Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Stardom 8/20/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 7

Stardom 8/20/2024 5★STAR GP 2024 Day 7 

Day 6 is here:

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Miyu Amasaki vs Anna Jay

Anna shoves her off the lock-up then pulls her down. Miyu side headlocks her and Anna taps her on the head. Anna hits forearms then Miyu chest forearm flurries her. Miyu hits a ddt and running back elbows her. Anna spinning heel kicks her in the corner then bangs her head off the buckles. Anna foot chokes her in the corner.

Miyu dropkicks her in the knee and back and ddt's her for 2. Miyu does a head and arm hold and Anna ropebreaks. Miyu is hit on a springboard and Anna sleepers her. Anna hits a side kick then Miyu does a pendulum ddt for 2.

Anna hits another side kick then flatliners her into a koji clutch. Miyu tornado ddt's her off the ropes. Miyu hits a hammerlock ddt. Anna hits a gori bomb for 2. Anna grounded sleepers Miyu and taps her out.

Miyu as usual worked as the underdog here and Anna did her usual thing. It was just average and nothing special. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Ranna Yagami vs Risa Sera

Ranna hits a running dropkick and hits chest kicks. Ranna high kicks Risa. They go outside and Ranna is thrown into seats. They go back in and Risa rocking horses her. Risa double knee drops her for 2. Risa stands on Ranna's back. Ranna dropkicks her.

Risa misses a double knee drop off the ropes. Risa does a high crab. Risa drops her off her back then double knee drops her from the buckles. They each hit shots and Ranna leg lariats her for 2. Risa cradle shocks her then hits an air raid crash to win it.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided match as expected with Risa never really being in any danger. Ranna got some licks in here but the result was never in doubt.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Syuri vs Koguma

Kog ducks lock-ups and does her taunt. Syu kicks her in the back. Kog trips her and basement dropkicks her. Kog sits on her back and does her taunt. Syu ropebreaks.

Syu flips her over and kicks her in the back. Syu foot chokes her and hits kicks. Syu tries pins on her and then goes for an armbar. Syu stomps on her then Kog running cutters her. Kog stands on Syu's back and stomps it.

Syu armbars her then Kog rolls her up for 2. Syu shotgun dropkicks her and underhook suplexes her for 2. They fight on the buckles and Kog pulls Syu's neck down on the top rope. Kog jumps off the apron and is kicked in the gut. 

Kog takes kicks for 2 then Syu armbars her. Syu running knees her through the ropes. Syu is caught up top and Kog 2nd rope cutters her. Syu pumping knees her then Kog rolls her up for 2. Syu release germans her. Kog no rsells it and germans her. Syu somewhat no sells it and headkicks her down. Syu flying knees her for 2.

Syu hits a spinning emerald flowsion for 2. Syu then hits another emerald flowsion but Kog reverses her and pins her.

Thoughts: Koguma's been treated as a comedy jobber so it's hard to take her seriously as a threat. I didn't really like the finish here as Kog no sold an emerald flowsion and I just didn't buy her beating Syuri.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Saki Kashima vs Saya Kamitani

They go out early. Saya side headlocks her out there. Saki charges at her and goes into the post. Saki is tripped into a chair and takes a basement dropkick. Saya chinlocks her and axe kicks her over the middle rope. Saya slaps and bullies her around. Saki diving headscissors her off the 2nd rope then flying headscissors her.

Saki facekicks her on the ropes. Saya hits a dropkick then Saki superkicks her. Saya spinning heel kicks her then northern lights suplexes her for 2. Saya spinning high kicks her. Saki then gets a surprise crucifix and wins.

Thoughts: There wasn't any screwing around with Saki's advertisements here. It was short and nothing special as expected with Saki getting the fluke. I actually kind of figured Saki would win this since they seem to be doing upsets today.

Saki talks on the mic after and shills her pachinko advertisement. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block B Match - Suzu Suzuki vs Thekla

They trade forearms to start. Suzu is pulled over the top rope. Thek hits Suzu with fan signs then suplexes her on the floor. Suzu is thrown into the chairs. Thek superkicks her in the head for 2 Thek puts her in a crossface and pulls on her mouth.

Suzu slaps Thek around and kicks her in the back. Suzu driveby kicks her on the apron then throws her into chairs. Suzu slams her on the floor. Suzu gets in and beats her up in the corner. Suzu hits knees to the face and Thek forearms her. Then facekicks her on the ropes then Suzu suplexes her. They grab each other by the hair and Thek spits at her. They fight on the buckles and Thek spider suplexes her.

Thek top rope double stomps Suzu's back for 2. Thek hits superkicks. Suzu gets a 2 count on her and germans her. Thek spears her and Suzu spin kicks her in the face. Suzu hits more kicks to the face. Suzu hits a tequila shot and wins.

Thoughts: It was just okay. Nothing wrong with it but it didn't have a ton of highlights. They worked alright together here and it probably could have had a few minutes cut from it.

They talk on the mic after.

5STAR Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Block A Match - Saori Anou vs Xena

They lock up. Xena tries a chop on the break but Anou ducks. Xena wristlocks her. Anou reverses it then side headlocks her. Anou facekicks her and Xena shoulders her over. Anou hits some big chest slaps and Xena shoulders her over.

Xena dropkicks her and butterfly suplexes her. Xena dropkicks her in the corner. Xena hits a suplex for 2. Xena basement dropkicks her for 2. Xena crabs her then switches to a half-crab with an armlock. Anou suplexes her.

Xena triangle enzugiri's her off the apron. Xena then hits a plancha outside. They get back in and trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. They trade chest slaps and Xena chest slap flurries her.

Anou high kicks her then top rope dropkicks her. Xena hits a tilt-a-whirl backcracker on her. Anou northern lights suplexes her then heavenly locks her. Anou hits facekicks then Xena spinning lariats her. Xena lifts her into a german for 2. Anou hits a german. Xena superkicks her and flying lariats her. Anou backslides her with a bridge and wins.

Thoughts: There were no real heels or faces here or any story but action wise it wasn't bad. Xena's showing a lot of improvement and didn't look out of place at all here with Anou. It was fine.

Anou talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty average night. There were no great matches but no awful matches either. There's nothing really worth going out of your way to see here and the only notable things were two upset wins from Saki and Koguma.

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