Sunday, August 18, 2024

AEW Collision 8/17/2024

AEW Collision 8/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

Britt Baker vs Harley Cameron

HC Wristlocks her. Britt armdrags her and la magistral's her for 2. HC side headlock takeovers her. Britt suplexes her. HC 619's Britt's leg then lariats her for 2. HC bangs Britt's head off the mat.

HC footchokes her then russian legsweeps her. Britt flatliners HC into the buckles. Britt hits forearms then hits a neckbreaker. Britt swinging neckbreakers her for 2. Britt gets her glove out. HC double throat thrusts her and hits soul foot.

HC running knees her for 2. Britt fkes her out and kicks her in the head. HC step up enzugiri's her and Britt superkicks her. Britt slingblades her then hits a curbstomp for the win.

Thoughts: It was mostly a one-sided match but it was fine. HC had one of her better outings here an didn't look out of place.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille come out after. Britt grabs a kendo stick, Kamille grabs it and pushes her over. Kamille then breaks the stick over her knee. Kamille pump kicks her down then forearms her down. Kamille hits a sitout dominator then the heels pose over Britt.

They talk about AEW running a stadium show in Arlington, Texas and show their mayor Jim Ross (no, not the commentator). 

ROH Tag Titles - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) (c) vs Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara

DR fights out of the corner and then hits chops on Mike. DR goes for an uppercut but is superkicked by Mike. Mike chops DR. DR hits drop down uppercuts on the heels. Sammy hits a to prope double crossbody and lariats Mike over the top.

Sammy flips over Taken then dropkicks him. Sammy then topes Mike and tornillos Taven. DR and Sammy then do poses on the mat. Taven takes a double flapjack. Sammy throws Mike into the rails and superkicks him. Taven dropkicks Sammy through the ropes. Mike chokes Sammy outside then Taven throws Sammy into the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. Mike baseball slides Sammy. Mike suplexes Sammy. Sammy hits a top rope spanish fly on Taven. Sammy step up enzugiri's Taven. DR hits lariats on Mike. DR drop down uppercuts Mike then atomic drops him. DR bulldogs Mike then powerslams Taven and Mike. DR canadian destroyers Taven then hits shattered dreams. DR hits a cross rhodes on Taven for 2. DR hits cross rhodes on Mike.

The Beast Mortos and Roderick Strong come down. Strong sick kicks DR and Taven gets a 2 count on it. The Von Erichs come down and put iron claws on the heels. The Cage of Agony then comes down and beats up The Von Erich's. The Conglomeration then come out and fight the heels. Taven cradles DR for 2.

Sammy hits a top rope cutter on Taven. DR back body drops Mike. DR twisters Mike and Sammy hits a top rope swanton on Mike. DR and Sammy win the tag titles.

They did do a little bit much here but it was a decent match. I'm really surprised they had Dustin and Sammy win here. It wasn't out of nowhere but they were not the favorites and the title change could have used more build. Dustin being a double champ right now is surprising. Everyone coming down to fight was fun here and it was a good face vs heel match.

Various wrestlers talk about Swerve vs Bryan Danielson and pick winners.

Renee interviews Chris Jericho. He's facing Tommy Billington in Wales. Jericho says it'll be a busy week for his crew and says maybe he will blind Hook in his other eye. He says Hook is banned from the Jericho Vortex forever after he beats him. He says Tommy is entitled like Hook. He said he wanted him as a warm up for Hook. Jericho says the original Dynamite Kid wouldn't like Tommy. He says he's a modern day Stu Hart and will teach Tommy lessons in violence and tear him apart branch by branch. Jericho then makes Renee say she likes his yellow suit jacket.

Hologram vs Angelico

Ange wristlocks him. Holo rolls out and wristlocks him. Ange armdrags him. Ange pulls his arms back. Holo headstands and spinning headscissors him down. Ange sweeps him and they stand off. Holo legdrags him by the hand then hits a great tope outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Holo evades Ange using the ropes. Holo rope walk diving headscissors him. Holo hits a ddt. Ange hits an upkick after a missed 450 then backdrops him. Ange la magistral's him for 2.

Holo gets on Ange's back and hurricanrana's him. Holo blocks la magistral and gets a 2 count. Holo crucifixes him and wins.

Thoughts: Holo had one or two sloppy moments here but there was nothing wrong with this. It was a lucha style match with flying from Holo and lots of la maigstral's. 

We get a video of the tiger driver '91 with clips of Misawa in ROH.

Jack Perry vs Danny Orion

They say Dan is from "". Jack boots him and hits chops and forearms. Jack rebound lariats him and hits a running knee to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here as expected.

Jack spray paints Danny after then puts him in a bodyboag with Darby's name on it. Jack then pulls out a black TNT title. 

The House of Black and The Bang Bang Gang do a taped video. HOB say they were close to capturing the trios titles until Christian got involved. Juice and The Bang Bang Gang says Christian has been screwing them for months. The Gang say Christian will run out of places to hide and The House says they always win.

