Friday, August 30, 2024

Stardom 8/23/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 8

Stardom 8/23/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 8

Day 7 is here:

Pre-Show Match - Momo Kohgo vs. Sayaka Kurara vs. Rian

SK gets a double boot to start. She is double tripped then takes a double basement dropkick. Momo cradles Rian. SK takes another double boot then Ri cradles Momo for 2. SK dropkicks Momo then Ri srpingboard armdrags Momo.

SK and Ri fight over the pin on Momo then they trade chest forearms. Momo hits a double dropkick then a double 619. Ri headscissors Momo out of the corner and basement dropkicks her for 2. Ri fisherman suplexes Momo for 2. They fight over a backslide and SK tries to pin both.

Rian crossbodies Momo then Momo slams her for 2. Momo dropkicks Ri then wristclutch fisherman suplexes her for the win.

Thoughts: It went 4:30 and it was enough here. It was fine for what it was but there was nothing memorable in this one. Momo won as expected.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Mayu Iwatani vs Mei Seira

Mei dropkicks Mayu to start. Mayu drops down and Mei headflips over her. They armdrag each other then dropkick each other at the same time. They then stand off. Mayu goes up and over, backrolls her and basement dropkicks her. Mayu kicks her in the back and camel clutches her.

Mayu puts Mei on the ropes in the corner and slaps her. She then dropkicks her. They trade strikes and Mayu forearms her down. Mei trips her then springbord dropkicks her. Mei ties up Mayu's legs and pulls on her hair.

Mayu spin kicks her in the gut. Mei stomps Mayu's foot then running headhunters her for 2. They fight up top and Mayu 2nd rope suplexes her. Mayu hits a 2nd rope dropkick. Mayu superkicks her then Mei dropkicks her. Mei is on the apron and Mayu kicks her leg out from under her.

They get back in and Mei springboard dropkicks her. Mei germans her for 2. Mei tries pins on Mayu and Mayu tries some as well. Mayu crucifix bombs her for 2. Mayu buzzsaw kicks her. Mayu rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: It started off fast, slowed down some then sped up again before the finish. Mayu won as expected here. There wasn't a lot of thought put into this one and it was just high speed action for the most part without any faces or heels. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Konami vs Yuna Mizumori

The first few seconds of this are missing. Yuna 2nd rope shoulderblocks her and dropkicks her out. Yuna takes a hanging armbar over the top and is thrown into the seats. Kon kneels with a chair on Yuna in the seats. Kon kneels on her on the ropes then forearms her down. Yuna dropkicks her.

Kon ducks a sliding lariat and armbas her out of it. Kon running kicks her on the ropes then rolling armbars her. Yuna slams her down off of it then hits mounted chest shots. Yuna sliding lariats her then lariats her for 2.

Kon crucifixes her in the air and turns it into a grounded armbar with a headscissors. Yuna catches Kon's leg, puts her head under it and suplexes her. Yuna lariats Kon then hits a cradle shock for 2. Yuna electric chair drops her on her chest.

Yuna sits on her for the pin and Kon rolls her into an arm triangle and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was fine. Kon was the heel and Yuna was the face. Yuna got some decent comebacks in like usual and Kon went for arm submissions until she tapped her out with one. 

Aya Sakura, Hina & Waka Tsukiyama vs. HATE (Natsuko Tora, Rina & Ruaka)

Aya wristlocks Ruaka. Ruaka reverses it and side headlocks her. Ruaka takes her over, Aya headscissors her and they stand off. Aya hits chest forearms on the ropes then Ruaka shoulders her over. Aya takes a double back elbow, a basement dropkick and a splash.

Rina hair throws Aya then footchokes her on the ropes. Rina dropkicks Aya while she's in the ropes. Tora spits something in Aya's eyes for 2 then suplexes her twice.

Tora misses a corner attack then Aya spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Tora punches her in the gut then Tora takes a double dropkick. Aya slams Tora then Waka dropkicks Tora. Waka hits hip attacks on the ropes. Tora euros Waka then Waka flatliners her off the buckles.

Tora snapmares Waka off the ropes then misses a 2nd rope splash. Tora samoan drops Waka then sentons her. Rina gets in and basement dropkicks Waka for 2. Waka crossbodies Rina. Hina gets in and dropkicks Rina. They trade chest forearms.

Rauak shoulders Hina over then Rina northern lights suplexes Hina for 2. Waka 2nd rope dropkicks Rina then Hina does a wristclutch uranage on Rina for 2. Rina backslides and bridges Hina for 2. Hina has Rina on her shoulder gut first and just drops back with her.

Hina takes corner attacks from the heels then Rina 2nd rope double knee drops her for 2. Rina does an octopus to Hina and the faces break it up. Hina running neckbreakers Rina then Tora cannonballs Hina on the ropes. Ruaka crossbodies Hina on the ropes and Rina does a crucifix bomb variation on Hina. Rina gori bombs Hina and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just face vs heel stuff here for the most part. It went a little longer htan it needed to. It was fine but just pretty average work for the most part. 

