Wednesday, August 21, 2024

WWE NXT 9/25/2013

WWE NXT 9/25/2013

Last week's show is here:

William Regal and Tom Phillips are on commentary.

Brad Maddox is in the back and CJ Parker/Tyler Breeze go up to him to get into tag team turmoil. They need a tag partner and he said they should team with each other.

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy come out. They say they come in undefeated and will walk out the same way. Enzo says they are the hottest tag team in NXT. He says they got winning streaks in their dirty drawers and are like Cottonelle tissue, because they are on a roll. Cass says the rest are like tissue too because they are S-A-W-F-T.

#1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil

Leg 1 - Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy vs Tyler Breeze and CJ Parker

Regal says Enzo and Cass got banned from all Disney parks. CJ side headlock takeovers Enzo. Enzo does it to him and headscissors him. CJ airplane spins him then drops him down. Cass comes in and hits a pendulum side slam on CJ. Cass gets the win.

Leg 2 - Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy vs The Fighting Legionnaires (Scott Dawson and Alexander Rusev)

Sylvester LeFort brings out Rusev and Dawson and says he's bringing out his fighting legionnaires. Cass blocks Scott's boot then clubs his back. Rusev and Cass trade shots then Cass facekicks him. Rusev samoan drops Enzo. Scott works on Enzo in the corner and puts him on the 2nd rope for boots. Scott spinebusters Enzo then Enzo cradles him to win.

Scott and Rusev beat up Enzo and Scott after.

Leg 3 - Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy vs The Ascension (Rick Victor and Conor O'Brian)

We go to break and join this. Conor then rick hit shots on Cass. Conor stomps Cass in the corner. Conor shoulders Cass over several times. Cass facekicks him for 2. Enzo takes a flapjack. Enzo takes a flying euro from Rick and is pinned.

It was a real short gauntlet here. Nothing really got enough time and none of it was that good or bad. Cass and Enzo were great on the mic pre-match though.

We are told there will be an announcement from Triple H tonight.

Bayley vs Sasha Banks

Renee Young is on commentary for this. Summer Rae is with Sasha. Bay backs SB up in the corner. She kind of hits her then SB slap flurries her. Bay trips her then puts her in la magistral. Bay armlocks her. They botch a headscissors spot in the corner and Bay is thrown down from the corner.

SB bangs Bay's head off the buckles. SB snapmares her and puts her in a choke/chinlock on the mat. SB suplexes Bay for 2. Bay hits forearms in the corner and hits double axe handles. SB hits a big chop then walks up the buckles and armdrags her down.

SB misses a corner splash then Bay belly to belly suplexes her for 2. Bay is pulled down over the 2nd rope and SB straightjacket neckbreakers her to win.

Thoughts: It was a short one and wasn't that good. They had one botch here. I liked SB's slap flurry and her neckbreaker, but the work was very basic.

Summer breaks Bay's headband after. She says Fandango will be with her next week and they will make it their own personal dance floor. Summer says her and Sasha will be the fiercest females NXT has ever seen. She said she put Emma out asks and what we will do now.

Emma then comes out and the heels run.

Aiden English comes out. He sings his way to the ring.

Aiden English vs Bull Dempsey

AE shoulders him over. AE side headlocks him then Bull shoulders him over. AE hits boots then mounted punches. AE legdrops him then hits a side effect variation to win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here.

The crowd chants for an encore and AE says he has decided to give us one. He then sings more.

Summer Rae is interviewed. She said Emma has another thing coming if she thinks she will be embarrassed like that. She says Fandango will be with her next week and tells her to pick a partner to team with. She says her and Fandango will dance the night away when they smash Emma's face into the mat. She says the fans will go home happy because she is the first lady of NXT.

El Local vs Sami Zayn

They trade wristlocks. Local shoulders him over then Sami hit armdrags. Sami flying headscissors Local for 2. Local hits a cool STO backbreaker. Local suplexes him for 1 then does a grounded cobra twist. Sami leg lariats him then hits a helluva kick and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one here with Local looking good and looking on Sami's level. It's a shame El Local never really got a shot to do anything serious as he was totally capable in the ring at a time when the developmental roster wasn't so hot.

Bo Dallas comes out after. He congratulates Sami and said he's so happy that he's listening and learning from his mentor. He says he's finally healed after Sami attacked him. He said he's finally ready to put his title on the line .He says next week will be the Bo Dallas Invitational, where if you pin him, you can get a shot at the NXT Title. He says to remember to don't stop bo-lieving.

Sami says he will be the first to sign up and says we can do this right now. Bo says this is about respect and part of the respect is not interrupting the champ when he's talking. He says Sami might have his own following someday but is not there yet. Bo says all are invited to his Invitational except for Sami.

Thoughts: Pretty much the usual stuff from Bo here. It was fine.

Brad Maddox is on the phone in his office. Kassius Ohno walks in. Ohno says he's been cleared and wns to know what the deal is and why he hasn't been on the show. Brad says he's a D+ player. Ohno says how about he disrupts the show. Brad said he doesn't have a problem with him but says "they" like to keep him on the sidelines and have fun. Ohno says how about he drops him right now. Brad says he'll give him a match next week with a member of The Wyatt Family.

Triple H comes out. He says this is the fans' show. He says the fans and the talent amaze him. He said if something happened to the main roster, he could replace them here and not miss a beat. He says this is the future of the WWE. He said issues have been coming up with The Rhodes Family. He said this affects the NXT GM, Dusty Rhodes.

He said he gave Dusty time off as it's best for business. He introduces the new interim GM, JBL. JBL comes out to talk. He says NXT is the greatest performance facility he has ever seen and said the future of this business has never looked brighter. He says he's what's good for business and calls Dusty a fat guy who can barely speak English. He rips Cody and Dustin. He says welcome to the era of the wrestling god and leaves.

Overall thoughts: The show wasn't that good. The matches didn't get much time and weren't that good. The ending of Triple H coming out to announce JBL as the new GM wasn't an exciting way to end the show either. Sami/Local was the best thing on here and it's not like it was great. I've never been a fan of burying talent like they were doing with Ohno here. Enzo/Cass and Summer Rae were highlights on this show though and did good with what they were given.

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