Friday, August 16, 2024

TNA Impact 8/15/2024

TNA Impact 8/15/2024 

Last week's show is here:

Ultimate X Qualifier - Riley Osborne vs Chris Bey vs John Skylar 

Riley is the mystery entry here. John Skyler gets on the mic beforehand. He says Hotch is preparing for his match later in the next. He says after he beats Bey and the other guy, he will go on to Emergence. He says the X will be brought down by these good hands. Frankie Kazarian then comes down to do commentary.

Bey topes John. Riley and Bey hit shots on John and lariat him over the top. Bey rolls Riley up for 2. Riley 450's over Bey off the buckles then flying headscissors him. Bey chops John and is belly to belly suplexed onto Riley in the corner.

John crabs Riley and Bey slingshot ddt's John. Kaz says John threw up in his rental car once. Bey is thrown over the top and Riley tope con hilos both opponents outside. Riley falcon arrows John. John slingshot spears Riley. John goes for another on Bey and gets cuttered.

Bey os cutters Riley. Bey is sent into the post shoulder first. Riley hits a dropkick then top rope SSP's John for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter three-way here. It was fine but you know the deal with these things. I was surprised Bey didn't win as I figured him and Ace might get in. Riley will do good though in Ultimate X.

Nic Nemeth drives up in a car and is interviewed. He said he looked forward to facing Josh Alexander but said he's something of the past now. He said Josh attacked his family and all bets are off. Nic says he will lead the way and says he will prove how good he is when he stands over Josh. 

Santino Marella comes out and says he wants to call out "Matt Qdoba". Matt Cardona comes out. Santino says he's a wedding crasher. He said he also ended up hitting Santino when he did all that. He says he has a proposition for him. Matt says Santino acts like he doesn't know him. Matt says he doesn't work for him or TNA, just himself. Matt says something and Santino brings up Columbo, saying he could get him prosecuted. He offers up a contract to get him to fight PCO (He calls him Pico). He says he will prosecute him if he doesn't and he will go to jail. Matt says he won't go to jail and won't survive. Santino says he looks like a guy who will be desired. Matt says he will look over the contract and fight PCO if everything looks good in the contract. Santino says "Santino 1, Matt Qdoba 0".

Frankie Kazarian does a promo. He said he figured out how to get himself in title contention and says he will tell everyone how next week. Eric Young comes in and said Kaz cost him the title. Steve Maclin comes up to them and complains about them complaining. He asks if their balls fell off. Both egg him on, Kaz leaves.

Steve Maclin does a promo. He said things haven't been going as planned since Slammiversary. He said he will get back to the TNA Title and will stack bodies one by one. He says Eric Young is in his crosshairs. He said they never fought each other and he will change it. He says he's the new blood of TNA and says EY will be the one who starts the stack of bodies.  

I will not be covering the next match with Tasha Steelz. 

Santana is down in the back and The System is standing over him as officials comes to help out.

The System come out. Alisha says Mike Santana isn't cleared for tonight and Moose has the night off. We then cut to Santana who is being worked on by a doc. Mike comes through the crowd and gets shots on Eddie on And Bryan. Moose runs out and Mike gets some shots on JDC.

Moose vs Mike Santana 

Alisha is on the apron, Mike goes after her and Moose hits Mike from behind. Mike forearms Moose then throws him hard into the buckles. Mike is thrown hard into the buckles. Moose hits elbows on Mike. Mike pump kicks Moose then Moose uranage's him on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Mike is selling his injuries and Moose pounds on him. Moose footchokes him and Alisha chokes him. Mike is sent hard into the buckles. Mike hits slaps on Moose then Mike 2nd rope dropkicks him. Moose pump kicks him. Mike jack knife pins him for 2 and Moose facekicks him. Mike rolls him up for 2 and Moose pump kicks him.

Mike back rolls into a cutter. Mike corner cannonballs him for 2. Mike flips Moose with a lariat. Moose pulls Mike's arm down over the top rope then hits a rolling spear for the win.

Thoughts: The problem with this is one is that we really didn't know what injury Mike had from the beatdown. I guess they got his arm since Moose worked, but we didn't see it so it was hard to get real invested in it. The crowd was really hot for it and it was fine, but it needed more explanation.