Rina and Hina talk to each other on the mic after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Momo Watanabe vs Saya Iida

Momo blocks a takedown then takes her down. Saya side headlocks her then Momo headlock takeovers her. Saya headscissors her and they stand off. Momo stomps on Saya then Saya shoulders her over. Momo dropkicks Saya and kneels on her on the ropes.

Momo slams her and hits kicks to the back. Momo drops her with a chest kick then stands on the back of her head. Momo hits kicks to the chest. Saya hits a chop flurry on Momo in the corner. Saya double chops her. Saya sledgehammer shots her then elbow drops her for 2.

Saya does a grounded dragon sleeper and Momo ropebreaks. Saya knocks Momo down and Momo avoids a sliding lariat. Momo kicks her arm on another sliding lariat attempt then Saya sliding lariats her. Momo uranages Saya then meteora's her for 2.

Saya 2nd rope powerslams her off the buckles. Saya chops Momo then Momo chest kicks her. They trade kicks for chops and Momo chest kicks her down. Saya suplexes her then spinebusters her. Saya top rope diving shoulderblocks her. Momo high kicks her then 2nd rope diving meteora's her for 2.

Momo chickenwings her and b-drivrrs her for 2. Saya blocks a kick and lariats her. Momo package tombstones Saya and Momo kicks her hard in the face. Momo half and half suplexes her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a stiff match here with both girls pounding each other. It was alright here and Momo won as expected. I was surprised by the effort they put out in this one.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block B Match - Tomoka Inaba vs Tam Nakano

TI = Tomoka Inaba

They dodge kicks early. Tam limbos out of a lariat and cutters her. Tam then headhunters her. Tam rolls her into various kicks including an axe kick to the back. Tam snapmares her and back kicks her.

Tam pumping knees her on the ropes. TI takes a facekick on the ropes then dragon screws Tam over the middle rope. TI dragon screws Tam then boots her in the knee. Tam is irish whipped but falls over due to knee pain. TI ankle and leglocks her.

TI hits knees to the head and kicks her in the back. They trade slaps for leg kicks. TI drops her with a leg kick and PK's her for 2. Tam basement dropkicks her in the back of the head. They spinning high kick each other and high kick each other down at the same time.

Tam spinning high kicks her and germans her. TI does another ankle lock. Tam superkicks TI then TI high kicks her. TI hits a knee to the face for 2 then slams her. TI ankle locks her then heel hooks her. Tam then taps out.

Thoughts: I was surprised to see Inaba get the upset win over Tam. It was fine with Inaba working the leg all match long and getting the submission win with a heel hook.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Natsupoi vs Manami

They start off fast and Poi armdrags her. Manami hits a dropkick then hair throws her. Poi hair throws her back then Manami goes it again. Manami monkey flips her and Poi stomps on her. Poi snapmares her and basement dropkicks her in the back of the neck. Poi indian deathlocks her with an armlock.

Poi bangs Manami's arm off her shoulder and does some facewash kicks on the ropes. Poi slams her for 2. Manami hits a basement dropkick then Poi crossbodies her. Poi armbars her and Manami ropebreaks.

Manami basement dropkicks her off the apron then dropkicks her off the apron. Manami top rope dropkicks her for 2. Poi hits spin kicks then running headhunters her. Manami crabs her and Poi ropebreaks.

They fight on the buckles and Manami backdrops her. Manami misses a splash off the buckles then Poi top rope crossbodies her. Manami rolls through it and gets a 2 count. Poi locks up both of Manami's arms

Poi dropkicks Manami through the ropes then Manami flying knees her twice. Poi superkicks her then germans her. Manami rolls her up then Poi taps her out with an armbar.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good as expected. Manami is just not a good worker and is just not at a Stardom level talent wise.

They talk on the mic after and do Manami's taunt. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Block A Match - Maika vs Hazuki

They trade high speed forearms to start and Haz hits a nice running dropkick. Haz hits facewash kicks. Haz running back elbows her in the corner and 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Haz crossfaces her.

Haz hits knees to the gut then Maika powerslams her. Haz ropebreaks on a sleeper. Maika lariats her on the ropes then shoulders her over. They trade forearms and hit attacks on the ropes. Haz pump kicks her against the middle rope and sends her out. Haz then topes her outside. 

Haz top rope dropkicks her for 2. Haz STF's her in the ring then hooks her neck while doing a rings of saturn. Maika is leaning on the top buckle and Haz double stomps her back. Haz superplexes her. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her and holds on for more. Haz then suplexes her.

They trade forearms on their knees. Maika spinning lariats her then hits an enka otoshi for 2. Maika goes for a slam and gets DDT'd. Haz puts her on the 2nd rope and codebreakers her. Haz hits a top rope senton then slams her for 2.

Maika rainmakers her then michinoku drivers her for 2. Maika blocks la magistral and michonoku drivers her. Maika hits another michinoku driver and wins.

Thoughts: It was a stiff match and they took some hard slams and stuff here. They started off fast and slowed down some as it went on. I liked it and thought the two matched up well.

They talk on the mic after and are friendly with each other then Maika closes the show with mic work.

Overall thoughts: I liked it overall and though it was above average. There was nothing must see. Tam/Inaba was probably the best match on here and the main had a lot of good stuff in it. Manami's match as easily the worst match of the night.

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