Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Marigold 7/30/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 5

Marigold 7/30/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 5

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/marigold-7212024-summer-gold-shine-day-4.html

The crowd for this one is not good. It's not a great card and it's on a weekday.

Nao Ishikawa vs Rea Sato


 Nao wristlocks her. Rea rolls out of it and wristlocks her. Nao then reverses it. Rea hammerlocks her. Nao side headlocks her then Rea side headlocks her. Rea dropkicks her three times and Nao shoulders her over. Nao snapmares her and sleepers her.

Nao ties her up in the ropes and splashes her against the ropes. Rea corner dropkicks her then facebusters her. Rea low dropkicks her. Nao hits a cartwheel splash. Nao hits chest forearms. Rea chest forearms her back.

Nao chest forearms her down. Rea backslides her then does cattle mutilation. Rea dropkicks Nao multiple times. Nao puts her in the gori special land drops her on her knee. Rea rolls her up and Nao lariats her for 2. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2. Nao puts her on her shoulder and throws her. Nao goes for the pin, Rea reverses her and pins her.

Thoughts: I appreciate the idea of Rea getting the win here but Rea didn't have a fantastic showing here. It might have been better if she beat someone like Komomo. It does give her some credibility though.

Misa Matsui and Komomo Minami vs Myla Grace and Zayda Steel


KM = Komomo Minami

Myla and Misa go at it. They miss moves and tag out. Zay step up enzugiri's KM and KM rolls her into an armbar. KM slams her. Miua gets in. Sh running knees Zay in the corner then fisherman suplexes her.

Zay trips her then basement dropkicks her. Zay running euros Misa then running facekicks her. Misa takes a dropkick + a drop from the shoulders of Myla. Myla rolls Misa into a border city stretch. Myla hip attacks Misa on the ropes.

Misa goes up and over Myla then rolls her into a stretch muffler. Myla rolls her into her own submission then Misa stretch mufflers her again. Misa crossbodies Myla against the bottom rope.

Misa top rope crossbodies Myla for 2. KM gets in and dropkicks Myla. They kick each other at the same time on accident and go down. Myla forearms KM. KM hits forearms back. Myla running lariats her then running euros her in the corner. Myla backdrops KM hard.

Misa comes in and flying knees Myla. KM rolls over Myla's back and ddt's her. KM backslides Myla then rolls her into a pin attempt for 2. Myla michinoku drivers her for 2. Myla hits a bad reverse ddt on KM and wins.

This wasn't a good idea on paper yet alone in execution. Myla is just not that good and KM looked better than she did here. There were tons of botches and sloppy moves.

Zayda is thrilled they won after and hugs Myla.

Yuuki Minami comes out to talk. She calls Komomo Minami over. Yuuki says she wants to give everything to wrestling and seemingly wants to debut in Marigold for her.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament Semi Final Match - Mai Sakurai & MIRAI vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

 NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Chi cradles Mirai off the handshake and tries more pin attempts. Chi rolls out to stall and Mirai chases her. Chi dropkicks Mirai. Chi and NN throw their opponents into the chairs and bleachers outside. NN running facekicks Mirai on the bleachers then hits her with a bottle.

NN bangs Mirai's head off the apron. Chi facewash kicks Mirai on the ropes. NN face kicks Mirai on the ropes then does her reverse kick on the apron. NN facelocks Mirai on the ropes. Mirai dropkicks NN.

Mirai makes NN ddt her own partner. Mai top rope double dropkicks her opponents then rolls NN into a nudo. Mai dropkicks NN to get her out.

NN boots Mai out of the corner then shotgun dropkicks her. NN corner facekicks Mai. NN chickenwings Mai. Mai facekicks NN and NN facekicks her back. They facekick each other at the same time and Mai facekicks her down.

Mai suplexes NN then is superkicked. NN basement dropkicks her for 1. Mai dropkicks her then NN dropkicks her. Chi gets in and throws Mai back. Chi iron claws Mai then claw slams her. 

Mai takes a superkick + torture rack bomb for 2. Mirai throws Chi down by the leg then holds her for a Mai bulldog. Mai legslices Chi for 2. Mai stf's Chi. Mai facekicks Chi then Mirai slingshots into into a roll and flatliner on Chi. Mai facekicks Chi for 2. Mai top rope elbow drops Chi but NN pulls the ref out on the pin. NN chairs Mirai while the ref is out. Mai blocks a chair shot and Chi ends up hitting NN with the chair on accident. Mirai and Mai get attacks in then Chi takes a high/low for 2. Mai hits a nice facekick on Chi then STF's her. Chi then taps out.

Thoughts: It went too long for the skill level of the talent involved and wasn't particularly great. I think you could have cut a lot of this and not lost anything.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament Semi Final Match - Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei

NS = Natsumi Showzuki

Miku and Kouki start off fast. Kouki hits facekicks. Chika gets in and hits chest forearms on Miku. Chika puts her on the middle rope and buttpresses her down. Miku slams her. Miku takes an atomic drop into a facekick. Kouki drops Chika butt first onto Miku.

