Wednesday, August 14, 2024

WWE Speed 8/14/2024

WWE Speed 8/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

WWE Speed #1 Contender's Tournament - Montez Ford vs Austin Theory

Theory tries a quick pin attempt and takes a backslide. Ford cradles him and Theory flying back elbows him. Theory backbreakers Ford for 2. Ford hits two dropkicks then corner lariats him. Ford hits corner spears then hits corner punches. Ford is tripped into the buckles then Theory rolls into a dropkick for 2. Ford backdrops him and hits a standing moonsault for 2.

Theory back elbows him and takes an enzugiri. They facekick each other at the same time and the time runs out as Ford takes him down. This is a 3:00 time limit draw.

They continue fighting after. 

Overall Thoughts: There was only one match here as usual. They kept it moving and it went the full three minutes for our second WWE Speed draw. They matched up well together and surely it would have been better with more time. It wasn't anything special or anything you need to see as usual.

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