Friday, August 9, 2024

WWE Smackdown 8/9/2024

WWE Smackdown 8/9/2024

Last week's show is here:

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. Cody says he's thinking about who he wants to defend against at Bash in Berlin. Solo Sikoa comes out with Tama and Loa. He says he wants to talk about Summerslam. The video is blacked out due to Fox shenanigans and he says Cody will give him a rematch for the title.

Cody said he didn't want to talk about the past. The said Solo couldn't get the job done on his own and got Fatu injured. He said he also got Roman Reigns going after him there and pinned him there. Cody says he's delusional if he thinks he has any claim to a rematch.

Bloodline gets on the apron then Kevin Owens comes in with a chair and gives Cody a chair. Bloodline back off. Solo says he will deal with him later after he finds Roman. Cody says he will be waiting on him. 

Cody says he wants to talk to KO. Cody says this will be awkward but he'd like to face him for the title. KO says he doesn't deserve a title match and has done nothing to earn it. The crowd chants "you deserve it". Cody says he hasn't forgotten about him saving him so many times and says he's still in the prime of his career. Cody says he will tell Nick Aldis all the reasons Kevin should face him. Cody says hopefully after the conversation, all he will have to say is, "I'll see you at The Bash in Berlin".

Thoughts: I had a hard time buying that KO would turn down a title shot. 

The Street Profits and B-Fab are interviewed. Fab says they are more than eager, they are motivated, determined and on point. Ford says Bloodline is shaking in their boots. Ford says Bloodline can't get it together since Roman returned. Dawkins says it's been three years without gold and says A-Town is in the way. The Profits say they want the smoke.

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles Qualifier - A-Town Down Under vs The Street Profits

Theory hits Dawkins from behind and pounds on him. Waller flying back elbows Dawkins. Dawkins pounds on Theory and hits a corkscrew splash. Dawkins ends up spearing the post when Theory moves. Waller slides out and lariats Dawkins on the floor. The heels get distracted by B-Fab then Ford tope con hilos them.

We go to break and return. Theory slingshots in and dropkicks Dawkins. Dawkins exploders Theory. Ford is hot tagged in. He lariats Waller and flapjacks Theory. Ford backdrops Waller then standing moonsaults him for 2. Ford takes a sandwich forearm for 2.

Waller is superkicked outside and pounced into the timekeeper's area. Theory takes a doomsday device blockbuster and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was short but fine for what it was. The Profits got some nice highlights in before getting the win. 

Cody talks to Aldis in the back about giving KO a title shot. KO comes in and says he doesn't deserve it. Aldis says it's a moot point as he wants to discuss a title match with Roman. KO says he doesn't deserve it but asks why Roman does. He says Roman was champ for a while but a lot of people had him beat. He said Roman cheated to keep the title. KO says the rematch clause hasn't been enforced in years and says he hasn't got one when he lost the Universal Title. He says go to the locker room and find someone who deserves a title match more than Roman. Aldis says he doesn't need to and makes Cody vs KO for the WWE Title. KO says he will see him at Berlin and doesn't seem thrilled.

Thoughts: This was another weird segment here with Kevin being the only person who doesn't want a title shot.

Tiffany Stratton talks to a production guy in the back. She wants all kinds of stuff for Nia's championship celebration. She says she has got it and tells him to leave.

Pretty Deadly walk in. Elton says the party says nice and Kit asks if Tiff will plan their party. Kit then says maybe she could be in their musical. Tiff says she has to go and is busy.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven go up to Tiff. They said they should take over the planning. Tiff asks if they have a ladder to fall off of. Piper says Nia doesn't like Pink. Green says Tiff is planning to cash in on Nia. Tiff says she really is arrogant and delusional then leaves.

Jade Cargill vs Alba Fyre

Alba hits a leg kick and waistlocks her. Jade powers out and lifts her up by the arm. Alba goes for a sunset flip and Jade blocks it. Alba hits superkicks then tornado ddt's her for 2. Alba christo's her.

Isla tries to help. Jade gutwrench suplexes Alba then superkicks her. Jade hits a jade end and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Jade winning. I'm not sure if it was necessary to job Alba out like that but I guess it doesn't matter that much.

Blair Davenport and Isla Dawn attack Jade and Bianca after. Naomi then comes out to make the save and the heels are sent out.

LA Knight comes out to talk. Lou Ferrigno is in the front row. He was at Wrestlemania VII. I don't know if he's been seen on WWE TV since. Heenan had some great lines about him. 

LA gets a big "you deserve it" chant. LA says Logan deserved to get stomped out. He said he didn't care about beating Logan in his hometown. He said you will call me champ and said he has now arrived. LA says he's been a marked man since he got on SD. He says he can't stop being the US champ.

Santos Escobar comes out with Legado del Fantasma. Santos says congratulations. He says LA's win was a fleeting moment. He says his glory will be an opening act to his reign. He says he deserves to be champ with everybody saying, "Es-co-bar, si".