Miku kicks Kouki in the back then dropkicks her in the corner twice. NS corner meteora's Kouki then springboard double kneedrops her. Kouki ties up NS' arms and NS ropebreaks. Kouki and NS trade forearms for facekicks. They then trade dropkicks.

Kouki powerslams NS. Chika gets in and airplane spins NS. NS takes attcks from both opponents and Chika misses a hip attack on the ropes. Chika goes out and Miku PK's her form the apron. NS meteora's Chika on the floor.

NS is facekicked off the apron and Chika catches her and kind of drops her. Kouki slams NS. Miku saves NS from a double team then Chika takes a double suplex for 2. Miku top rope dropkicks Chika for 2.

Miku blocks Chika's giant swing. Miku ties up Chika's legs and Kouki breaks it up. Kouki spinebusters Chika. Chika takes a stroke variation + knee dropkick for 2. Miku gets caught on the buckles. Chika seats Miku on her shoulder and drops her down. Miku takes a double gorilla press drop.

Kouki dominators Chika onto Miku. Kouki misses a top rope 180 splash. Chika chokeslams Miku for 2. Chika takes attacks on the ropes. Miku PK's her and NS meteora's her. Miku sliding lariats Chika for 2. Miku buzzsaw kicks Chika and wins.

It went longer than it needed to here. Marigold really wants Kouki and Chika to be stars but they just aren't ready and I don't think it'll happen. Chika and Kouki are just too tall which affects how they move and the girls struggle to manipulate them. Neither one of them are super athletic either. Miku and Natsumi were so much better than they were in this one. It was an average match that got a ton of time.

Passion Injection Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Bozilla

They lock up and break on the ropes. Boz side headlocks her. NT hammerlocks Boz then Boz side headlocks her. NT armdrags Boz. Boz yanks on the arm.

They shoulderblock battle then Boz runs her over with one. NT goes out. Boz stomps NT then bangs her head off a chair. NT hits Boz with an umbrella then Boz hits her with it. NT is thrown into chairs. Boz knees NT and throws her down outside. They trade forearms and NT is knocked down.

Boz stnds on her outside. Nao Ishikawa hits shots on Boz. Boz hits her back and throws her into chairs. Boz throws NT into chairs. Nao hits more shots on Boz then Nao is thrown down too. Boz chairs NT then stomps on her against the ropes. Boz footchokes NT.

NT slaps her back. Boz hits punches and slaps, NT fires back then Boz hits more chops. Boz misses a corner charge. NT corner lariats her. NT gets on Boz's back for a sleeper then is thrown down. Boz basemnet dropkicks her for 2.

Boz cartwheel splashes NT then bangs her head off the buckles. NT bangs Boz's head off the buckles. NT pounds on her in the corner. They lariat each other then slap each other. They then double clothesline each other and go down.

Boz throws NT back then NT dragon screws her. NT does some kind of figure four/sharpshooter combo on the mat. Boz hits a big hook. NT palm strikes her then backdrops her. Boz sleepers her. Boz 2nd rope dropkicks her and sentons her for 2.

NT 2nd rope superplexes her then Boz lariats her. NT lariats her for 2. Boz spinning sleepers her and NT is out. Boz gets the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like the open interference by Nao here. That shouldn't have been allowed. It was a pretty good match. Boz threw Nanae and Nao around early. Nanae had nice comebacks with her slaps and Boz did a good job trading with her. It was stiff and fiery but I would have liked to have seen Nanae get overpowered a bit more. Boz is the real deal and it's truly just a matter of time until WWE takes her...provided they haven't already.

A fan tries to get a handshake from Boz after and she pushes him.

Giulia & Sareee vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

G = Giulia, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

G and Sare get nailed as they pose for photos then G takes a double basement dropkick. Yuz fires forearms on G then takes a big one. Yuz takes forearms from both opponents. Yuz takes a double backdrop.

Yuz gets slammed by both opponents. Sare crabs Yuz. G dropkicks Yuz. G hair throws Yuz. Yuz and Sare dropkcik each other then Yuz hits forearms. Sare knocks her down with forearms then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz low dropkicks her.

Kiz dropkicks Sare then top rope dropkicks her. Sare brainbusters her. Kiz rolls her up then Sare dropkicks her on the ropes. Sare fisherman suplexes her for 2. G gets in and corner attcks her. Kiz rolling armbars her and Sare breaks it up. Sare and G then do stereo octopus holds.

G holds Kiz up in the air and suplexes her. Kiz pulls G down then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Yuz gets in and dropkicks G. She slams her then does a grounded octopus. G is held in an indian deathlock and basement dropkicked by Yuz.

