki Inamura

Doc = El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., YI = Yoshiki Inamura

YI pounces Doc. Doc sends him out and hits a great tope on the rails. They trade chops outside. Doc traps his arms and pulls on his mouth. Doc hits a step up knee in the corner then corner meteora's him.

Doc eye pokes him and rolls him up. Doc armdrags him then does a hammerlock variation. YI shoulders him over and slams him twice. YI corner splashes him. YI vader bombs him for 2.

YI hits boots out of the corner then Doc backdrops him. Doc hits chops then YI spinning slams him. Doc pulls YI's throat down over the top. Doc does a flip dive off the top bt mostly misses and holds his arm in pain after.

YI germans him then hits an overhead belly to belly. Doc hits headbutts and michinoku drivers him for 2. YI back body drops him then runs the ropes and flying back elbows him. YI gets crotched up top. Doc hits headbutts. Doc superplexes him. YI holds on and brainbusters him. 

YI misses a top rope splash. Doc michinoku drivers him for 2. Doc lariats him then YI lariats him for 2. Doc superkicks him. YI hits a big forearm then pounces him into the corner. YI powerslams him for 2. YI hits a muso and wins.

YI gets on the mic after and says he's coming to win the N-1. He says to keep your eyes on him.

I liked it. I thought Doc's selling could have been a little better here. They matched up well and hits a lot of high impact moves on this. Inamura is easily one of Doc's better opponents in Noah.

Overall thoughts: It was a good night at the N-1. The main and semi main were decent matches and helped the show out. I liked Titus/Soya and I liked Tavion's match too.

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