LA said he didn't hear a word of that. He says he deserves to have the breaks beaten off him one more time. He says he has to qualify though to get a shot at his title. He says he's not taking this off him as he won't let him.

Thoughts: These two have been going at it for a while so it makes sense that this would continue.

Giovanni Vinci does a video. He says the best thing about the past is that it's behind you. He says he has become the man he was always supposed to be. He says he knows no limits. He talks about skiing and driving cars. He says he will come to Smackdown and says, "Venni, Vitti, Vicci".

Thoughts: We were wondering what happened to Vinci and it looks like they are going back to his old NXT character. I thought they might put him with The D'Angelo Family. Sadly, he didn't get revenge on Imperium.

#1 Contender to the US Title - Santos Escobar vs Andrade

This started during the break. Andrade shoulders him over, flips over his back then lariats him. Andrade plancha's him outside. Angel gets a cheapshot on Andrade outside and Santos gets a 2 count off of it. Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin come out to beat up Angel and Berto.

Andrade is pushed off the buckles. Santos tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. They fight on the buckles. Andrade sunset bombs him off the buckles.

We go to break and return. Andrade dragon screws him then flying forearms him. Andrade 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. Andrade top rope crossbodies him for 2. Andrade hits three amigos. they fight on the buckles and Santos poisonrana's him off the buckles for 2.

Santos superkicks him then Andrade dropkicks him. Andrade does a top rope moonsault into a standing moonsault for 2. Carmelo Hayes comes out. Andrade knocks him off the apron and spinning back elbows him for 2. Melo moves Santos out of a corner meteora and Santos pins Andrade with the tights in hand.

I didn't like this one. There wasn't much selling and they overdid it with the 2nd rope poisonrana not meaning anything.

DIY talk in the back. Ciampa says Bloodline stole their tag titles. Gargano said they beat him in front of his family and he won't forgive them. He said they will do whatever to get their titles back. Ciampa says it begins with Pretty Deadly and says it's Day 1 of "DIY: The Redemption".

They run a video package on Kevin Sullivan, who died today. Sullivan had a good mind for wrestling and I really liked his series with Benoit.

A-Town Down Under go up to Nick Aldis and are complaining. Austin jokes about making Waller vs Owens and Nick says it's a great idea. He makes it for next week. Austin says he trusts him and says he has his back. Waller calls it a ridiculous idea but Aldis is gone.

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles Qualifier - DIY vs Pretty Deadly

They stand off early. The heels miss stereo dropkicks. Kit is catapulted out onto Elton. DIY go for dives and take stereo uppercuts. PD then pose and take stereo baseball slides out. DIY hit stereo plancha's then they pat themselves on the back.

We go to break and return. JG hits enzugiri's and tags in Ciampa. Ciampa hits lariats on DIY then Ciampa flying double lariats both. Ciampa reverse ddt's Kit. Elton takes a powerbomb/backdrop combo for 2.

Elton gets a 2 count on Ciampa and euros him. Ciampa is lifted in a double chicken wing and bulldogged off the top by Kit for 2. Elton eats a superkick for Kit. Ciampa chops Kit. Kit back euros Ciampa. JG hits a slingshot spear on Elton then Ciampa knee's Kit in the face. Elton takes a shatter machine then a meet in the middle. Elton is then pinned by JG.

Thoughts: It was another shorter but decent tag here. There were lots of stereo moves in this one and they kept a fast pace. I liked it and thought it was entertaining.

The Bloodline talk in the back. Solo says Roman isn't here but he will be. The Bloodline come out.

Solo tells the crowd to acknowledge him. He says he's the tribal chief now. Roman tells him if he ants the necklace back, come and get it from him.

Roman's music hits. Roman comes out. Tama goes after him and gets hit. Loa is sent into the steps. Roman hits Tama with the steps. Solo and Roman stare down. Roman hits shots on Solo. Solo boots him then Roman hits a superman punch. Roman goes for a spear and Solo is pulled out by Loa.

Solo leaves the necklace in the ring. Roman sees it. Tama and Loa hit Roman from behind before he can grab it. Solo then is given the necklace. Roman hits superman punches on Tama and Loa. Roman spears Tama through the rails and gets a big pop. Roman hits a bunch of chair shots on Loa and the show ends with Solo holding up the necklace. 

Thoughts: As a fan of soap opera's, WWE's new focus on things like bracelets and necklaces are totally from soaps and maybe something like DBZ. I like it. People fight for all sorts of things, not just titles and money. It adds another layer to stories and gives the wrestlers things to achieve that don't require a million title changes. I don't know if I would have given this segment away just yet as they will have to follow this with other things until this gets where its supposed to go. They probably could have milked more out of it. The crowd liked it though but I'll have to see where things are going to give the best answer. The Bloodline Civil War is on though.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. There was nothing must see here. The matches were fine. I didn't like the Owens/Cody stuff. I just can't buy that Owens doesn't care about the title. The Roman/Bloodline stuff was fine tonight but we will have to see where it goes.

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