Thursday, August 8, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/4/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 8/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Ebenhaus and Stephen E. are on commentary. Lilith Khan is with E. E says he can't guarantee Drew's safety. Drew runs down the card.

"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams vs Eagle Eye

Glenn rushes him and hits shots to the head and gut. Eagle corner splashes him then step up enzugiri's him for 2. Glenn throws Eagle down by the mask then suplexes him. Glenn camel clutches him on the ropes.

Glenn single arm ddt's him for 2. Eagle dropkicks him and Eagle clubs on Glenn's back. Glenn headbutts him down. Glenn misses a shot and thrown down onto his front. Glenn is on the apron and pulls Eagle's throat down over the top rope. Glenn cobra clutch russian legsweeps him and wins.

They put over Glenn's physique here and he does look a lot bigger. Glenn's finisher was nice here. It got a little bit more time than usual which was nice.

Glenn shakes Stephen E's hand after and calls him an ally. 

Drew interviews "Trending" Trent Daniels. He calls out Brandon Baretta and said Brandon acts like he's some kind of Brock Lesnar. He says the only thing Brandon will be trending for is getting his head kicked off. He says not to stick his nose in his business. He says the fans don't matter, he's the only thing that matters.

Atila Khan vs Max Archer

Khan hits Max as he enters the ring. Khan hits a nice lariat then slams him. Khan knee drops him then headbutt drops him. Khan gutwrench suplexes him and hits a nice double throat thrust. We are told Khan won the Bruiser Brody Memorial Cup but isn't carrying it around. Stephen E. says it's nobodies business where it is. Khan does a grounded cobra clutch and wins.

Stephen E. and Atila Khan bury Max in the Saudi flag after.

Thoughts: Khan had some good looking offense here in this quick squash.

"The Notorious" Bradley Diggs vs "Big" Joe Helms

Lucky P. Larson is not here for this but Lamont Potts is with Diggs. They trade shots. Diggs knees him in the gut and they shoulder battle. Diggs hits open hand shots then slams him. Joe slams Diggs and Diggs goes out.

They test strength. Diggs knees him in the gut and clubs his back. Joe running lariats him and hits punches. Joe corner splashes him and Diggs corner splashes him. Diggs hits another splash. Joe grabs the thrat and Lamont Potts hits Joe with a title belt for the DQ.

Joe grabs Potts and Diggs hits Joe from behind. Joe spears Diggs and Diggs goes out.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here but we got some taste of this heavyweight match. What we got didn't look bad and the psychology of it made sense but Diggs needs to connect a little better on his offense. 

Brandon Baretta is interviewed by Drew Ebenhaus. He says the only thing trending tonight will be when he hits Trent with a spinebuster. He says when his partner Joe Vinetti comes back, they have unfinished business with "The LA Busters". He says he will make a singles run until Joe comes back, then they will prove they are the best in pro wrestling.

Brandon Baretta vs "Trending" Trent Daniels 

BB armlocks him then wristlocks him. Trent wristlocks him then fireman's carry takeovers him. BB takes him down by the arm. Trent armdrags him but BB holds on and rolls him into an armlock.

Trent blocks an F-5 and hits him in the knee. Trent hits a nice punch then snapmares him into a sleeper. BB hits forearms. Trent boots him and BB goes down. Trent ddt's BB's leg. BB does a nice exploder. BB hits lariats. BB goes for the uppercut but Trent holds onto the ropes. BB does a jack knife pin and wins it.

Thoughts: It was an average match. I liked Brandon's exploder and I thought he showed some promise in this one.  

Promoters Corner - Ric Flair vs Bruiser Brody

We join this in progress. They have Japanese commentary so this probably came from World Pro Wrestling and was likely from the 1980's.. Brody hits punches and eye rakes Flair in the corner. Flair suplexes him for 2. Ric elbow drops Brody for 2.

Flair abdominal stretches him. Flair hits shots in the corner and chokes him. Brody chokes him back and throws him down with a choke. They trade punches. Flair is thrown into the buckles and hangs off the buckles. Brody double axe handles him.

Brody pounds on Ric. They trade shots and Ric eye rakes him. Brody slams him then misses a jumping knee. Flair bangs Brody's head off the buckles and hits punches.

They trade shots and Flair is knocked over the top to the floor. They trade shots on the floor then on the apron. They keep fighting and they cut away from this and don't return.

Thoughts: SICW is an indy with a limited budget, so I get them using old footage. But, not showing the beginning or the end of a match makes showing the match pointless.

Drew Ebenhaus interviews Gary Jackson. He says running Stephen E. out of here is on his mind. He says E's gotta go. He says he took out Lucky P. Larson and says Stephen E. is next on his list. He says he's not overlooking The Professionals tonight. He says they are good at what they do. He says him and The Big Texan won't take them lightly, but will beat them down.

The Professionals (Mauler McDarby and Shawn Santel) vs The Big Texan and "Night Train" Gary Jackson

Gary ducks Shawn's lock-up. Shawn armlocks him. Gary takes a back elbow, forearms and a euro. Mauler snapmares Gary then armlocks him. Gary suplexes him out of it and armlocks him.

Shawn hits a forearm flurry and Mauler takes a punch and an atomic drop from Gary. Mauler takes shots from both opponents and Gary lariats him over. Texan atomic drops Mauler and kicks him in the butt.

Shawn is tagged in. Texan hits corner spears on Shawn. Shawn eye rakes him then Mauler pulls on the eyes as well. Texan takes headbutts to the back from both then Shawn footchokes Texan. Mauler chokes Texan over the bottom rope. Mauler runs into Texan's boot.

Gary is tagged in. He beats up on his opponents and hits 2 slams on Mauler. Mauler grabs brass knucks and nails Shawn then Gary moves. Gary then does a cloverleaf variation on Shawn and submits him. Gary Jackson and Big Texan get the win.

Thoughts: The Professional did a decent job here as always. I would have liked it if Gary just pinned Shawn after he got hit instead of submitting him.

Gary yells at Stephen E. on commentary after. He tells Stephen E. to give him some money (referencing him giving money to Joe Helms). He says he will hit him so hard his great great grandfather will feel it. Gary says it's just a matter of time until he gets to him. He says he can't wait until he gets the family back together against Stephen E. He says when they take Stephen E.'s money, his wrestlers will leave him.

Overall thoughts: Not too much went on here during this one as most of the angles were done last week. I didn't like them only showing part of the Flair/Brody match without the beginning or the finish. If you are going to show old matches, you have to show the finish if nothing else. It was just an average episode here and I wouldn't recommend this one.

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