Tuesday, August 6, 2024

NWA Powerrr 8/6/2024

NWA Powerrr 8/6/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/nwa-powerr-7302024.html

Mims vs Zyon is tonight. 

The Immortals vs The Dark City Violence Connection (Murder One and Joe Black)

Odin throws Joe into the corner and hits corner spears. Odin flying corner euros him then hits more euros. Odin exploders him then kneedrops him. Odin hits the azgardian uppercut to the back for 2. Joe rakes Odin's eyes.

One hits shots on Odin then corner knees him. Joe hits chops on Odin. One hits punches on Odin. Odin is tripped into a headbutt off the buckles from Joe. Joe says Odin isn't immortal, but a mortal and he will prove it. Odin hits a great F-5 on Joe.

Kratos hits shots on One then flying back elbows him. Kratos powerslams Joe and flying forearms One. One gets his boot up in the corner then Kratos pele kicks him while he's on the buckles. Kratos 2nd rope hurricanrana's him for 2. Odin pounces Joe into the ropes. Kratos running lariats One. The Immortals hit immortality and Odin picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was short but fine. Joe was entertaining here with his trash talking and bumping and Odin hit a great F-5.

The Immortals are interviewed by Kyle Davis after. Kratos says everytime they walk the aisle, it's a chance to show why Kratos is the best big man and why Odin is chipped from stone. He says he is freakishly strong and has freakishly good looks.

Knox, Murdoch and Eric Smallz are interviewed. Knox says it's time for war. He says Jeffrey The Jackalope has told him secrets about Aron Stevens. Knox says Aron's mom calls him Moron Stevens. He says they will see him soon. Murdoch asks Smalls if he's ready. Murdoch says he's been a good luck chamr for them. Smalls says everyone has been judging him his entire like but Knox and Murdoch accepted him. He says if you mess with Smalls, you get hit in the balls.

I have no idea what the Jeffrey The Jackalope stuff is about.

We get another OnlySlams commercial.

Alex Misery vs Colby Corino

CC flying lariats him as we start. CC hits hard chops and forearms. CC flying back elbows Alex then cravates him with knees to the head. CC release suplexes him. CC hits forearms and chops on Alex. CC tries to dropkick Alex through the ropes but is powerbombed on the apron's edge.

Alex tries to pull on CC's ear piercings. Alex pounds on him and hits chops. CC pushes him then chops back. CC uranges Alex. CC misses a standing moonsault and takes a flying knee for 2. CC gordbusters Alex off the buckles then swantons him while he's seated.

CC hits forearms and chops on Alex. CC running forearms him. CC step up enzugiri's him and blocks a headscissors with a styles clash. CC Dropkicks him through the ropes. They both climb on top of the lighting rig and fight. Alex tries to stick something in his ear gages off and is thrown off the lighting rig. CC hits an electric chair bomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. Corino had great looking offense and was super aggressive here. Alex got the crap kicked out of him and got thrown off the lightning rig.

Silas Mason calls Thom Lattimer a cuck. He says he's carrying something that doesn't belong to him - a title for a nation he doesn't belong to. He says the grass isn't always greener on the other ide and sometimes it burns down. He says he will burn dow neverything he loves and cares for on his way to the top of the NWA.

Kyle Davis interviews The King Bees. Dani says Kenzie Page has to beat them to be a double champ. King says they beat her and her sister to win the belts then twice more to keep them. King says they have another thing coming if they think they can just come and take the titles. King says they are always ready for a fight.

NWA JCP Southern Tag Titles - The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zach Stewart) vs The Miserably Faithful (Gaagz The Gymp and Sal The Pal)

Sal does a side headlock and is knocked over by Dylan. Sal jumps up and is caught with a belly to belly suplex. Gymp takes a belly to belly suplex then headbutts. Zach pounds on Gymp then side slams him. Dylan slingshot swantons in for 2.

Gymp rakes Dylan's back. Dylan is double legswept and pounded on by both. Sal stomps on Dylan. Zach is thrown into a boot then is bulldogged on the knee.

Gymp takes a back body drop then Dylan powerslams Sal. Zach slams Gymp and bangs him off of Sal. Sal is pop up dropped onto Gymp. Zach double lariats them. Zach does a samoan drop + dropkick combo for 2. Zach is tripped by Gymp on the outside and dropkicked. Sal takes a lariat + german combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: I would have had The Crew win this one in a quick squash. It's too hard to take The Faithful as serious opponent for them. This wasn't anything special.

Mims vs Zyon

This is a rematch from 5/14. Mims slaps him on the ropes. Zyon rubs his forearm into Mims' face. Mims side headlock takeovers him. Zyon side headlock takeovers him and side headlocks him. Mims headscissors him. Zyon grabs Mims by the hair and side headlocks him.

Mims hits corner spears and side headlocks him. They roll each other up for 2. Mims lariats him from behind then hits mounted shots. Mims chokes him. Mims corner splashes him and hits corner spears.

Mims hits a big slam on him for 2. Zyon hits a nice jumping knee. Zyon hits chops and euros. Zyon kicks him in the ribs. They trade shots and double lariat each other.

Mims belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Zyon boots him out of the corner then 2nd rope flying knees him for 2. Zyon hits chops. Mims is tripped into the buckles. Austin Idol cheapshots Mims. Jeez argues with Idol about it.

Mims chop blocks Zyon then chicken wings him. Mims taps him out and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match for the most part just like the last one was. There was nothing wrong with it. Zyon had a nice jumping knee here.

Overall thoughts: The in-ring action was okay here and it was okay. They built up some stuff for future episodes which was good. It wasn't a must see show.

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