The System go to beat up Mike after and Joe Hendry comes out with a chair. Joe says The System is making a lot of enemies right now. He says they understand strength in numbers though. He says The System will face The Hardy's next week.

Jody Threat and Dani Luna complain about Alisha and Masha people cheating. Dani says they got back up though. Jody says they dare them to try again and say it's do or die.

Jordynne Grace said she expected too much out of Ash By Elegance. She said she expected her to take her loss and move on. She said it's not enough for her to ruin her opportunities, she is now ruining her legacy. Grace says if Ash wants a fight, she will get one.

Ultimate X Qualifier - Jason Hotch vs Ace Austin vs Rich Swann

Rich is hiptossed into a headscissors on Hotch. Rich headscissors Ace. Rich pounds on Ace. Rich eye rakes Hotch. Hotch slingshots into a neckbreaker on Ace. Hotch pounds on Ace. Rich superkicks Hotch then hits an elbow slice.

Rich spin kicks Ace. Ace is sunset flipped and Rich flips out of the german. Hotch takes a superkick + poisonrana. Rich step up enzugiri's Ace. Rich tope con hilos both opponents outside. AJ Francis backdrops Ace on the apron. Bey tope con hilos Rich and AJ together.

Ace spin kicks Hotch off the ropes. John Skyler comes down and distracts Ace. Hotch rolls up Ace and wins.

Thoughts: Hotch winning was a surprise but I guess it made sense since it's clear Bey and ABC weren't going to be in this as a team. It was a threeway and they got what they could out of it but it wasn't great. The format of these matches just limits you so much. It could have used more time.

Matt Cardona is happy with the contract Santino offered him. He said he, Steph and someone else should face Xia, PCO and Rhino. Santino likes it but says it's Matt vs PCO at Emergence first. Santino says it's, "Santino 2, Qdoba 0".

Thoughts: I think the point here was to put over that Santino is an idiot who doesn't know it as he just signed Steph to face her husband PCO.

TNA World Title - Nic Nemeth (c) vs Josh Alexander

Josh throws down Nic. Nic gets Josh's back and they trade some holds. Josh kicks the rail at fans in the crowd when he goes out. We go to break and return. Nic dropkicks Josh. Nick gets his back again and Josh chops him. Josh eye rakes Nic.

Josh hits forearms to Nic's back. Nic is sent chest first into the bcukles. Josh stomps on Nic. Josh hits forearms on Nic then Nic bangs Josh's head off the buckles. Josh running back elbows him. Josh facekicks him. Josh slams Nic. Josh misses a top rope moonsault. Nic corner splashes Josh then neckbreakers him. Nic is thrown out of the ring and lands on his knees outside.

We go to break and return. Josh facekicks Nic. josh chinlocks him then nic flying lariats him. Nic corner splashes him and hits corner punches. Nic hits a german and then various elbow drops. Josh ankle locks him and Nic hit a fameasser for 2. Josh finaly rolls him then destiny hammers him off the 2nd rope for 2. Josh ankle locks him.

Nic sleepers him. We go to PiP break and return. Josh powerbomb backbreakers him for 2. Josh goes for a 2nd rope backdrop but Nic rolls on him. Nic hits a danger zone. They go out and Nic jumping ddt's him on the floor. Nic goes for another danger zone inside and is sent shoulder first into the post. Nic hits another danger zone and the bell rings. The timekeeper says the time limit has expired and this is a draw. Nic is frustrated and seems to want to continue this but Josh goes up the ramp.

Nic throws Josh back in. Josh low blows him and says he wants 5 more minutes now. Josh grabs the title and tells Nic it belongs to him. Josh then poses on the ramp.

Thoughts: It was a longer match here. There wasn't a lot of story and it was them just mostly doing wrestling. They didn't overdo it. It was fine just not great.

Overall thoughts: It was a heavy wrestling show here with most of the show taking place in the ring. They really did put out a good line-up of matches here, but storyline wise, the show is not doing that hot. It was a good show overall but I didn't love it.

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