G headscissors Yuz and pulls on the arm. Yuz is beaten up on the ropes. Yuz slaps G and G lets her get more slaps in. G then knocks her down for 2. Yuz superkicks her. G takes a double suplex for 2 then Yuz suplexes G for 2.

G double underhook suplexes Yuz off the top and Sare top rope double stomps Yuz. G knees Yuz then Sare dropkicks Yuz against the ropes, making her whiplash. G backdrops Yuz for 2. Yuz yolls up G into a pin attempt for 2.

G backdrops Yuz for 2. G hits a glorious driver on Yuz for 2 that Kiz breaks up. Kiz takes a uranage while Yuz takes a northern lights bomb. G and Sare get pins to win.

Thoughts: Yuzuki really should be the winner of ROTY this year. She didn't look out of place at all here and played her role well as the fiery underdog face here. The match was done well with Yuz and Kiz bringing lots of fire and bringing to the vets. The vets beat them up as expected and grabbed the win. Yeah, it was kind of your usual young lions vs vets match, but it got a lot of time and felt like the main event that it was.

G says it feels great to fight the future of joshi. She tells Yuz to remember this moment today. Giulia says August 19th will be her last Japanese match as she's going to WWE. She says she has 5 matches until she leaves. She says teaming with Sareee was the best feeling. She says she will go overseas and come back to beat her.  G says she wants Sareee to continue to be her rival and Sareee says she will. 

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament Final Match -Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI


NS = Natsumi Showzuki

Mirai and Miku start us off. Miku side headlocks her. Miku hammerlocks her and Mirai uses the ropes to kick Miku's hand into the ropes. Miku takes corner attacks and a Mai basement dropkick. Miku dropkicks Mai. Miku hits kicks on Mirai's back then NS gets a kick in.

NS lion tamers Mai. Mirai breaks it up. NS stomps on Mai. Miku slams Mai then Mai dropkicks her. Mirai running back elbows Miku in the corner then hits a big corner lariat. Mirai top rope dropkicks Miku. Miku gets out of a backslide and corner dropkicks Mirai. NS springboard double kneedrops Mirai. Mirai drops NS then Mai facekicks NS. Mai basement dropkicks NS. Mai legslices her for 2.

Mai takes corner attacks from both opponents and NS fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mai suplexes NS for 2. NS step up enzugiri's Mai. Miku hits kicks to Mai's back then fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Mai and Miku trade forearms. Mai slaps her. Miku hits leg kicks and takes facekicks. Mai STF's her. Mai bulldogs Miku. Mirai hits chest forearms on Miku.

Mirai slams Miku then vader bomb elbow drops her for 2. Mirai hits chest forearms and boots. Mirai and Miku trade chest forearms. Mirai forearm flurries her then Miku does her spinning slam for 2. 

Miku germans Mirai for 2. Miku gets stuck on the buckles and takes a double superplex. Mirai takes a powerbomb + double knee combo. NS facekicks Mai. Miku suplexes Mirai then sliding lariats her for 2.

Miku buffalo sleepers Mirai and it is broken up. Mai hits a double dropkick off the top. mai hits a top rope double crossbody outside. Miku takes a cutter over the top rope then Mirai cradle shocks her for 2.

Mai top rope elbow drops Miku. Miku double underhook suplexes Mirai. Mira back body drops her. Miku takes a double STO. Mirai lariats Miku twice for 2. Mirai lariats Miku and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a long match at the end of a long card. We had also seen the girls in long matches earlier in the show so the match lost some of its effect. They definitely pushed the Miku vs Mirai feud here. They tried and it was good overall but not great. 

Kouki comes out and yells at Miku for losing. Kouki challenges Miku for her title. Miku walks away without saying anything.

Mirai asks why Kouki stole her moment. Mai is happy to be the first tag champ. Mai calls out Giulia. G doesn't come out and Mai keeps pushing it until she does. Mai tells G that she came to Marigold to beat her. She says she's not her student and wants to face her in a singles match so she can carry Marigold into the future. G agrees but says she wants to decide where it happens and picks the next Korauken show. G asks if she's ready for it and slaps her. Mai says she is and slaps her back. G challengers her to send her off to WWE with a loss.

Nanae and Nao get in the ring after. Nanae says Marigold will go on when Giulia leaves. Nao says she has no intention of giving them Mirai and Mai congratulations. She says she hasn't lost to any of them directly and says her and Nanae should wear the titles. Nao says she has the passion and starts a passion chant. She says to let them challenge for the belts first. Mirai says Nao can shut up about the passion and get out of her. Mirai says they only started teaming together and will have to prove themselves. Mirai agrees though.

Mirai and Mai lead a cheer to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show. We had three matches go over 15 minutes and a lot of mic work after each. As I said when the promotion was forming, there's clear gaps between the top talent in the promotion and the lesser talent in the promotion. The undercard was not that good but the top of the card was a lot better. It was good overall but most of the matches could have been shorter.

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