Christopher Daniels watches this on video. He says The Patriarchy will defend their tag titles in a ladder match at All In. It will be a 4 way and the 4th team will be determined in a wildcard match. This wasn't explained well and the announcers had to explain it better after.

Lio Rush vs Claudio Castagnoli

CC blocks an armdrag then Lio cutters him. CC facekicks him. Lio comes off the 2nd rope and takes a backbreaker. CC backbreakers him again and chinlocks him. We go to PiP break and return. CC blocks a 2nd rope poisonrana. Lio handspring kicks him on the apron twice.

CC catches Lio on a tope. CC is placed on the apron and Lio headscissors him from there. Lio is then popped up over the rail into the crowd. They get back in. CC hits euros. Lio rolls him up then spin kicks him. CC pop-up euros him for the win.

Thoughts: It was shorter than you would think. It was a random but entertaining match. The two matched up well together. I liked the pop-up spot into the crowd and the headscissors off the apron was cool.

Kris Statlander and Stokeley Hathaway talk. Kris says  they will handle business at Wembley. Stoke said he was told whoever wins at All In gets to pick the stipulation for All Out. Stoke says he will kick Ishii's @ss and says he's the stonecold pitbull around here.

Thoughts: The match leading to a match thing is stupid but Stoke was entertaining trying to pretend to be tough while being scared.

Eddie Kingston talks from his house. He's on crutches and is growing out his beard. He looks like your uncle. He asks what Bryan Danielson is this? He says this isn't the Bryan he saw in Ring of Honor. He says this Bryan is disrespectful to the sport and will get beat at the PPV. He says Bryan doesn't have the fire anymore. He says Bryan doesn't have it anymore.

Mariah May vs. Londyn Dior

May shotgun dropkicks her then stomps on her in the corner. May corner hip ttcks her then hits a storm zero to win.

Thoughts: It was a super quick and pointless squash.

Toni Storm then does a video wearing a black wig. She says she told the doctor she was depressed and she doesn't know how she can go on. She said the doctor told her to go watch a clown. Toni said the clown should pay to see her. She then takes off the wig. She says her time at Wembley is waiting and says let's give them a show.

May then beats up Dior with the shoe.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn talk. Max raps on FTR. Billy says FTR called down the thunder and got it. Bowens says it's time to nut up or shut up. 

AEW World Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Match - FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)

Dax and Bowens lock up. Dax shoulders him over a couple of times. Dax cradles him and they stand off. Cash and Max go at it. They hit side headlock takeovers. Max side headlocks him. Cash shoulders Max over. Cash shoulders Max over and side headlock takeovers him. Dax wristlocks Bowens. Bowens gets out and rolls him into a pin attempt.

Bowens side headlock takeovers him. Bowens hits corner punches. Max dropkicks both FTR members. FTR take stereo back body drops and stereo clotheslines over the top.

Max chases Dax outside and is lariated by Cash. We go to PiP break and return. Max backdrops Cash. Bowens gets offense in on FTR. Bowens running knees Dax for 2. Dax germans Bowens three times. Bowens rolls up Cash for 2 then Cash rolls him up for 2.

Max back body drops Dax then nails Cash off the ropes. Max superplexes Cash then Cash takes a suplex + crossbody combo. Cash slingshot sunset flips Max then lariats him. Cash powerslams Bowens. Max is on Cash's shoulders and Dax bulldogs him down off the buckles.

We go to PiP break and return. Bowens backdrops Dax. Dax and Bowens trade. Dax ddt's him. Cash dropkicks Bowens then lariats Max. Cash hits a gori special on Max. Cash lariats Max over. Max powerbombs Cash.  

Cash is pushed off the top by Max then Max top rope crossbodies Dax for 2. Max superkicks Cash. Bowens superkicks Dax. Dax cradles Max for 2 then they double clothesline each other. Bowens dragon screws Dax then Dax sharpshooters him.

Dax sharpshooters Max and Bowens breaks it up with an over the back fameasser. Bowens sits on the top rope and Dax chops him. Cash ddt's Max on the apron. Bowens nearly dies on a botched powerplex. Cash topes Max.

Bowens and Dax trade forearms on their knees. Cash takes a shatter machine for 2. Cash takes the arrival + mic drop for 2. The four fight on their knees. Bowens takes a shatter machine for 2. Dax and Max trade then all 4 men are down. Dax shoulders Max over for 2 and the time limit runs out. This is a 30 minute draw.

It was your usual long FTR tag. I enjoyed it and it was pretty much all wrestling here. A long FTR tag is pretty much a staple of Collision and we've seen them do this many times. It's good though so I don't mind. There wasn't a lot of story as usual. The draw wasn't totally unexpected.

The four argue and Billy Gunn tries to play peacemaker. Dax punches Billy and they all fight. Refs come down to stop it. We are told both teams will go to All-In and have a three way tag for the titles.

Overall thoughts: We still had some random matches here but AEW has been trying a bit more than usual to build up some stories and it's working. The ROH tag title match, the Rush/CC match, the Hologram/Angelico match and the FTR/Acclaimed match were all good matches and made this into a good show.

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